Su-30 MKI

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Dec 19, 2011
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Aug 27, 2011
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Desi Sukhoi does supersonic ballet on debut | Sukhoi | Indian Air Force | The New Indian Express

HAL has so far delivered 99 Sukhois to the IAF, out of a total order of 180, produced under licence from Russia at an approximate cost of Rs 250-300 crore each. The raw material phase Sukhoi is the first from Phase-IV of the project. The avionics and accessories have come from HAL's Lucknow, Hyderabad and Korwa divisions, while the engine was produced at Koraput."HAL will have to complete the deliveries by 2014-15.
101 number is also as per some official news. Will post the link, Don't remember as of now. So 101+50 = 151 inducted.

As per the revised sanction, the Production capacity envisaged Was 16 aircraft per Year.

Subsequent to CCS Sanctions, contracts were concluded with IAF for supply of 140 8U-30 MIG aircraft by 2014-15. Further contract for supply of additional 40 SU-30 MKI aircraft was concluded with IAF for completion within 2014-15, along with earlier order of 140 aircraft. Out of the total 180 aircraft, 99 aircraft have been delivered till 2010-11.
Press Information Bureau English Releases
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Aug 27, 2011
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You forget the fact that India traded back 18 Su-30s.
In starting, we received 18 Su-30MK (In 2 batches of 8 and 10 respectively). Then 32 in 3 batches which was MKI. Later on, We upgraded 18 SUMK into MKI standard. So, All 50 from Russia are operational.

151 in service. (101+50)

16 x 5 = 90, So By 2015-2016 we will have 101+ 50+ 90 (Yet to be operational) = 241. Indeed, we only have order of 79 more.

Even 14 x 5 = 70. So By 2015-2016, we will have 151 + 70 = 221. So by 2016 end, by that rate also 230 will be inducted. From FY12 production rate is 16 officially and all steps already taken.
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Dec 17, 2009
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There are two sources posted telling you it is 130-37... it ain't no 151. If Nasik can bump it up to 16 not only depends on them, but also on their Russian suppliers so it remains to be seen if it will be met. Current production is 12 and it will only be 200 by 2016 at that rate. We shall see what happens but it doesn't look rosy with no Russian second production line.


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May 25, 2009
There are two sources posted telling you it is 130-37... it ain't no 151. If Nasik can bump it up to 16 not only depends on them, but also on their Russian suppliers so it remains to be seen if it will be met. Current production is 12 and it will only be 200 by 2016 at that rate. We shall see what happens but it doesn't look rosy with no Russian second production line.
The Russian line has finished deliveries of 40 to India, just lego building left. They don't have orders from us anymore.

It ain't 151, it most definitely is 149(-1) according to official sources. 99 + 50. The 18 left over Ks are currently sitting in Russia after having been moved from Belarus. The 18 replacement MKIs were delivered between 2007 and 2009 followed by CKD kits for 40 MKIs. For 2 years nobody knew the 18 were in Belarus. Irkut apparently kept them in Belarus to save taxes. :p

I don't know which idiot spread the rumour of 14, but yeah 12 MKIs were produced a year long time ago. After CCS sanction in 2006, numbers were ramped up to 16/year. Now we have 8 years of production for 123 remaining aircraft. 123/16 = 7.6 years. The Math adds up. Add one more MKI because of the recent crash.

The second Russian production line is not required. On the contrary the Russian production line is going to fill Algerian, Ugandan, Indonesian and Vietnamese orders with nearly half a squadron for each and potentially Malaysia and Venezuela with a squadron each. VVS has been expected to order a squadron of MKI type aircraft as well. So, their lines are quite busy and has nothing to do with us anymore. I doubt their lines are free enough for us to order more anyway.


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Dec 17, 2009
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According to the official source (MILICAS) it is 137. Production at Nasik never hit 16, it is proposed to ramp up to that in the future. I have heard 10-14 was the rate and imagine 12 is the average. If the number to hit is 230 you need 93 more. Even at the proposed 16 it is going to take another 5.8 years, being 2017-18 before that is complete.

If Nasik can double to 24 per year, the Russian line wouldn't be required. The VVS is upgrading Su-27P to Su-27SM2. They are not ordering MKI but completing the Su-35BM order and then moving on to PAK FA. Sukhoi lines have plenty of idle capacity considering they used to make 50% more than they do now.


New Member
May 25, 2009
According to the official source (MILICAS) it is 137. Production at Nasik never hit 16, it is proposed to ramp up to that in the future. I have heard 10-14 was the rate and imagine 12 is the average. If the number to hit is 230 you need 93 more. Even at the proposed 16 it is going to take another 5.8 years, being 2017-18 before that is complete.
Gee. I think I will trust HAL over MILICAS. Very official. It is basic math. 99 delivered by HAL + 50 from Russia = 149 MKIs.

As for the 16/year. This was done a long time ago. Read the dates carefully,
Press Information Bureau English Releases
As per the sanction, the production capacity envisaged was 12 aircraft per Year.

CCS accorded its approval for the compressed delivery programme on 31/03/2006. As per the revised sanction, the Production capacity envisaged Was 16 aircraft per Year.
If Nasik can double to 24 per year, the Russian line wouldn't be required.
The revised sanction is 16/year. Why this number then? Why would the Russians give us their business in building for other countries?

The VVS is upgrading Su-27P to Su-27SM2. They are not ordering MKI but completing the Su-35BM order and then moving on to PAK FA. Sukhoi lines have plenty of idle capacity considering they used to make 50% more than they do now.
Your news is fresh as of 2009, you haven't read the interview posted here, I guess a month ago.


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Dec 19, 2011
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According to the official source (MILICAS) it is 137. Production at Nasik never hit 16, it is proposed to ramp up to that in the future. I have heard 10-14 was the rate and imagine 12 is the average. If the number to hit is 230 you need 93 more. Even at the proposed 16 it is going to take another 5.8 years, being 2017-18 before that is complete.

If Nasik can double to 24 per year, the Russian line wouldn't be required. The VVS is upgrading Su-27P to Su-27SM2. They are not ordering MKI but completing the Su-35BM order and then moving on to PAK FA. Sukhoi lines have plenty of idle capacity considering they used to make 50% more than they do now.
Russia has ordered Su-30SM from Irkutsk. Same as MKI but all Russian.
Russian air force orders thrust-vectoring Su-30SM fighters
I do not understand why are you so hell bent on disregarding PIB releases which is like the official communication channel from GoI.


New Member
Dec 31, 2011
This is the situation with the order and production as I understand it

IAF inital order----96/98---- 50 in 4 batches (18M/MK+32MKI)
Second order------2000---- 140 licence production in India
Third order--------2007---- 40 produced in russia * <Link> (most likely CDK/SDK from rus assembled by HAL)
Fourth order-------2010---- 42 upgraded version produced in India sent to Russia for upgrade
(first 2 to be upgraded and delivered in 2012 and same to flow with 40 from the last batch)

First batch---------- 50 complete with exchange of 18M/MK to Belarus for MKI
Second batch &
Third batch--------- produced as follows:
4 in 2004
8 in 2005
8 in 2005
8 in 2006
8 in 2007
8 in 2008
14 in 2009
14 in 2009
14 in 2010
14 in 2011
Totaling 100​
Fourth batch--------not started

Final total completed AC= 150

for the remaining 120 at 16 per year = 7 years 6 months (corresponding with with the revised 2017-18 schedule)

*This was around the time PAF orderd 36 F 16's so the order was fast tracked

As per my sources and calculations HAL has yet to achieve 16 AC per year most likely we are ready for 16/ year from 2012 onwards

please some experts comment


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Aug 27, 2011
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FIRST LOOK: Air-launched BrahMos On Su-30


Perhaps the first photos of a BrahMos integrated on one of two IAF Su-30 MKIs earmarked to test the air-launched variant of the supersonic cruise missile. I found these pictures in the new BrahMos calendar. While carriage tests and integration tests have been carried out, a first test-firing is unlikely to happen before the end of this year. Development and integration of the air-launched version has been delayed owing to major modifications for the new role, which has included challenges in addressing aerodynamic stability and flame sustenance. In fact in 2007, the Su-30MKI as a platform was briefly dropped from plans owing to the prospect of major time overruns if the team went ahead with reducing the BrahMos's bore diameter. It was a time when the Sukhoi Design Bureau had put its price up and had accorded low priority to the task. All that's behind the team now as it lays the groundwork for a test firing, hopefully this year.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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It is dummy, i got better pic somewhere in my computer. Earlier posted in BR. Shiv aroor should stick to regular news only. you guys can see the Aero India barriers to keep away crowds in the background something like this.


Daku Mongol Singh
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Hey Sayareakd Shiv have deleted that post I posted the comment thanks......
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