India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Sep 13, 2020
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I would like to see Indian media dissect strategy and motives the way aussies & other western country do. Read this and the reasoning applies to India as well.
What it is about is the damage one tweet has done to an international political target.
“I see the tweet as an attempt to capitalise on circumstances with an active measure. Active measures involve disinformation that takes on a life of its own,” Dr Rogers said.
Active measure” is a phrase assigned to a weaponised lie. Traditionally, it’s called propaganda.
“[Political scientist] Thomas Rid wrote that active measures in the current information environment are more active and less measured than ever before. They are dangerous and can blowback in unpredictable ways. I think this is a significant misstep by Beijing,” he said.

Dr Rogers sees three main targets and purposes for the tweet.
“The tweet targets the morale of Australian servicemen and women, both currently serving and the veteran community. Morale is already low after the IGADF report. The tensions within defence are under strain, and this disinfo exacerbates that,” he said.
“It also targets the divisions with Australian society over the status and function of the military – the normal frictions that always exist in rule-of-law societies around civilian/military relations. As David Kilcullen wrote in The Australian, there is a question of political accountability here too.
“Finally, it targets the trust that the ADF enjoys with its international partners, particularly in our region. An undermining of that status assists Beijing’s goal of fracturing regional solidarity.”
Australia is a nation that presents itself to the world as a trusted “middle power”. A nation that puts principle on a pedestal. A nation deserving of trust.


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Feb 27, 2018
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Philips seeks ban on Xiaomi phone sale in India, files case against Xiaomi in Delhi High Court
Excellent opportunity. Now if Philips or someone else does the same to a couple of other Chinese companies, we would be in a real good position. Provided of course that someone is using their noggins in the government.
Sep 5, 2020
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Chinese spokesman Lying Assfuck claimed continent of Australia originally known as Ausjiang was part of the great Ching Chong empire which ruled China in 100,000 BC. And warned that Ausjiang is a breakaway province of PRC and that any declaration of independence by Ausjiang's rebel leaders is a red line that PRC will not allow. Spokesman Assfuck further warned that the US should stop arming Ausjiang and respect the rights of PRC over its exclusive economic zone which now stretches to all of Pacific Ocean by virtue of Ausjiang being officially recognized as a break away province of PRC. When asked to give proof that Australia was originally a Chinese state, Assfuck said that Ausjiangs are the #1 consumer of mandarin oranges, which obviously means they are all mandarin, a language created by the divine emperors of Ching Chong in 100,000 BC.

Cruise missile

Tihar Jail
Nov 30, 2020
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Chinese spokesman Lying Assfuck claimed continent of Australia originally known as Ausjiang was part of the great Ching Chong empire which ruled China in 100,000 BC. And warned that Ausjiang is a breakaway province of PRC and that any declaration of independence by Ausjiang's rebel leaders is a red line that PRC will not allow. Spokesman Assfuck further warned that the US should stop arming Ausjiang and respect the rights of PRC over its exclusive economic zone which now stretches to all of Pacific Ocean by virtue of Ausjiang being officially recognized as a break away province of PRC. When asked to give proof that Australia was originally a Chinese state, Assfuck said that Ausjiangs are the #1 consumer of mandarin oranges, which obviously means they are all mandarin, a language created by the divine emperors of Ching Chong in 100,000 BC.
May be they used to catch bats there in 100,000 BC hence Chinese territory since ancient times.


New Member
Aug 21, 2020
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CCP mobsters going after Australia in a big way.

I think in part because Aussies have been vocal against CCP the past 12 months or so AND big part because of Aussies being in QUAD now.

Australia is ‘smallest’ member of the QUAD so the CCP mobsters will pick on them the most.

I want a meme of Xi-jinping f**ing winnie the pooh or eja****ing on its face; If their is someone who can make that meme and we can trend trend it on twitter; would be an eye opener for chinks about what 1.3 billion people strong country can do to their propaganda.

It really sucks to see how shameless their office holders ar, e much like slaves who can even clean the Xis's a**hole with their tongue.
Sep 5, 2020
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Lying Zhao and his shenanigans are blowing back on the international criminal organization - CCP.

Even Biden cannot now support the CCP after the CCP's outrageous doctoring of the image on Twitter. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot. This is all the commies are good for. Pakis and Commies are made for each other - pakis doctoring images of palestine to show kashmir 'atrocities' and Commies doctoring Afghan deployment footage to show Australian 'atrocities'.

The irony is, Twitter, which is banned in bateater-stan is used to defame countries where Twitter was founded/well accepted. Is the world not going to do anything to these pangolin eaters?

After this circus, who in the right minds would believe anything Lying Zhao and Xitler of the international criminal organization CCP say. Thanks Obama and Biden for rearing a monster. Hope you all got paid well.



Dharma Dispatcher
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Nov 10, 2020
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I would like to see Indian media dissect strategy and motives the way aussies & other western country do. Read this and the reasoning applies to India as well.
You see after India invited the australian Navy to take part in the Malabar 2020 exercise QUAD has become demi-official.India is firming in towards China. QUAD now, unambiguously means containing China in through the Indo-Pacific construct. China, despite showing signs of concern remains aggressive . All four vibrant democracies in quad are a strong combination. Already this is finding traction with S Korea. Vietnam and New Zealand who are now part of QUAD Plus. In due course if things are put together, the eu will eventually join in.
QUAD has tremendous military potential. amreeka and India have strong and experienced Armed Forces. Combined with forces of Australia and Japan, it is overmatch for China. Contrary to popular imagination, these countries need not even come to each other’s direct aid. A coordinated multidirectional threat/ application of force is enough to giv fat jingping and his **** the buttseks of the lifetime they so deserve .QUAD has three of the top five economies in the world. It is a healthy mixture of raw material, manufacturing, and consumer power with tremendous innovation capability. It has the protective power of enforcing decoupling from China and creating alternative markets.

That being said if QUAD de-legitimizes the ’One China’ policy and rejects its delusional territorial claims, ccpfags will start pooping in firstplace. Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are waiting for quadratic solutions kek.The deteriorating china-Indian and china-amreeka relations and China’s unrelenting belligerence will propel QUAD into Global leadership.

We also need to have a frank word with Russia. They are next on the Chinese hit list. Already a warning shot has been fired over their brow with Chinese claims on Vladivostok. Further, Russia has a long border with China. With its miniscule population Russia cannot defend its huge territories from Chinese expansionism. It is time that we move past historical baggage to secure our interests.


Dharma Dispatcher
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Nov 10, 2020
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No wonder the major problem of the plafags will be Human Capital (in chinese case its pre virus life forms) or acute lack of it. When jinping screams plafags 'not to fear death' and 'prepare to win wars' by training hard in realistic conditions, he has exposed its raw nerve. I do not see any Modiji or putin ever asking (porkys dont count) their troops ‘not to fear death’. Sacrifice and death are part of the DNA of the professional armed forces of India. And plafags fear death LMFAO . Very importantly, Eastern Ladakh has broken the halo of pla being invincible and shown up its limitations after getting screwed . chinese ability to absorb losses publicly is also low.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Who the fuck in South block actually thinks this was a skirmish due to miscommunication and not planned.

Are these guys high or what.

Of course it was planned they came prepared with weapons at a place from where they were supposed to go.

Assholes don't want to respond so they will call it skirmish.

Apparently retaliation only happens for so many deaths when its pakistan nahi to koi nahi ghussa.
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