Trump may ask India to send troops to Afghanistan

Feb 16, 2009
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Sir we lack secure Logistics trail. Without secure logistics, Pakis will have upper hand. Forget Iran, Paki ka Ummah ka Chummah & some mujra will entice Iran to backstab India. I have strong feeling even KJ was handed to Pakistan by Iran
Share logistics with US we have agreement


Regular Member
Mar 9, 2017
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Not only option we can start sending weapons if this take hold . Send artillery cruise missles sams etc it would jump start arms exports
Agree with the Artillery part but Cruise Missiles and SAMs are absolutely useless for ANA/ANP.
We could also refurbish and gift a few more Mi25s and older Mi8s and help their officer cadre in utilizing them effectively but that should be it.
The Americans can give them everything from completely useless Forest Camo Uniforms to near useless Ford F150s.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
We will eventually fight them in kashmir why not kill them in their house?
Before we fight them it's gonna be Pakistan who's gonna feel the wrath.
Better deal with Kashmir insurgency first on our side.

Not only option we can start sending weapons if this take hold . Send artillery cruise missles sams etc it would jump start arms exports
And who's gonna pay for it.
US has way better weapon than us why would they need ours.

Who said anything about winning?Let US find a way to do so.We will be supporting them and in turn get their support where we want.
US is asking for our troops to reduce their own casualties, once we r there its us who are gonna be on the front line.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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How will we become a power if we cant even spare 2-3k soldiers?How will we be respected if we dont display our power?
Its not about SPARE soldiers. Its more than that.
USA has been fighting this war with SUPER POWER TROOPS and TECHNOLOGY for so long.
If they cant you expect India to win this war for them? for USA its controlled chaos.

India will fall into the ploy and the IDEOLOGY OF HINDUS INVADING A MUSLIM NATION with USA which is a SATANIC NATION.
Such propaganda which surely be done by pakistan will UP the ante for us in other places.
This is not good for our nation and our soldiers who are risking their lives to protect OUR borders.

This is a war of ideology and India should be careful where we are stepping into.
USA would gladly want India to join the mess so that it will make it easy for them to tire India, economically. Instead of pakistan USA will bleed India then. A strong India is never in the interest of the west.

We are respected for NOT displaying our power in others wars and not meddling in others affairs with our force.
If display of power wins war, USA would have won all the wars :D


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
Senior Member
Aug 14, 2015
Lest we forget, we are trying to position ourselves for a rapid spurt in economic growth and development. That takes priority over "chalo Pakistan ko sabakh sikhao". This is not the time to fight a war.
  • We need to focus on economic development first. Look at what China did. It possessed singular focus. And our democratic system makes it imperative that we not complicate our domestic politics by making people choose between a war and economic progress. Lets focus on being a great power first, before we start doing stuff reminiscent of great powers.
  • Armed Forces Modernization is in progress, which will get hampered.
  • Public opinion will be vastly against this as we are already loosing our soldiers to insurgent activities.
  • We cannot ask for US help when they are staring daggers at Iran and we are using Iranian facilities as a transit point for our deployment in Afghanistan.
Who exactly will we be fighting against? The main culprits are sitting secure in the Pakistani state, behind a nuclear umbrella. Even if we do deployed Indian Army there, the situation will be same as it is in Kashmir, with the terrorists infiltrating from across the borders with the nerve centers intact in Pakistan. We cannot attack Pakistan even if we go into Afghanistan, and if you think we can, then I say it is better to do so from here. So what will we do after landing in Afghanistan? Try to broker a peace between the warring factions in Afghanistan? Is that our job?

Let us not forget, the Indian soldier is ready to give his life for his country, not for some other country. We are not the USA, lets stop pretending otherwise. We should not expect the Indian Soldier to fight and die in a war that is perpetual and almost inconsequential for our security, while we sit in our air-conditioned homes sipping juice.

We are fighting pak from a new front an opportunity to bring the war inside pak
We will eventually fight them in kashmir why not kill them in their house?

Contrary to what @LETHALFORCE is claiming here, we will not be able to fight Pakistan directly even if we go to Afghanistan. Its not as if the Pakis will simply sit and take it while we dish it out to them. If we open a front and directly attack Pakistan on the Durand line, we can be certain that Pakistan will get away with calling it an attack on its sovereignty and an act of open war and aggression, thereby allowing it an excuse to start a war with India.

Even if we did not attack the Pakis, we would be doing their narrative (of India-Afghanistan-USA are uniting to bully Pakistan) a favour.
Feb 16, 2009
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Before we fight then it's gonna be Pakistan who's gonna feel the wrath.
Better deal with Kashmir insurgency first on our side.
We have failed to deal with is for 4 decades. Let's try new angle.
We still have article 370.
Feb 16, 2009
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Lest we forget, we are trying to position ourselves for a rapid spurt in economic growth and development. That takes priority over "chalo Pakistan ko sabakh sikhao". This is not the time to fight a war.
  • We need to focus on economic development first. Look at what China did. It possessed singular focus. And our democratic system makes it imperative that we not complicate our domestic politics by making people choose between a war and economic progress. Lets focus on being a great power first, before we start doing stuff reminiscent of great powers.
  • Armed Forces Modernization is in progress, which will get hampered.
  • Public opinion will be vastly against this as we are already loosing our soldiers to insurgent activities.
  • We cannot ask for US help when they are staring daggers at Iran and we are using Iranian facilities as a transit point for our deployment in Afghanistan.
Who exactly will we be fighting against? The main culprits are sitting secure in the Pakistani state, behind a nuclear umbrella. Even if we do deployed Indian Army there, the situation will be same as it is in Kashmir, with the terrorists infiltrating from across the borders with the nerve centers intact in Pakistan. We cannot attack Pakistan even if we go into Afghanistan, and if you think we can, then I say it is better to do so from here. So what will we do after landing in Afghanistan? Try to broker a peace between the warring factions in Afghanistan? Is that our job?

Let us not forget, the Indian soldier is ready to give his life for his country, not for some other country. We are not the USA, lets stop pretending otherwise. We should not expect the Indian Soldier to fight and die in a war that is perpetual and almost inconsequential for our security, while we sit in our air-conditioned homes sipping juice.

Contrary to what @LETHALFORCE is claiming here, we will not be able to fight Pakistan directly even if we go to Afghanistan. Its not as if the Pakis will simply sit and take it while we dish it out to them. If we open a front and directly attack Pakistan on the Durand line, we can be certain that Pakistan will get away with calling it an attack on its sovereignty and an act of open war and aggression, thereby allowing it an excuse to start a war with India.

Even if we did not attack the Pakis, we would be doing their narrative (of India-Afghanistan-USA are uniting to bully Pakistan) a favour.
Then let's be bullied by china and pak and call it a day.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
We have failed to deal with is for 4 decades. Let's try new angle.
We still have article 370.
That's what we need to deal with first, once removed people will flock into Kashmir its game over for the terrorist.

Even if we reach Afghanistan doesn't mean we can shower nails on Pak do u think US would let us.


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
Senior Member
Aug 14, 2015
Then let's be bullied by china and pak and call it a day.
Would you please care to reply with logic or are you just too tired to type? If so, please take a breather from this thread and get your thoughts together.

After you back to normal, just answer one question: After going to Afghanistan, what will you have the Indian Army do?
  • Attack Pakistan directly.
  • Attack the Pakistani region where Taliban is hiding directly and ignore Pakistan's outrage.
  • Create an anti-infiltration grid along Durand line (basically a repeat of the Kashmir situation in Afghanistan)
  • Something else you have in mind?


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2016
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@Hari Sud the scenario looks eerily similar to a certain Possible Military scenario don't you think ????


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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We will eventually fight them in kashmir why not kill them in their house?
Our airforce isnt at its numerical best at this time.

Our only option is to send boots.
why Indian soldiers ?? just train More afghan soldiers , provide them weapons ...................they will do the Job .


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
why Indian soldiers ?? just train More afghan soldiers , provide them weapons ...................they will do the Job .
Most of Afghan soldiers are logistically lacking, incompetent or stoned as hell to fight any war.
I say we train them and supply Our older techs which are getting replaced.


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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Share logistics with US we have agreement
We already have logistics sharing pact with America. So logistics is no problem. We do have small SF unit working in Afghanistan. If you remember that 50 Porki army men were killed by Afghan forces recently, rumors are there were IA SF too involved in it. Porki Army will be stretched thin once it knows that it will have to defend Afghan borders too if IA goes there.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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This makes a bit of logical and Logistic sense

The report, quoting unnamed diplomatic sources, states that India's NSA Ajit Doval is planning to rush to Afghanistan to cash on the latest wave of terror attacks and to make an official offer of sending Indian troops to defend Afghan government leaders. Doval recently met his Afghan counterpart, and asked the Afghan government to deliver an official invitation to New Delhi to dispatch troops.

On 28 May, just two days before Kabul was attacked, the Afghan Pajhwok news agency from Washington reported that India could send its troops to Afghanistan under a "UN mission". The Pajhwok dispatch published in Outlook Afghanistan quoted a "prominent Indian defence expert" as telling a Washington audience on 18 May that "New Delhi could perhaps be persuaded to send up to a division of Indian troops — around 15,000 in total — to Afghanistan under a United Nations Peacekeeping mission".

Technically, India can position troops anywhere in the world with the concurrence of the host country and no one else. India has sent a peacekeeping force (IPKF) to Sri Lanka under a joint accord in the past. India and Afghanistan have a strategic partnership agreement, which includes security cooperation, but it is not a defence pact. Afghanistan has never made a request for Indian military troops either, and to say that the Afghan government would make such a request to "protect its leaders" is a derogatory suggestion, one that implies the Afghan National Security Forces cannot protect their government leaders.

Despite the ghastly terrorist attacks last week, Kabul has been conscious of Pakistan's sensitivities to having an Indian presence in Afghanistan. There is also the issue of costs that will come from maintaining such a force in Afghanistan, because in all probability, Pakistan will not allow flights over its territory in doing so.

But as mentioned, India can position troops anywhere if it serves its national interests, irrespective of costs. Of course, the question also remains what would be the task of such a force — certainly not to protect political leaders — so would it be to guard Kabul?

The mention of the UN Mission in Afghanistan is a misnomer. If this was feasible, and such a force is required on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border to stop Islamabad from exporting terror, the US would have ensured so a decade ago. A UN force can be so positioned when two warring parties agree. Here Afghanistan is at the receiving end and Pakistan continues to insist it has no role to play in terror attacks in Afghanistan, and that the country itself is a victim of terror — ironically a hypothesis backed by both China and the US.

Additionally, Washington's role in Afghanistan also continues to be ambiguous. Incidentally, when the Barack Obama administration had announced a withdrawal/thinning out of US-NATO troops from Afghanistan in 2009, the Central Asian Republics (CAR) wanted a UN force deployed on the Af-Pak border, to stop Pakistani terror flowing into CAR through Afghanistan.

Having said that, however, while the report does appear to be hogwash, and any decisions would have to be taken jointly between India and Afghanistan, the latter does need an effective industrial security force. This would, among other things, also help mine the trillion dollar-plus minerals Afghanistan has. India should help Afghanistan in establishing such a force in addition to the military assistance that it is rendering.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Most of Afghan soldiers are logistically lacking, incompetent or stoned as hell to fight any war.
that is just Paki-American propaganda ..............what Afghani or Indian or American soldier can do Against Suicide Bombers ??

Go and watch so videos of SVBIED ( Suicide Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device) ...............there will be causalities whether soldiers are Afghani , Indian or American can not stop that.

Americans are using Afghani soldiers as a first Line of defence .........they are taking most the risk , this is the reason of More Afghani causalities ............Afghani soldiers are not incompetent , they are very brave , it is very difficult to Fight wars in those areas against jahil suicide Bombers .

to win Afghanistan or any other Jehadi country war You have to Fight like " changej Khan " that means Kill each and every male in those Areas .............Indians & Americans are not ready for that (Human rights bullshit ) ...............This will become a never ending war and drain our resources .

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
It will be political suicide. We are not ready to do this type strategic stuff.

May be after 8 years? That sounds good. Not now.
And our public is not capable of accepting any casualties these days.

A brief glimpse into Soviet casualties during their Afghan adventure,
The total irrecoverable personnel losses of the Soviet Armed Forces, frontier, and internal security troops came to 14,453. Soviet Army formations, units, and HQ elements lost 13,833, KGB sub-units lost 572, MVD formations lost 28, and other ministries and departments lost 20 men. During this period 312 servicemen were missing in action or taken prisoner; 119 were later freed, of whom 97 returned to the USSR and 22 went to other countries.


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
Americans are using Afghani soldiers as a first Line of defence .........they are taking the risk , this is the reason of Most Afghani causalities .
If they can't stand in "Line of Defence" so why the hell the build this army ????obviously it's their nation...why US troops going to be first line of defense when they plan to withdraw within 2/3 years....
Afghan Army is mess...they try to build an US style military...but they forget the area consist of various ethnic group and satisfy all the tribes they chose a generel from each they have many generels in one army to give orders....
Also US/NATO build a "village protection force" consist of local village male for the protection of their a greater part of army..but they either form large tribe base forces out their with whom Kabul govt must keep good relation ..because they have the effective control of those area..or they join Taliban and ISIS ..
ANA is like Syrias FSA ...both exist in paper ..but actually their loyalty lies to different power centre..

BTW..can u tel me how to open a new thread ?????? I am little confuse now in my PC ...


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Let US secure the logistics line for us.We will go in once US does that.
Share logistics with US we have agreement
US will get its Logistics secured by bribing, cajoling, doing some lap dance and then putting some stick in Musharraf of Pakistan. You sure want US logistics? In simple means, depending on US logistics mean kowtowing to US diktats. I mean we fight in Afghanistan a war which belongs to US, with American logistics paid by our own Money to fulfill US strategic objectives?What do we get.... Ghanta
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Some poll shows Afghan wants USA out and India In.
Well!!! not by military as India conquered the hearts of Afghan with pure diplomacy and respect by NOT interfering in Internal affairs.
India should not destroy it by sending troops and maintain the status quo.

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