India-China 2020 Border conflict

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May 31, 2020
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Hinglaj mata is also in Baluchistan so what , sharda peeth is also undr mellecha rule .
Gyanvapi is also there a sore sight but that doesnt mean , that we stop being sanatanis .
Sanatan is eternal , infact sanatn means eternal .
We don't pray to a prophets etc .
Regarding , grabbing of kailash parvat , well only Indian army can do it , it all boils down to resolve and other factors concerning such operation.
We lack resolve , that's why dharma is there to rescue , it has survived us in hard times way more hard times .
People said many awkward thing about Nepalis , but whoever they are , they are Hindus still .
You cannot hate them more than Pakistan or bat country .
Shatru katega , dharti sajegi .
Hey man i did'nt mean any offense.

There is no ambiguity , its Tibetan territory , but we should have grabbed it while PLA annexed Tibet , but i guess it is what it is .

Always surprised me that we let it fall into Chinese hands.


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May 31, 2020
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Okay so regarding death of 4 soilders revealed yesterday, i requested my friend to ask Aditya. Aditya then asked Army spokeperson. 👇🏼
View attachment 68770

So Nothing like PLA soilders Guerrilla fighting along with insurgents in North East. :dude::yawn:
:hmm: That PLA is not our PLA.right ?

Our PLA is another insurgency group.

LOL , they are also called PLA. 😁


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Apr 14, 2020
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We better master this technology of landing quickly. When is Chandrayaan 3 scheduled to land with the rover? Now the Chongs have beaten us to it. The race is on. Let's go, ISRO. Stop launching the PSLVs - give them to private enterprise to launch. Let's get onto big projects - human in space, moon landing, mars landing, rover technology, reusable space launch vehicles etc.
They spend 9 times more than ISRO,we need to spend more to be in race.
Sep 5, 2020
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They spend 9 times more than ISRO,we need to spend more to be in race.
Then let's better get rich. When is the $5 trillion economy coming? One thing is we are attempting moon landing when we are a $3 trillion economy while the Chings are doing it when they are a $10+ trillion economy. So I would say we are still ahead. But we need to close the economy size gap real fast. We need to pass laws like eminent domain where government can forcibly take over land (after paying fair compensation) for development purposes. Right now too many people, especially farmers are holding the government to ransom and delaying infrastructure projects. BJP has a very good majority. I hope they pass the eminent domain law soon.

For a definition of what eminent domain law does, look here:



New Member
May 30, 2009
What a high resolution image.

Good way to keep people distracted so that they don't notice this:
Tibet: China expands labour camps | Mandatory vocational training centres set up
Tibet: China expands labour camps | Mandatory vocational training centres set up China is pushing hundreds and thousands of rural Tibetans into forced labour camps, mirroring a program in the western Xinjiang region.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Then let's better get rich. When is the $5 trillion economy coming? One thing is we are attempting moon landing when we are a $3 trillion economy while the Chings are doing it when they are a $10+ trillion economy. So I would say we are still ahead. But we need to close the economy size gap real fast. We need to pass laws like eminent domain where government can forcibly take over land (after paying fair compensation) for development purposes. Right now too many people, especially farmers are holding the government to ransom and delaying infrastructure projects. BJP has a very good majority. I hope they pass the eminent domain law soon.

For a definition of what eminent domain law does, look here:

ISRO is the least of the "affected organizations" from a fund crunch.
You want moon landing drone, man on moon ops and all you need to be prepared to have money just lying around to spend.
tbh We aren't "competing" with ching pongs in any meaningful way, we're just *trying* to play catch up


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Beijing Escalates Tensions with New Delhi

In 2020, Sino-Indian relations suffered their worst year in decades. In June, Chinese and Indian soldiers engaged in a deadly clash on their border, the first confrontation since 1975 that resulted in loss of life on either side.285 Tanvi Madan, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, argued in her testimony before the Commission that this clash marked a “turning point” in the Sino-Indian relationship and that it was unlikely the relationship would return to normal.286 Shortly after the skirmish, New Delhi announced plans to ban 59 apps developed by Chinese firms, including TikTok, a major Chinese video sharing and social media app that counted India as its largest overseas market.* 287 In September, India banned 118 additional Chinese apps, arguing they were “hostile to national security.”288
The COVID-19 pandemic also accelerated calls in New Delhi to limit India’s economic dependence on China. As the virus spread across India, in April New Delhi announced a $394 million plan to manufacture active pharmaceutical ingredients domestically rather than import them from China.289 In June, the Indian government announced restrictions on Indian state-run companies working with Chinese technology companies such as Huawei and ZTE for any new 4G mobile networks.290 Indian officials also reportedly warned Indian telecoms operators against working with Chinese companies in the rollout of new 5G networks.* In August, New Delhi barred Indian state-owned enterprises from using Chinese tankers to ship crude oil and petroleum products and has sought to partner with Japan and Australia to establish a “supply chain resilience initiative” likely aimed at limiting their economic dependence on China.291 Even before the pandemic, in October 2019 the Indian government made moves to restrict academic collaboration with Chinese institutions, requiring universities to obtain approval from two separate Indian ministries before entering into academic cooperation agreements with Chinese institutions.292
The Most Severe Border Crisis in Decades
In June 2020, the PLA and Indian troops engaged in a massive physical brawl in the Galwan Valley, located in the far-western Ladakh region along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) separating the two countries.† The clash, which followed a series of standoffs beginning in early May along multiple sectors of the LAC, led to at least 20 Indian deaths and an unconfirmed number of Chinese casualties, the first time since 1975 that lives were lost in fighting between the two sides.‡ 293 According to Dr. Madan, if China’s goal from its actions was “to acquire territory... [the Chinese government] might deem the moves a success.”294 If Beijing intended to dissuade India from building infrastructure on its side of the LAC or warn it against aligning with the United States, however, “then the Chinese moves have been ineffective, if not counterproductive.”295
Some evidence suggested the Chinese government had planned the incident, potentially including the possibility for fatalities. For instance, several weeks prior to the clash Defense Minister Wei made his statement encouraging Beijing to “use fighting to promote stability.”296 Just over two weeks before the incident, in another potential indication of Chinese leaders signaling their intent to escalate tensions, an editorial in China’s state-owned tabloid Global Times warned that India would suffer a “devastating blow” to its trade and economic ties with China if it got “involved in the U.S.-China rivalry.”297 Satellite images depicted a large Chinese buildup in the Galwan Valley, including potentially 1,000 PLA soldiers, the week before the deadly skirmish.298
China and India have engaged in multiple physical clashes along their border for decades, but since General Secretary Xi assumed power in 2012 the two countries have seen five major altercations § along their border. The exact motivations behind the Chinese government’s provocative behavior on the LAC this year remain unclear. The proximate cause of the clash appeared to be India’s construction of a strategic access road to support troops stationed along the LAC. China has also built extensive infrastructure along the LAC in recent years.299 In the aftermath of the clash, Beijing asserted sovereignty over the entire Galwan Valley, a new claim and significant change to the territorial status quo.300
Tensions have increased since the initial clash, with China reportedly building up its troop presence along the LAC since July.* 301 In September, shots were fired for the first time since 1975 along the border around Pangong Tso, a strategic area near the site of the clash in June.302 Although no injuries were reported, both sides accused each other of violating a 1996 agreement barring the use of firearms along the LAC.303 An Indian special forces soldier of Tibetan origin† also died along the LAC, reportedly from a landmine blast.304 In an unusual move, India allowed the soldier’s funeral to be publicized and dispatched a high-ranking official from India’s ruling party to attend.305 On September 10, the Chinese and Indian foreign ministers met in Moscow on the sidelines of the annual Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit and pledged to defuse tensions, with Beijing agreeing to release five Indian nationals it had captured along the border.306 Despite this agreement, China subsequently conducted war games in Tibet.307
Sep 5, 2020
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Good way to keep people distracted so that they don't notice this:
Tibet: China expands labour camps | Mandatory vocational training centres set up
Tibet: China expands labour camps | Mandatory vocational training centres set up China is pushing hundreds and thousands of rural Tibetans into forced labour camps, mirroring a program in the western Xinjiang region.
Hmmm...if only Tibetans had sought Indian Army's help or asked India to be a protectorate, things would have been very different. It would have been a bit like J&K with all the vital portions under Indian protectorate and some outer, mountainous no habitation areas occupied by the CCP just like the Packees have portions of Ladakh (i.e.GB) in J&K. I guess it happened so close to our transition of rule (I dont call it independence as true independence was achieved only in year 2000 when AB Vajpayee came into power) that we could not proactively engage with Tibetans.

Arihant Roy

New Member
Jan 25, 2018
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We had known for quite some time that P-8I were flying over Ladakh and providing IMINT and ELINT support to the Army and airforce.

Today, the Grey Eagle had himself explicitly stated that Navy Herons had also been deployed over Eastern Ladakh. The Herons are flying from a Northern airbase.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Beijing Escalates Tensions with New Delhi
The Most Severe Border Crisis in Decades
From the same report...

South Asia and the Indian Ocean Rim: Beyond the Second Island Chain

While the PLA’s focus remains concentrated on East and Southeast Asia, it has also expanded its influence over and presence within countries along the Indian Ocean rim (see Figure 3).† Some analysts in Australian and Indian defense circles have argued that the traditional two island chain concept be expanded beyond the second island chain to account for the growing scope of China’s activity in the Indian Ocean, which includes naval operations as well as a network of dual-use facilities that support PLA basing objectives.142 The strategic drivers of the PLA’s activities in the Indian Ocean rim are threefold: to exert pressure on India, with whom China has extensive territorial disputes; to slow U.S. forces intervening in an Asian contingency; and to protect the SLOCs carrying Chinese trade and energy imports.
China conducts a variety of naval operations in the Indian Ocean that serve to project power. The most prominent example is the ongoing Gulf of Aden antipiracy task forces, which China publicly portrays as its contribution to the security of the global commons. The PLA Navy dispatched 35 naval escort task forces to support international antipiracy efforts in the Gulf of Aden between 2008 and April 2020, undertaking merchant shipping escort operations; maritime intercept operations; visit, board, search, and seizure operations; and deployments by China’s special forces.143 The PLA Navy has also regularly deployed diesel-electric and nuclear attack submarines in the Indian Ocean since 2013, which—despite their ostensible mission to support China’s Gulf of Aden antipiracy task forces—serve to collect intelligence and signal to India that China could contest the Indian Navy or threaten commercial shipping.144 Chinese hydrographic survey vessels also sometimes venture into waters around India’s strategic sites to collect intelligence.* For example, India’s navy chased away China’s Shiyan-1 research vessel in December 2019 after catching the vessel loitering without permission near Port Blair, the capital of the Indian-administered Andaman and Nicobar Islands where the Indian Armed Force’s tri-service theater command is based.146
The PLA has also made itself highly visible in South Asia in recent years through activities and projects that build influence over local civilian and military leaders. Although between 2002 and 2020 senior PLA officials met most frequently with their Pakistani counterparts—a sign of that bilateral relationship’s key importance— they also regularly interacted with defense officials from India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.147 The PLA Navy calls frequently at South Asian ports for goodwill visits as well as rest and replenishment, especially in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.148 China participates in military exercises with South Asian countries, including the multilateral Cormorant ground exercise with Sri Lanka and the bilateral Shaheen air force exercise with Pakistan.149 The PLA has also brought officers from South Asian countries to China for professional military education and assisted with military construction projects, for example building an office and auditorium complex for the Sri Lankan Military Academy in December 2017.150 China reportedly also agreed in 2019 to build a submarine base in Bangladesh to berth two Type 035G diesel-electric submarines it sold to the country in 2016.151 All of these activities build goodwill among local leaders and are conducive to China’s plans to increase its military presence in the future.
China may soon seek to translate this influence into military bases in South Asia. According to an analysis by Janes, potential candidates for a future PLA base include Chittagong Port, Bangladesh; Hambantota Port and Columbo Port, Sri Lanka; and Karachi Port and Gwadar Port, Pakistan.152 To take one example, Janes assesses that China could establish a base at Chittagong Port because Bangladesh’s participation in BRI, debt to China, and Beijing-friendly government all predispose it to accept a basing request. A base at Chittagong Port could use commercial facilities to augment PLA operations and create a point for access and replenishment in the Indian Ocean.153 Chittagong Port can already support submarines, small surface combatants, maintenance facilities, and floating dock repairs.154 Moreover, Chittagong Port would offer a convenient location because it is close to the home base of most of the Bangladesh Navy fleet, with whom the PLA Navy sometimes exercises.
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