India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2016
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The reference to Gorbachev means the 'fear' of disintegration exists. That's very very strange coming from a pro CCP sociologist.
Projection of their own fears onto US.
CCP is scared that what happened to USSR will happen to them too, and hence have all sorts of schemes and plans in place to avert this possibility.
Including being a crypto capitalist economy, ethnic replacement in Tibet, Uyghurstan, Inner Mongoria etc


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Feb 28, 2019
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Projection of their own fears onto US.
CCP is scared that what happened to USSR will happen to them too, and hence have all sorts of schemes and plans in place to avert this possibility.
Including being a crypto capitalist economy, ethnic replacement in Tibet, Uyghurstan, Inner Mongoria etc
Baring your weakest cards in public is not in the CCP doctrine. This loud mouth could be headed for the nearest re-education center.

The coffee chugging woke Chinese nibba/nibbi will make undies out of the CCP flag and parade up and down Tiananmen Square one day.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Chinese Propaganda War on India and Others.

After the Chinese lost the battle of LAC to India in August 29/30, when India occupied Kailash Heights in Ladakh, the Chinese launched their propaganda offensive. They were unable to get the height(s) vacated hence propaganda was the only battle tactic they were left with. Their English language mouthpiece The Global Times was one of the key weapon. Furthermore, they have built an enormous network of influence in western media by spending an average of $10 billion a year over the past 10 to 12 years to get their point of view, no matter how false, broadcast or printed. In the past six weeks, there have been four glaring examples, three against India and one against Australia.

1. It was a surprise that a respected London media outlet, "The Times," wrote an outright lie that the Chinese were using a "direct energy weapon" (microwave) at the LAC to chase Indian troops from the hills. The report was denied by the forward Indian troops at the LAC and also by the Chief of the Defense Staff that anything like that ever happened. Indian forces in most of the hill are adequately protected. The Direct Enegy Weapons are not advanced enough to reach from a distance and penetrate the bunkers and affect troops on the hill Features. They are only used for a limited demonstration of this type of weapon, for crowd control during a demonstration, etc. That was bad publicity for a non-existent weapon. Although there are reports of the Indian weapon «Kali» which is, in its infancy and needs a huge amount of energy (10 MW) to generate a ray strong enough to be effective. The Chinese were daydreaming. Ironically, the British media lowered themselves so low to publish a lie without checking it out. This means that the Brits are also taking Chinese money.

2. Another Chinese sponsored lie was published right after the above that Indian made radar set purchased by Armenia was in use during Azerbaijan - Armenia war. It failed to detect the incoming tiny armed drones from Azerbaijan. This was a Chinese outright lie. The Chinese were taking revenge on India for having published a report indicating that structural faults had been detected in most of the JF-17 manufactured by the Chinese in Pakistan after just 4 to 5 years of service. As a result of this report, the Chinese fabricated the Azerbaijani lie.

3. Another lie that was brought up by a group of lower-quality Chinese scientists was that COVID-19, instead of being from China, came from central India. The Chinese are badly stung by the reports that bat eating Chinese in Wuhan actually contracted it or maybe Chinese manufactured it in a laboratory and then spread it to the whole world. It has brought the world to a standstill and Chinese are accused of its deliberate spread. All commercial activities around the world have slowed down due to closures, lockdown and the enormous amount of money spent to keep people from starving to death. The Chinese are attempting to deflect the blame and have chosen India as the country to blame.

4. Australia is furious with the Chinese for posting a picture of an Australian soldier holding a knife to the throat of an Afghan boy. According to the Australians, that has never occurred. The photo tarnishes the Australian image, which they cannot tolerate. The immediate reason for this smear campaign against the Australians is that they willingly joined the Indian Ocean and Pacific “QUAD”. That will affect Chinese dominance and their security architecture, hence all the reasons they are crazy. This smear campaign, including the photograph, aims to teach the Australians a lesson.

There may be many more examples, but a few above come to mind from the sneaky Chinese tactics and amazingly the British media fall for it.


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Sep 8, 2019
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May 30, 2009
cheena lied people died.

cnn shud have reported this story b4 elections.
As usual the cnn report also obfuscates the truth and is a part of covering up the Chinese Communist Party's lies about there being no human-to-human transmission. The US corporate allies of China (including owners of cnn) are working overtime to hide the truth that Chinese Communist Party lied about there being no human-to-human transmission while allowing Chinese people to travel and spread the virus, thus using it as a bio-weapon. China's puppets in World Health Organization kept on insisting to the world that there is no need for masks, even as China stocked up on masks and PPEs and made masks mandatory. By the time other countries were dealing with the pandemic, there were shortages in masks and PPEs (even for medical workers) as Chinese government had already bought them up, leading to further increases in the pandemic in other countries. This virus was created by Chinese military laboratories using gain of function research, and intentionally leaked to attack the world, with Chinese Communist Party government hiding the truth about the virus to achieve their malicious goals of taking down other countries' economies that are their competitors.

Sep 5, 2020
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Marked IA positions that show how IA occupied certain positions along the ridge on our side of the perceived original LAC, effectively neutralizing two salami slices by PLA, on the south bank of Panggong Tso. We should not go back from this position without a final demarcation of LAC. These are advantageous positions for us.
If this was a chess game, PLA has been checkmated, as effectively with these positions on the original LAC, the two salami slices vanish. Fortify these or sign agreements that recognize these as the original LAC.


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Jan 7, 2016
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As usual the cnn report also obfuscates the truth and is a part of covering up the Chinese Communist Party's lies about there being no human-to-human transmission. The US corporate allies of China (including owners of cnn) are working overtime to hide the truth that Chinese Communist Party lied about there being no human-to-human transmission while allowing Chinese people to travel and spread the virus, thus using it as a bio-weapon. China's puppets in World Health Organization kept on insisting to the world that there is no need for masks, even as China stocked up on masks and PPEs and made masks mandatory. By the time other countries were dealing with the pandemic, there were shortages in masks and PPEs (even for medical workers) as Chinese government had already bought them up, leading to further increases in the pandemic in other countries. This virus was created by Chinese military laboratories using gain of function research, and intentionally leaked to attack the world, with Chinese Communist Party government hiding the truth about the virus to achieve their malicious goals of taking down other countries' economies that are their competitors.

This is the time to work on Bio weapon which attacks only Chinese genes. Israel was working on one such weapon which will selectively attack Arab genes. We can do this in collaboration with US, France and other developed nations.


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Sep 29, 2020
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Marked IA positions that show how IA occupied certain positions along the ridge on our side of the perceived original LAC, effectively neutralizing two salami slices by PLA, on the south bank of Panggong Tso. We should not go back from this position without a final demarcation of LAC. These are advantageous positions for us.
If this was a chess game, PLA has been checkmated, as effectively with these positions on the original LAC, the two salami slices vanish. Fortify these or sign agreements that recognize these as the original LAC. View attachment 68435

I don't think that blue circle is our position. Foot trails show position being approached by Chinese side. @mokoman can you confirm?

Also "Salami Slice 2" area have been with us for a long time.


New Member
May 30, 2009
This is the time to work on Bio weapon which attacks only Chinese genes. Israel was working on one such weapon which will selectively attack Arab genes. We can do this in collaboration with US, France and other developed nations.
Genes are not specific enough, as many democratic nations like South Korea would have similar genes. Besides, as Covid-19 has shown, it is dangerous to play around with such things.

The way to get China is to expose their criminal activities (including Covid-19), and consequently shutting them out of the world economy.

Aaj ka hero

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Oct 8, 2018
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Do you know the writer of this article?
A former member of NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SECRETARIAT or in common language in a council where doval and modi sit and discuss big things.

This is their answer to fight chicoms who killed our soldiers.

No No No No, I am not a thinker from heart but logically this is GOBAR idea.

I just want to ask almighty Why he or she make these people get selected into HIGH PLACES? God will say "what do you mean? Even Rakshashas are allowed to get boon, does not mean, You live with them and listen to them", simply this is our DESTINY that we get these type of jokers.


New Member
May 30, 2009
Do you know the writer of this article?
A former member of NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SECRETARIAT or in common language in a council where doval and modi sit and discuss big things.

This is their answer to fight chicoms who killed our soldiers.

No No No No, I am not a thinker from heart but logically this is GOBAR idea.

I just want to ask almighty Why he or she make these people get selected into HIGH PLACES? God will say "what do you mean? Even Rakshashas are allowed to get boon, does not mean, You live with them and listen to them", simply this is our DESTINY that we get these type of jokers.
Too many sellouts/snakes in the nest. Or maybe just well-educated imbeciles without any common sense?


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
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Do you know the writer of this article?
A former member of NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SECRETARIAT or in common language in a council where doval and modi sit and discuss big things.

This is their answer to fight chicoms who killed our soldiers.

No No No No, I am not a thinker from heart but logically this is GOBAR idea.

I just want to ask almighty Why he or she make these people get selected into HIGH PLACES? God will say "what do you mean? Even Rakshashas are allowed to get boon, does not mean, You live with them and listen to them", simply this is our DESTINY that we get these type of jokers.
There ks a reason he is former member. And maybe now we realize why UPA were cucks when it came to national security.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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I don't think that blue circle is our position. Foot trails show position being approached by Chinese side. @mokoman can you confirm?

Also "Salami Slice 2" area have been with us for a long time.
IMHO we do have camps inside blue circle , lower red bordered shape is ours, the other red inside blue and all other red is chinese camps.

You are right , i cant see any foot trails for our camp either , could be because we move along the ridge line.

That nathan osint guy on twitter posted hires sat images of that area , he said its chinese camp , but looked clearly indian to me.

i think @detresfa_ also marked it as indian.

:( big shame that we couldnt get control of helmet top , like you said i think it was because of casualty.


New Member
Sep 29, 2020
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IMHO we do have camps inside blue circle , lower red bordered shape is ours, the other red inside blue and all other red is chinese camps.

You are right , i cant see any foot trails for our camp either , could be because we move along the ridge line.

That nathan osint guy on twitter posted hires sat images of that area , he said its chinese camp , but looked clearly indian to me.

i think @detresfa_ also marked it as indian.

:( big shame that we couldnt get control of helmet top , like you said i think it was because of casualty.
Yes possible that positions right at Point 5157 could be ours.


New Member
May 30, 2009
:( big shame that we couldnt get control of helmet top , like you said i think it was because of casualty.
That is not how the Indian Army operates; they push on to the objective regardless of casualties. Most likely the ridgeline adjacent to Helmet Top was the target; in order to neutralize any PLA advantage in case of hot war. Indian Army was successful in that objective.


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Feb 28, 2019
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Do you know the writer of this article?
A former member of NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SECRETARIAT or in common language in a council where doval and modi sit and discuss big things.

This is their answer to fight chicoms who killed our soldiers.

No No No No, I am not a thinker from heart but logically this is GOBAR idea.

I just want to ask almighty Why he or she make these people get selected into HIGH PLACES? God will say "what do you mean? Even Rakshashas are allowed to get boon, does not mean, You live with them and listen to them", simply this is our DESTINY that we get these type of jokers.

The author is
Dr Tara Kartha has spent 17 years at the National Security Council Secretariat, which sits at the apex of India's national security architecture. At the NSCS, she worked on terrorism and other security issues relating to the neighbourhood, and held special charge of the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB), among other responsibilities. Earlier, she was at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) for eight years, where she authored her book, Tools of Terror: Light Weapons and India's Security. She was also a consultant for the UN Non Governmental Expert Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons, and a resource person for the National Defence College (Delhi) and College of Combat (Mhow), in addition to being a member of the Council for Security and Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP), and Pugwash (India).
Another 'expert' gets elevated to the top. These CCP shills have caused irreparable damage to our country during the UPA era. It took the sacrifice of 20 brave men to shake our collective conscience or the general crowd was branding pro-India groups as bhakts.

Notice how China has upped the media warfare against Australia. It was unthinkable in the past. So the posturing implies 'if you cross paths with us or stand up to us, prepare for consequences'.
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