You need air in enough speed!! If you provide that air above mach 1 -1,5,it will work. Have you not seen any ramjet tested on the ground??
So there we go it simply means that engine has not been developed & tested too.
It is very easy to generate that airflow and light up a engine inside wind tunnel. But it is very difficult
To achieve that in mid air. There are many others things...
Can you achieve stagnation pressure in mid air ??
There are lot of things go in it..
It is very easy on ground facility to create favourable conditions and fire a ramjet..
Combustion stability is another issue. There is alot of difference in firing it in wind tunnel & in mid air..
Without combustion stability you cannot achieved stagnation pressure without stagnation pressure you can't run combustion chamber...
In that video you aren't even compressing the air but rather a pressurized air is pushed through it you need stagnation pressure at the inlet in order to compress air prior to combustion. For that do you have a successful inlet design ? Have there been testing of compression of inlet rather than just blasting air through it.
It is no where near first flight..
Basic ramjet test below mach 1!! in university.
It only does not provide enough thrust ,but you can test it and see the necessary figures!!
Dude even I can do that in my garage give me some titanium and precision cutting tools.
If you're gokhan has been tested 100 times like this then good luck...
Even Americans gave up on aim152 and decided to evolve amraam..
Anyways was liquid fuel used or solid fuel...