AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Mostly one or two kind of Combat Jets..

Lets take the Adampur AFB in Punjab, it has two sqn of MiG 29 ( Sqn 223, Sqn 47 ) both from western command 8th wing.. there is no more fighter models in that base only Mig 29's

same goes for others too

Hi am under the impression that airbases usually have more than one type of fighter jet Is it correct?
If that is correct then Su will not be sent to intercept a paki JF17 or F 7s like you said as Su is at the highest level of strategic importance as of now and the other one will be used .

Keeping in mind there is no other airbase at close proximity with say Migs21.

You have not answered m e why Tejas (LCA) wont be deployed in front line bases?

@Kunal Biswas @ersakthivel
@tejas warrior,@abhi_the _gr8_maratha, @aero_sp, @sob,@Yusuf

I was having a chat with my old senior at workplace according to him the testing of compatibility will have to be redone even if it has been tested earlier.
This is in context to already tested functions in MK1 and to be used in MK2 .
Recently I read that as the testing has already taken place in MK1 and hence will save us testing time.
When I told the same thing to him he just said "Platforms are different hence retesting will be required."

I believe him but then again there will be some gain out of testing taking place today.
Any one having any idea on this.....


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Mar 6, 2011
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Hi am under the impression that airbases usually have more than one type of fighter jet Is it correct?
If that is correct then Su will not be sent to intercept a paki JF17 or F 7s like you said as Su is at the highest level of strategic importance as of now and the other one will be used .

Keeping in mind there is no other airbase at close proximity with say Migs21.

You have not answered m e why Tejas (LCA) wont be deployed in front line bases?

@Kunal Biswas @ersakthivel
@tejas warrior,@abhi_the _gr8_maratha, @aero_sp, @sob,@Yusuf

I was having a chat with my old senior at workplace according to him the testing of compatibility will have to be redone even if it has been tested earlier.
This is in context to already tested functions in MK1 and to be used in MK2 .
Recently I read that as the testing has already taken place in MK1 and hence will save us testing time.
When I told the same thing to him he just said "Platforms are different hence retesting will be required."

I believe him but then again there will be some gain out of testing taking place today.
Any one having any idea on this.....
Testing has to be done again for any new platform. but the experience of tejas program will lead to reduced testing time.


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
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Apr 17, 2014
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Eurojet or GE 414 will do for prototyping.

But if AMCA has to be meaningful , we have to further develop K-9 kaveri version.

We now have a working kaveri engine which was tested for 3000 hours til now. Once testing reaches 400 hours it will be certified for flight trials in a twin engine fighter.

It does not have a SCB tech or high OPR margins. By adding SCB and improving on Turbine entry temp and operating pressure ratio we can get a 100 Kn plus engine with a decade, if proper efforts are undertaken.

Now there are reports that SCB tech was validated a few months ago,

because the present GE-414 EPE plus of 110 plu Kn that is being considered for Super hornet upgrade came from the Ge-404 line of 80 KN.

SO the same line of development can be had on k-9 to get AMCA engine. But for that AMCA should be a light weight design in twin engine fighter to be on the safer side like Mig-29 was.
Does the kaveri team still exists?
what is being done to assure the know how is not lost?
4 billion for AMCA does include an engine in it?
Why upgradation of Kaveri not possible?

Closing or shutting down Kaveri was a great mistake.
we had something in hand and needed a little finishing in it.
We could have used help from foreign experts and have upgraded it.
by the time tejas MK1 engine would have required replacement it would have been ready.

It was simply a disaster to shut it down.

Engine is a vital part of defense and having one would have been great at any cost....


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Testing has to be done again for any new platform. but the experience of tejas program will lead to reduced testing time.
Yes I agreed with that totally.
The individual testing will no longer be required only assembly testing will be required.


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Mar 6, 2011
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"In the first article Shukla essentially argues that modifying the Tejas to create the Mark II using the GE-414 will be easy as “F-414 is no larger than the F-404?. Keep in mind that the Tejas was designed to use the F-404 engine except the weight and drag of the Tejas is too high and so it appears underpowered. The Gripen which was considered by the IAF uses the same F-404 engine as the Tejas except the weight and drag of the Gripen was properly optimised. It may be true that with another 3 years of redesign of the Tejas to use the more powerful F-414 engine will yield a good cheap Tejas Mark II combat aircraft but until it is actually tested no one will know for sure, so can the IAF really wait another 3 years on just the promise that Tejas Mark II will work properly?"

tejas mk2 will have 95 percent drag of tejas mk1. Does that make tejas mk1 a platform with insurmountable drag. No way. Drag reduction is an on going exercise even in FOC for tejas mk1 as said by ADA chief himself. Journos should know that drag producing surfaces also lift. And thats why they were there in the first place!!

The gripen considered by IAF had 100 Kn ge-414 engine , not 84 Kn ge-404 like tejas mk1!!!

CEMILAC Chief tamilmani has said that Ge-414 has the same air flow requirement as that of kaveri for which tejas inlet was originally designed. Journo doesn't knows that!!!

better thrust in jet engies are achieved by

1.increasing operating Pressure Ratio,
2.Turbine Entry temp,
3.SCB tech

4.and bypass ratios,

They are not achieved by doubling engine's air intake!!!

For the IAF pilots it is a matter of life and death, for the citizens of India it is a matter of protecting your sovereignty. The minimum role of the commentator is simply to be realistic and it does seem that relying on the Tejas Mark II is not being realistic, so India definitely needs to reduce the risk by importing foreign combat aircraft, at least until you have a Tejas Mark II that really works well and that you know you can manufacture in large numbers.

Tejas mk2 is an improvement on mk1 (which carries world's deadliest combo of R-73, python coupled with HMDS, So no one needs to worry about that. IF people suspect the efficacy of air to air missile in close combat then they are saying that same R-73 E on Su-30 MKi is also useless.

Regarding the AMCA, of course India needs to work on the design and prototyping anyway, but India still has to consider other options as well, i.e. wait until the AMCA is actually working and then you can rely on it. To put it another way, of course India should spend the money to design the Tejas Mark II and also the AMCA, but just don’t rely on them until you have fully functioning prototypes with initial operational clearance (IOC). Try not to repeat the ongoing misery of the IAF for the last 5 years waiting for the Tejas to get IOC.

Thats what being proposed. So why the long argument?

The biggest problem that India has is that every project is funded only when the politicians think there is a practical need for it. For example this design and prototype of Tejas Mark II should have been completed 10 years ago along with the initial prototype of Tejas, because the F-414 engine is from the same family as the F-404 engine and has been in existence for 20 years now. Yes, I am aware that it sounds like hindsight, but the fact is that India should have designed and prototyped Tejas and Tejas Mark II at the same time so that you could have selected whichever version works better i.e. find the problems earlier so you can make the choices earlier. Indeed any engineer in any branch of engineering will tell you that the best way to fully understand a design is to to make two or more versions and compare them.

Stupid piece of logic, No way you can venture into tejas mk2 without substantial work on tejas mk1 finished. Why? the problems that can be sorted out on tejas mk1 should not be carried on to tejas mk2.
Also only after fully testing tejas mk1 at least till IOC, , can we propose improvements to tejas mk2.

Which ever version works better/ What piece of crap of this, Every one knows that tejas mk2 works better!!!

That is why I really believe that India should not finalise the design for the AMCA right away.

Thats why I really believe journos who know nothing about tech matters should restrict themselves to breaking news on lalit Modi

Instead of shooting for the goal of the stealth capable 5th generation AMCA with a pair of 110 kN engines (which India does not have right now anyway) to be built in the next 15 years, India needs to aim for an intermediate goal to be delivered in 5 years.

Just a few paragraphs before the guy wanted to develop both tejas mk1 and mk2 at the same time!!! Now he wants us to drop 5th gen AMCA and concentrate on what can be delivered in 5 years.
In 5 years we cant even buy FGFA off the shelf!!!

Journo has no idea about lead time for induction of fighter jets!!!!

The intermediate goal will be a much simpler twin-engine combat plane without stealth in two configurations at the same time i.e. a first small configuration using a pair of 79 kN F-404 engines and a second slightly larger configuration using a pair of 98 kN F-414 engines.

So we must set an intermediate goal of 11.5th standard annual exam for every 12th Std student!!!The journo and his aunty will foot the bill for ,"much simpler twin-engine combat plane without stealth in two configurations at the same time i.e. a first small configuration using a pair of 79 kN F-404 engines" and buy them in hundreds to justify the cost perhaps!!!

Then you can compare the two configurations and learn how to scale the airframe in size based on the power of the engines. Indeed, these configurations are test beds for the final design which will be the largest in size and complexity. Also you can practice applying stealth technology on the small and medium planes to begin with. Once India has successfully done that, then India is ready for the next design/prototype step i.e to get the best configuration using the more powerful 110 kN engines which hopefully by that time India will have obtained from USA or Europe.

Its like lets test drive Vento and verna to decide which one to buy bright idea that the journo has seen on many autocar episodes.

he has no comprehension about development lead cycle times!!!

In other words the 5th generation AMCA project will be much easier to implement if you take it in steps. In addition the smaller twin-engine combat plane designs which were developed as intermediate goal can be adapted as combat aircraft in lesser roles. If India takes the project in steps, the chance of success is much higher. But until India is successful in doing this, you obviously also have to keep buying enough foreign combat planes to keep the IAF fully operational.

Some one should tell the journo that such far reaching ideas were implemented in aerospace sector!!!
No one develops a non stealth twin engined 74 Kn engine plane that host nation airforce has no interest in buying in 2030!!!
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Does the kaveri team still exists?
what is being done to assure the know how is not lost?
4 billion for AMCA does include an engine in it?
Why upgradation of Kaveri not possible?

Closing or shutting down Kaveri was a great mistake.
we had something in hand and needed a little finishing in it.
We could have used help from foreign experts and have upgraded it.
by the time tejas MK1 engine would have required replacement it would have been ready.

It was simply a disaster to shut it down.

Engine is a vital part of defense and having one would have been great at any cost....
No one has shut it down.
Few journos simply misreported and we all believed it.
it is on the path of certification and only k-9 non after burner version can power AURA the stealth UCAV, because no engine for it can be imported because of MTCR guidelines,

You can read the posts of a guy called Maitya in Bharath Rakshak forum- AMCA thread , to know what developmental plans are being envisaged for kaveri future variants. he has provided lucid explanation and charts .

tejas warrior

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Jan 4, 2015
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Kaveri project has been de-attached and closed for only LCA. (Only to keep these Tejas opposing lobby of IAF & Media shut up.)

Development still continue but not for LCA specific.


New Member
Jun 21, 2013
If that is correct then Su will not be sent to intercept a paki JF17 or F 7s like you said as Su is at the highest level of strategic importance as of now and the other one will be used .
Please allow me to butt in and correct a very common misperception on internet discussion forums. That is the idea that a defending air force will first identify the make and model of an aircraft and then decide to send something matching to shoot it down.

This is totally wrong. One can never know what aircraft may attack and in fact multiple types may attack. if a CAP (Combat Air Patrol) is mounted it will be of a type that is available and equipped with missiles to take on any aircraft that comes. Another misperception is that 3rd will get shot down by 4th gen and 4th gen by 5th gen

Aircraft generation has nothing to do with combat efficacy. It is merely the technological levels. A 3 gen MiG 21 can shoot down a 4 or 5 gen


New Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Please allow me to butt in and correct a very common misperception on internet discussion forums. That is the idea that a defending air force will first identify the make and model of an aircraft and then decide to send something matching to shoot it down.

This is totally wrong. One can never know what aircraft may attack and in fact multiple types may attack. if a CAP (Combat Air Patrol) is mounted it will be of a type that is available and equipped with missiles to take on any aircraft that comes. Another misperception is that 3rd will get shot down by 4th gen and 4th gen by 5th gen

Aircraft generation has nothing to do with combat efficacy. It is merely the technological levels. A 3 gen MiG 21 can shoot down a 4 or 5 gen
In this day and age, we fairly know where the air bases are. How much surveillance are these airports under? With a few web-cams, I can fairly automate the detection of aircraft during take off and landing. This data can then be transmitted to a central location which can correlate it with the radar data.
So, the commands will have a fairly accurate information on the formations and on their weapons packages to a limited extent.
Is this implemented? If not, why?

Abhijeet Dey

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May 6, 2013
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Perhaps the government should allow the private sector in the AMCA project. There are talks going on that MOD is fed up with DRDO and ADE and private sector may get involved in Tejas MK-II program for quicker deliveries.
Indian companies have already taken initiatives to manufacture helicopters and aerospace parts in India with foreign partners, hence they should also encourage private representation and increase the foothold in defence from India.

Project to build new, improved version of ‘Tejas’ fighter may be given to private sector


New Member
Jul 10, 2015
No one has shut it down.
Few journos simply misreported and we all believed it.
it is on the path of certification and only k-9 non after burner version can power AURA the stealth UCAV, because no engine for it can be imported because of MTCR guidelines,

You can read the posts of a guy called Maitya in Bharath Rakshak forum- AMCA thread , to know what developmental plans are being envisaged for kaveri future variants. he has provided lucid explanation and charts .
Dassault nEUROn has a Adour 951 engine in it Which is a moderate bypass ratio engine 0.8. OTOH K-9 is 0.16 - Leaky Turbojet is how its called sometimes. UCAVs as they are currently envisaged are not expected to be Top Gun Maverick and Iceman kind of planes. More staid, bombing, stand off missile delivery, recce, multistatic sensors. Other UCAVs are likely to sport the same kind of moderate bypass ratio engines.

So K-9 would not go straight into the Aura. Not just the removal of AB. Even the innards of the engine as also the exxards will have to be changed, The Inlet, the Bypass, Fan sizes and materials, shaft and blades too will most likely have to be reworked for both the optimum thrust but also for the best lifetime considerations.

Also India is going to be welcomed into the MTCR by Chachu Sam. Just when it becomes clear that K-9 can easily be ported to a UCAV and the political leadership cannot any longer be counted to stop that.

My guesstimate. Either something radically better then K-9 would be imported. Simultaneously K-9 based engine would be kept in the works to make sure the negotiator's hand are strengthened.

K-9 should however be easily ported as is to the initial TDs and PVs. IAF too would like to follow the longer TD, PV, LSP, IOC-SP, FOC-SP route since it makes them appear innocent.
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New Member
Jun 21, 2013
In this day and age, we fairly know where the air bases are. How much surveillance are these airports under? With a few web-cams, I can fairly automate the detection of aircraft during take off and landing. This data can then be transmitted to a central location which can correlate it with the radar data.
So, the commands will have a fairly accurate information on the formations and on their weapons packages to a limited extent.
Is this implemented? If not, why?
Sorry. I did not understand your point. Are you asking if we will know the identity of the planes that are attacking using the method you suggest? Are you saying that Pakistani and Chinese planes taking off can be detected by webcams at their airports? Or am I mistaken?


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Please allow me to butt in and correct a very common misperception on internet discussion forums. That is the idea that a defending air force will first identify the make and model of an aircraft and then decide to send something matching to shoot it down.

This is totally wrong. One can never know what aircraft may attack and in fact multiple types may attack. if a CAP (Combat Air Patrol) is mounted it will be of a type that is available and equipped with missiles to take on any aircraft that comes. Another misperception is that 3rd will get shot down by 4th gen and 4th gen by 5th gen

Aircraft generation has nothing to do with combat efficacy. It is merely the technological levels. A 3 gen MiG 21 can shoot down a 4 or 5 gen
I just want to counter you with the fact that, based on the radar response cross section you can judge the type of aircraft .Secondly the least important strategic aircraft is usually given the job of interception.
If it proves fatal/confrontation then only another lot of much powerful a/c are sent for support.

Another misperception is that 3rd will get shot down by 4th gen and 4th gen by 5th gen.
this is more of an expectation than misconception .


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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In this day and age, we fairly know where the air bases are. How much surveillance are these airports under? With a few web-cams, I can fairly automate the detection of aircraft during take off and landing. This data can then be transmitted to a central location which can correlate it with the radar data.
So, the commands will have a fairly accurate information on the formations and on their weapons packages to a limited extent.
Is this implemented? If not, why?

aww..something funny .. It's hard to identify the Fighter Jet by it's classification.

1. First Radar identifies the Unknown object
2. Due to lower RCS radar operator easily identifies it's a Fighter Jet or Cruise missile or a Transporter
3. They launch a Interceptor from nearby base to intercept the Unidentified Boggy
4. The visual contact only identifies the Model of the Aircraft before that Fighter jets Radar can identify it's a Cruise missile or Fighter Jet
5. The Interceptor Pilot only will reveal the Model of the Aircraft

I think you should watch out How Baltic Air Policing Missions happening, those Russian Long range patrol reports are available in the net


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Sorry. I did not understand your point. Are you asking if we will know the identity of the planes that are attacking using the method you suggest? Are you saying that Pakistani and Chinese planes taking off can be detected by webcams at their airports? Or am I mistaken?
yeah if we installs some IP Camera's there, we can ping the video into our monitors too ...!


New Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Sorry. I did not understand your point. Are you asking if we will know the identity of the planes that are attacking using the method you suggest? Are you saying that Pakistani and Chinese planes taking off can be detected by webcams at their airports? Or am I mistaken?
I am asking if we can use the method I suggested to identify planes fairly early.
I hope we are doing something more intelligent though.

shafiq alam

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Oct 7, 2011
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Mostly one or two kind of Combat Jets..

Lets take the Adampur AFB in Punjab, it has two sqn of MiG 29 ( Sqn 223, Sqn 47 ) both from western command 8th wing.. there is no more fighter models in that base only Mig 29's

same goes for others too
but there used to be 4 squadrons 2 more for mig-27s till early 2000s did they already retired the planes in those two squadrons?


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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but there used to be 4 squadrons 2 more for mig-27s till early 2000s did they already retired the planes in those two squadrons?
Open sources indicates It's only have 2sqn of MiG 29

But if we look up with the Satellites we can see several Su 30 MKI along with the Mig 29

