2020 US election and its Impact on India Megathread

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Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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As Biden is winning what is that to do with Kashmir? Even when Trump was blabbering about mediaton the response from Indian side was it is a bilateral issue. So if Biden says the same the reply will be copy paste. So there is no implication on Kashmir. US policy on Kashmir & Porks is always two faced. Human rights randi rona will happen as usual.
Expecting Biden will do something or sanction India on Kashmir is Porki delusional mindset.
No,the problem is trump because of his abrasive nature and his reputation will not be supported by the usual suspects and there is a very high chance that when does say something,it will be rare and secondly no one in the establishment will support him due to reverse phsycology and trump derangement syndrome.in the case of Biden ,there can be alignment between the factions and Biden can lase targets and the anti indian groups in Democrat party can go after the target without trouble of being called a trump Lackey and the Republican support groups can be gagged by the establishment at that time.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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From the trump fanboy forum called thedonald

Obama's team literally bought Dominion Voting Systems in 2018 before the election.

Dominion Voting Systems was purchased by private equity firm, Staple Street Capital in summer of 2018.

Staple Street Equity was founded by guys formerly in Carlyle Group. Executive Director of Carlyle Group, William Kennard, is Director of Staple Street Capital.

Kennard was appointed FCC chairman by Bill Clinton, and appointed Ambassador to EU by Obama. Kennard is also on John Kerry's foreign policy advisory board.

Team Obama literally bought the voting machines and software being used to count the votes in this election.

We need to dig more and get this to Tucker, Hannity, Limbaugh, Ingram, Bannon... anybody who's really on our side.

Here's links to get you started.



Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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From the trump fanboy forum called thedonald

Get in here pedes! Not a drill! Obama's team literally bought Dominion Voting Systems in 2018 before the election.

Dominion Voting Systems was purchased by private equity firm, Staple Street Capital in summer of 2018.

Staple Street Equity was founded by guys formerly in Carlyle Group. Executive Director of Carlyle Group, William Kennard, is Director of Staple Street Capital.

Kennard was appointed FCC chairman by Bill Clinton, and appointed Ambassador to EU by Obama. Kennard is also on John Kerry's foreign policy advisory board.

Team Obama literally bought the voting machines and software being used to count the votes in this election.

We need to dig more and get this to Tucker, Hannity, Limbaugh, Ingram, Bannon... anybody who's really on our side.

Here's links to get you started.

Exposing this can literally be what saves Trump and the Republic. We need to dig deeper and this entire thing will unravel.

Start with Yale University. Hunter Biden connections to principles. Get this to autists on 4chan.

We have this weekend to expose this and the fucking traitors who are trying to steal the Republic from us.

Love you, pedes. Get digging! We only have one chance at this!!!
Inb4 Plebbit bans this sub and hard deletes everything on there, and deletes every account that posted regularly to that sub.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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there used to be a reddit sub about Trump by that name, looks like they deleted it already.
Hope tarunraju's prediction of fb, twitter et all getting banned here the moment biden is declared comes true.
Wikipedia liberal team has already edited Benford law as unreliable lol. Obviously they are going to purge Trump fanboy accounts. They are already deleting any proof about voter fraud.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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If she asks to break 108 coconuts at a hindu temple just for good luck then she is more hindu than some self proclaimed hindus I know .
There is no need to defend her she is a Baptist Christian and there is nothing we can do about it.

But in any case Pentagon will decide the course of action not Biden or Harris. We have nothing to worry about just make sure BJP is in power with majority. They will be able to handle then well.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Wikipedia liberal team has already edited Benford law as unreliable lol. Obviously they are going to purge Trump fanboy accounts. They are already deleting any proof about voter fraud.
There is no voter fraud or leet русский hackerman involved since the /chosen/ and /selected/ candidate is winning.
He won fair and square, according to all eminent experts, prestigious media outlets and fact checkes, and even SCOTUS in Jan-Feb.:yawn:

Thank god we use the flawed and unreliable EVM system here, otherwise we'd be living in free and liberated cong + allies rule :lehappy:


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Commies and creating lists, name a better duo. Taking cancel culture to the next level, what a bunch of losers, i despise these people. They are doing this to subvert people from asking questions, they outright carried out a blanket ban on facebook and reddit so any sub hosting posts positively talking about voting fraud proly get banned, similar news are about facebook, c*ck dorsey is already censoring people on twitter, whole msm and social media is backing this schumks and they dare to say that they are anti-establishment. F**k THEM! Personally, my only worry is that this will be replicated and is being replicated in India.

Ok, got it.

If ballot fraud really was possible then;
1. Trump of all people would have done it too.
2. Easily proved it to his nominated lackeys in SC.

Rep.s are just acting like Congress does to EVM after every defeat, but not after crushing BJP in 3 states... All losers whine alike! 😁View attachment 65699
It's called "making the criminals pay". Something that our Modi too should have done with UPA leadership, but chose not to.
Dead votes going to Dems. Around all of, 90 to 100% of mail-in going to Dems out of the blue, suspending count out of the blue then restarting it somehow they get thousands 100% vote to sleepy joe. All the stats don't agree with this. A person who couldn't get 5 people in rally got more votes than Obama in 2008, kek. Not allowing republicans to observe the counts, etc. Many people just want legitimate counts nothing else but they are censored, POTUS himself was censored. If dems are so clean how come they are pussying out so much?

Good! Good!

LOL a very peaceful moderate Muslims is butthurt that someone wants steady relationship with certain community. They want her to say that USA will gen0cide Israel, even Indian moderate mullahs hate Israel to the core, their hate is so visible and outright bigoted and still msm and social media protects them.

I say if these Jihadis ts and Leftists in Washington try to become a smart**s, India government PATRIOTS yes PATRIOTS (no hope from red light vehicle lovers) must do these:
  • First unblock Russia and help them in realizing that USSR whatever dream of theirs.
  • Talk with France, right now that country too is dealing the same thing we deal unfortunately on daily basis, try to create a block of concerned countries so to deal with OBAMA G-2 dream.
  • Recognize now Taiwan, nothing can go wrong against us, China doesn't have the guts to block India out of world order atleast now, thanks to our Patriots who said that India must have it's own Nuclear weapons.
  • Go indigenous for God sake and remove anything that is standing there in the name of rafale or f/a-18 or caracal jokes.
  • Remove those BABUS who are in the path of making INDIA superpower(we never asked for this, we were thrown in it by JIHADIS and Chinese love) and present alternative to the world.
  • Create a group of countries that will resist China through combine grouping wherever they are.
  • And again for godsake bhai, make another ins vikrant as well as steal the blueprint of scorpene class.
World is looking now at alternative because of that Harris chudail selection and leftists coming to power, we must atleast show that we can HANDLE IT and in return WE CAN ASK THOSE COUNTRIES SUPPORT in WORLD ORDER standing for us.

Beware of CHINA because CHINA DEFINITELY now WILL TRY TO DO SOMETHING ON BORDER SO THAT they can make world realize INDIA also cannot stand against them because they have taken care of USA and JAPAN as of now, so vigilance must increase there.
This, we should focus on ourselves and try not to bow to these scums.

No we don't have that much clout, I mean even Israeli lobby which basically has it's hands right up Dems and Reps also sometimes gets shade thrown at it by Dems, however it doesn't mean that any "actions" will be taken by US, we must only focus on the actions, if they can talk shit about us, our MEA can also give them befitting reply verbally and in text also.
GoI must not dhoti shiver and maintain a confident and unbending posture towards Budhen/Commiela rule, while continuing lobby effort of Dems with renewed vigor, and trying to get lucrative trade deals with Budhen sarkar instead of the usual H1B begging.
I think we are worrying too much, atmost they will bitch about Kashmir, our plans about POK are not going to happen and they can't stop us from carrying out CAA/NRC. MEA is smart enough to give them reply in those regards.

Pakistan members thought the same thing about Obama, It took around 40 Drone strikes in the Year 2009 for Pakistan members to come out delusions.

FYI, simpsons predicted this long back.
Only difference is that in this episode Republicans do it, in reality, it's the democrats doing it.

Holy shiet, it's amazing how accurate they got, just change the party, arrest part and msm blacking out and we are done here.

So Sleepy Joe is also Joe The Ghost.

They want us to believe that this guy got highest ever vote in USA, lul.

If she asks to break 108 coconuts at a hindu temple just for good luck then she is more hindu than some self proclaimed hindus I know .
Holy shit people, even rahul gandhi showed his janeu and carried out prayers in the temple, these are just optics. And why the f**k you people worried about her Hindu identity? I know enough dindus that are bitching against India in the mainstream media so it doesn't matter.

Harris is a snake, she will do what the deep state wants her, she doesn't have her own opinion get this. She will do what she is instructed to do. She will suck any c*ck to get power, next thing we know that she will wear hijab to get Muslim votes in 2024, joke but point being her religion doesn't matter here since she is a puppet and will gladly do what deep state wants her to do.

IMO this will be first time that a man in power is so powerless... My sympathies with trump...
The media, msm, his own party members are against him but people are still backing him, 69 million people voted for him despite all the shietshow pelted by media...it means something. His power lies in his popularity among the people.

Inb4 Plebbit bans this sub and hard deletes everything on there, and deletes every account that posted regularly to that sub.
r/T_D was banned by plebbit, the one he is linking is website they created after that sub was banned, it's trump's main virtual platform you can say.

Dessert Storm

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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Long term should be making India an autocracy under BJP.
Heavily suppress all opposition that is unwilling to co-operate.
Otherwise once something happens to either Modi-Shah either to their lives or mental/physical health, we will be back to secular pimp main party and caste based regional party coalition clusterfuck governments
Autocracy cannot be supported under any party. No compromises on that.


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Dead votes going to Dems. Around all of, 90 to 100% of mail-in going to Dems out of the blue, suspending count out of the blue then restarting it somehow they get thousands 100% vote to sleepy jo
And I think that's a bullshit excuse they're making for losing like everyone blame EVM only when they don't win.

They could easily prove it in court & get while election nullified if true.... Plus if it was that easily doable, Trump would be the 1st to do it.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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What stops BJP from arresting all Congress friendly journalists now ?
Modi-Shah are looking very weak now.
Evidence,case and basis. They are already trying that lol they have arrested some leftist journalists in past.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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And I think that's a bullshit excuse they're making for losing like everyone blame EVM only when they don't win.

They could easily prove it in court & get while election nullified if true.... Plus if it was that easily doable, Trump would be the 1st to do it.
Dude the election software they use is owned by Obama Team lol. No bullshit there is a fraud going on in US election thats the truth.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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And I think that's a bullshit excuse they're making for losing like everyone blame EVM only when they don't win.

They could easily prove it in court & get while election nullified if true.... Plus if it was that easily doable, Trump would be the 1st to do it.
I don't want to outright dismiss it, it is going to court anyway, so let's see what happens.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Lol I saw on twitter some muzzies in Porkland r exited about Biden victory..Looks like porks r dreaming about Ertrugral Biden coming to Kashmir On flying Horse to fight Jihad :crying: ..
Actually Ertuguless Commiela had made a statement that if required they would intervene. This was after article 370 abrogation. But i am hope that our MEA babooze will counter by saying that we will send our Chief election commissioner to US for imparting some tutorials.

Does anyone know the real reason why Madam Tualsi Gabbard was not chosen? She had blasted Commiela in a debate.


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Dude the election software they use is owned by Obama Team lol. No bullshit there is a fraud going on in US election thats the truth.
What software?.. -_-

They're claiming fraud at hardcopy ballots,
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