Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
its covered, alot american already vaccinated. of course US is not the best when it come to covid handling. other country such as NZ/SK did much better.

Bruv the covid counter disappeared of the front pages of CNN the day biden got elected. US media is an extension of the "liberal" "woke" mafia at this point.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009

Abhinav Prakash



Bajaj and NDTV were simply playing their roles to sabotage the vaccination efforts & target entrepreneurs working with Modi government.
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Harsh Gupta Madhusudan

· 1h
I love the confidence with which Rajiv Bajaj says risks of these vaccines outweigh benefits. This was in Feb. Here we are in April end. Such views were common. How many lives did they cost? We really need to call out such harmful BS whenever we see it. twitter.com/ndtv/status/13…


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Ok now I said: CNN is subtly pushing more americans into getting vaccinated by showing the poverty porn of hindus getting burned on pyre.

This is achieving multiple objectives with one stone. No wonder US is superpower. :devil: Abbi hopefully babaji becomes practical and leave his magnanimous gestures. Need to crank vaccines on war footing & suspends exports.. there are no rules to be followed now.. do it hook or crook.
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Regular Member
Mar 1, 2015
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Election was going on in 1 state, but somehow congi ruled Maharashtra and kejru ruled Delhi got most infections. No mention about how modi cancelled rallies, but opposition kept conduction rallies even during pandemic. No words on terrorists sitting on Delhi border, main source of UK varient.

Regarding mail in vote: No thanks. That was not to protect you from virus. That was done just to make Biden president.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
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Important conversation with Albert Bourla, CEO Pfizer today evening. Discussed ways in which Pfizer could support healthcare efforts including vaccines in India, and strengthen our pandemic response: Taranjit Singh Sandhu, Indian Ambassador to US



Senior Member
May 30, 2009
Note how a lot of CNN news about India has this particular author from Hong Kong: https://www.cnn.com/profiles/jessie-yeung
As India's crematoriums overflow with Covid victims, pyres burn through the night
By Jessie Yeung, Clarissa Ward and Rishabh Pratap, CNN

I did not hotlink the propaganda story, but those who want to see it can just google the title.
What does a reporter based in Hong Kong have to do with news being reported from India? So that a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influencer can write negative stories about the Indian government by using a western media outlet (CNN) as a proxy, thereby putting the blame onto the US (in order to push India and the US further apart).
There are plenty of CCP influencers embedded in all left wing western media, who are pushing stories for regime change in India. This is a consequence of the west's open door China policy for the last several decades. This is just the latest example of Chinese propaganda being pushed through American leftist media to make India/BJP government look bad. CCP will limit negative coverage of India through its own international networks, instead throwing out all this anti-India, anti-BJP government propaganda through its western media proxies. CCP's goal is to push US and India apart (and break up the quad), as is the goal of certain leftist US politicians controlled by the CCP.
This is why I keep trying to warn India about the CCP threat. In many ways US leftist media and leftist politicians have already been compromised; with the soft approach towards the CCP being peddled from some quarters in India, this can happen in India also. In fact many leftist Indian news outlets and politicians are already being indirectly influenced by the CCP.
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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Note how all negative news about India has this particular author from Hong Kong: https://www.cnn.com/profiles/jessie-yeung
As India's crematoriums overflow with Covid victims, pyres burn through the night
By Jessie Yeung, Clarissa Ward and Rishabh Pratap, CNN

I did not hotlink the propaganda story, but those who want to see it can just google the title.

There are plenty of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influencers embedded in all left wing western media, who are pushing stories for regime change in India. This is a consequence of the west's open door China policy for the last several decades. This is just the latest example of Chinese propaganda being pushed through American leftist media to make India/BJP government look bad. CCP will limit negative coverage of India through its own international networks, instead throwing out all this anti-India, anti-BJP government propaganda through its western media proxies. CCP's goal is to push US and India apart (and break up the quad), as is the goal of certain leftist US politicians controlled by the CCP.

How can telling the truth be classed as negative reporting ?

Just about every media, be it right wing, centrist or left wing is admonishing the Indian government .....

Media coverage on India's response is absolutely humiliating and has exposed the glaring inadequacies of our healthcare and social infrastructure to the world. Hopefully the governments both at center and states prioritize healthcare from now on.


Senior Member
May 30, 2009

How can telling the truth be classed as negative reporting ?

Just about every media, be it right wing, centrist or left wing is admonishing the Indian government .....

Media coverage on India's response is absolutely humiliating and has exposed the glaring inadequacies of our healthcare and social infrastructure to the world. Hopefully the governments both at center and states prioritize healthcare from now on.
I recommend going back to Covid coverage from 2020 New York City during the first wave, when bodies were piling up on the streets and hospitals could not accept any more patients!
US has a far better medical system with a lot more doctors per person and less than a third of the population of India. But even the US had bodies lining up the streets during the first wave! That is just the nature of a pandemic, because when too many people get sick at the same time, of course you will run out of hospital capacity and treatment options. And even then, the American leftist media used the situation to attack Trump and the US government in order to influence regime change.
But my post was more specifically directed at Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influencers embedded in the western media who are targeting regime change in India as well as trying to break up the quad (by pulling India and US apart through the use of negative news stories targeted at Indian government being reported through CCP proxies in western media; thus putting the blame on the west instead of the CCP).
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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2013
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I recommend going back to Covid coverage from 2020 New York City during the first wave, when bodies were piling up on the streets!
US has a far better medical system with a lot more doctors per person and a third of the population. But even the US had bodies lining up the streets during the first wave! That is just the nature of a pandemic, because when too many people get sick at the same time, of course you will run out of hospital capacity. And even then, the American leftist media used the situation to attack Trump and the US government in order to influence regime change.

The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump was an absolute incompetent and the US media was quite right in targeting him,he was speweing all those unscientific and unproven stuffs to the public and like our You-know-Who focused more on electioneering than on delivery mechanism .To be fair Donald Trump is not fit enough to hold a sweeper's post,let alone the post of the most important person in the world.

The role of the media is to question the government about it's polciies, the role of the media is to be the voice of the people. Unfortunately India's media outlets are more of a PR agency than media outlets....


Senior Member
May 30, 2009
The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump was an absolute incompetent and the US media was quite right in targeting him,he was speweing all those unscientific and unproven stuffs to the public and like our You-know-Who focused more on electioneering than on delivery mechanism .To be fair Donald Trump is not fit enough to hold a sweeper's post,let alone the post of the most important person in the world.

The role of the media is to question the government about it's polciies, the role of the media is to be the voice of the people. Unfortunately India's media outlets are more of a PR agency than media outlets....
I would never claim that Trump was perfect or didn't make mistakes. However, it is a fact that the US, the world, and India were victims of a Chinese Communist Party disinformation campaign, which has led to a far greater number of casualties.
Anyhow, the point still stands that the US, with all of their extra medical capacity was unable to cope with the first Covid wave, thereby leaving many people without adequate medical care and leading to a far greater number of casualties. That is the nature of a pandemic wave when a lot of people get sick at the same time; similar things have also happened in previous pandemics. Let's not forget that the US has had the greatest number of casualties, now approaching 600,000, and that is when the US has less than a third of Indian population and far better prepared in terms of hospital capacity.

My main point was that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has infiltrated western leftist media and is using it to further its own end goals, such as breaking up the quad and pushing India and the US further apart, as well as regime change in India, by CCP influencers writing negative news stories targeting the current Indian government using their western media proxies (and thereby shifting the blame to the west as opposed to the CCP).


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2020
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Man the Article written by Arundhati Roy is going boom with the international audiences as if someone just activated toolkit amongst global left wing.
Never seen such concentrated efforts to republish/retweet just one article. It involves MPs, academia, film stars, bots etc. I smell conspiracy.

Take this one for example:

Article shared my Labour MP. Just 300+ likes but 2000+ quotes which involves bots amplifying the article.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2015
Man the Article written by Arundhati Roy is going boom with the international audiences as if someone just activated toolkit amongst global left wing.
Never seen such concentrated efforts to republish/retweet just one article. It involves MPs, academia, film stars, bots etc. I smell conspiracy.

Take this one for example:

Article shared my Labour MP. Just 300+ likes but 2000+ quotes which involves bots amplifying the article.
View attachment 87405
The international crap does not affect one bit on the electoral prospects of BJP.

These idiots have not realized one simple fact, BJP performs best when demonized.
The idiots who read Arundhatis & Rana Ayub's of the world never voted for BJP and never will.

BJP just need to sit firm and take on opposition whose states have lead to this.


Regular Member
Mar 1, 2015
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The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump was an absolute incompetent and the US media was quite right in targeting him,he was speweing all those unscientific and unproven stuffs to the public and like our You-know-Who focused more on electioneering than on delivery mechanism .To be fair Donald Trump is not fit enough to hold a sweeper's post,let alone the post of the most important person in the world.

The role of the media is to question the government about it's polciies, the role of the media is to be the voice of the people. Unfortunately India's media outlets are more of a PR agency than media outlets....
Donald was incompetent, so US media openly supported 78 year old senile with dementia, corruption charges and sexual assault accusations. US media acted as branch of democrats.

Role of media is to question government when they are wrong, become voice of people and provide people with unbiased news. I agree with you on PR agency thing. There are media houses busy blaming WB election & Kumbh while forgetting fact that wave started in Maharashtra. Blaming Modi while forgetting fact that whole health system comes under states (except AIIMS, army hospitals and few others). Modi bad because he did rallies when corona situation was in control in WB, but didi doing rallies in WB in full blown wave is completely legit. And don't you dare to question terrorists sitting at Delhi borders blocking oxygen and ambulances. Somehow temple built with donations becomes crime, but Government money used to build Haj houses and Maulana salaries are completely ignored. List of propaganda goes on.


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2020
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The international crap does not affect one bit on the electoral prospects of BJP.

These idiots have not realized one simple fact, BJP performs best when demonized.
The idiots who read Arundhatis & Rana Ayub's of the world never voted for BJP and never will.

BJP just need to sit firm and take on opposition whose states have lead to this.
man I am talking abt war of narratives and not who votes for BJP and who does not.

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