India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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No need , they will get lampooned for this nonsense.

The professor said that Chinese troops fired from the bottom of the hills and “turned the mountain tops into a microwave oven”.

“In 15 minutes, those occupying the hilltops all began to vomit,”


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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No need , they will get lampooned for this nonsense.

The professor said that Chinese troops fired from the bottom of the hills and “turned the mountain tops into a microwave oven”.

“In 15 minutes, those occupying the hilltops all began to vomit,”

One guy in the comment section has some sense

Hogwash.,radar is microwave in frequency. So they trained their radar on the
mountains. A true weapon of such power would have melted the ice in the
surrounding hills. It is also difficult to collimate over large distances. This
is clearly what happens when the maths and science is not a priority.
It will be fun to argue with someone defending this idiotic claim

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Why tho? You yourself say that the consoomer is dirt poor here which is correct, like chink phones in the 10-15k bracket sells the most here, iPhones have just 0.3% market share last I heard because they are expensive.

Even for the domestic market you can import from ASEAN via that notorious FTA we have signed with them, Samsung loves that FTA, they have lots of plants there for global export.
And everyone loves Vietnam for manufacturing, especially the Chinese.

The point is not "moving" anyone from RCEP to India's side, utni aukaat nahi hai.

The point is is the :scared2: :scared2: :scared2: behavior towards RCEP necessary like how knowitall is making out to be? Like China has started the goddamn EU in Asia or some shit.
RCEP gives great leverage to China and negatively impacts India w.r.t geopolitics. But, my point is There is nothing we can do to stop east asian economic integration, given our inadequacies. So, there is no need to hyper ventilate, as stopping asian economic integration is so much above our pay grade / aukaat. What we can do is encourage east asian players to manufacture in India for the indian market, which some players are already doing to a limited extent w.r.t Mobile phone manufacturing. Re negotiate FTAs with Asean and south korea to make them invest more in manufacturing facilities here.. and try to forge an FTA with US, which is an ideal partner since it is a deficit country, and does not compete with India for producing labour intensive products..
Sep 5, 2020
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I some times where this dhoti shivering, appeasement and inferiority complex comes from may be hundreds of years of rule of British, mughals and Congress.
I think it is really Indira Congress (note Indira Congress is different from the original Indian National Congress which was destroyed and taken over by this tyrannical lady, then Congress was called Congress(I)) destroyed the confidence of Indians by following a stupid socialist, nanny state program that put all power in the hands of the government squeezing out the private sector. Entrepreneurs and wealth creators were labeled thieves, useless subsidies were given to useless rural programs which encouraged extreme corruption, promoted a whole lot of scams which further destroyed citizens confidence in the government etc. Indira Congress pretty much destroyed us as a nation, introducing nepotism, mass corruption, misrule, coalition criminality etc at a mass scale. If BJP did not come to power and began cleansing the system of Congress criminals, and if Congress continued to rule us, we would have been in the same state as Pakistan - corrupt, very poor, with terrorism and violence, bad international rankings, crony capitalists running away with crores of loot etc. I consider Congress a party of thieves and an organization that never ever ever should come to power anywhere, even in panchayat elections. These morons single handed ly destroyed our confidence and stature in the world. We should never forgive them for that.


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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I think it is really Indira Congress (note Indira Congress is different from the original Indian National Congress which was destroyed and taken over by this tyrannical lady, then Congress was called Congress(I)) destroyed the confidence of Indians by following a stupid socialist, nanny state program that put all power in the hands of the government squeezing out the private sector. Entrepreneurs and wealth creators were labeled thieves, useless subsidies were given to useless rural programs which encouraged extreme corruption, promoted a whole lot of scams which further destroyed citizens confidence in the government etc. Indira Congress pretty much destroyed us as a nation, introducing nepotism, mass corruption, misrule, coalition criminality etc at a mass scale. If BJP did not come to power and began cleansing the system of Congress criminals, and if Congress continued to rule us, we would have been in the same state as Pakistan - corrupt, very poor, with terrorism and violence, bad international rankings, crony capitalists running away with crores of loot etc. I consider Congress a party of thieves and an organization that never ever ever should come to power anywhere, even in panchayat elections. These morons single handed ly destroyed our confidence and stature in the world. We should never forgive them for that.
They wasted lot of years.
Sep 5, 2020
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They wasted lot of years.
Which is now severely hampering us from competing with China and other ASEAN nations. If I had my way i would formally label all these Congressi chors and badmaashi as anti-national, seize all their properties, ban Indira Congress and the leftists from ever contesting in elections anywhere. I think the BJP knows the extent of damage done by these nalayaks and is working overtime to cleanse the system. And I am 100% certain the cleansing is working.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Which is now severely hampering us from competing with China and other ASEAN nations. If I had my way i would formally label all these Congressi chors and badmaashi as anti-national, seize all their properties, ban Indira Congress and the leftists from ever contesting in elections anywhere. I think the BJP knows the extent of damage done by these nalayaks and is working overtime to cleanse the system. And I am 100% certain the cleansing is working.
They can’t cleanse in a democratic system atleast, most cong inserts are self sustaining like Unions, Land acquisition drama by “farmers”, reservations even in DPSUs and over 9000 restrictive laws on business commencement and operations.

by the time reforms are completed most ASEAN will be first world lol.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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They can’t cleanse in a democratic system atleast, most cong inserts are self sustaining like Unions, Land acquisition drama by “farmers”, reservations even in DPSUs and over 9000 restrictive laws on business commencement and operations.

by the time reforms are completed most ASEAN will be first world lol.
Sad but true.
Sep 5, 2020
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RCEP gives great leverage to China and negatively impacts India w.r.t geopolitics. But, my point is There is nothing we can do to stop east asian economic integration, given our inadequacies. So, there is no need to hyper ventilate, as stopping asian economic integration is so much above our pay grade / aukaat. What we can do is encourage east asian players to manufacture in India for the indian market, which some players are already doing to a limited extent w.r.t Mobile phone manufacturing. Re negotiate FTAs with Asean and south korea to make them invest more in manufacturing facilities here.. and try to forge an FTA with US, which is an ideal partner since it is a deficit country, and does not compete with India for producing labour intensive products..
If these ASEAN nations were so confident about RCEP, then why did they not agree to india’s condition that Rules of origin be strictly followed. India knows that in the garb of exports, the CCP will simply send 98% complete goods to Vietnam, complete 2% there and send it to India with a made in Vietnam to circumvent India’s anti dumping laws against China. CCP is a deceitful, evil organization. Japanese, Koreans, Australians don’t care about low level Chinese goods entering them as none of their citizens are engaged in low grade manufacturin and there is no competition problem. Unfortunately we are behind the curve in manufacturing relative to CCPstan and cannot let the Chongs dictate our trade policies. our Make in India and Aatma Nirbhar policies are bang on, and RCEP is just the opposite of this. So, we cannot accept without India specific safeguards in there.we run a huge deficit against all ASEAN nations and these nations have refused to allow India’s companies to enter their markets. So it is already unfair to us and thr RCEP they want to make it further unfair? Do they take us for fools or what?


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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If these ASEAN nations were so confident about RCEP, then why did they not agree to india’s condition that Rules of origin be strictly followed. India knows that in the garb of exports, the CCP will simply send 98% complete goods to Vietnam, complete 2% there and send it to India with a made in Vietnam to circumvent India’s anti dumping laws against China. CCP is a deceitful, evil organization. Japanese, Koreans, Australians don’t care about low level Chinese goods entering them as none of their citizens are engaged in low grade manufacturin and there is no competition problem. Unfortunately we are behind the curve in manufacturing relative to CCPstan and cannot let the Chongs dictate our trade policies. our Make in India and Aatma Nirbhar policies are bang on, and RCEP is just the opposite of this. So, we cannot accept without India specific safeguards in there.we run a huge deficit against all ASEAN nations and these nations have refused to allow India’s companies to enter their markets. So it is already unfair to us and thr RCEP they want to make it further unfair? Do they take us for fools or what?
There is the ASEAN FTA also, RCEP is not an issue, it would make things worse though, however since we didn’t sign it, it ceases to be an issue.
The ASEAN FTA on the other hand is damaging to Make in India and has to be negotiated, or non tariff barriers have to be applied to Thai, Malay and Vietnamese finished goods imports where we have a conflict of interest
Sep 5, 2020
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They can’t cleanse in a democratic system atleast, most cong inserts are self sustaining like Unions, Land acquisition drama by “farmers”, reservations even in DPSUs and over 9000 restrictive laws on business commencement and operations.

by the time reforms are completed most ASEAN will be first world lol.
Well then that is our fate. We got screwed by our historical blunders. And just have to work overtime to quickly increase our poor people’s incomes through more MGNREGA work, agri reforms like moving to higher value export products, and upskilling the youth en masse to work on emerging industries like battery technology, ev automobiles, toy manufacturing etc - basically all the areas identified for PLI scheme. BJP is doing all this and more. So we are on the right track. As long as every year, people’s incomes and lifestyles improve we are golden. I think that’s all we should expect. Let’s see how fast we can grow, as that is only partly in our control.


Tihar Jail
Sep 13, 2020
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EurasiaTimes and Asia Times are chong shill websites known to publish anti India articles

Good 12arya posted the whole article, no need to give them clicks.

Also lol that article they quote Panag and anonymoose “sources” to back their claim
There is one woman member here who take info from here and post article there. I won't name her.


New Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Yes, this is not the first time. It has appeared again via CCP handles & needs to be countered each and every time lest it becomes the truth down the line.

So as per hellfire babooze persuaded the IA to retreat from black top. After IA withdrawal, CCP is free to publish whatever story it wants, microwave, photon torpedo, etc.
Level of common sense of ex Amb. in demanding MOD clarification.



New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Well then that is our fate. We got screwed by our historical blunders. And just have to work overtime to quickly increase our poor people’s incomes through more MGNREGA work, agri reforms like moving to higher value export products, and upskilling the youth en masse to work on emerging industries like battery technology, ev automobiles, toy manufacturing etc - basically all the areas identified for PLI scheme. BJP is doing all this and more. So we are on the right track. As long as every year, people’s incomes and lifestyles improve we are golden. I think that’s all we should expect. Let’s see how fast we can grow, as that is only partly in our control.
All external factors are not in our favour, unlike China in the 80s and 90s, tbh the animal spirits were high after our liberalization in the 90's till the 2009 financial crisis, we could have made the most in terms of manufacturing investments back then even with a less than optimum land acquisition/infrastructure/business related rules and regulations set up that we have currently, but it all was squandered by lazy folks in favour of ez IT money and the butterfly effect on other sectors like construction, retail and all.

For us to grow at 10% or whatever figure is necessary for better HDI and industrial development, both internal and external factors have to "sync" so to speak.
Currently India isn't seen as an exciting new market to invest in for manufacturing or services.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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For a minute i thought "INS Khanderi" is a supply ship o_O
Btw what is the reason Japan sent only one ship?
perhaps with the logistical agreement signed, they can get resupplied by IN, no need to send supply ships from Japan.
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