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  1. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Marked IA positions that show how IA occupied certain positions along the ridge on our side of the perceived original LAC, effectively neutralizing two salami slices by PLA, on the south bank of Panggong Tso. We should not go back from this position without a final demarcation of LAC. These are...
  2. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Looks like Chinese are trying to smuggle their way into Viet Nam looking for work. Now CCP's desperation makes sense. They just want to show off to their people suffering from the collapsing economy and intense floods that they are all powerful and look we have conquered India and they are our...
  3. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    very good insight. That’s what Israelis did. They quickly moved Trump to recognize Jerusalem as capital, get US to mend Israeli relations with Arabs, secure enhanced defense technologies (F35), increased US budgetary support, cia drone kill of Iranian general etc - all within the last 1 year...
  4. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Breaking news: PLA orders all crying soldiers in the bus video that went viral to be microwaved and sent as food to their gallant troops braving the freezing Himalayan heights. Gen. Lie Chopping, in an interview to Gobar Times said: “ The PLA has installed giant microwave ovens in Pangong Tso to...
  5. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    The MoD should clarify via a press release that yes it’s true - heat energy from the constant circle jerk masturbation by the PLAyboys (refer to news article : PLA concerned by excessive masturbation by their soldiers) was used to power the giant microwave setup. But then all our soldiers lined...
  6. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Well then that is our fate. We got screwed by our historical blunders. And just have to work overtime to quickly increase our poor people’s incomes through more MGNREGA work, agri reforms like moving to higher value export products, and upskilling the youth en masse to work on emerging...
  7. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    If these ASEAN nations were so confident about RCEP, then why did they not agree to india’s condition that Rules of origin be strictly followed. India knows that in the garb of exports, the CCP will simply send 98% complete goods to Vietnam, complete 2% there and send it to India with a made in...
  8. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Which is now severely hampering us from competing with China and other ASEAN nations. If I had my way i would formally label all these Congressi chors and badmaashi as anti-national, seize all their properties, ban Indira Congress and the leftists from ever contesting in elections anywhere. I...
  9. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    I think it is really Indira Congress (note Indira Congress is different from the original Indian National Congress which was destroyed and taken over by this tyrannical lady, then Congress was called Congress(I)) destroyed the confidence of Indians by following a stupid socialist, nanny state...
  10. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    India’s domestic market is pretty humongous. If others want to play in this huge market, they have to play by our rules and that includes being accomodative to India in international deals. just look at the retail market - currently $700B. Expected to grow to $1.1 Trillion by 2025. Who can...
  11. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Or we might be overestimating CCP efficiency. This could all be plain confusion and sheer panic caused by the China virus backlash, trade sanctions by the US, more global isolation, genuine fear of losing Tibet and East Turkestan, backlash in SCS, Bait and rape initiative failing, massive floods...
  12. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Yup. Iraq and their WMDs. LOL at Colin Powell’s outrageous lies in the UNSC. Dick Cheney and his defense businesses were the clear winners. For America, business and money making always comes first.They will do a deal with the devil, if that makes them money or brings jobs to the US.
  13. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Tesla is making a killing in CCP-Stan. Almost 25% of their sales is in CCP land. American agriculture exports to CCP land is also a strategic weapon that the CCP has been able to use to deter American pressures. PRC , unfortunately, does have very decent cards to play against the US. India...
  14. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Russia is a conundrum for us. They were willing to transfer critical technologies like the cryogenic engines and miniaturized nuke reactors for SSBNs and even lease of SSNs. And they played a big role in India’s civilian nuke reactors expansion. No other nation would have done this for us...
  15. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    So are we still doing commander level conference? At least the MEA shills are not doing ‘beating the Hans to death with dialog‘ approach. I hope the MEA idiotas have finally realized that Hans are strange beings that do not respond to civil discussions. Once again our intelligence agencies have...
  16. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    The more I think about it...the best time it is to go to war. The planets are aligned to finally get rid of our inefficient babus and tell them clearly their decisions are now going to be life and death - for their own families. Nothing like bringing death and destruction to someone’s personal...
  17. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    I think people like you are more dangerous to our nation than the people who ask good questions. The reason is that blind propaganda is not going to fly in a real war. We don’t have to make things up or be insecure like the Pakistan and PLA to claim false victories. We have to fix our problems...
  18. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    I am a proponent of a reasonable war with the PLA to shake us out of our slumber. There are a lot of issues within the indian strategic planning and military. The top ones are: 1. Corruption: SP Tyagi, IAF is a classic case. IAF has been a hotbed of corruption with very few Air Marshals not...
  19. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Old news. These are the ones on our side of the LAC on Pangong tso’s southern bank. No new occupatio. Indian Army has setup posts in areas on our side of the lac that can read monitor pla deployment. That’s all. No occupation of enemy positions whatsoever so far. We are still in a defensive...
  20. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    To get to chicken neck corridor, the PLA has to occupy Bhutan first and then cross. However small, Bhutan has a standing Army. This will be an act of war and will be akin to the Nazis marching into former Czechoslovakia, triggering alliances for ww2.