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  1. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    These shlokas were written for different times and are not that much applicable now. 21st century warfare is fought on economic, diplomatic , and military fronts - all fought simultaneously. Today’s jockeying is very very complex, nothing our Vedic ancestors could have even contemplated.
  2. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    I really never understood what the strategic game was behind saying things like PoK is ours, Aksai Chin is ours etc. What exactly was the plan to recover these territories in these 70 long years? What diplomacy is actually achieved by claiming these areas as territories?Why are we so reliant on...
  3. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Our school systems are the biggest failures. There should have been mandatory discipline/basic military training in all schools in India. Then schooling must be made mandator. In the US, you must educate your kids as per law. You can home school but must still educate. Systems are in place to...
  4. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Crony Socialism has been the greatest threat to us. The day Indira Gandhi nationalized businesses especially the banks, and started labeling private corporations as evil, our descent into malaise began. Our founding fathers never wanted the country to become socialisti. Indira Gandhi was the...
  5. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Or, use Emp weapons to fry the electronic? We are not in 1962 anymore. With the CCP, indian Army has to go hi-tech. They are not Pakshitstan Army who have a budget less than UP state police. I can bet that the bastardized children of the mongols will deploy EMP weapons, laser range finders...
  6. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    We can do that when the US does a complete tech transfer of nuke powered aircraft carriers with Emals, and leases out nuke submarines. Russia has done something’s to gain India’s trust like no questions asked transfer of INS Chakra, ToT for cryogenic engines, nuke reactors for subs, sending...
  7. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Is it me or has the BJP fallen for the 5-point agreement nonsense? Remember Panchsheel? The 5 principles document that Nehru naively promoted and was promptly backstabbed by the bastardized children of the mongols aka the Hans? After that backstabbing, are we yet again signing onto a 5 point...
  8. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    What these CCP bots don’t understand is that technology has limitations. For example, we can jam the frequency of these drones or they can freeze at these high altitudes. This is another thing the CCP bots have been brain washed with - like they can use technology to have a decisive edge. Agains...
  9. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    The CCP has become a victim of its own propagand. consider what the CCP tells its Han slaves day in and day out: 1. Democracies cannot achieve the economic and military power that a communist party can. Look at India, an example of a failed democracy that is very poor and chaotic. 2. India is...
  10. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict$#ye... am not a bot. You have intellect issues. I posted this so people know this has been happening since 2017...and it is time we gave it back to the Hans with interest. Hans are barbaric as can seen from the video. They have been throwing stones for a while. The ITBP has been at the...
  11. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Some good write up about the LAC clash, including a video of a similar clash in 2017. Looks like this has been going on for a while. In 2017, the PLA intruded and occupied areas around finger 4. And the clashes in the video show stones being hurled at each other. One PLA soldier even kicks our...