ADA Tejas (LCA) News and Discussions

Which role suits LCA 'Tejas' more than others from following options?

  • Interceptor-Defend Skies from Intruders.

    Votes: 342 51.3%
  • Airsuperiority-Complete control of the skies.

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • Strike-Attack deep into enemy zone.

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Multirole-Perform multiple roles.

    Votes: 284 42.6%

  • Total voters
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Mar 6, 2011
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Rest in Peace LCA :rip:




@p2prada @Twinblade @Defcon 1

This is what Reality ...
@halloweene Sir ..I know your Article too messed up

Imported Air Force chair marshals who have never seen the inside of LSP-8 will lie forever about Tejas. calling it a trainer and mig-21 replacement expecting indians to be fooled with their goose hit regarding Deep TOT for Rafale.

It was the IAF chief Aroop Raha who said that Tejas is a welcome addition to IAF's fighting capabilities.

And I am sure a single tejas is always less capable than a single rafale but the question to answer is whether a single rafale will win a fight with three or four tejas mk1 or mk2. Certainly not.Because that is the cost equation.

For India which needs more than 50 squadrons to face PLAF-PAF combo 20billion plus price tag for just 6 squadrons of rafale is really fool's gold.

Before recommending merger of ADA and HAL let the IAF concentrate on stocking enough spares for su-30 MKI to increase the availability rate first. HAL has bitterly complained that the reason for the low availability of SU-30 MKI was pathetically low just 45 crore worth of spares maintained for Su-30 MKI.

Most of the recent crashes whether that of dhurv, hercules or SU-30 MKI has nothing to do with HAL either.

I wonder how could IAF point out the shortcomings of Tejas when its flight envelope is just being opened to its extreme values only now. The report must be some stupid BS spewed by the likes of Air marshals like Ajun subramanium, Matheswaran, barbosa and other senile folks who want to close the Tejas project without knowing a dumbshit about its capabilities and routinely lie through their teeth that rafale has three times more range than tejas.

As it transpires you dont even know what is its true range either. You have no clues about rafales hot weather low penetration ranges in indian subcontinent which saps 10 percent of engine thrust and wing lift.

Tejas AOA is just reaching 27 degs and its G loads will reach 8 plus Gs within a a few month.

SO how come IAF determine the shortcomings of tejas without even it flight envelope fully being opened for FOC?
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New Member
Mar 18, 2011
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Can anyone show me the official schematics of Tejas carrying 1200lts drop tank in centreline. ? @ersakthivel @Casper @Kunal Biswas

Can't get it, but this may help.

1) (page 8)

Operational Air Support Missions with 1200/800 Ltr Drop tank & 1000 LB bombs in CCRP/CCIP modes completed

2) Tejas Light Combat Supersonic Fighter - Airforce Technology

...The aircraft has wing and fuselage tanks and an in-flight refuelling probe on the front starboard side. Drop tanks with a capacity up to 4,000l, can be carried on the inner and mid-board wing and fuselage centreline hardpoints. The aircraft is fitted with a HAL gas turbine starter unit model GTSU-110.

The aircraft can fly at a maximum speed of 2,205km/h and at maximum altitude of 15,200m. The range of the aircraft is 3,000km. Its service ceiling is 16,500m. The aircraft weighs around 5,450kg and its maximum take-off weight is 13,500kg....
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Sep 18, 2014
Re: ADA LCA Tejas Mark-II

If the dry thrust and wet thrust of kaveri is 50-54(depending on env.temp.of operating area) and 81 respectively,then why Ade not taking any attempt to make a lrger version of tejas with two engine to make it comparable to the Rafale standard .it would also sort out the thrust output issue of single kaveri engine LCA .


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Re: ADA LCA Tejas Mark-II

If the dry thrust and wet thrust of kaveri is 50-54(depending on env.temp.of operating area) and 81 respectively,then why Ade not taking any attempt to make a lrger version of tejas with two engine to make it comparable to the Rafale standard .it would also sort out the thrust output issue of single kaveri engine LCA .
Good point, and I was thinking the same thing.

It would be great if we have LCA (Kaveri x 1) and MCA (Kaveri x 2). That would also bring down the cost of production.


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Nov 9, 2009
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months ago , right in this thread...some senior member post an introduction poster about 3 kinds of Drop tanks.
I didn't try to find that post, but I would repost it here . thanks to him plz...

that might be a 800L tank...
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New Member
Nov 19, 2010
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months ago , right in this thread...some senior member post an introduction poster about 3 kinds of Drop tanks.
I didn't try to find that post, but I would repost it here . thanks to him plz...

that might be a 800L tank...
Thanks mate but yet to see a 1200ltrs official schematic or pic of LCA carrying one in the centre and thanks to @Casper for the official IOC pdf, they indeed tested 1200lts drop tanks.
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Re: ADA LCA Tejas Mark-II

The interesting part that such development can only happen if IAF put such requirement on first place ..

What seems that IAF wanted such design but based on a new design AMCA ..


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Mar 6, 2011
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I don't want your Assumption about Cost being invested in LCA project . I don't want to hear about GTRE financial issue or anything LCA powered by GE engines now . 45% of LCA Hardware are Imported

I just want to Know when LCA faced Financial issue ..? If you have Links or Sources Please Post it Here
So when name LCA was written in 1983 on sarkari files and 500 crores were spent on setting up preliminary test facilities and paying fat foreign consultant fees when the project definition finished in 1989 the project was left as an orphan in 1989.ADA asked for 4000 crores and a faster limited series production model(like PAKFA and J-20 development with 7 to 8 prototypes joining test flight regime within three years.) with a dedicated production line. As usual our Imported Air Force was dead set against it!!!!

Eventhough IAF did not contribute a single rupee to LCA development it was their stringent opposition (repeated letters by Air marshal Krishna samy to Defence Minister) ,which resulted in LCA program reduced to two TDs first to demo all the tech,

To be built like cobbler's method of scavenging space and time from older obsolete jag production line with no dedicated vendor support other than HAL(which regarded the program as waste of time, because they knew well in advance that swiss bank bribe regimes at the center will run this show as hobby hour and import another foreign fighter as per our Imported Airforce wish.)

because of IAf's opposition saying that this fighter is too cutting edge and can not be produced here(now they are saying it is too obsolete while praising their Mig-21s !!!) F0ur years were lost in this see saw struggle and in 1993 after dogged intervention by Abdul kalam the program was started as a crippled child with two TDs first to demonstrate all the tech and PVs later LSPs still later mode.

It was this crucial four year delay which took its toll on LCA when sakthi nuclear test intervened .If at IAF was supportive from first day and set aside some money at least the crucial fly by wire tech could have been finished before nuclear tests. but as fate would have it the fly by wire tech JV with US was hit midway because of pokhran nuclear tests and ADA had to start again from scratch for the fly by wire effort which delayed the program by two years.

With HAL not giving priority to program(IAF was not funding it and HAL was getting zero contribution to its top line from tejas effort.) these 4 plus three seven year delay was critical in throwing the time lines of tejas. Then in 2004 IAF asked for newer heavier and higher launching stress inducing air to air missiles launching capabilities in LCA which led to another Full Scale Engineering Development FSED- phase two in 2004 which added few more years in development time.

It was only in 2006 IAF realized that ADA could build a 4.5th gen fighter plane and got on board tejas effort and asked for 250 design changes in the form of requess for action , of which all but 12 are done. these 12 are slated for tejas mk2.
In the line above all these are explained.

All of these is explained in much more detail in ADA tejas thread here from page number -200, so just look at it.

And that 45 percent import costs 45 percent of 26 million that is around 10 million per each plane. compare that to rafale where at least 100 million worth of import is needed for each plane if you consider total lifecycle costs and MLUs.
Also including engines and ASEA radar mpre than 90 percent of tejas mk1 and mk2 parts will be developed here in india as K-10 effort ans UTTAM ASEA effort gathers stream. So in the ling run Tejas is an export earner while rafale is multi billion dollar forex drainer.
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Aug 25, 2012
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To all the IAF retired brass " Knuckle heads". If you get you this message. You have no engineering stand point or counters. May the best you guys can do is find faults and educate the uneducated with lies because you have no integrity as it been sold to the your commission payers from abroad" AKA FRANCE". These useless rants was good in 1990's, the world moves but your moronic asses still lives in 60-90 while you were commissioned in Indian Air Force. Today's youth is more informed and you rants are counterproductive to the nation and the force. Your whole has made up of some Indians blood sweat and tears. Keeping you guys comfortable with all you luxuries in the force is not easy( Please i do know it), it comes from Indian Tax payers money. Tejas is nations pride, its a symbol of its aspirations and zeal which are now turning into realities and same is the case with Indian Army. Probably that is why Indian army and Indian Air force have so much shortage of officers because they don't understand the aspirations of today's youth. Your forces have the highest rate of Voluntary retirement( IA and IAF), it is a fact.

Go Tejas!


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Aug 25, 2012
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Here is a complete assesment of Raflae


and of Tejas at IOC-2


Multi role capability demonstration during
IRON FIST by simultaneous release of Laser
guided bomb, Chaff & Flare dispensation and
R73E missile within a span of 100 secs.

So screw the OMNI_ROLE
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New Member
Dec 6, 2011
@ersakthivel if all problems with LCA is because of IAF,then why can't HAL produce even a IJT or basic trainer aircraft on time?
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New Member
Sep 9, 2014
@ersakthivel if all problems with LCA is because of IAF,then why can't HAL produce even a IJT or basic trainer aircraft on time?
HAL is having serious trouble graduating from screwdriver mechanic to aircraft developer. I have already said HAL is not set up for serious R&D.

ADA is different. ADA was set up as a lab and success of ADA comes from collaboration with scores of other labs and educational institutions. HAL cannot do that.

This is why I scoff at IAF suggestion of merging ADA and HAL. ADA should be free to use private sector for fabrication. There is no logic of tying ADA to HAL.

State support is necessary for development of aviation capacity in the private sector. So far, no orders have been given to private sector.
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
You should visit IJT sitara thread so does BTA thread call HTT-40, This is Tejas thread and keep it till Tejas ..

@ersakthivel if all problems with LCA is because of IAF,then why can't HAL produce even a IJT or basic trainer aircraft on time?
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Aug 25, 2012
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LRDE is developing Active Array Antenna Unit (AAAU) based fire control radar for LCA Mk1 and Mk2 platform under project Uttam. The AAAU is mounted on aircraft's bulkhead with an interface frame and will be protected by radome. Additional Radar LRUs are housed in front fuselage of the aircraft behind the AAAU between station 1 and station 3 as shown in figure 1 & 2. The mounting frame has three decks of which middle and bottom deck are allotted for the radar LRUs.

AAAU dissipates 2650 watts of heat during operation and needs to be cooled with a suitable cooling system. Considering the various options available , availale space, geometry constraints, available cooling medium etc, it has been decided to go for "Liquid Cooling System" to dissipate the heat. This cooling system consists of cooling pump & flow circuits and liquid to air heat exchanger. But ADA has a qualified heat exchanger that meets the cooling requirement of AAAU that can be integrated in the aircraft. In view of the above it has been decided to develop "Liquid Circulation System(LCS)" utilising the existing heat exchanger (3.0 KW).

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