Sukhoi PAK FA


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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No. Cruise missile IS THE BEST BET for deep strike.
Before the Deep Strike you Should take out their Air Defence Layers.

And be certain that China will use cruise missile against India in large numbers.
Did China told this to you

Rafale is SHEER WASTE OF MONEY. It will not survive against dense SAM network and latest Chinese planes.
Jamming is not so easy as you write, there is a lot of Physics involved.
Rafale is waste of Money ..You should write a Letter to CAG and IAF . Jamming need Physics ... :eek:mg:

The attacks on Libya and Syria are quite complex and involve many types of assets. Do you have full knowledge of the battle situation?
You should Know who takes Control of Libyan Airspace first,

Can India pull NATO type of battle management? You cannot become a Western country by just buying one type of equipment.
Don't Bring NATO here . Air Superiority can be Achieved by Long Range SAM's and Couple of Fighters with a AEWCS , that's basically a BARCAP mission, If you want Control over Enemy Airspace you should Take out their Ground based threats, Then only you can launch your Air Superiority Fighters


New Member
Sep 9, 2014
Don't Bring NATO here . Air Superiority can be Achieved by Long Range SAM's and Couple of Fighters with a AEWCS , that's basically a BARCAP mission, If you want Control over Enemy Airspace you should Take out their Ground based threats, Then only you can launch your Air Superiority Fighters
You are constructing a theoretical scenario. The fact is IAF has the least war experience and the least honesty of all the three services. The role to be played by IAF in war is being hyped up by vested interests.

There is a crying need to increase resources to Army and to ground based air defence. These are the areas that should receive full attention of GOI rather than this misguided purchase of Rafale.

There are some people connected to previous regime that benefit from Rafale purchase. A number of internet posters have been hired by these vested interests to promote this purchase.


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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You are constructing a theoretical scenario. The fact is IAF has the least war experience and the least honesty of all the three services. The role to be played by IAF in war is being hyped up by vested interests.
Ok saar , IAF has Least Experience, I taught those Exercise with USA, French, England Oman are all just some Display events, and More those Known Humanitarian efforts are all Joking, landing in Ladakh and Kedarnath are Just Photoshopped Events by the IAF personnel. and Tell me Saar why they peoples see Fighters Everyday who resident nearby IAF bases

There is a crying need to increase resources to Army and to ground based air defence.
induction of Akash , Sosna R and DRDO QR SAM are all Happening

These are the areas that should receive full attention of GOI rather than this misguided purchase of Rafale.
Army, Navy, Air Force Gets fund Separately directly from MoD . so don't confuse like instead of buying ships we can buy BFJ for Army

There are some people connected to previous regime that benefit from Rafale purchase. A number of internet posters have been hired by these vested interests to promote this purchase.
saar please.., Praising Rafale since i start posting in forums .But I didn't get anything from Dassault or someone . If you knows someone Please Suggest My name ..I need the Money


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Apr 13, 2013
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Russian, Indian Defense Chiefs Agree to Speed Up Joint Military Projects

Russia and India will intensify their military cooperation in numerous issues including the development of the Sukhoi/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft

NEW DELHI, January 21 (Sputnik) — Russia and India have agreed to speed up work on the fifth-generation fighter jet they are developing together, among other joint projects tackled during a Wednesday meeting between the countries' defense ministers.

Speaking on the heels of the meeting in New Delhi, Indian defense chief Manohar Parrikar told reporters he had discussed "all the issues including the fifth-generation fighter aircraft" with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu.

"We have decided to fast-track many of the issues," Parrikar said, adding there was "apprehension" about the slow progress on the construction of the aircraft.

In early January, a Russian-Indian joint venture in charge of the project said Russian and Indian engineers had completed a preliminary design for the Sukhoi/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).

Defense Minister Parrikar said the government had invited Russian companies to come over to India for other joint projects, specifically the production of spare parts for Russia-made military equipment on the Indian soil. He added the Indian army had a "substantial" amount of Russian and Soviet military equipment in service, including heavy artillery and armored vehicles.

Shoigu is in India for the 14th meeting of the Inter-Governmental Commission on Military and Technical Cooperation, which aims at boosting Russia's military and counterterrorism cooperation with its South Asian partner.

Russian, Indian Defense Chiefs Agree to Speed Up Joint Military Projects / Sputnik International


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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So the doubt is cleared . Iran too get the Su 50 in future

who funding and who getting, What I think was The Su 50 deal is something like Brahmos, Now It will be available for almost some Countries, later ME and Latin American Countries


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Mar 6, 2011
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I already told that If Cruise Missiles Climb above some 300ft then it will be Tracked and can easily Destroyed, If they have Aero Stats then Cruise Missiles can't survive and didn't score Much

I agree Fighter Jet can't fly like a low Flying Cruise Missiles .But It can Jam any kind of Radars


I never said It's a Super Plane ,

Was I break any Law's here ,,Mods Please don't Ban Me

yes Of course :wtfcat:
cruise missiles are always meant to fly at tree top level to avoid detection. That is their sole design purpose. Then why should you expect it to fly above 300 feet?

A cruise missile has no pilot in it and costs under 3 million dollars or so. So even it is intercepted we can try to strike the same target again with more missiles. In contrast a rafale costs hundreds of millions of dollar and has a pilot in it.

A cruise missile is stealth even to AWACS , but a rafale carrying heavy ground strike weapon is not.

And most of the time we will be hitting command centers, transport hubs deep in china , for that purpose cruise missile is best suited. In syria campaign rafale had to scout around around for stray terrorist targets like trucks . For that purpose rafale is ideal. And the cruise missile is not. 5th gen stealth FGFA and AMCA are also ideal for the job. In the age of 5th gen stealths it is not optimal to put so many billions of dollars(20 billion and counting ) on 4.5 th gen fighters like Rafale.

IAF's MMRCA requirements predates J20, j-31 test flights. So now IAF has to take these into accounts and go in for urgnet PAKFA purchase if it wants deep strike options with manned fighters in china. Or if it can afford to wait then wait for indian specific version FGFA.

But in china theatre the targets are high value immobile targets and big chinese ballistic, cruise missile targets. For that purpose cruise missile is ideal.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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So the doubt is cleared . Iran too get the Su 50 in future

who funding and who getting, What I think was The Su 50 deal is something like Brahmos, Now It will be available for almost some Countries, later ME and Latin American Countries
Indiand R&D funding(yet to be cleared) was for indian specific FGFA version. There is no reason to expect russians wont sell their PAKFA design in export market. If EU lifts its arms embargo (as french are urging it to !!!) on china french will also sell their rafale and nuron to china.Do you have any doubts about that?


New Member
Jan 18, 2015
Can you give the link of this poster?


BTW it seems like a good candidate for a naval air superiority aircraft based on future Indian aircraft carriers IMHO. If it becomes possible, there will be no match of this aircraft in any navy all around the world.
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New Member
Mar 10, 2014
Ok to be clear India gets PAKFA (Su50) and FGFA (Su55)? So we aren't waiting until the next decade to get these planes?

Does the production really start next year?


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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cruise missiles are always meant to fly at tree top level to avoid detection. That is their sole design purpose. Then why should you expect it to fly above 300 feet?
Some of them Only .. and Can those Cruise Missiles can hit the Target directly, what about Moving Targets.

Cruise Missiles can fly below than Radar Coverage Most Countries Radar Coverage from 15 feet so. they can detect the Missile but can't perform Interception

A cruise missile has no pilot in it and costs under 3 million dollars or so. So even it is intercepted we can try to strike the same target again with more missiles. In contrast a rafale costs hundreds of millions of dollar and has a pilot in it.
Cruise Missile also does have CEP .and You loss the Momentum of Surprise if you launch Barrage of Missiles into one Target.

AND for Theater Operations Cruise Missiles can't be effective as much as CAS Fighter

A cruise missile is stealth even to AWACS , but a rafale carrying heavy ground strike weapon is not.
First Time. The US Installed Aerostats along Mexican border to halt the Drug Traffic. They can identify miniature UAV's flying Below some 10 Feets to evade Customs. But they can be tracked by Aerostats and C 130 Based AEWCS

so cruise Missile

And most of the time we will be hitting command centers, transport hubs deep in china , for that purpose cruise missile is best suited. In syria campaign rafale had to scout around around for stray terrorist targets like trucks . For that purpose rafale is ideal. And the cruise missile is not. 5th gen stealth FGFA and AMCA are also ideal for the job. In the age of 5th gen stealths it is not optimal to put so many billions of dollars(20 billion and counting ) on 4.5 th gen fighters like Rafale.
every country uses Cruise Missile both fired from Aircrafts and Land based Launchers to hit Command Centers Bridges and So on ..But never heard anyone can use the Cruise Missile for SEAD and CAS

IAF's MMRCA requirements predates J20, j-31 test flights. So now IAF has to take these into accounts and go in for urgnet PAKFA purchase if it wants deep strike options with manned fighters in china. Or if it can afford to wait then wait for indian specific version FGFA.
MMRCA meant to Meet the Chinese J 20 Fighters ..I think they want the MMCA to perform CAS, BARCAP, Air Interception, Marine Assistance and Recon

But in china theatre the targets are high value immobile targets and big chinese ballistic, cruise missile targets. For that purpose cruise missile is ideal.
Those Targets can be destroyed by using the Brahmos Missile while Block III can do Vertical dives ..No other Aircraft can do like that
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New Member
Dec 4, 2014
Ok to be clear India gets PAKFA (Su50) and FGFA (Su55)? So we aren't waiting until the next decade to get these planes?

Does the production really start next year?
PAKFA yes 130-140 fighters before 2022

FGFA -india is going to be doing way more work on it so it depends on the HAL's facilities

all in all deal is done, contract signed


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
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why do India need 2 seater FGFA when PAK FA can do most of the job, why India is stressing on 2 seater


New Member
Dec 4, 2014
why do India need 2 seater FGFA when PAK FA can do most of the job, why India is stressing on 2 seater
well many reasons
1. trainer capable
2. their positive experience with SU30 2 seater
3. 5th gen is so integrated target wise that the on board computer is your "co-pilot"but india i think still wants it to be the old school way


New Member
Aug 13, 2014
PAKFA yes 130-140 fighters before 2022

FGFA -india is going to be doing way more work on it so it depends on the HAL's facilities

all in all deal is done, contract signed

ther eis no news of the contract been signed just more negotiations under way

what are the negotiatins about ? any ideas ?

akshay m

New Member
Jun 18, 2014
some updates

Gun for the PAK FA will be tested in 2015

Flight tests of the 9A1-4071K modernized rapid-aircraft cannon, which can exhaust its entire ammunition capacity in any mode, were conducted on the Su-27SM. In 2015, developmental work is planned to test the gun on a plane of the fifth-generation – the T-50.

Currently, the official terms of reference and the state contract are being finalized, according to TASS. PAK FA is Russia's fifth-generation multi-role fighter. It is being developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, where the fighter has been designated as the T-50. PAK FA first took to the skies in 2010. In total, eight aircraft are being constructed; five of which are already flying. Serial deliveries of the fifth-generation fighter to the army are to begin in 2016.

The T-50 provides a system of automatic target recognition. In the lining of the PAK-FA special transceiver elements are integrated, allowing the aircraft to respond to all surrounding objects and to transmit signals to the pilot of any threats.

The main structural elements of the fighter are manufactured by Rostec enterprises. The power core was developed by designers from the United Engine Corporation. The cabin lights and trim were developed by specialists from RT-Chemcomposite. Avionics and onboard electronics, which satisfy the requirements of a fifth generation aircraft, were developed by Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies.

Sukhoi PAK FA exceeds all expectations

In Zhukovsky, just outside Moscow, one of the testing stages for the multi-purpose PAK FA fighter plane has been completed. Parts for the aircraft were developed by companies under Rostec State Corporation.

The fifth-generation Russian fighter aircraft not only outperformed foreign analogues, but it also demonstrated characteristics which exceeded its designers' expectations.

The PAK FA, also known as the T-50, is capable of carrying out the functions of fighter, attack and bomber aircraft. The fifth-generation fighter is equipped with stealth technology, artificial intelligence and has a top speed of over 2,500km/h. The aircraft can carry out complex operations which had previously been impossible without pilot input.

The PAK FA has completed its test flights and given a demonstration of acrobatic manoeuvres. The testers reported that the aircraft carries out many functions automatically, making the pilot's work easier. For example, if the stick is released upon take-off the aircraft will manoeuvre itself into a horizontal position. Even in the case of the pilot being unable to fly the plane, the PAK-FA can automatically return to base and land.

The PAK FA has automatic target recognition. Its skin also has special built-in transmit-receive elements allowing it to react to all surrounding objects and send a warning signal to the pilot in case of a threat.

The main structural elements of the aircraft are made by Rostec companies. The power unit is being developed by United Engine Corporation. The cockpit light and fittings are made by specialists at Rostec Chemical and Composite Technologies and Materials. The avionics and on-board radioelectronics to meet the requirements of a fifth-generation aircraft are being created at Radioelectronic Technologies.

Most of the aircraft's specifications are being kept secret. The designers will only confirm that many of the PAK-FA's parameters surpass those of the American Raptor F-22 fifth-generation aircraft. The Russian jet has a top speed that is more than 500km/h faster; it is also lighter and has a longer flight duration. Furthermore, the PAK FA has greater manoeuvrability than the American aircraft.

During secret trials the PAK FA completed over 500 flights. Its designers have confirmed that the first testing stage was a success. The fifth-generation PAK FA is due to go into mass production in 2015.
Rostec :: News :: Sukhoi PAK FA exceeds all expectations

