Su-30 MKI

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New Member
May 25, 2009
The launches should have been detected by OLS-30 and Tarang. The OLS should see the "Smokey" and RWR should detect the tracking radar and the frequency change of the active launch. Apparently it didn't.
What are you going to do after you detect a launch? You avoid it. How are you going to avoid it? ECM, Chaffs, Flares and hard maneuvering.

What did the Rafales have to avoid missiles? Ans. ECM(SPECTRA) and maneuvering.
What did MKI have? Ans. Only Maneuvering.

Cry me a river.

What ever else you posted just became a joke.

AIS system doesn't register flares so that is irrelevant. MKIs were barred from using chaff and flares for pollution levels those two weeks over Nevada, so the rest of the Blue Team weren't using them either.
I will take your word for it.

The most obvious is pull out of range until a strike team eliminates it. Other ways include pulling hard manoeuvres to defeat the telemetry shot coming into the ACMI or turning on your jammer. Rafale was able to defeat all of these without the use of chaff/flares.
Rain Check. MKI had no ECM at all. Rafale had the most advanced ECM in the exercise. It only proves the ECM and not the aircraft and that was the basis of the article you posted. It's intention was to advertise the Rafale's ECM.

Bull, Rafales were bombing on all the campaigns that called for it. Spectra was picking up the TSR emitter locations and dropping simulated AASMs on them all day. In one reported case we dropped 6 AASMs at once. The reasons MKIs are at greater risk is A) their standoff weapons suck, B) the RWR and OLS isn't effective, and C) they didn't bring their jammers.
So, Rafales did well cause of the Jammers.

As I already mentioned, the MKIs were far from blind. I will break it down one last time...
It is no use. You are merely being stubborn and critical of anything Russian. That's all. You are the complete opposite of Col Ternof. He said the MKis did superbly while the Rafale's did nothing and were simply tailing the MKIs and sucking all the trons from the air.

1) Radars were turned on high enough for BVR locks
You can get BVR locks from 50 metres away. BVR locks can be used in dog fights also. So, that proves nothing. Training bands on the BARS can only give situational awareness up to 30 kms. Rafale had the picture of the entire battlefield. The Mig-21s during Cope India 2004 took out F-15s from a distance of 18 kms using BVR missiles.

If you go closer to the sea level the maximum range of a BVR is no more than 20kms.

2) MKIs still had their own data links between 7-8 aircraft
MKIs datalinks don't work for more than 4 MKIs at a time. It is an ancient piece of trash and was never upgraded. It does not mean anything if your awareness is only 30kms.

3) RWRs and the radars should have been linked together
They are already integrated. Too bad the radars were turned off.

4) AWACs was still vectoring them
Yeah! Right. Dream on. That is a 30 year old technology we were using. Radios. It defeats stealth too.

5) MKI has an OLS and bombers were carrying LITENING pods
It has nothing to do with defeating missiles already flying towards you.

I don't call that turning my monitor off, I call it turning down the brightness. Go figure...
Rafale had a full situational awareness of 200 sq kms using AWACS. MKIs could only look 30kms up front. They needed verbal comm from the AWACS for everything they did. I would definitely call that turning the monitor off. Most importantly, even if the MKIs could see 30kms they could not differentiate between friend and foe. So, the MKIs shot down the Red team aircraft as well as the Blue team forces. Best part is they needed verbal comm from AWACS to find out if they shot down a friendly or an enemy.

The most basic SAM tactic is to fire at an aircraft after it has passed over it. The OLS are only meant for tracking aircraft and missiles that are already in the air and not look for Ground based SAMs. The MKI OLS is not configured for bombing. Only the MiG-35s OLS does that and perhaps the future PAKFA.

Also the ground mapping in training bands suck big time. You will get nothing valuable. If the enemy had ground based Jammers installed, it would completely nullify a 1-2KW signal anyway.

I am not going beyond this. You are a waste of time. I don't get to learn anything new from you and you are simply too stubborn when it comes to Russia.

Anshu Attri

New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Few Sukhoi su 30 MKI air frames will support BrahMos.

IDRW had earlier Reported that not all Sukhoi Su 30 MKI will support 2.5 ton Brahmos cruise missile . CEO and MD of BrahMos Aerospace Dr A S Pillai in a recent interview told Russian news agency at the Defence Services Asia-2010 exhibition that only 40 Sukhoi Su 30 MKI will be able to carry Air launched version of Brahmos cruise missile .
In early report idrw had mentioned that the sheer weight of the missiles can reduce life of the airframe considerably . to enhance the life of airframes this approach might have been taken .
BraMos capable MKI will be equipped in some dedicated Strike squadrons in Indian Air Force , while Dr A S Pillai also told the media that first trials of the air-launched version were set for 2011 and the first test-flight with the missile on-board is scheduled for 2012.
Previous article mentioning limited Sukhoi Air frames numbers will be Equiped with BrahMos.
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New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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What are you going to do after you detect a launch? You avoid it. How are you going to avoid it? ECM, Chaffs, Flares and hard maneuvering.
You left out the most obvious choice, outrunning it. Its not like there was an S-300 battery there. Ranges for simulated missiles are anywhere from 8-30km. Average is 15km. It isn't hard to outrun that. If you have an RWR that is worth a lick of salt, you should be able to avoid most. You could at least get one registered miss.

What did the Rafales have to avoid missiles? Ans. ECM(SPECTRA) and maneuvering.
What did MKI have? Ans. Only Maneuvering.

Cry me a river.

What ever else you posted just became a joke.
Spectra is a missile detection system first and a jammer last. If a threat is detected it tells you to move out of range. Tarang should have done the same thing but failed. The fact that there were no "unsuccessful kills" by Red Team SAMs on MKI means there is something very wrong.

You can cry a river for all the pilots who are going to get shot down in a real war.

That isn't a joke.

Rain Check. MKI had no ECM at all. Rafale had the most advanced ECM in the exercise. It only proves the ECM and not the aircraft and that was the basis of the article you posted. It's intention was to advertise the Rafale's ECM.
Spectra isn't just ECM, it also includes radar detectors, laser warning receivers, infrared missile approach warnings, and ELINT threat identification. A pilot's greatest ability to survive a threat is not its ability to jam, but having the situational awareness of where the threat is and its range. MKIs were not part of any Blue Team SEAD missions since they left their Kh-31 pods at home, the EWs and medium range SAMs were already cleared out when MKIs arrived leaving only short range SAMs. Tarang should have provided situational awareness to save MKIs from kill removal at least some of the time, they were short range to very short range threats. MKI with a LITENING pod and simulated KAB-500L has a 17km range. You would only be flirting at the edge of the remaining TSRs.With a pair of powerful AL-31FP turbofans and clean stores the MKIs should have had every opportunity to escape a threat. Rafales were lugging around three fuel tanks increasing RCS and decreasing manoeuvrability. The MKIs were allowed clean stores to help level their chances yet they still failed to detect the threats. Read carefully what Choudry says,

"When we were targeted by SAMs, we were shot down," Choudry said. "And there was no [data] picture in the cockpit to help our situational awareness so the work load on the [aircrews] was very high."

Now you think he is only talking about lacking Link 16, MKIs were in their own data links as attested to by the USAF colonel, and had RWRs to paint a picture of the TSR threat on the ground. He is admitting Tarang didn't work or it doesn't enter the Russian data link. Either way, MKIs didn't have a situational awareness of ground based threats. There were 8 data linked MKIs in the air for the bombing campaign and they got whacked every time they entered the range of a SAM.

So, Rafales did well cause of the Jammers.
Rafales did well because Spectra's RWR told them where the SAMs were, what kind they were, and warned them to the approach of missile launches... that is known as situational awareness and as all pilots know, SA is the difference between life and kill removal at Red Flag.

It is no use. You are merely being stubborn and critical of anything Russian. That's all. You are the complete opposite of Col Ternof. He said the MKis did superbly while the Rafale's did nothing and were simply tailing the MKIs and sucking all the trons from the air.
As I already posted, there is video proving Rafales did more than "sucking trons" from the air, like dusting a flight of the 64ths F-16s. They also completed all of their bombing missions with several testimonials to the effectiveness of AASM launches at Red Flag. Simple fact is, Rafale dominated out of all the fighters there. USAF is just miffed they didn't get a chance to get more than 2 kills over two weeks at Red Flag.

I forget where it is, but there was a great interview with one of the 64ths F-16 pilots trying to explain why they were dusted by Rafale... excuse, oh Rafale is a different level of plane made long after F-16s inception.

You can get BVR locks from 50 metres away. BVR locks can be used in dog fights also. So, that proves nothing. Training bands on the BARS can only give situational awareness up to 30 kms. Rafale had the picture of the entire battlefield. The Mig-21s during Cope India 2004 took out F-15s from a distance of 18 kms using BVR missiles.
A lock at 50 metres isn't BVR... duh. BVR is BEYOND visual range which is defined as 20nm or 37km. Those were the limitations placed on all fighters at Cope India 2004. F-15s lost because they were flying 4 against 12 with no BVRAAM. MKIs at Red Flag were making kills at BVR ranges which is 37km+. The radars were turned on high enough to go at least 37km and was needed to go several km beyond that to get tone for a BVRAAM. N011M training mode is 25% of peak power which is about 2kw and 45km range. At 45km and 8 data-linked MKIs their picture was not that bad.

MKIs datalinks don't work for more than 4 MKIs at a time. It is an ancient piece of trash and was never upgraded. It does not mean anything if your awareness is only 30kms.
MKI carries K-DlAE/TKS-2-27 datalinks which support a maximum of 16 aircraft. It has a data rate of 4.6kbs and refresh rate of 6 seconds. It is trash compared to Link-16 but it is far from the MKIs being blind. At the very least it should post up Tarang's located SAM sites. Problem is Tarang Mk2 wasn't operating effectively.

They are already integrated. Too bad the radars were turned off.
There you go again. The radars were not turned off. They had a range of 45km and the receivers are still on in training mode. Should have had no problem sniffing RF L-band (1-2Ghz) and X band (8-12.5Ghz) transmissions in those ranges which gives you another ear you didn't know about. The Tarang Mk2 supposedly covers the 2-18Ghz range which should cover the whole threat library and data linked to all MKIs in the air.

Yeah! Right. Dream on. That is a 30 year old technology we were using. Radios. It defeats stealth too.
Its rather fitting for your Soviet designed aircraft. That is exactly what VVS pilots do when they don't have a link to the Mainstay, which is 90% of their aircraft. Considering at the time of Red Flag you didn't have an AWACs to bring, it is reflective of where IAF was in 2008.

It has nothing to do with defeating missiles already flying towards you.
OLS should warn you when the Smokey SAMs go off and give you direction and distance which will tell you where to turn your aircraft. Pretty important... If that doesn't work you can use the LITENING pod as a last ditch FLIR.

Rafale had a full situational awareness of 200 sq kms using AWACS. MKIs could only look 30kms up front. They needed verbal comm from the AWACS for everything they did. I would definitely call that turning the monitor off. Most importantly, even if the MKIs could see 30kms they could not differentiate between friend and foe. So, the MKIs shot down the Red team aircraft as well as the Blue team forces. Best part is they needed verbal comm from AWACS to find out if they shot down a friendly or an enemy.
Doesn't have anything to do with detecting the ground threat. That job goes to Tarang and that wasn't turned off.

The most basic SAM tactic is to fire at an aircraft after it has passed over it.
The basic SAM tactic is to intermittently "flash" your radar to see whats around but cutting your transmission before a HARM lands on your head. Unless it is a MANPAD or AAA they won't wait until they visually see you. If they light you up they will fire.

Also the ground mapping in training bands suck big time. You will get nothing valuable. If the enemy had ground based Jammers installed, it would completely nullify a 1-2KW signal anyway.
They aren't carrying ground based jammers, just Red Air. You only need a distortion on the SAR to slew the LITENING pod to scan for targets.
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New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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I am not going beyond this. You are a waste of time. I don't get to learn anything new from you and you are simply too stubborn when it comes to Russia.
Yeah, this coming from someone who has the nerve to argue about Red Flag when you don't know a thing about how it operates. When it comes to Russia, vy ne znaete pervaya veshch ob e'tom. Experience is the mother of knowledge.


New Member
Oct 20, 2009
The launches should have been detected by OLS-30 and Tarang. The OLS should see the "Smokey" and RWR should detect the tracking radar and the frequency change of the active launch. Apparently it didn't.

Actually, at Red Flag there are anywhere from 60-100 TSRs, not 200. Those are the only ground threats they will receive. There are never more than 80+ aircraft in a single mission. The ACMI can't handle more than that.

The commande centre is on the ground at Nellis. The ACMI system gives them a complete picture in real time of everything that is going on in the simulation from exact location of fighters to the simulated missile launches. That is why all aircraft carry ACMI pods. The AWACs is not part of that control system, it is a battlefield asset on missions just like all the rest of the planes. If aircraft break the training rules those controllers will intervene. I'm not here to argue about the self imposed handicap of MKIs in A2A combat, I am here explaining why their lack of a Link 16 didn't play much into their poor performance in the bombing campaign.

Are you deaf or just ignoring what I told you? The TSRs emit all the RF emissions real Russian radars do in every single mode of operation including missile launch. It is as real as it can get. 98% of the SAMs simulated at Red Flag are RH or SARH. The best missile there is 2K12 Kub. The RWR should have no problem detecting where the radar is when it is tracking and if it is locked. An S-75 launch should be detected immediately since it is RH. The Kub, you might not know if it was launched but you sure know if you are tracked. The OLS should detect the Smokies anyway. They make the combustion trail extra large so the opticals can see them, hence the name Smokey SAM. The warning system should be screaming like mad telling you to get the hell out of there. It worked for our fighters, not for yours.

Guy, you have no clue about Red Flag. You aren't fighting 100 v 300. There were 40-60 planes on the Blue Team for certain missions but only 12 F-16s or F-15s on the Red Team. When a Blue Team member gets killed he has to go back to base. The Red Team member gets to regenerate since they only have one squadron in the air. You said...MKI radars were turned off to maintain secrecy. Well they weren't turned off, they were in training mode which is a quarter of their peak power. Considering how big the Flanker radar is that is still a fair amount. It was enough power to engage in BVR combat which the Flankers did and it also includes a ground mapping mode used in target acquisition.

Explained for the second time...

There were no Super Hornets there to bring an APG-79. The best fighter radars there were on the MKIs for range or Rafale for processing. The only radars on the Red Team were that of the F-16s of the 64th Aggressor squadron and the F-15s of the 65th. None of them are AESA. The 65th flies old hand me down F-15Cs passed down from Eglin when they got their F-22s while the 64th flies old F-16 block 32/52. We know from accounts that the MKIs were getting BVR locks so they had their radars turned up high enough to make them, that is a fact. This account of them being blind is a total farce. The MKIs were linked in their own data network. Sure they were at a disadvantage not being linked to the AWACs but having your own links turned on with 7-8 aircraft in the air with enough power output for BVR shots is not exactly wearing a blindfold. Not to mention they had audio vectors from the Bird Eyes. If anything, turning the power down on their own radars helped to mask their positions and levelled the playing field. None of the old radars on the Red Team would compete with a Bars N011M at full power.

AIS system doesn't register flares so that is irrelevant. MKIs were barred from using chaff and flares for pollution levels those two weeks over Nevada, so the rest of the Blue Team weren't using them either. Rafale had a clean record, MKI did not. Something went wrong with Tarang Mk2 and OLS-30 that didn't warn them out of danger. There are other ways to defeat these old Russian missiles other than decoy dispensers. The most obvious is pull out of range until a strike team eliminates it. Other ways include pulling hard manoeuvres to defeat the telemetry shot coming into the ACMI or turning on your jammer. Rafale was able to defeat all of these without the use of chaff/flares.

Bull, Rafales were bombing on all the campaigns that called for it. Spectra was picking up the TSR emitter locations and dropping simulated AASMs on them all day. In one reported case we dropped 6 AASMs at once. The reasons MKIs are at greater risk is A) their standoff weapons suck, B) the RWR and OLS isn't effective, and C) they didn't bring their jammers.

As I already mentioned, the MKIs were far from blind. I will break it down one last time...

1) Radars were turned on high enough for BVR locks
2) MKIs still had their own data links between 7-8 aircraft
3) RWRs and the radars should have been linked together
4) AWACs was still vectoring them
5) MKI has an OLS and bombers were carrying LITENING pods

I don't call that turning my monitor off, I call it turning down the brightness. Go figure...
How did u get OLS-30 in existing MKIs? its a part of the upgradation pakage.


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Feb 16, 2009
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India to arm Russia-built jets with BrahMos missiles

KUALA LUMPUR: The Indian Air Force will arm 40 Russia-built Sukhoi fighter jets with BrahMos missiles, a top official has said.

The addition of the missiles to India's fleet of Su-30MKI Flanker-H fighters will make them "absolutely unique" in firepower, Sivathanu Pillai, head of BrahMos Aerospace, said here Wednesday at the Defence Services Asia (DSA)-2010 exhibition.

The first tests of BrahMos air-launched missiles were set for 2011, while the first fighter test flights with missiles on board are scheduled for late 2012, he said.

The BrahMos missile has a range of 290 km and can carry a warhead of up to 300 kg. It can effectively engage ground targets from an altitude as low as 10 metres and has a top speed of Mach 2.8, which is three times faster than the US-made subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile.

The BrahMos Aerospace, an Indian-Russian joint venture established in 1998, produces BrahMos supersonic missiles, sea and ground-launch versions of which have been successfully tested and put into service by the Indian Army and Navy.


New Member
May 25, 2009
You left out the most obvious choice, outrunning it. Its not like there was an S-300 battery there. Ranges for simulated missiles are anywhere from 8-30km. Average is 15km. It isn't hard to outrun that. If you have an RWR that is worth a lick of salt, you should be able to avoid most. You could at least get one registered miss.
Oh! Yes I did. That is what I meant by maneuvering. Unless you have a different meaning for maneuvering then please enlighten me. And you are an idiot to believe that short range missiles can be deceived by just speed. If only speed was enough then we could all use the Mig-25, Mig-29s and F-15 for SEADs rather than the super slow Jaguars and Mig-27s.

You can out run long range missiles, not short range missiles. Meaning it is much more difficult to out run short range missiles without any counter measures than long range ones. The short range missiles are simply too fast for that. The MKIs were not allowed to use their Thrust vectors too. So, that was another downer.

Also, the MKI cannot hide it's RCS using high powered jammers like the SPECTRA either like what the Rafale can do.

A very important aspect of air warfare is to conserve fuel. Short range missiles and their equivalent manpads are simply too numerous for you to keep outmaneuvering them with your afterburners on. There were scenarios where IAF fighters had to dodge multiple SAMs while delivering their ordinance. They all did it just 2 or 3 kms above the surface too. An all of this was achieved by jammers and not maneuvers.

The MKI cannot escape short range SAMs by simply outmaneuvering them and neither can the Rafale, nor the F-22 without a jammer in place.

Spectra is a missile detection system first and a jammer last. If a threat is detected it tells you to move out of range. Tarang should have done the same thing but failed. The fact that there were no "unsuccessful kills" by Red Team SAMs on MKI means there is something very wrong.
As usual it is just your assumption which you tend to do a lot. The fact that the MKIs were over burdened by being blind played its part and the article you posted suggested just that.

You can cry a river for all the pilots who are going to get shot down in a real war.

That isn't a joke.
We won all the wars we fought using Russian weapons.

Spectra isn't just ECM, it also includes radar detectors, laser warning receivers, infrared missile approach warnings, and ELINT threat identification. A pilot's greatest ability to survive a threat is not its ability to jam, but having the situational awareness of where the threat is and its range.
Blah! Blah! Blah! What's your point. Come back after France has decided to remove the jammer from the system and see how obsolete and useless your system becomes.

Even the Americans are parading their stupid Growler Lite. It comes with everything you quoted and much more. But, not one Jammer. That makes it a piece of trash. You can have all the situational awareness you want to. But, you are merely quoting what the Lockheed officials are quoting about the F-35. "If the enemy is numerous we will simply run away."

MKIs were not part of any Blue Team SEAD missions since they left their Kh-31 pods at home, the EWs and medium range SAMs were already cleared out when MKIs arrived leaving only short range SAMs. Tarang should have provided situational awareness to save MKIs from kill removal at least some of the time, they were short range to very short range threats. MKI with a LITENING pod and simulated KAB-500L has a 17km range. You would only be flirting at the edge of the remaining TSRs.With a pair of powerful AL-31FP turbofans and clean stores the MKIs should have had every opportunity to escape a threat.
All you are saying are Short range SAMs are useless and need to be taken out like little bugs. Best of luck when France fights a war next.

Rafales were lugging around three fuel tanks increasing RCS and decreasing manoeuvrability. The MKIs were allowed clean stores to help level their chances yet they still failed to detect the threats. Read carefully what Choudry says,
Rafales RCS is still smaller than the MKI. Also the Rafale has to carry fuel tanks simply because it cannot carry more fuel internally. It is not a tactical advantage.

"When we were targeted by SAMs, we were shot down," Choudry said. "And there was no [data] picture in the cockpit to help our situational awareness so the work load on the [aircrews] was very high."
Just what I said earlier. The MKIs were blind and he is not talking about the RWR. IAf is very happy with the tarang and the Israelis took 6 years to integrate the radar, the jammer and the defensive systems on the MKI. They will be building the new Link 22 based datalink for us too.

Now you think he is only talking about lacking Link 16, MKIs were in their own data links as attested to by the USAF colonel, and had RWRs to paint a picture of the TSR threat on the ground. He is admitting Tarang didn't work or it doesn't enter the Russian data link. Either way, MKIs didn't have a situational awareness of ground based threats. There were 8 data linked MKIs in the air for the bombing campaign and they got whacked every time they entered the range of a SAM.
This is exactly what I meant by you are assuming way too much. He is admitting they did not have the AWACS picture. He has never spoken about the Tarang at all.

And stop joking about the Russians being inferior.

The Russians are known to have the best integrated air defence system in the world. It is years ahead of anything Europe possess and it is feared by every European country in the NATO. Only the US comes close to the Russians and their systems are hardly as mobile as the Russians. And the MKIs have been tried and tested in the most capable air defence network in the world and has beaten the systems too.

Why else do you think the Americans are soon keen on checking the actual capabilities of the MKI?

As I already posted, there is video proving Rafales did more than "sucking trons" from the air, like dusting a flight of the 64ths F-16s. They also completed all of their bombing missions with several testimonials to the effectiveness of AASM launches at Red Flag. Simple fact is, Rafale dominated out of all the fighters there. USAF is just miffed they didn't get a chance to get more than 2 kills over two weeks at Red Flag.

I forget where it is, but there was a great interview with one of the 64ths F-16 pilots trying to explain why they were dusted by Rafale... excuse, oh Rafale is a different level of plane made long after F-16s inception.
Point it out to me if you find it. It would be a good watch.

A lock at 50 metres isn't BVR... duh. BVR is BEYOND visual range which is defined as 20nm or 37km. Those were the limitations placed on all fighters at Cope India 2004. F-15s lost because they were flying 4 against 12 with no BVRAAM. MKIs at Red Flag were making kills at BVR ranges which is 37km+. The radars were turned on high enough to go at least 37km and was needed to go several km beyond that to get tone for a BVRAAM. N011M training mode is 25% of peak power which is about 2kw and 45km range. At 45km and 8 data-linked MKIs their picture was not that bad.
More jokes. A lock at 50 metres using small wavelength bands is a BVR lock. What you are giving me is a text book definition, as usual. The literal meaning of BVR is exactly as you stated. However, simply because a text book says that does not mean it has to be followed word to word. A BVR lock is not restricted by range. You can take BVR shots from 2 kms away too.

Also, during exercises you can take BVR locks by word of mouth too. If you don't want to show off the capabilities of the radar, you can simply fly towards an aircraft and when you are at the right position with respect to the enemy you can announce a BVR lock to the observer. It is not a radar lock, rather it is a lock performed by your own experience in flying.

Problem is Tarang Mk2 wasn't operating effectively.
Funny how they managed to work in Israel and a really tough environment in Russia and somehow I should believe you simply because you assumed Mr Choudhary was saying something else.

There you go again. The radars were not turned off. They had a range of 45km and the receivers are still on in training mode. Should have had no problem sniffing RF L-band (1-2Ghz) and X band (8-12.5Ghz) transmissions in those ranges which gives you another ear you didn't know about. The Tarang Mk2 supposedly covers the 2-18Ghz range which should cover the whole threat library and data linked to all MKIs in the air.
You are not counting attenuation in the atmosphere. You are simply using direct proportionality theorem to calculate the 45km range. That's not how radars work. It is not if 10KW = 450km, 1 KW - 45km. That's high school mathematics and that is not how it works. A radar delivering 1-2KW power will go far. But the information that comes back will be very less compared to information received in a less electronically dense environment.

In Red Flag the MKIs were in the midst of very high powered electronic frequency all around it. The information that needs to be processed will be massive. In such an environment the training bands are next to useless. They are only useful in taking pot shots and prevent accidents.

Its rather fitting for your Soviet designed aircraft. That is exactly what VVS pilots do when they don't have a link to the Mainstay, which is 90% of their aircraft. Considering at the time of Red Flag you didn't have an AWACs to bring, it is reflective of where IAF was in 2008.
The main advantage of the MKI is the powerful radar, powerful and effective BVR missiles and stand off missiles. AWACS was only to give a picture to all the other aircraft. The MKIs would have done way way better if the BARS was fully powered.

OLS should warn you when the Smokey SAMs go off and give you direction and distance which will tell you where to turn your aircraft. Pretty important... If that doesn't work you can use the LITENING pod as a last ditch FLIR.
You can't beat a SR SAM by out running it without a Jammer mate. You can't beat missiles by staring at them.

Doesn't have anything to do with detecting the ground threat. That job goes to Tarang and that wasn't turned off.
Only your assumption. Perhaps next time a Boxer must simply stare at the opponent boxers arms, perhaps the arm will move away on its own. *rolls eyes*

The basic SAM tactic is to intermittently "flash" your radar to see whats around but cutting your transmission before a HARM lands on your head. Unless it is a MANPAD or AAA they won't wait until they visually see you. If they light you up they will fire.
Yes. So, it did not matter if the tarang picked up shots or not. The SAMs can see the MKIs anyway. They always have had the advantage.

The new age SAMs have their own emitters. So, they will not need a ground based radar painting the target for them.

They aren't carrying ground based jammers, just Red Air. You only need a distortion on the SAR to slew the LITENING pod to scan for targets.
Like I said, simply staring at the missile wont help. You will HAVE to beat it by using your counter measures. Luckily Rafales had the SPECTRA. Unfortunately the MKIs had nothing noteworthy on them to even participate in the exercise.


New Member
May 25, 2009
Yeah, this coming from someone who has the nerve to argue about Red Flag when you don't know a thing about how it operates. When it comes to Russia, vy ne znaete pervaya veshch ob e'tom. Experience is the mother of knowledge.
I admit I don't know much about Red flag to talk about what the other aircraft did. But, I sure as hell know what the MKIs were doing there. But the simple fact is you have no idea about the real scenarios about what goes on in the air.

Experience is the mother of all knowledge, indeed. That's why the MKIs is seen as one of the most potent aircraft in the world. Nobody buys that "Russia is sh*t" argument any more. Unless you are still living 15 years ago.

If you want a real testing ground come to Russia or India and have your aircraft fight in the cold, either over Siberia or the Himalayas. The F-16s and the SHs already failed the simple but rigorous cold tests that the LCA passed with flying colours. So, let's see how the European aircraft fare.

The MKI passed the cold test too as well as the hot test.

Something about the Cope 2004 too. The most advanced aircraft flying in the exercise was the F-15Cs. The AWACS support that the IAF had was from a transport aircraft that carried no radar. The aircraft in IAF's side consisted of only 2 regular Su-30MKs. The Su-30s were fly away pieces. They had no radar, no EW system, no modern Navigation system, no TVC, no nothing. It was just a regular aircraft that could fly. The other aircraft used were the Mig-21Bisons, Mig-27s and the Mirage-2000s.

So, even with the "AWACS" support and the lack of BVR do you really think the Americans were handicapped. The IAF could shoot A-12s only from Mig-21s. Best part is they were not exactly included in the exercise. The other BVR used was the French R-550s and 530Ds. Big advantage(sarcasm) in range. So, there, now you know what CI2004 was about. We won 90% of the engagements with 2 showroom aircraft, a bunch of obsolete aircraft and another set of obsolete aircraft simulating bombers.


Member of The Month JANUARY 2010
New Member
Aug 14, 2009
The IAF's fleet of Su-30MKI aircraft is also due for a massive upgrade programme to be carried out by the Irkut Corporation. Corporation vice-president Vladimir Sautov mentioned in February this year that the modernization program ''...includes re-equipping of some 100 Su-30MKI fighters, which are currently in service with the Indian Air Force."

"It is being carried out by the Rosoboronexport, the Sukhoi Design Bureau and NPO Mashinostroyeniya.
Indian Air Force to equip 40 Su-30MKI fighters with BrahMos missiles news


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
Why I think tarang did not malfunction at red flag:
1. The fact that IAF felt it was handicapped because it was not allowed chaffs & flares. These are usually deployed once you know that a missile is after you. If tarang was not functioning Su 30's would not have known when to deploy these anyway, so why bother about them.
2. If Tarang had not worked as expected that would have been a major area of concern for IAF which would have in my guess resulted in atleast 2 things for sure : IAF launching an internal inquiry as to why this happened and secondly IAF and DRDO engaging in a blame game as to who is at fault. The indian armed forces have been known to be too tough on our domestic defence industry if something produced locally does not work as expected, so I don't see any way of such an IAF vs DRDO confrontation not happening if Tarang did not deliver.


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Dec 17, 2009
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Oh! Yes I did. That is what I meant by maneuvering. Unless you have a different meaning for maneuvering then please enlighten me. And you are an idiot to believe that short range missiles can be deceived by just speed. If only speed was enough then we could all use the Mig-25, Mig-29s and F-15 for SEADs rather than the super slow Jaguars and Mig-27s.
Short range missiles are not going to have the range to engage an MKI dropping PGMs and a working RWR... end of story.

You can out run long range missiles, not short range missiles. Meaning it is much more difficult to out run short range missiles without any counter measures than long range ones. The short range missiles are simply too fast for that. The MKIs were not allowed to use their Thrust vectors too. So, that was another downer.
An MKI dropping LGBs is only going to skirt the range and with a working RWR will quickly pull out of that range... end of story.

Also, the MKI cannot hide it's RCS using high powered jammers like the SPECTRA either like what the Rafale can do.
No aircraft can hide its RCS, it can only blind or deceive the radar. End of that.

A very important aspect of air warfare is to conserve fuel. Short range missiles and their equivalent manpads are simply too numerous for you to keep outmaneuvering them with your afterburners on. There were scenarios where IAF fighters had to dodge multiple SAMs while delivering their ordinance. They all did it just 2 or 3 kms above the surface too. An all of this was achieved by jammers and not maneuvers.
MKI has plenty of fuel, 4.5 hours worth. It will never see a MANPAD using PGMs so end of that.

The MKI cannot escape short range SAMs by simply outmaneuvering them and neither can the Rafale, nor the F-22 without a jammer in place
MKI can escape SHORAD by not getting close enough to it, end of that.

Assual it is just your assumption which you tend to do a lot. The fact that the MKIs were over burdened by being blind played its part and the article you posted suggested just that.
Blind by MKIs own failings is not my problem, that is theirs.

We won all the wars we fought using Russian weapons.
All wars you fought weren't just Soviet weapons. The most effective aircraft during Kargil wasn't even Russian, it was French.

Blah! Blah! Blah! What's your point. Come back after France has decided to remove the jammer from the system and see how obsolete and useless your system becomes.
Why would we remove our jammer? Why would IAF remove their jammers? Unless they want to be a useless air force according to you.

Even the Americans are parading their stupid Growler Lite. It comes with everything you quoted and much more. But, not one Jammer. That makes it a piece of trash. You can have all the situational awareness you want to. But, you are merely quoting what the Lockheed officials are quoting about the F-35. "If the enemy is numerous we will simply run away."
USAF set you up for an F-22 campaign run. If you don't get it... too bad.

All you are saying are Short range SAMs are useless and need to be taken out like little bugs. Best of luck when France fights a war next.
They are useless when they can't reach the target. When France fights its next war it won't be stupid and fly at 2000m to drop dumb bombs.

Rafales RCS is still smaller than the MKI. Also the Rafale has to carry fuel tanks simply because it cannot carry more fuel internally. It is not a tactical advantage.
They made Rafale carry three EMPTY fuel tanks. So much for that argument.

Just what I said earlier. The MKIs were blind and he is not talking about the RWR. IAf is very happy with the tarang and the Israelis took 6 years to integrate the radar, the jammer and the defensive systems on the MKI. They will be building the new Link 22 based datalink for us too.
Thats funny considering the 8222 isn't tied into the RWR. It is a stand-alone system. 6 years, thats funny. They can do it in six hours.

This is exactly what I meant by you are assuming way too much. He is admitting they did not have the AWACS picture. He has never spoken about the Tarang at all.
Don't bring focus to failure if you can avoid. Good strategy...

And stop joking about the Russians being inferior.
I don't have to... USAF already did it.

The Russians are known to have the best integrated air defence system in the world. It is years ahead of anything Europe possess and it is feared by every European country in the NATO. Only the US comes close to the Russians and their systems are hardly as mobile as the Russians. And the MKIs have been tried and tested in the most capable air defence network in the world and has beaten the systems too.
Russia doesn't have an AIS system at all to even simulate it. Nice job, try again.

Why else do you think the Americans are soon keen on checking the actual capabilities of the MKI?
Because India will let them. Nobody was pointing a gun at IAF's head saying bring your MKIs or you can't play.

More jokes. A lock at 50 metres using small wavelength bands is a BVR lock. What you are giving me is a text book definition, as usual. The literal meaning of BVR is exactly as you stated. However, simply because a text book says that does not mean it has to be followed word to word. A BVR lock is not restricted by range. You can take BVR shots from 2 kms away too.

Also, during exercises you can take BVR locks by word of mouth too. If you don't want to show off the capabilities of the radar, you can simply fly towards an aircraft and when you are at the right position with respect to the enemy you can announce a BVR lock to the observer. It is not a radar lock, rather it is a lock performed by your own experience in flying.
The AIS system is hooked up to the computer. You can't do it by word of mouth.

Funny how they managed to work in Israel and a really tough environment in Russia and somehow I should believe you simply because you assumed Mr Choudhary was saying something else.
They never worked in Russia, IAF has never held AIS exercises in the Russian Federation because they don't exist.

You are not counting attenuation in the atmosphere. You are simply using direct proportionality theorem to calculate the 45km range. That's not how radars work. It is not if 10KW = 450km, 1 KW - 45km. That's high school mathematics and that is not how it works. A radar delivering 1-2KW power will go far. But the information that comes back will be very less compared to information received in a less electronically dense environment.
I was using similar powered airbourne radars for reference. We know for a fact it was taking BVR shots so go figure it out.

In Red Flag the MKIs were in the midst of very high powered electronic frequency all around it. The information that needs to be processed will be massive. In such an environment the training bands are next to useless. They are only useful in taking pot shots and prevent accidents.
It doesn't have anything to do with what the Tarang needs to process which is really what this whole conversation is about. You like to make excuses for something I'm not even concerned with discussing.

The main advantage of the MKI is the powerful radar, powerful and effective BVR missiles and stand off missiles. AWACS was only to give a picture to all the other aircraft. The MKIs would have done way way better if the BARS was fully powered.
It doesn't mean jack to detecting RF signals that are left better to a functional RWR.

You can't beat a SR SAM by out running it without a Jammer mate. You can't beat missiles by staring at them.
You beat SHORADs by distance, it is their greatest weakness. One the MKI was not able to exploit.

Only your assumption. Perhaps next time a Boxer must simply stare at the opponent boxers arms, perhaps the arm will move away on its own. *rolls eyes*
Only my assumption it wasn't turned off... let them turn off the engines while they are it. *roll eyes*

Yes. So, it did not matter if the tarang picked up shots or not. The SAMs can see the MKIs anyway. They always have had the advantage.
It doesn't matter if the pilot is aware of a threat? What news channel do you watch... Fox?

The new age SAMs have their own emitters. So, they will not need a ground based radar painting the target for them.
These were not new age SAMs, they were obsolete Soviet models from the 70s. They need a ground based radar to paint the target and Tarang didn't warn the pilots to this or the MKIs would have stayed out of harms way.

Like I said, simply staring at the missile wont help. You will HAVE to beat it by using your counter measures. Luckily Rafales had the SPECTRA. Unfortunately the MKIs had nothing noteworthy on them to even participate in the exercise.
Like I said, knowing the threat is there is the best way to stay alive. Fortunately France isn't stupid enough to not bring their defencive aids, it is built into the airframe. The Indians were the only ones without jammers, I know why too, to make the exact excuses you bring here.


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Dec 17, 2009
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I admit I don't know much about Red flag to talk about what the other aircraft did. But, I sure as hell know what the MKIs were doing there. But the simple fact is you have no idea about the real scenarios about what goes on in the air.
You know what MKIs were doing there yet you don't know what happens at Red Flag... how ironic.

Experience is the mother of all knowledge, indeed. That's why the MKIs is seen as one of the most potent aircraft in the world. Nobody buys that "Russia is sh*t" argument any more. Unless you are still living 15 years ago.
Fact is that argument has only gotten better over the last 15 years of Russian decay. This argument isn't really about Russia, it is about the poor performance of Tarang Mk2.

If you want a real testing ground come to Russia or India and have your aircraft fight in the cold, either over Siberia or the Himalayas. The F-16s and the SHs already failed the simple but rigorous cold tests that the LCA passed with flying colours. So, let's see how the European aircraft fare.

The MKI passed the cold test too as well as the hot test.
We have our aircraft tested in India everyday, it is called Mirage-2000. IAF wasn't complaining about it when it conducted extensive bombing during Kargil. I guarantee you Rafale's performance is superior in every way.

Something about the Cope 2004 too. The most advanced aircraft flying in the exercise was the F-15Cs. The AWACS support that the IAF had was from a transport aircraft that carried no radar. The aircraft in IAF's side consisted of only 2 regular Su-30MKs. The Su-30s were fly away pieces. They had no radar, no EW system, no modern Navigation system, no TVC, no nothing. It was just a regular aircraft that could fly. The other aircraft used were the Mig-21Bisons, Mig-27s and the Mirage-2000s.
No nothing huh, might as well have brought a Cessna. clap

So, even with the "AWACS" support and the lack of BVR do you really think the Americans were handicapped. The IAF could shoot A-12s only from Mig-21s. Best part is they were not exactly included in the exercise. The other BVR used was the French R-550s and 530Ds. Big advantage(sarcasm) in range. So, there, now you know what CI2004 was about. We won 90% of the engagements with 2 showroom aircraft, a bunch of obsolete aircraft and another set of obsolete aircraft simulating bombers.
IAF brought what is in their combat fleet, MiG-21s were there and they engaged in the ACM. Simple fact is, you can't lose a 12:4 engagement air battle unless you mess up. It should have been won 100% of the time. Now what we saw at Red Flag under the more realistic training environment was not pretty, not pretty at all.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
originally posted by Armand -

All wars you fought weren't just Soviet weapons. The most effective aircraft during Kargil wasn't even Russian, it was French.
please be objective in your observations. Mig-29's at that point had no laser designators on them and their A2G configuration was very limited. they were configured more for A2A operations. hence they were escorting mirages when they went to bomb the mountains with LGB's. this is nothing like saying Migs could not have done that. just that were not optimised for that. the fact of the matter is they made sure no Pakistan F-16's would come anyway near which is no less!! it seems they locked on to 2 F-16's and made them run away.

post kargill IAF is making sure all their frontline aircrafts are Multi Role forthwith.

however M2K being a delta wing design lends itself better for the mountainous region. also they were the only ones which had laser designator pod. hence they were put into action.

there is an interesting tale how IAF overcame the LGB dilemma.

The Mirage 2000 were supplied with Thomson-CSF Laser Designator Pod, known as 'ATLIS' which was capable of delivery of Matra 1000 kg LGBs, which were purpose built for destruction of reinforced targets. These weapons were highly capable but were very expensive. It was decided to augment their capability by adding the 1000 lb bomb coupled with Paveway II laser-guided bomb kit. The IAF had ordered a number of these, but they had been supplied with an incorrect part. Because of the nuclear test performed by India, they were on the embargo list and were unable to get the correct parts sent as replacements. Consequently IAF technicians had to remanufacture this part in order to make the Paveway serviceable for use on the Mirage.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
I think there is no use getting one's knickers into a twist over some comments or get into a pissing contest over who's got a larger pecker based on the events at the Red Flag. The fact remains that exercises such as Red Flag and Copa US are meant to pit your systems, pilots, aviators, technicians, strategy and brains with the counterparts around the world. There are Air forces with equally good or even better training than us. Learn from them. Of course you'll score some and lose some. The wiser ones would take this as a valuable learning experience, take a deep look at their own strength and weaknesses compared to others and get on with the job of tweaking their set up to maximise the gains from such an endeavour. Constant training is the key and one should strive for perfection. Take criticism for what it is and see how to do one better..there's always room for improvement.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
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Apr 7, 2010
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how many Su-30mki we have? any confirmed links or sources??


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks a lot! I hope IAF site updates and adds fleet size ;-)
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