Sukhoi PAK FA


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
Do you know?
The Russia supplies less than 65% of content, used to manufacture Brahmos and rest of the content is Indigenous.

For Example:
That's new. I thought just motor and seekers are from Russia. 65% is a very big amount. It was supposed to be a 50:50 share. 65% import means we are just supplying cheap items luke casing, screws. Who supplies the fuel and warhead for brahmos? I hope India has that technology at least


Rest in Peace
New Member
Mar 5, 2017
That's new. I thought just motor and seekers are from Russia. 65% is a very big amount. It was supposed to be a 50:50 share. 65% import means we are just supplying cheap items luke casing, screws. Who supplies the fuel and warhead for brahmos? I hope India has that technology at least
Dude, 65% is far better than 100%.

You will feel happy to see fully indigenous BrahMos... Go through the below mentioned article links.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
I never said that 65% is not better than 100%. But, even then brahmos is not exactly Indian, though we unduly take credit for it. Brahmos is relatively easier to indigenise than FGFA. In case of Brahmos, engine can be reverse engineered and seekers have been obtained from Israel. The FGFA engines, however can't be obtained like that. Also, many other jet components are specialized and difficult to indigenise. Why buy FGFA when we can make fully Indian AMCA is the question. 100% indian AMCA is better than 50% Indian FGFA is an obvious logic I am using.


Rest in Peace
New Member
Mar 5, 2017
I never said that 65% is not better than 100%. But, even then brahmos is not exactly Indian, though we unduly take credit for it. Brahmos is relatively easier to indigenise than FGFA. In case of Brahmos, engine can be reverse engineered and seekers have been obtained from Israel. The FGFA engines, however can't be obtained like that. Also, many other jet components are specialized and difficult to indigenise.
Dude, you missed to read the links share in my last post.
Engine and seeker is under development.

Why buy FGFA when we can make fully Indian AMCA is the question. 100% indian AMCA is better than 50% Indian FGFA is an obvious logic I am using.
Please don't mix-up every category of fighter jets.
If I believe on your way, than why to waste money on AMCA when we have LCA. This is pure BS :bs:


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
Dude, you missed to read the links share in my last post.

Engine and seeker is under development.

Please don't mix-up every category of fighter jets.
If I believe on your way, than why to waste money on AMCA when we have LCA. This is pure BS :bs:
Money is not the question. :frusty: The question is technology. Technology is invaluable and that is the reason why countries don't just sell them for money.

AMCA has technology of stealth, sensor fusion and medium payload over a long range. Plain and simple. Tejas don't have them. AMCA is like Tejas upgraded to a much better version.:sad:

What is there in FGFA that India needs that can't be obtained by itself? Why waste time and foreign exchange on useless items? If we can get to make FGFA on our own by initial JV and indigenisation over time, then it is meaningful. Else, FGFA is as good as shit:bs:

Why do you want to perpetuate Indian slavery to imports forever? :prison:


Rest in Peace
New Member
Mar 5, 2017
Money is not the question. :frusty: The question is technology. Technology is invaluable and that is the reason why countries don't just sell them for money.

AMCA has technology of stealth, sensor fusion and medium payload over a long range. Plain and simple. Tejas don't have them. AMCA is like Tejas upgraded to a much better version.:sad:

What is there in FGFA that India needs that can't be obtained by itself? Why waste time and foreign exchange on useless items? If we can get to make FGFA on our own by initial JV and indigenisation over time, then it is meaningful. Else, FGFA is as good as shit:bs:

Why do you want to perpetuate Indian slavery to imports forever? :prison:
The most precious thing in the world is "TIME". and as of now, FGFA is the economic and efficient way to get the military strength asap.

For your kind information, The full scale model of AMCA is under fabrication which will give the height of stealth. As of now AMCA is yet to prove its stealth. And Do you know, India don't have sensor fusion and IWB tech, which will be shared from FGFA.

Also, FGFA will be manufactured in India, By Indians. You should loose your overhyped level of belief in Indian expertise in defence technology. How can you bet for indian engine on FGFA when India even meet the desired specifications of KAVERI.

AMCA is like Tejas upgraded to a much better version

NOTE: You should weight for FGFA deal to know about the level of ToT and partnership before making further foolish comments.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
The most precious thing in the world is "TIME". and as of now, FGFA is the economic and efficient way to get the military strength asap.

For your kind information, The full scale model of AMCA is under fabrication which will give the height of stealth. As of now AMCA is yet to prove its stealth. And Do you know, India don't have sensor fusion and IWB tech, which will be shared from FGFA.

Also, FGFA will be manufactured in India, By Indians. You should loose your overhyped level of belief in Indian expertise in defence technology. How can you bet for indian engine on FGFA when India even meet the desired specifications of KAVERI.


NOTE: You should weight for FGFA deal to know about the level of ToT and partnership for further foolish comments.
Please don't say made by Indians if you don't know the terms of the deal. If you are saying that I should shut up because I don't know terms of the deal, then so should you. By the way, if ToT from FGFA is significant like which can be used in AMCA, then FGFA becomes more about acquiring technology rather than being useful itself. As I have said before, if India has to pay 19 billion USD for technology alone by just buying 1 FGFA, it is still worth it if the technology is worth. FGFA is worth the technology transfer it has.

Simply put, I value FGFA as follows-

ToT = value
Experience = value
Reverse engineering technology = value
Plane = scrap metal

If it is possible to only buy technology, even then it is fine or buying 100 FGFA for ToT and later throwing the planes into the ocean while keeping only the technology is also fine. But the plane itself is just useless.

Don't advocate for FGFA without telling what the ToT will be. Till then please refrain from recommending FGFA or speaking about buying it
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Rest in Peace
New Member
Mar 5, 2017
As I have said before, if India has to pay 19 billion USD for technology alone by just buying 1 FGFA, it is still worth it if the technology is worth.
who said FGFA deal costs 19 billion even without a single piece.
The only development partnership costs around 7.2 billion USD, Out of which India has to pay for 50% that is around 3.6 billion dollars.

Further the cost of each unit would be between 90-110 million USD. And as of now India wants to purchase max 100 units of FGFA.

The total expenditure including production line , logistics support and MRO facilities would be around 25 billion USD.

For your kind information, there are lot of ToTs shared in the past but at that time, our developers are not able absorb it completely.

NOTE: Please don't share fake facts. If you don't know, just share you query.

If it is possible to only buy technology, even then it is fine or buying 100 FGFA for ToT and later throwing the planes into the ocean while keeping only the technology is also fine. But the plane itself is just useless

you're are crossing the threshold of stupidity.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
Country flag
What is there in FGFA that India needs that can't be obtained by itself? Why waste time and foreign exchange on useless items? If we can get to make FGFA on our own by initial JV and indigenisation over time, then it is meaningful. Else, FGFA is as good as shit:bs:

Why do you want to perpetuate Indian slavery to imports forever? :prison:
We currently have no indegenious program for complete heavy stealth fighter development. We have LCA program and Amca program is next on the block. So you could say we have learned to make small combat aircrafts. Now we are gunning for middle weight class.

For heavy fighters of the future if we go alone today may be we can make something better than su 30 mki of today with composite and other avionics improvements.

But even that will take at least 8-10 years.
Meanwhile Russia has already developed lot of things of PAKFA. Prototype are flying , engine will be tested this year or next.

So riding the Russian train allows us to posses a stealth plane by 2027-28.

Till then Amca will be maturing. This also provides us a viable way for filling squadron numbers.

By 2030 we can direct our resources , manpower and institutions to develop the next gen heavy fighter all indegenious. Just like LCA and Amca. Maybe it will be called AHCA advanced heavy combat aircraft.

Now will be learn by FGFA any more than what we learned from su30 ?? Answer is yes. Let's say Russia was reluctant than and will be reluctant now. But we too had much smaller base to absorb technology in 1990s than we have today. We today have better facilities , more scientist ., More experienced engineers. More knowledge of avionics etc. So even by assembling parts here we will learn much more than ever before.

Right now we are funding two national aerospace projects with LCA and Amca .

A heavy fighter will be much more expensive, much more complex. We can't afford to have LCA like fiasco again.

Our priority Should be to mature LCA ,Amca platform learn from su30 mki , upgrade , learn from fgfa. Than in 2030 go full flast for the AHCA. Hopefully we'll have indegenious engine line by then.

But I agree we shouldn't call ours what is Russian , no shame in that . We are learning here. Once we taught the humanity maths and science now west and Russia are teaching us certain things. Such is the cycle of time.

The important thing to ensure is that we have IP on FGFA so that we can modify it at will and add indegenious avionics and missiles to it. That is also favourable for Russia if they want to export it. Because other nations prefer Russian hardware with Western avionics aka su30 mki.

And frankly Russia too doesn't have much options PAKFA is a costly bird and other than India all major economies buy western birds . They will have to put something real on the table this time .


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
@Vijyes everyone here is well aware of your skepticism regarding the Su-57MKI and the need for it. All the reasoning in the world has failed to convince you of the overarching need to have Su-57MKI. I admire the tenacity of @TPFscopes who is trying to convince you with valid arguments since a long time ago. But by now, I am certain of the fact that nothing will ever convince you in this matter. So lets just agree to disagree. You can keep your belief (yes it is a belief) that Su-57MKI is a waste of National resources. We will maintain that Su-57MKI is something we fap to at night (at least I will).

What we ask of you is to stop flogging a dead horse because the decision will not be made by us, nor will our thoughts be factored into the decision making process regarding this project. So all you have to do is treat this thread as a waste of time for you and not post here. You don't even need to open the link with the address: "". Just lay off of this thread and stop derailing it.

Online for a year.jpg


Strategic Issues
New Member
Oct 28, 2016
But why is it different than past deals? Gorshkov was a disaster, T-90 was a disaster, Kilo's were a disaster, MiG-29 and MKI are coming into part shortages. How many disasters do you need before you kick a bad habit?
as far as Gorshkov , t90 , kilo class , mig29 and mki is concern ...these systems defend us at the time when no other better options were available ....and still going to serve us for next many years..

fgfa is different story , i think govt aready madeup towards rafale...
@Vijyes everyone here is well aware of your skepticism regarding the Su-57MKI and the need for it. All the reasoning in the world has failed to convince you of the overarching need to have Su-57MKI. I admire the tenacity of @TPFscopes who is trying to convince you with valid arguments since a long time ago. But by now, I am certain of the fact that nothing will ever convince you in this matter. So lets just agree to disagree. You can keep your belief (yes it is a belief) that Su-57MKI is a waste of National resources. We will maintain that Su-57MKI is something we fap to at night (at least I will).

What we ask of you is to stop flogging a dead horse because the decision will not be made by us, nor will our thoughts be factored into the decision making process regarding this project. So all you have to do is treat this thread as a waste of time for you and not post here. You don't even need to open the link with the address: "". Just lay off of this thread and stop derailing it.

View attachment 19457

you think on one person agree or one person disagree on idf will make the govt to buy or not buy this jet..?


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
you think on one person agree or one person disagree on idf will make the govt to buy or not buy this jet..?
the decision will not be made by us, nor will our thoughts be factored into the decision making process regarding this project.


Strategic Issues
New Member
Oct 28, 2016
so let them have fun......................


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
so let them have fun......................
He is getting on my nerves. I expect to see this thread up in the latest replies section when there is some actual progress on this front. Occasional discussions are good but constant ramblings are not. Even the moderators have lost all hope of ever cleaning this thread.


Strategic Issues
New Member
Oct 28, 2016
He is getting on my nerves. I expect to see this thread up in the latest replies section when there is some actual progress on this front. Occasional discussions are good but constant ramblings are not. Even the moderators have lost all hope of ever cleaning this thread.
thats a valid point.....
taken !!!


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
He is getting on my nerves. I expect to see this thread up in the latest replies section when there is some actual progress on this front. Occasional discussions are good but constant ramblings are not. Even the moderators have lost all hope of ever cleaning this thread.
thats a valid point.....
taken !!!
who said FGFA deal costs 19 billion even without a single piece.
The only development partnership costs around 7.2 billion USD, Out of which India has to pay for 50% that is around 3.6 billion dollars.

Further the cost of each unit would be between 90-110 million USD. And as of now India wants to purchase max 100 units of FGFA.

The total expenditure including production line , logistics support and MRO facilities would be around 25 billion USD.

For your kind information, there are lot of ToTs shared in the past but at that time, our developers are not able absorb it completely.

NOTE: Please don't share fake facts. If you don't know, just share you query.


you're are crossing the threshold of stupidity.
We currently have no indegenious program for complete heavy stealth fighter development. We have LCA program and Amca program is next on the block. So you could say we have learned to make small combat aircrafts. Now we are gunning for middle weight class.

For heavy fighters of the future if we go alone today may be we can make something better than su 30 mki of today with composite and other avionics improvements.

But even that will take at least 8-10 years.
Meanwhile Russia has already developed lot of things of PAKFA. Prototype are flying , engine will be tested this year or next.

So riding the Russian train allows us to posses a stealth plane by 2027-28.

Till then Amca will be maturing. This also provides us a viable way for filling squadron numbers.

By 2030 we can direct our resources , manpower and institutions to develop the next gen heavy fighter all indegenious. Just like LCA and Amca. Maybe it will be called AHCA advanced heavy combat aircraft.

Now will be learn by FGFA any more than what we learned from su30 ?? Answer is yes. Let's say Russia was reluctant than and will be reluctant now. But we too had much smaller base to absorb technology in 1990s than we have today. We today have better facilities , more scientist ., More experienced engineers. More knowledge of avionics etc. So even by assembling parts here we will learn much more than ever before.

Right now we are funding two national aerospace projects with LCA and Amca .

A heavy fighter will be much more expensive, much more complex. We can't afford to have LCA like fiasco again.

Our priority Should be to mature LCA ,Amca platform learn from su30 mki , upgrade , learn from fgfa. Than in 2030 go full flast for the AHCA. Hopefully we'll have indegenious engine line by then.

But I agree we shouldn't call ours what is Russian , no shame in that . We are learning here. Once we taught the humanity maths and science now west and Russia are teaching us certain things. Such is the cycle of time.

The important thing to ensure is that we have IP on FGFA so that we can modify it at will and add indegenious avionics and missiles to it. That is also favourable for Russia if they want to export it. Because other nations prefer Russian hardware with Western avionics aka su30 mki.

And frankly Russia too doesn't have much options PAKFA is a costly bird and other than India all major economies buy western birds . They will have to put something real on the table this time .

I will reply only once more. Next time any of your words are not able to answer my words, I will automatically consider it to be invalid

First, what is the value of FGFA for India that it can't do by itself? Fake facts like just assembly will enhance Indian knowledge is not meaningful as it is not backed by historical data. One can simply disassemble any plane and then reassemble them if that was the case.

Now, since many of you are ranting at me like foreign agents but giving no reason to say FGFA is offering any ToT, I have taken it for granted that there will be no ToT. My words are on that assumption. Even an opportunity to reverse engineer is OK. But, since you people have to call me as rambler, you people should at least have basic common sense as to specify the technology acquisition opportunities which are not 'vague' but specific and meaningful. Words like 'gaining experience', 'knowledge enhancement' will simply not cut out. Knowledge enhancement in what? That banana peel is actually good for health?

As I said before, an imported plane which we don't know to make on our own or are unlikely to reverse engineer to make on our own is just scrap metal.

Unless any of you can be specific about ToT, I am.going to assume that FGFA will not give India anything more than we have and is as good as crap. Till the time any of you could specify in specific manner the usefulness of FGFA, kindly refrain from recommending it or glorifying it.

Let us agree that none of us have any meaningful data to say FGFA will be giving any technology to India as of now and till that data is obtained, let us maintain silence on the topic


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
Country flag
as far as Gorshkov , t90 , kilo class , mig29 and mki is concern ...these systems defend us at the time when no other better options were available ....and still going to serve us for next many years..

fgfa is different story , i think govt aready madeup towards rafale... you think on one person agree or one person disagree on idf will make the govt to buy or not buy this jet..?
Instead of Gorshkov, India could have opted for a refit of the Foch, including catapults. That would be much more capable than a ski-jump. Instead of T-90 you could have had Leclerc, it is under the transport weight and several times the tank that debacle has been. Instead of Kilo it could have been Agosta. MiG-29 could have been more M2000s, instead of MKI it could have been way more Rafale. Not only does France have an export to match Russia, it outclasses it in most cases, especially in support, ToT and timelines.


New Member
Dec 25, 2015
Country flag
Instead of Gorshkov, India could have opted for a refit of the Foch, including catapults. That would be much more capable than a ski-jump. Instead of T-90 you could have had Leclerc, it is under the transport weight and several times the tank that debacle has been. Instead of Kilo it could have been Agosta. MiG-29 could have been more M2000s, instead of MKI it could have been way more Rafale. Not only does France have an export to match Russia, it outclasses it in most cases, especially in support, ToT and timelines.

Do You know India Has an Indigenous Nuclear submarine INS Arihant ...........

can You guess from which country India Got that technology ?


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
Country flag
Do You know India Has an Indigenous Nuclear submarine INS Arihant ...........

can You guess from which country India Got that technology ?
Can you guess where Brasil is getting its nuclear powered submarine... I can tell you it isn't Russia.

