Turkish defense industry news updates


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Mar 27, 2024
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You can understand the level of inbreeding depression he can have as he is literally justifying Inflation. That too sitting in Berlin..
I am living in Istanbul. I have an income around 3k USD right now. It will decrease to 2500-2600 USD till end of June due tl losing value. But I will get raise around 25-30 percent and that will make it more than 3100-3200 USD.

jai jaganath

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Jul 3, 2022
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Just with Akash fail search ,you can find many articles!!

Devil lies in the detail mate
Rather than just reading 1 or 2 articles do read the entire report
Now coming to the point the reason akash failed and had poor availability bcoz we had inadequate missile storage facility especially for akash due to which missile's lifespan reduced thus the quality
But post that we made many changes wrt our military infrastructure and improved the platform to work at its full potential
That was fault of our military and MoD not the missiles
The particular article made his own opinion as update


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Mar 27, 2024
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You don't even have a civilian nuclear program in the first place. India was building nuclear reactors with high local content even as early as early 1970s.

You'll get sanctioned to oblivion if you try something like that. Same with Pakis who literally need IMF loans to buy their daily bread.

Again, you don't exactly have a domestic R&D based for it.

Do you have any clue of what you are talking about?? Like seriously?
Just watch the asat video shared.
They wait for a specific time to lunch the rocket. If you kiss that time frame, you need to wait for that satellite to rotate around earth one more time


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Mar 27, 2024
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Devil lies in the detail mate
Rather than just reading 1 or 2 articles do read the entire report
Now coming to the point the reason akash failed and had poor availability bcoz we had inadequate missile storage facility especially for akash due to which missile's lifespan reduced thus the quality
But post that we made many changes wrt our military infrastructure and improved the platform to work at its full potential
That was fault of our military and MoD not the missiles
The particular article made his own opinion as update
There is reason for each failure,right!

Satish Sharma

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Dec 3, 2023
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Just with Akash fail search ,you can find many articles!!

Just with Akash fail search ,you can find many articles!!

You're missing out something aksh has improved alot infact aksh came then akash 1S then akash prime now akash NG.
30% failure rate means 70% successfully rate.
You're inbreed brain can't understand. that was improved to 88% in newer Variant and if 2 missiles are fired the succes rate is then 98.5%.. which is quite good for a 450k dollars missile.
No Sam system has 100% successfully rate...
Here is the video of successful induction of akash. And please do t share old article.
Akash has missed even more target but when in 2002..
You can understand the level of confidence needed to fire it infront of Brazilian officials who are interested in it.. unless you're not a product of inbreeding

gslv markIII

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Jan 17, 2016
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Just watch the aday video shared.
They wait for a specific time to lunch the rocket. If you kiss that time frame, you need to wait for that satellite to rotate around earth one more time
Jesus H. Christ. It's a low earth orbit satellite in polar orbit you dummy. Obviously it will be visible from the ground based long range radar for a short amount of time.

Multiple missiles will increase kill probability

jai jaganath

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Jul 3, 2022
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In our country, salaries increases more than inflation figures. Every six months salaries increases.
Just check last year's minimum wage in terms of USD and this year's one.
It decreases as months pass ,but later they raise in 6th month and go back to 600 USD line!!
Yes inflation affect people but not as much as you think. What affect people is house rents.
It is not because of inflation but due huge number of immigrants
Forget economics learn history first, how countries have been destroyed due to inflation and currency depreciation
No salary increase will help
Its just vicious that will make ur situation worse and spoil ur entire consumption ecosystem
Comon man let's leave this discussion it seems u lack idea regarding it
Better learn and then we can discuss
Anyways there is no relation with inflation salary rise and defence development
Even to those members who bring inflation here turkey is a country who is determined to make their military more Indigenous and for that any method is fine
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gslv markIII

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Jan 17, 2016
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Just watch the asat video shared.
They wait for a specific time to lunch the rocket. If you kiss that time frame, you need to wait for that satellite to rotate around earth one more time
Meanwhile I went over your claims of being capable of making steam turbines.

Google tells me that there is not even one single Company in Turkey that can produce a decent power rating steam turbine (~100 MW) , something India used to manufacture even in the sixties.

You're claiming to be some kind of military superpower with this kind of industrial base??


New Member
Mar 27, 2024
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There is reason for justifyng Inflation as something good right it is inbreeding depression
No one justifies Inflation!! Else we would not be trying it to decrease.
What I say is, inflation does not affect people as much as you think. Just check minimum wage changes per month during last 10 years.
It was worse between 2019-2022.but right now , it does not affect much even inflation is more than 65

Satish Sharma

New Member
Dec 3, 2023
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In our country, salaries increases more than inflation figures. Every six months salaries increases.
Just check last year's minimum wage in terms of USD and this year's one.
It decreases as months pass ,but later they raise in 6th month and go back to 600 USD line!!
Yes inflation affect people but not as much as you think. What affect people is house rents.
It is not because of inflation but due huge number of immigrants
So when is turkey surpassing and coming to top in GDP rank i see it is the same or going down since last decade..
You go convince this to a Pakistani you're income and all that stuff okay.. they will trust you bro..

And it's not Istanbul you.bloody thieves it's Constantinople

Satish Sharma

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Dec 3, 2023
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Meanwhile I went over your claims of being capable of making steam turbines.

Google tells me that there is not even one single Company in Turkey that can produce a decent power rating steam turbine (~100 MW) , something India used to manufacture even in the sixties.

You're claiming to be some kind of military superpower with this kind of industrial base??
There is no point with debating a guy like this who comes with half truths all the time..


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Mar 27, 2024
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Meanwhile I went over your claims of being capable of making steam turbines.

Google tells me that there is not even one single Company in Turkey that can produce a decent power rating steam turbine (~100 MW) , something India used to manufacture even in the sixties.

You're claiming to be some kind of military superpower with this kind of industrial base??
We have one of the kind industrial base in Türkiye. Not just militarily, interms of each manufacturing area.

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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There is reason for each failure,right!
Yes mate but that doesn't mean the particular military equipment is worthless
Reasons are various but balantly saying that akash is a failed project is completely false
If I use best weapon with improper infra then I won't get the adequate results


New Member
Mar 27, 2024
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So when is turkey surpassing and coming to top in GDP rank i see it is the same or going down since last decade..
You go convince this to a Pakistani you're income and all that stuff okay.. they will trust you bro..

And it's not Istanbul you.bloody thieves it's Constantinople
Depends on Erdoğan and it's policies.
If he does not touch to current economy ministers and central bank management, we will reach 1.3 trillion USD at the end of this year.

Satish Sharma

New Member
Dec 3, 2023
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You're missing out something aksh has improved alot infact aksh came then akash 1S then akash prime now akash NG.
30% failure rate means 70% successfully rate.
You're inbreed brain can't understand. that was improved to 88% in newer Variant and if 2 missiles are fired the succes rate is then 98.5%.. which is quite good for a 450k dollars missile.
No Sam system has 100% successfully rate...
Here is the video of successful induction of akash. And please do t share old article.
Akash has missed even more target but when in 2002..
You can understand the level of confidence needed to fire it infront of Brazilian officials who are interested in it.. unless you're not a product of inbreeding
@tfxkaanf23 this are vdos which you couldn't find & the systems which we brought from Israel were of medium range category.
Even if you say why we brought Spyder system let me tell you we have just brought them because we have shitloads of stocks of Israeli derby missile of our retired harrier jets & python missiles too..
It uses already existing missiles it is way better choice to use them as SAMs rather than just letting them rot. You don't have brain for that go sleep now..or make me a ice cone..
Akash is already exported to Sudan.

This is recent on December 2023, note some foreign attaches were there. tell alot


New Member
Mar 27, 2024
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Please show me a company that can make large power rating steam turbines & Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessels in Turkey.
I do not have info about that one ,but I am sure we don't have nuclear reactor pressure vessels producers as of now. But our private sector can produce when a project assigned to them.
We have industrial base in Türkiye.
For civilian side, we are planning to have Torium based reactors.

gslv markIII

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Jan 17, 2016
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I do not have info about that one ,but I am sure we don't have nuclear reactor pressure vessels producers as of now. But our private sector can produce when a project assigned to them.
We have industrial base in Türkiye.
For civilian side, we are planning to have Torium based reactors.
Are you 14 years old or something, bro? You seem to be quite uninformed.