Sukhoi PAK FA

average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
Killer-Drone Showdown Set as Lockheed Unveils Jet-Powered 'Bot | Danger Room |

The US Airforce is dragging its feet all it can, but Boeing and Lockheed and two other companies are developing if not already building prototypes Drones for Air combat. Theres not any question they are going to be building aircombat drones befor the PAK FA is even in production. . If you have ever played chess with a computer think what its going to be to go up against drones smaller then manned air craft, that can handle 25 Gs, fly for 20 hours are more stealthy then any plane.
In combat they work on a autonomous mode with out human control.

average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
Re: On F-35 export "success"

In any fight those that can detect the enemy first has a tremendous advantage. 1. They can attack or with draw. They can set up an ambush with a superior force. They have the element of surprise and can strike the first blow.


* F-15C & Su-27 (RCS = 10~15m2): 450 ~ 600 km
* Tornado (RCS = 8 m2): 420 ~ 500 km
* MIG-29 (RCS = 5 m2): 370 ~ 450 km
* F/A-18C (RCS = 3 m2): 330 ~ 395 km
* F-16C (RCS = 1.2 m2): 260 ~ 310 km
* JAS39 (RCS = 0.5 m2): 210 ~ 250 km
* Su-47 (RCS = 0.3 m2): 185 ~ 220 km
* Rafale (RCS = 0.1~0.2 m2): 140 ~ 200 km
* F-18E (RCS = 0.1 m2): 140 ~ 170 km
* MIG-42 (RCS = 0.1 m2): 140 ~ 170 km
* EF2K (RCS = 0.05~0.1 m2): 120 ~ 170 km
* F-35A (RCS = 0.0015 m2): 50 ~ 60 km
* F/A-22 (RCS < or = 0.0002~0.0005 m2): < or = 30 ~ 45 km

Now remember this is the detection range of an AWACS which is much longer range then an fighter the detection range for the F22 and F35 of a PAK FA or T-50 might be as little as ten or twenty miles.

Thats why all the hype for the IRST. Problem with IRST is its usually directional and the F22 and F35 have a reduced IRST signature plus missiles dont lock on to IRST signatures.


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2012
Does our PAK-FA get Plasma stealth? I know the power requirements are colossal but Plasma shield for short period of time to break missile lock is possible I think.

average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
I understand that the new CRUD missiles have the capacity to use optical, heat or radar or a combination to lock on to targets they can be preprogramed to go to a certain location and then activate.. Because they are a smaller diameter missile it triple the number of missiles the F22 and F35 carries. But there is even somethng more scary about the CRUD missile they can operate off of the small diameter bomb racks ot the teen fighters. This is what I was told teen fighters have been upgraded to carry as many as 40 small diameter missiles,...even the B2 can be loaded with over 80 air to air missiles on their bomb racks.


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2011
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Fourth T-50 Stealth Fighter Flies

Fourth T-50 Stealth Fighter Flies | Defense | RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, December 12 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's fourth prototype Sukhoi T-50 stealth fighter jet took to the skies for the first time on Wednesday in a 40 minute flight at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur factory in Siberia, Sukhoi said.
"The fourth prototype PAK-FA made its first flight today from the Gagarin factory in Komsomolsk-on-Amur," Sukhoi said, referring to the aircraft by its project name, an acronym for future fifth-generation tactical fighter.
"The flight tested the aircraft's overall integrity and its main engines. The aircraft is making a good impression in all phases of the flying program," Sukhoi said.
The T-50, which will be the core of Russia's future fighter fleet, is a fifth-generation multirole fighter aircraft featuring low-observable technology (stealth), super-maneuverability, supercruise capability (supersonic flight without use of afterburner), and an advanced avionics suite including an X-band active phased-array radar.
The first prototype first flew on January 29, 2010.
The Russian Defense Ministry plans to purchase a first batch of 10 evaluation aircraft and then 60 production-standard aircraft after 2015.
Meanwhile, the Novosibirsk aircraft factory (NAPO) plans to deliver ten more Sukoi Su-34 strike aircraft to the Russian Air Force in the near future, the Air Force's Col. Andrei Bobrun said.
"The Novosibirsk factory will send another ten aircraft to the Voronezh air base in the near future," he said.

The air force set up its first Su-34 squadron at the end of 2011. A two-seat strike-dedicated derivative of the Su-27 fighter, the Su-34 can carry a payload of up to eight tons of guided weapons over 4,000 kilometers.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009

200 flights completed too.

So, weapons tests will follow the next year. Nice.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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200 flights completed too.

So, weapons tests will follow the next year. Nice.
Weapons tests don't occur until prior to state acceptance trials. That is years away.p
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Anshu Attri

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Russia's 5th Generation Fighter Jet to Start State Tests in March

Russia's 5th Generation Fighter Jet to Start State Tests in March | Defense | RIA Novosti

MOSCOW REGION, December 23 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's fifth-generation stealth jet fighter, the T-50, will start state flight tests in March 2013, Russia's Air Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev said on Sunday.
Currently three fighter jets are performing test flights at the Zhukovsky airfield outside Moscow, the fourth plane is undergoing factory test trials and the fifth plane is in the process of factory approvals, the commander said.
All these planes will fly to Akhtubinsk in the Astrakhan Region in March next year where "state tests will begin," he said.

There will be a total of eight planes involved in state trials in Akhtubinsk throughout 2013, the commander said.
"We'll complete them [the tests] within 2-2.5 years and somewhere in 2015-early 2016 these planes are expected to go into serial production and we'll start receiving them and supplying our combat units with them," the commander said.
The Sukhoi aircraft company, the T-50 maker, announced last week that Russia's fourth prototype Sukhoi T-50 stealth fighter jet took to the skies for the first time in a 40 minute flight at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur factory in Siberia.
The T-50, also known as project PAK-FA, first flew in January 2010 and was first publicly revealed at the Moscow Air Show in 2011.
The T-50, which will be the core of Russia's future fighter fleet, is a fifth-generation multirole fighter aircraft featuring low-observable technology (stealth), super-maneuverability, supercruise capability (supersonic flight without use of afterburner), and an advanced avionics suite including an X-band active phased-array radar.
The Russian Defense Ministry plans to purchase a first batch of 10 evaluation aircraft and then 60 production-standard aircraft after 2015.
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Anshu Attri

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Series production of the Russian fighter of the 5th generation will begin in 2015.

Серийное производство истребителей РФ 5-го поколения начнется в 2015г. :: Общество ::

Russian fifth-generation fighter, also known as the PAK FA (promising aviation complex tactical aircraft) will start in production in 2015 and 2016. Told reporters on Russian Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev.

According to him, the state tests of five fifth-generation fighter will begin on the basis of the test center of the Air Forces in March 2013. He added that the trial will be completed within 2-2.5 years.

V.Bondarev General noted that the test program defines all necessary inspections of aircraft and its systems, on-board equipment and air armament.

Air Force Commander also said that the development of a strategic missile-carrying bomber new generation (promising aviation complex long-range aircraft, PAK DA) will be completed by 2017-2018gg.

"By developing PAK DA held a lot of work. Airplane is very serious, he will provide strategic security of the country for many years, so we can not make mistakes. I think by 2017, 2018., We will complete the creation of the newest bomber, and it will be ready for mass production," - said V.Bondarev.
He stressed that the development of the aircraft a lot of attention is paid to low visibility and the use of new types of aircraft weapons of various types.

"The aircraft will be assigned additional tasks, which were not foreseen at the Tu-95 and Tu-160. According to its characteristics, it will be superior to all existing foreign counterparts," - said the commander in chief.

He also added that in the long-range aviation, work is underway to extend the life-carrying bombers Tu-160.

Air Force Commander also said that to ensure refueling long-range aircraft currently being modernized air tankers IL-78.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2012
Series production of the Russian fighter of the 5th generation will begin in 2015.

Серийное производство истребителей РФ 5-го поколения начнется в 2015г. :: Общество ::

Russian fifth-generation fighter, also known as the PAK FA (promising aviation complex tactical aircraft) will start in production in 2015 and 2016. Told reporters on Russian Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev.

According to him, the state tests of five fifth-generation fighter will begin on the basis of the test center of the Air Forces in March 2013. He added that the trial will be completed within 2-2.5 years.

V.Bondarev General noted that the test program defines all necessary inspections of aircraft and its systems, on-board equipment and air armament.

Air Force Commander also said that the development of a strategic missile-carrying bomber new generation (promising aviation complex long-range aircraft, PAK DA) will be completed by 2017-2018gg.

"By developing PAK DA held a lot of work. Airplane is very serious, he will provide strategic security of the country for many years, so we can not make mistakes. I think by 2017, 2018., We will complete the creation of the newest bomber, and it will be ready for mass production," - said V.Bondarev.
He stressed that the development of the aircraft a lot of attention is paid to low visibility and the use of new types of aircraft weapons of various types.

"The aircraft will be assigned additional tasks, which were not foreseen at the Tu-95 and Tu-160. According to its characteristics, it will be superior to all existing foreign counterparts," - said the commander in chief.

He also added that in the long-range aviation, work is underway to extend the life-carrying bombers Tu-160.

Air Force Commander also said that to ensure refueling long-range aircraft currently being modernized air tankers IL-78.

HAHAHA "promising aviation complex tactical aircraft" Made my day :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oops I see, its translated. My bad, but I was already fed up with too much desi journalism

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