2020 US election and its Impact on India Megathread

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Feb 28, 2016
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Maybe the deep state is like congress and more war means more uppar k kamayi so they can profit from war. Maybe deep state is consist of Private Arms Manufacturer mostly obviously they don't want their Army to leave Afghanistan then cuz then they can't sell more weapon.
It does seem like a colossal waste of resources though, when you can harp on the Chinese threat and get more funding for your defense corps and cuts and commissions for yourself.
There doesn't seem to be a will to take on China in the DS and their establishment politician lackeys( except the hawks on both sides who do all jhumlebaazi, but actually are not that keen )
Anyway the eventual Anschluss of Taiwan before 2050 by PRC will light the fire under American asses.

btw anyone expect a war on Iran during Biden-raaj?

Tupac slayer

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Aug 6, 2019
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btw anyone expect a war on Iran during Biden-raaj?
No US Military Commanders are not interested in fighting another Counter Insurgency War which will downgrade their military capabilities for ever. One of the reasons why US was ready to withdraw from Afghanistan was that their military started to lose their conventional edge. US Military may be ready to fight a war in pacific or europe but certainly not in middle east for securing any oil or out post


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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It does seem like a colossal waste of resources though, when you can harp on the Chinese threat and get more funding for your defense corps and cuts and commissions for yourself.
There doesn't seem to be a will to take on China in the DS and their establishment politician lackeys( except the hawks on both sides who do all jhumlebaazi, but actually are not that keen )
Anyway the eventual Anschluss of Taiwan before 2050 by PRC will light the fire under American asses.

btw anyone expect a war on Iran during Biden-raaj?
I think they wanna avoid Vietnam scenario you remember what happened at that time. Afghanistan is low risk so the war can go on for decades and they can have their sweet sweet $$$$. While china is high risk venture if they go that route this may put them in Vietnam scenario where many US soldier died.
About Iran obviously they might wage a war on iran that country ain't that strong low risk for Deep state babus of Umrika.

Tupac slayer

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Aug 6, 2019
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I think they wanna avoid Vietnam scenario you remember what happened at that time. Afghanistan is low risk so the war can go on for decades and they can have their sweet sweet $$$$. While china is high risk venture if they go that route this may put them in Vietnam scenario where many US soldier died.
About Iran obviously they might wage a war on iran that country ain't that strong low risk for Deep state babus of Umrika.

Unlike Iraq, Iran is very well populated, Even If won by Americans they will face daily attacks. Further a War in Iran will have a lot of American casualties unlike Iraq. Public support for the war will be Nil. Best way to tackle Iran is through sanctions. American president will be Impeached If he goes for a another war in middle east. Wars are easy to get in than get out. Repeated attacks by cannon fodder men will be frustrate US military like anything.
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Senior Member
Jul 21, 2010
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Calling her Chameleon isn't criticizing the goddess. Your name is indrajit doesn't mean you are son of Ravana. She is a chameleon calling her chameleon isn't wrong. Ok be Happy you win Happy. Wow who is saying this the guy who was defending her in this thread for a long time. Common man you clearly was trying to defend her.

What i said isn't wrong straight up naming your kid with a Hindu god name like Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva wasn't common in early Hindu society many scholars agree on this. Why ?obviously it would be insult to the god or goddess. This thing became common much much later.

Let me ask you a question how many names does a hindu person has according to hindu customs?
Let's give her a chance yaar....my thinking is that she may have some hindu leanings but she has to assert her African American roots because hardly anyone in America is going to vote for a proclaimed hindu....in fact votes could go against her....so she is forced to hide her hinduness .

Abhay Rajput 02

Regular Member
Jul 17, 2020
Let's give her a chance yaar....my thinking is that she may have some hindu leanings but she has to assert her African American roots because hardly anyone in America is going to vote for a proclaimed hindu....in fact votes could go against her....so she is forced to hide her hinduness .
You sure are overly optimistic bro. However there is nothing we can do about her.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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Let's give her a chance yaar....my thinking is that she may have some hindu leanings but she has to assert her African American roots because hardly anyone in America is going to vote for a proclaimed hindu....in fact votes could go against her....so she is forced to hide her hinduness .
Ok you keep your faith in her keep it. I don't if within india Shaheed Kapoor can do an openly anti india film called Haider for free. Why should i trust a women in US who don't even identify as indian and is just now using her Indian side for votes. She is no different than those crypto jihadi with hindu names.

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Senior Member
Jul 21, 2010
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Ok you keep your faith in her keep it. I don't if within india Shaheed Kapoor can do an openly anti india film called Haider for free. Why should i trust a women in US who don't even identify as indian and is just now using her Indian side for votes. She is no different than those crypto jihadi with hindu names.

If she asks to break 108 coconuts at a hindu temple just for good luck then she is more hindu than some self proclaimed hindus I know .


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
The problem is Hindus do not have their own Hindu nation that can play it's clout for Hindu specific concerns. The secular buffoonery OTOH works only for so called miniorities.

Just last week Pakistan took over Kartarpur Gurudwara's administration. Millions of dollars were poured into it from USA, Canada and other places. They gave all the credit to their new leader Imran Khan. They did not even appreciate Modi. The used every sophistry possible to keep him out of the credits. Rather spat on him when possible. Today government of India got active and called Pakistani ambassador to register their protest. 100 of Hindu temples have been desecrate but this government has not uttered a word.

This is our condition at home and in vicinity, how on earth our concerns will addressed at distant lands.

The issue of Kashmir in eyes of Trump was a Hindu-Muslim conflict where he played a balancing game but these Democrat frauds openly sided with Pakistan. Pakistani propaganda was treated as Gospels truth and our repeated clarifications were treated as lies.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009

The purge will start on day one. Like the way Sonia Gandhi did. During Modi’s taneure they fought for every Congress-I appointee. Actually preempted Modi on every possible cleansing and Modi obliged.

I hope Republicans will fight back and chase these fascists to doors of the hell.


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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:hmm: assuming that the cunning and 200+ iq democrats and leftists some how managed to steal the election.

How did biden get more votes than trump in Georgia ?

Web says Its a republican state that hasnt voted for a democrat in 30 years.

The state is run by republicans , the election is handled by them .

So either the republicans are so retarded that they allowed fraud to take place or they are also part of it.

:yawn: frankly i think Orange boy lost fair and square . US election maby a dumpster fire but like @utubekhiladi said there are checks and balances , there is no conspiracy , people got tired of all the covid shit and punished him for it.


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2019
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The purge will start on day one. Like the way Sonia Gandhi did. During Modi’s taneure they fought for every Congress-I appointee. Actually preempted Modi on every possible cleansing and Modi obliged.

I hope Republicans will fight back and chase these fascists to doors of the hell.
Same ll happen aftr modi era ends in a much worse manner i suspect.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Considering she markets herself as 110% BLACK, I'm surprised her name hasn't been changed to Shanee'qua Davy Harris yet.
In any case Y U MaKe fUn oF NaMe is nitpicking, since the woman doesn't have an iota of respect for her ethnic background, except the more politically beneficial one, and most likely will act against India's interests if heavy lobbying isn't done, which is why she and her geriatric sugar daddy are hated by most on this forum
And she is often reffered to as kamala Harris here and outside and her middle name of Devi is not used much.when we make fun we make fun of her usual name.i have never seen people here make fun of 'devi'.also she rarely identifies as indian or hindu and everything points to her staying that way.at best she has no opinion about dharmic religions which mean that when there is heavy lobbying from other side she has all the possibilities of turning anti us.this is not a given,as we can lobby her to.but don't expect her to automatically side with us because her knowlegde or identity is so paper thin in overlap with our own.

In trump case he hated the muzzie more than us and also like kamala does not know about us and so we rarely have to lobby him to go against islamic faction as he has ready made dislike of them while in the case of kamala it can go both ways based on lobbying.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
:yawn: frankly i think Orange boy lost fair and square . US election maby a dumpster fire but like @utubekhiladi said there are checks and balances , there is no conspiracy , people got tired of all the covid shit and punished him for it.
well, there ain't much that Joe fella can do wrt to covid... Only chance is that if he is sleeping with china than i expect a vaccine or medicine in next 30 days post his swearing in..More so since china have their man friday in the chair. .. and there is no point in continuing the covid shit...


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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:hmm: assuming that the cunning and 200+ iq democrats and leftists some how managed to steal the election.

How did biden get more votes than trump in Georgia ?

Web says Its a republican state that hasnt voted for a democrat in 30 years.

The state is run by republicans , the election is handled by them .

So either the republicans are so retarded that they allowed fraud to take place or they are also part of it.

:yawn: frankly i think Orange boy lost fair and square . US election maby a dumpster fire but like @utubekhiladi said there are checks and balances , there is no conspiracy , people got tired of all the covid shit and punished him for it.
Reps also want Trump out lol.
He literally randomly joined the party in 1 year, became prez, shat on everyone's plans, those who aren't establishment puppets resent him for him becoming president so fast when they all were slogging for years and decades.
Trump has literally no allies within that party.

Btw Covid will magically reduce in that country when Biden ascends the kursi in Jan-Feb after SCOTUS throws out Trump's "they stole the election" case.
Donnie had a nice comedy run, but now all the powers that be want him out, and probably punish him too.

Joe won this election fair and square, just as Trump won the 2016 one with Russian collusion ;)


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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I say if these Jihadis ts and Leftists in Washington try to become a smart**s, India government PATRIOTS yes PATRIOTS (no hope from red light vehicle lovers) must do these:
  • First unblock Russia and help them in realizing that USSR whatever dream of theirs.
  • Talk with France, right now that country too is dealing the same thing we deal unfortunately on daily basis, try to create a block of concerned countries so to deal with OBAMA G-2 dream.
  • Recognize now Taiwan, nothing can go wrong against us, China doesn't have the guts to block India out of world order atleast now, thanks to our Patriots who said that India must have it's own Nuclear weapons.
  • Go indigenous for God sake and remove anything that is standing there in the name of rafale or f/a-18 or caracal jokes.
  • Remove those BABUS who are in the path of making INDIA superpower(we never asked for this, we were thrown in it by JIHADIS and Chinese love) and present alternative to the world.
  • Create a group of countries that will resist China through combine grouping wherever they are.
  • And again for godsake bhai, make another ins vikrant as well as steal the blueprint of scorpene class.
World is looking now at alternative because of that Harris chudail selection and leftists coming to power, we must atleast show that we can HANDLE IT and in return WE CAN ASK THOSE COUNTRIES SUPPORT in WORLD ORDER standing for us.

Beware of CHINA because CHINA DEFINITELY now WILL TRY TO DO SOMETHING ON BORDER SO THAT they can make world realize INDIA also cannot stand against them because they have taken care of USA and JAPAN as of now, so vigilance must increase there.
I geuss we are already aware of that. With or without US we are going to strengthen our relationship with Japan and Australia. An independent trade route free from Chinese influence is necessary for all 3 countries.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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If she asks to break 108 coconuts at a hindu temple just for good luck then she is more hindu than some self proclaimed hindus I know .
Even Rahul Gandhi and Antonia maino do that. Bookmark my message she is going to be the most anti indian US VP we have seen.
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