ADA Tejas (LCA) News and Discussions

Which role suits LCA 'Tejas' more than others from following options?

  • Interceptor-Defend Skies from Intruders.

    Votes: 342 51.3%
  • Airsuperiority-Complete control of the skies.

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • Strike-Attack deep into enemy zone.

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Multirole-Perform multiple roles.

    Votes: 284 42.6%

  • Total voters
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Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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so you are only cementing what i had stated earlier , Tejas only has 300 km combat radii compared with F16 550 , gripen 800+ , jf17 800+ , mirage 750 with full payload.

I ant here to troll anyone , was here seeking some information from few polite individual , looks like forum is full of arrogant looser like ladder
JFT? 800 km with full pay-load? Show me the mathematical model son? (simplified one will do)

PS. let's see if you are an engineer.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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I have one simple question what use a under powered , low ranges , low speed jet aircraft like Tejas be to defense forces can anyone answer this politely without abuses , sarcasm and arrogance.
Thrust to weight ratio of the LCA is more than that of the SU 30 and J 17 .The IAF want an aircraft with more Thrust to weight than an uograded Mig 29.
Range is perfectly adequate for its role (read above) .
The full flight envelope will be opened before FOC where the it will reach its full speed of 1.8 mach will be achieved .
The answers are already there you simply refuse to read .


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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I have one simple question what use a under powered , low ranges , low speed jet aircraft like Tejas be to defense forces can anyone answer this politely without abuses , sarcasm and arrogance.
That is because your question is wrong moron. LCA is designed keeping in mind the outcome. SQR and Revised SQR by air-force. So, it is none of the above you mentioned. One cannot reply factually to mushing of a demented individual.
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Regular Member
Apr 26, 2013
Please read carefully my reply without abuse, sarcasm and arrogance..

Kindly look/re-look on basics of aviation and its terminologies.. Go through available threads with empty mind first..

Also learn about Indian Aviation history, its achievements, failures and challenges it went through ..

Please go through Mr. Kota Harinaraya interview available on net first and initial stages of Tejas manufacturing.. Also Please go through an article by Air Marshal Wollen..

Here is the link..

LCA Tejas - Featured Articles: The Light Combat Aircraft Story by Air Marshal MSD Wollen (Retd)

All we can answer your query will be nth time repetative as I quoted already above..

Dont feel offended..

If you really trying to learn about Tejas and like to compare it to other aircrafts in the world in its class, please do above things first..

I have one simple question what use a under powered , low ranges , low speed jet aircraft like Tejas be to defense forces can anyone answer this politely without abuses , sarcasm and arrogance.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Glad u took the pain to read it and now if your know about ferry range and relative combat radii do math yourself .
Like posters here have told you repeatedly combat radius is not directly related to combat radius as the former takes into account load weight and loiter time . Combat radius is not ferry range /2 . Ferry range numbers may or may or may not include external fuel tanks .


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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even i ant doign combat radii = ferry range / 2 , i have done my math and found it to be 700+ for jf 17 without fuel tanks correct me if i am wrong
Then show us your math .
The fuel fraction on the tejas is higher than the JF 17 .


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Apart from all above limitation to range , power etc one major problem of Tejas is it doesn't exist to fight so far and no sight in next 3 yrs too let alone mk2 lolz cya nice exchanging ideas with few arrogant bhakts here.
I already explained to you how the tejas is perfectly comparable to most 4th gen fighters . The 1st production tejas has already flown . But don't let facts get in your way .

I cant post links , again go to Lockheed website see the makers , or you can go to Israeli forums as they are most active f16 operators.
Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Still no combat radius . While I gave you my source . The cambat radius of the glorious f16 is 550KM carrying a 2700 Kg load comparable to the tejas . Now stop being so pedantic .

BTW one thing still have not been answered , if LCA isn't supposed to be compared with F16, gripen etc , which current 4+ gen aircraft's are comparable to it?
Tejas is inferior in a few aspects only to the upgraded versions of 4thgen fighters . Fighters Pakistan does not have . Tejas 2 is the upgrade inline with upgrades of other fighter for example the grippen E/F


Regular Member
Nov 18, 2013
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I was curious why HAL after 30+ yrs of research has developed a plane with combat radii 300 km speed mach 1.6 ?
From where did you got this info that HAL did research for 30+ years to develop LCA ? This shows your knowledge on LCA & HAL. If you really want to know, read the thread carefully. Else you are bracketing yourself with dumb & morons.


Regular Member
Nov 18, 2013
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Instead of abusing name jets comparable to LCA buddy if you can ! lolz . I know abusing on a forum is easy for people like you who are looser in real life , i came to this forum seeking some answers , had hoped will find some decent people to converse with who can provide some info not arrogant bastards like yourself. My family pays over 1 million rupees per yr in taxes so i have every right to question HAL DRDO for squandering tax payers funds.
My humble questions for you:
1) Are your family paying tax / donation to DFI ? If not, why you are showcasing your frustration here ?
2) I seriously doubt your "1 million rupee tax" claim. What is the tax bracket your family members are in ? What type of tax you are talking of ? Are you summing up all the taxes paid by your whole family ?


Regular Member
Nov 18, 2013
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WOW diverting a discussion from a fighter plane scam towards education (which i have of much higher class than yours , going by your grammar skills ) and income . Every tax payer even if few hundred rupees has right to question scams in defense research and acquisition which is happening in this country . All i had asked of what use be a jet ,which has lowest range , combat radii and speed in 4+ gen fighter planes, to IAF . Hoped some decent people will answer in proper way , not arrogant bastards who think they are aeronautical genius but in reality cant even replace their SUV/CAR spare tyre
@moderators FYI & NA, please.


Regular Member
Nov 18, 2013
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so you are only cementing what i had stated earlier , Tejas only has 300 km combat radii compared with F16 550 , gripen 800+ , jf17 800+ , mirage 750 with full payload.
Here you quoted Combat radius of JF-17 is 800+ and

go see in PAC site for yourself
You supported your above claim with quoting PAC website but,

even i ant doign combat radii = ferry range / 2 , i have done my math and found it to be 700+ for jf 17 without fuel tanks correct me if i am wrong
Here, you revised your claim to 700+. For once, clear the confusion & state your final statistics for combat radius of JF-17.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Lets not get into troll trap, Lets keep this thread till Tejas ..

Here you quoted Combat radius of JF-17 is 800+ and You supported your above claim with quoting PAC website but,Here, you revised your claim to 700+. For once, clear the confusion & state your final statistics for combat radius of JF-17.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010

From IOC-2 ^^


This information must be Read & Saved that ' Tejas ' Ferry range is 1700kms without Fuel tanks ( With fuel tanks 3000kms according to Janes ) and Combat Range is more than 500kms .. , This information is released by Government agency during IOC-2 ...

Source : Press Information Bureau English Releases


Shared by @Archer ..
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Tejas, a game changer for Indian Air Force

The induction of the Light Combat Aircraft, Tejas into the Indian Air Force will be a 'game changer' for the country's air defence preparedness, says Avinash Chander, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister.

"Though delayed, the India developed fighter aircraft has emerged as a 'contemporary aircraft', as good or in a way better than the competitors in its class," Avinash Chander told Business Line.

The LCA signals the country's indigenous capability to develop a major air-based weapon platform and a step towards achieving self-reliance in aircraft design, fabrication and manufacture. It has laid a sound base for a smooth take off in the efforts to develop more advanced fighter aircraft in the future, Avinash Chander, Chief of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), said.

The fighter aircraft, which obtained the Initial Operation Clearance on December 20, is a step away from induction into the IAF to replace the ageing MiG-21 aircraft. The immediate plan was to induct six squadrons of the IAF with the Tejas. This means about 120 aircraft. Already, the IAF has placed orders for two squadrons. Similarly, the Indian Navy will have atleast 40 of the naval version of the fighter aircraft.

In the next 10 years, atleast 200 LCA numbers are expected to bolster the country's air strike power. The HAL, which will manufacture these aircraft, will provide 16 a year. It has built capacity and will further ramp up production facilities.

The DRDO Chief saw a Rs. 1 lakh - crore opportunity in the next decade in the defence aircraft industry for the country.

The gradual induction of the LCA will ensure a forex saving to the tune of Rs. 50,000 crore. In addition, the savings on life cycle and maintenance costs will be close to that figure in the long run, he explained.

There is tremendous scope for small and medium enterprises to make components and sub-systems and supply to HAL. It will also lead to creation of expertise and industrial infrastructure in the countr

Source : :: - Indian Military News Headlines ::

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
IAF is planning to operate 14 sqadron of Tejas of both MK1 & 2 >>

In a written statement tabled in the Lok Sabha on Monday, Antony's deputy, Jitendra Singh, stated, "The MiG-21 and MiG-27 aircrafts of the IAF have already been upgraded and currently equip 14 combat squadrons. These aircraft, however, are planned for being phased out over the next few years and will be replaced by the LCA."

India's own fighter, the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), is playing a growing role in protecting Indian airspace. On December 20, when the Tejas was cleared for operational service in the Indian Air Force (IAF), Defence Minister A K Antony declared 200 Tejas fighters would eventually enter combat service. Today, that figure quietly swelled to well above 300, with the government indicating the IAF would have at least 14 Tejas squadrons.

Each IAF combat squadron has 21 fighter aircraft; 14 squadrons add to 294 Tejas fighters. The 21 comprise 16 frontline, single-seat fighters, two twin-seat trainers and three reserve aircraft to make up losses in a war.

So far, the IAF has committed to inducting only six Tejas squadrons — two squadrons of the current Tejas Mark I, and four squadrons of the improved Tejas Mark II. In addition, the navy plans to buy 40-50 Tejas for its future aircraft carriers.
Source : IAF will buy 14 Tejas squadrons, lowering costs | Business Standard News

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
India Offers To Spend $12B To Break Monopoly

NEW DELHI — The Indian Air Force has a future requirement for only the next-generation LCA Mark-2, which would be powered by the higher thrust General Electric GE-414 engine. But the aircraft is still in the development stage and is not expected to be ready for production before 2017-18. The Air Force has a requirement for 250 LCA Mark-2s, which the government estimates would be covered by the $12 billion advance order.

The Air Force has demanded establishment of an additional aircraft facility to break the monopoly of HAL, India's sole military aircraft manufacturer, and has complained of delays in delivery of aircraft.
Source : India Offers To Spend $12B To Break Monopoly | Defense News |
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