The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Summary of the latest developments
"¢ Free Syrian Army rebels have withdrawn from parts of Aleppo after intense bombardment. The Guardian's Martin Chulov says they have withdrawn all their main fighting units from the Salahedin district.

"¢ Former health minister Wael al-Halki has become Syria's third prime minister in four days. He replaces Omar Ghalawanji who was appointed as caretaker prime minister in the wake of Monday's defection of Riyad Hijab.

"¢ Egyptian Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei is reported to have turned down an offer to replace Kofi Annan as international envoy on Syria.

"¢ In Lebanon, former MP and cabinet minister Michel Samaha – a prominent ally of the Syrian regime – has been arrested over a "sensitive" matter related to "security"

"¢ President Assad's chief of protocol has appeared in a video denying the FSA's claim earlier today that he had defected – though he said he had been in Lebanon receiving medical treatment.

"¢ Indiscriminate air strikes by a Czech-designed jet have been photographed and described in Tel Rifaat north of Aleppo. "Although the pilots seemed to know where the rebel bases were, their fire was often indiscriminate," a Reuters reporter said.

"¢ Syria's allies have been attending talks in Iran. Representatives from Russia and China are believed to be attending.

"¢ A senior figure in the Obama administration has refused to rule out imposing a no-fly zone over Syria. Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, John Brennan, Obama's senior counter-terrorism adviser, said: "I don't recall the president ever saying that anything is off the table."

Updated at 17:51 BST
Source: Syria conflict: rebels withdraw from Salahedin, Aleppo - Thursday 9 August 2012 | World news |

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010

Detainees described being folded at the waist and having their head, neck, and legs put into a car tire so that they were immobilized and could not protect themselves from beatings on the back, legs, and head including by batons and whips. Some detainees described having their arms inside the tire as well.

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