India-China 2020 Border conflict

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धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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They already have one in Diego Garcia? Only air base?
Thats just a base not a permanent one, they are going to set up a permanent base there means they will use Diego Garcia for ops in Indian Ocean permanently. Great for short time, bad for long run.

Sentimental Patriot

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Jul 28, 2020
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No one in his serious mind is going to take that psyops seriously, also, it's been already debunked by IA so I don't think there's any need to give any heed to such claims.
Linking this for others to see again :
To be fair, they would deny it in any case. But the logistical inconsistences are the most glaring. If this weapon was really effective all our troops would have no doubt been easily cleared from the hilltops they seized and there was be none of these negotiations.


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Feb 28, 2016
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To be fair, they would deny it in any case. But the logistical inconsistences are the most glaring. If this weapon was really effective all our troops would have no doubt been easily cleared from the hilltops they seized and there was be none of these negotiations.
It is psy-ops meant to convince a target audience that they are on-par with the US in terms of seemingly "sci-fi" cutting edge weaponry, like railguns, high power laser weapons, powered exoskeletons and these kind of "non lethal direct energy weapons".
Meanwhile in reality they have troubles perfecting jet engines, manufacturing high end processors and DRAM, and even fancy radars like those found in Su35 and S400 among a whole host of other things.

Sentimental Patriot

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Jul 28, 2020
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It is psy-ops meant to convince a target audience that they are on-par with the US in terms of seemingly "sci-fi" cutting edge weaponry, like railguns, high power laser weapons, powered exoskeletons and these kind of "non lethal direct energy weapons".
Meanwhile in reality they have troubles perfecting jet engines, manufacturing high end processors and DRAM, and even fancy radars like those found in Su35 and S400 among a whole host of other things.
Those are the intentions of the professor who gave the talk, but what is the agenda of the Western (particularly Murdoch owned newspapers) reporting it so widely?


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Feb 28, 2016
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Those are the intentions of the professor who gave the talk, but what is the agenda of the Western (particularly Murdoch owned newspapers) reporting it so widely?
The shitlib papers are bought out by Xi and Co don't need an agenda, they are paid to do so.
Murdoch right wing papers do it to inflate China's capabilities to some boogeyman level, so that politicians can use these reports to demand more funding for weapon purchases or weapon R&D funding to the usual suspects like Raytheon, LM, BAE and whoever else is there.

Sentimental Patriot

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Jul 28, 2020
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The shitlib papers are bought out by Xi and Co don't need an agenda, they are paid to do so.
Murdoch right wing papers do it to inflate China's capabilities to some boogeyman level, so that politicians can use these reports to demand more funding for weapon purchases or weapon R&D funding to the usual suspects like Raytheon, LM, BAE and whoever else is there.
It was The Times of London which broke this story. You are probably right, Murdoch papers always support Neocons.


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Jun 20, 2020
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Also, the professor says

“In 15 minutes, those occupying the hilltops all began to vomit,” he said. “They couldn’t stand up, so they fled. This was how we retook the ground.”

They couldn't stand up but they managed to flee?
Kek, it's propaganda, read the whole context he says that ITBP troops were targetted but fact is it was not ITBP there, it's a propaganda.
Sep 5, 2020
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Breaking news: PLA orders all crying soldiers in the bus video that went viral to be microwaved and sent as food to their gallant troops braving the freezing Himalayan heights. Gen. Lie Chopping, in an interview to Gobar Times said: “ The PLA has installed giant microwave ovens in Pangong Tso to serve hot Han meat to starving soldiers. “. Gobar Times also added that Hans believe that eating hot, microwaved fellow Hans increases their seed count and allows them to masturbate longer and without lubrication, saving gallons of lubricants from being shipped to the frontline. Gobar Times , pointing to the CCP’s efficient approach, demanded that the world take note of the complete devotion of the frontline soldiers to Fuhrer Xitler as evidenced from the supreme sacrifice of not using lubes while jerking off.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Here's the full news report...

SECNAV Braithwaite Calls for New U.S. 1st Fleet Near Indian, Pacific Oceans

Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite called for the Navy to establish a new numbered fleet closer to the border of the Indian and Pacific Oceans – perhaps out of Singapore – to more fully address the naval challenges in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command area of the world.

The SECNAV said he hadn’t had a chance to talk to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller about the plan but had otherwise “crossed all the other T’s and dotted all the other I’s.”

“We want to stand up a new numbered fleet. And we want to put that numbered fleet in the crossroads between the Indian and the Pacific oceans, and we’re really going to have an Indo-PACOM footprint,” he said.

“We can’t just rely on the 7th Fleet in Japan. We have to look to our other allies and partners like Singapore, like India, and actually put a numbered fleet where it would be extremely relevant if, god forbid, we were to ever to get in any kind of a dust-up,” Braithwaite continued.
“More importantly, it can provide a much more formidable deterrence. So we’re going to create the First Fleet, and we’re going to put it, if not Singapore right out of the chocks, we’re going to look to make it more expeditionary-oriented and move it across the Pacific until it is where our allies and partners see that it could best assist them as well as to assist us.”

Braithwaite announced his intentions today while speaking at the Naval Submarine League’s annual symposium.

He said he would in the coming weeks be traveling to India to discuss both their security challenges and how the U.S. Navy can uniquely help them, but also how India can help the U.S. Braithwaite made clear that the U.S. alone cannot stand up to China and that nations around the Pacific and around the globe needed to assist in pushing back militarily and economically if there was a chance for deterrence to work.

Today, 7th Fleet operates out of Japan and covers a massive amount of space from the International Dateline to about the India-Pakistan border. U.S. 3rd Fleet operates out of San Diego and covers from the International Dateline to the U.S. West Coast. Over the years, though, there has been waxing and waning support for allowing 3rd Fleet to help with some of the burden on 7th Fleet, including a Third Fleet Forward concept under former U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander Adm. Scott Swift.

Adding a 1st Fleet would alleviate some of the strain on 7th Fleet and allow two fleet commanders to give more attention to a smaller number of allies and partners and a smaller amount of geographical space.

Braithwaite provided no details as to how large a staff the fleet would have, if ships would be forward-deployed to 1st Fleet, how exactly the area of operations would be split between 1st and 7th Fleets, or how fluid or rigid a boundary there might be between the two INDO-PACOM fleets.

The U.S. Navy’s previous 1st Fleet existed from just after World War II to the early 1970s.

Just for reference, singapore...

Screen Shot 2020-11-18 at 12.21.08 AM.png


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May 31, 2020
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:hmm: Looks like the pic of the microwave DEW weapon was released on social media.

its pretty large

Its seen positioned near spangur lake basin .

i guess it is real :(

its called Poly MWave-2000

range 5 KM , output 100 MWatts , power is supplied via mobile generators on trucks.

:hmm: looks like there is a large hatch that can be opened or closd.

Also a large rotating base platform , probably motorized.

Poly WB-1, uses millimeter-wave beams to scald targets from up to a kilometer away.

When the beam strikes a person, it excites water molecules just under his or her skin, heating them up enough to cause extraordinary pain. Your microwave oven does the same thing to your leftovers.
Range :

Pic from weibo


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