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  1. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    You never know with the Americans. Japanese were the #1 enemy for decades since WW2 - heck they even put their own Japanese American citizens in jail camps, post pearl harbor. Now Japan is one of the key allies. Americans can turn on a dime - they dont see the world as enemies and friends. They...
  2. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    This is to be expected. Democrats are hand-in-glove with the CCP institutions. A lot of laundered or stolen CCP money is once again going to start to flow into real estate on the US west coast, making all west coast property owners richer. These west coast richies are the top most contributors...
  3. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Russians and CCP have a lot more common strategic interests than we and Ruskies do, when it comes to taking on the west. Both Russia and CCP want to beat the US/west and become as or more powerful than the west, so as to dictate terms to the world - and for that to happen they know that they...
  4. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    CCP has some big targets: 1. Beat the US technologically. They have a list of top end technology that they want to match or dominate the US with completely in-house owned IP (beg, borrow, or steal). See their 2025 technology list. 2. Beat the US on nominal GDP under a domestic consumption...
  5. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Hence they are going mutant soldiers for superior war fighting capabilities. Here are spy shots of a few mutant soldiers from PLA mutant ninja turtle regiment posted in Pangong Tso taking a smoke...
  6. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    This is all for 2 reasons: 1. psyops nonsense: Look how beautifully villagers in occupied Tibet live in much better housing than where Ambani lives. So, Bhutan and India must all hand over border areas so our villagers can also live in the CCP's 'beautiful, highly developed' villages. 2...
  7. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Here is a classic case of how CCP funded JNU ‘professors‘ are hard at work defending the shitty quality of Chinese medical examination. The pass rate of Chinese educated people in our foreign medical graduate examination is just 12% - demonstrating the absolutely garbage quality of Chinese...
  8. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    The main reason Chinki Pandey attacked is because they know that India has arrived to a level where we have become a serious threat to the CCP. Contrary to what many people think (that CCP is a threat to India), it is actually India that has become a real threat to CCP. The CCP has a real...
  9. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Let’s all remember that this is the same Supreme Court that pocketed moneys from American corporations during the Bhopal gas tragedy and declined to prosecute any of the CEOs. This is the same Supreme Court which upheld a retrospective tax on telecommunications companies judgment which scared...
  10. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    This is a great article on how our bureaucrats have undercut the good intentions of PM Modi and his ministers and wreaked havoc all over the place. People on this forum do not understand the amount of pain and disaster our bureaucracy has caused to each one of us. All of us would have been much...
  11. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Yes but we don't pay all of these upfront. We pay a bit by bit every year. By the time all these ships are built our economy should be well past $5 trillion - $6 trillion. I think this where forecasting of government income comes in. The problem with our budgeting process is we just look at the...
  12. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Folks: As economy grows, our federal budget will only increase and defense budget as well. It is not like our economic numbers are going to be static. We will be be able to afford post $5 trillion economy which at the worst we should be there by 2027-2028. Right now we really dont need that many...
  13. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Has the PAF paraded the f-16 we have claimed as a kill to repudiate that kill? We loudly told the PAF that your dick is small, yet the PAF does not want to bare it all and reveal the real size. Maybe they have no dicks at all and revealing anything would confirm that?
  14. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Hmmm...if only Tibetans had sought Indian Army's help or asked India to be a protectorate, things would have been very different. It would have been a bit like J&K with all the vital portions under Indian protectorate and some outer, mountainous no habitation areas occupied by the CCP just like...
  15. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Then let's better get rich. When is the $5 trillion economy coming? One thing is we are attempting moon landing when we are a $3 trillion economy while the Chings are doing it when they are a $10+ trillion economy. So I would say we are still ahead. But we need to close the economy size gap real...
  16. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    And then claim that they were the first to discover extra terrestrial alien species, and that's what caused the pandemic on earth. Then they will go on to make a movie where Hans can fly from earth to moon Kungfu style with their swords to kill the alien species and liberate Earth from alien...
  17. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    We better master this technology of landing quickly. When is Chandrayaan 3 scheduled to land with the rover? Now the Chongs have beaten us to it. The race is on. Let's go, ISRO. Stop launching the PSLVs - give them to private enterprise to launch. Let's get onto big projects - human in space...
  18. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Lying Zhao and his shenanigans are blowing back on the international criminal organization - CCP. Even Biden cannot now support the CCP after the CCP's outrageous doctoring of the image on Twitter. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot. This is all the commies are good for. Pakis and Commies...
  19. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Chinese spokesman Lying Assfuck claimed continent of Australia originally known as Ausjiang was part of the great Ching Chong empire which ruled China in 100,000 BC. And warned that Ausjiang is a breakaway province of PRC and that any declaration of independence by Ausjiang's rebel leaders is a...
  20. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    the chances of ours and Chong’s camps being so close on the ridge line seems a bit far fetched. I think both those camps are our. Those red circles are directly marked by noticing dwellings by LandSat cameras. I did not mark those. If chings control those camps in the blue circle, then we have...