Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Who knows the virus don't have any standard symptoms showing in certain duration to check what if those coming are asymptomatic . We need to bring them back as they are locked without food and water , We cant let our people die starving in foreign country . Its risk we have to take and we will see what we have to pay for taking this risk.

India people form Wuhan will come back ,are these people infected?

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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There is no way out of this spread of coronavirus now. With 30 million Chinese living outside its border and assume say 10% visited China to meet family and friends, they probably have brought back the virus to country of their residence as is the case in North America including Canada and US.

Hence their are no silver lining so far to conquer this disease other than isolation. Sooner the vaccine is developed, the better it is. All indications are that it may take a year before the vaccine is out. Until then, hope that precautions of travel, isolation stay in place . There is no other way out.


Tihar Jail
Dec 18, 2019
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Who knows the virus don't have any standard symptoms showing in certain duration to check what if those coming are asymptomatic . We need to bring them back as they are locked without food and water , We cant let our people die starving in foreign country . Its risk we have to take and we will see what we have to pay for taking this risk.
Many opinions form you ,some said send back and isolate , some said let them stay in China , and you said they need to come back to India and can accept the risk.

Funny democracy.


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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Isolate them in the middle of Rajasthan for 2 months. Weather is pleasant now. All you need is free WiFi, books and PUBG.
They will be kept in isolation for 14 days as decided by Govt now. Only after 14 days they will be allowed to go home.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Sure. 2019-nCoV is a +ve strand RNA virus that enters human cell and first encodes its RNA-replicase to make -ve stranded RNA that serves a template to make +ve strand RNA that is then translated for daughter nCoV. Drugs Lopinavir and Remdesivir target its protease and replicase.



Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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"I'm More Useful Here": French Doctor Stays In Wuhan To Fight Coronavirus


Philippe Klein is head of the International SOS Hospital in Wuhan, the first city to be locked down by Chinese authorities as they battle the spread of the virus.

Wuhan, China:

France is preparing to airlift hundreds of its citizens from the Chinese city at the centre of a deadly coronavirus outbreak, but one Frenchman is staying put.

Philippe Klein is head of the International SOS Hospital in Wuhan, the first city to be locked down by Chinese authorities as they battle the spread of the virus.

"It's not an act of heroism. It's been well thought out, it's my job," Klein said of his decision to stay.

"I think I'll be much more useful here than in France."

The new coronavirus has killed 170 people so far in mainland China, with thousands infected across the country. The virus has been detected in more than a dozen other countries, including as far away as the United States and Canada.

Klein told AFP he wants to help the local French community. Some 500 French nationals are registered with the nation's consulate in Wuhan.

French auto giant PSA and Renault have factories in the city, and the local universities run exchange programmes with institutions in France.

Not all French nationals are leaving -- some for professional or family reasons, and others do not want to spend 14 days in quarantine upon their return to France.

But Klein, a father of four who has been based in China for six years, recommends they do leave.

"The concern now is that the Chinese hospitals are currently one hundred percent mobilised in controlling this coronavirus epidemic, so there are lots of ways humans could contract other infections or diseases," the Metz native said.

"It would therefore not be appropriate at this time to go to a Chinese hospital under these circumstances. That's why I strongly recommend the French people in Wuhan go back to France."

The coronavirus has sparked fear of a wider, global outbreak. In addition to controlling the flow of people from affected areas in China, face masks have also been made mandatory in many areas, including Wuhan.

Many stores in big cities like Beijing have run out of stock in recent days.

But Klein suggests keeping the outbreak in perspective.

He says it's important to remember that the flu "can kill up to 550,000 people on the planet in one season" in normal times.

"I wear the mask regularly when I go out. It's an obligation imposed by the local authorities, so everyone here in Wuhan is wearing a mask," he said.

But it is mostly sick people who need to wear the mask, "so that they don't spread the virus".

"Psychologically, it's an interesting thing, wearing a mask. Of course, it's reassuring and it probably stops you from putting your hands up to your mouth," he added.

"The most important thing is to have good hygiene and wash your hands frequently."

For Klein, staying in China is his job, and what he has been trained to do.

"I am a virus tamer," he says, and staying in China, it is "as if I was with a lion in its cage".


Salute to him!

My highschool classmate as a doctor, also terminated his new year holiday in UK and back to Wuhan's hospital to fight with virus.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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In Wuhan, local people still move on their daily lives.

These days are quite sunny in Wuhan, some people went out, maybe sunshine would kill the bacteria.

Delivery guys still working with Touchless SOP, the platforms adjust the system make the old people would place orders with priorities.

People are buying food as much as possible in one time, but all the private cars and subway system are stop by government, people have to carry by themsevles.


Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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First time I had a media look at the interior China when desperate interior people were blocking city dwellers from coming to hinterland and spread the disease. I was amazed at what China wants to show their media propaganda as city rivalling not Europe or America but even better. Those raw images, not looked at by their security people, showed contrasting images of not different lifestyle than anywhere in Asia. Hence what I am saying is the hype of city building boom in China is hype only limited to the city. Village folks about 60%, still live the life which other villages in Asia live. It is not only me who noticed it. Others watching the TV coverage were also dumb stuck at the contrast. These images will stay in people’s mind and will be hard to correct.

China watch out, your image has taken a huge beating with this terrible disease.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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First time I had a media look at the interior China when desperate interior people were blocking city dwellers from coming to hinterland and spread the disease. I was amazed at what China wants to show their media propaganda as city rivalling not Europe or America but even better. Those raw images, not looked at by their security people, showed contrasting images of not different lifestyle than anywhere in Asia. Hence what I am saying is the hype of city building boom in China is hype only limited to the city. Village folks about 60%, still live the life which other villages in Asia live. It is not only me who noticed it. Others watching the TV coverage were also dumb stuck at the contrast. These images will stay in people’s mind and will be hard to correct.

China watch out, your image has taken a huge beating with this terrible disease.
Don’t worry sirji, until now CCP was spending 10 billion $ annually in western news media to clean up their image.

Now they will spend 20 billion $. CNN, BBC, NYT WaPo will be in profits for next two three years.

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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First time I had a media look at the interior China when desperate interior people were blocking city dwellers from coming to hinterland and spread the disease. I was amazed at what China wants to show their media propaganda as city rivalling not Europe or America but even better. Those raw images, not looked at by their security people, showed contrasting images of not different lifestyle than anywhere in Asia. Hence what I am saying is the hype of city building boom in China is hype only limited to the city. Village folks about 60%, still live the life which other villages in Asia live. It is not only me who noticed it. Others watching the TV coverage were also dumb stuck at the contrast. These images will stay in people’s mind and will be hard to correct.

China watch out, your image has taken a huge beating with this terrible disease.
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जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Their Currency,Stock market & GDP growth rate has taken severe beating ,in a matter of weeks the trade & travel will stop it's not my speculation but it will happen ,lancet is reporting 75000 people infected narcissistic chinks are majorly underplaying this thing for a month for their image might take a beating ,history could repeat itself the mideaval plagues all starting from chink country ,bubonic plague ,influenza,SARS ,H1N1 and now this ,one good thing is our trade deficit will surely get down with chinks this quarter ,our govt also banned all masks & protective clothing exports, reason given is it is needed for Indians but more probable reason could be prices will hit roof then we'll be exporting


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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"I'm More Useful Here": French Doctor Stays In Wuhan To Fight Coronavirus
Now that you have been ordered back to China I just want to wish you and your family well. I really hope you get over this infection once you get back to Hubei. Remember to gets lots of rest and stay hydrated. Grab some of those HIV cocktails if you really feel weak. That new field hospital should have a bed if you need it.

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