Su-30 MKI

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Aug 3, 2009
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salaries and pay have gone up for GOI employees including HAL.
So has this increased the MKI cost by 10 million? I'm still waiting for the link.

you must remember the progressive increase of the cost with time. we are talking the cost as of today.
That link is dated 2009.

no 37mil plus.
That's the new order. The old order is at 32 million each. And 37 million is still less than your "45mil it is the minimum you can hope for in today's market" Where did you get this statement?

that is what i said. check back.
Ofcourse you said it. Why did you say something which I already did?

i would agree with p2p.
Because it comes close to your fantasy statement of "45mil it is the minimum you can hope for in today's market"?

now you give links since you keep asking and prove your 15-20 mil less claim.
The links already says that. Check it out. HAL statement peggs each jets at 22.5 million when the cost of the whole project was 20,000Cr rupees(4.35 billion). Now it is 4.809 due to extra spares bought directly from russia and inflation. Now you do that math.


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Aug 3, 2009
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Not to mention you were claiming p2p said that about imported jets, while infact he was talking about HAL manufactured MKIs.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
So has this increased the MKI cost by 10 million? I'm still waiting for the link.
i am only saying cost includes the cost of labour too.

That link is dated 2009.
but where is the cost inclusive of french, israeli, indian components. infact i have never seen the cost inclusive of all including the cost of infrastructure for the manufacture.
The cost of an SU 30 MKI, fitted with some French and Israeli avionics, is not known but an MRCA should be anywhere between $ 40 to 50 million,
..:: India Strategic ::..

That's the new order. The old order is at 32 million each. And 37 million is still less than your "45mil it is the minimum you can hope for in today's market" Where did you get this statement?
it is my realistic guess incl the french, israeli, indian components.

Ofcourse you said it. Why did you say something which I already did?
because you said this
No you didn't. What you posted was infact what I posted previously.
in one of your previous post.

Because it comes close to your fantasy statement of "45mil it is the minimum you can hope for in today's market"?
there is no fantasy. you are not including the cost of the other components including the israeli jammer because it is also part of the unit.

The links already says that. Check it out. HAL statement peggs each jets at 22.5 million when the cost of the whole project was 20,000Cr rupees(4.35 billion). Now it is 4.809 due to extra spares bought directly from russia and inflation. Now you do that math.
why dont you give the cost of everything that constitutes the unit cost?


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
Not to mention you were claiming p2p said that about imported jets, while infact he was talking about HAL manufactured MKIs.
where did i deny this. checkback. i only highlighted 45mil and my response is to that.


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Aug 3, 2009
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i am only saying cost includes the cost of labour too.
Yes, the cost of the contract include the cost of labour too. When you pay for something you pay for labour and manufacturing. Whoever heard of a contract without labour charges.

but where is the cost inclusive of french, israeli, indian components. infact i have never seen the cost inclusive of all including the cost of infrastructure for the manufacture.
there is no fantasy. you are not including the cost of the other components including the israeli jammer because it is also part of the unit.
why dont you give the cost of everything that constitutes the unit cost?
The aircraft isn't complete without it's avionics. The total cost of the contract is inclusive of Aircraft in flyaway condition. IAF isn't manufacturing the MKIs, it's HAL. Do you know how contracts are signed? IAF signs contract with HAL or Irkut/Rosoboronexport to give a fly away condition MKI. HAL sub-contracts it's subsystems to various other companies, both local and foreign after IAF gives the ok. For example earlier French sub-systems were used but now HAL has given the sub-contract to Samtel.
Samtel cockpit displays for Sukhoi-30MKI: India News
"Now Samtel Display Systems, a part of the Samtel Group, will supply these significantly cheaper than Thales."
Now the cost saved by sub-contracting to samtel will be profit for HAL. This is how business works. I can't believe you are oblivious to this simple fact. Show me one single link which says "IAF has signed contracted with Thales and gave them this much amount of money for MKI jets avionics". Similarly for the engines manufactured in Russia. Irkut doesn't manufacture the engines. Engines are supplied by Saturn. Saturn provides for both Irkut and Knaapo(the russian company which manufactures chinese sukhoi). So what next? I have to show you the contract for engines with IAF? Everything is contract, sub-contract and sub-sub-contracts in the world of manufacturing. The only difference is IAF insisted on French systems rather than Russian systems on some components. So now IRKUT is forced to offer sub contract to Thales rather than to some russian company. So Irkut calculates the cost of the subcontract and presents the final figure to IAF.

And it is silly to suggest an external pod is an integral part of the aircraft. What next? R-77 is part of the Aircraft too? No one sends a fighter without missiles, so do you calculate the cost of R-77s and R-73s too? Those same jammers can be fitted to Mig-21s and other aircrafts too in a few minutes depending on the type of mission. That is why it is called an external pod.

The cost of an SU 30 MKI, fitted with some French and Israeli avionics, is not known but an MRCA should be anywhere between $ 40 to 50 million
The link doesn't give the cost of the MKI sans western avionics anywhere. They probably mean the cost of the MKI itself is not known to them. Some research that website is giving. They don't even know what the MKI costs even when ACM Tyagi said the imports costs little less than 40 million.

because you said this
I said what? I'm asking for links to say HAL manufactured MKI costs 45 million. You came up with something I already knew, which is- you quoted an import price. Why are you saying something I already knew?

where did i deny this. checkback. i only highlighted 45mil and my response is to that.
Only highlighted? So you only highlight some words and form you own meaning? You won't read the whole sentences and context?

I said: "Yes, that is the import price for the 40 additional orders. Russians are known to increase costs citing excuses. Infact the new order is pegged at 45 million."

You said: "which is what p2p was saying."

P2p said it about indigenous MKIs and you claimed he said 45 million for imports from Russia.

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
What's wrong with IAF's Sukhoi?: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

Even if temporary, the grounding of Sukhoi- 30MKI fighters of the Indian Air Force ( IAF) has opened up a huge gap in the country's air defence system.

Our Sukhois are currently located in the following manner - two squadrons in Pune, Maharashtra, two in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, and one in Tezpur, Assam. A sixth squadron was forming up in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, and it was from this squadron that the aircraft that crashed this week belonged. Each squadron has roughly 20 aircraft and the total India has is about 105 aircraft at present.

While the crash that took place in April was attributed to a defect in the computerised flight control system, the causes of the recent crash are yet to be determined, though it is supposed to have been caused by a fire in its engines. Whatever be the case, it has led to a grounding of the super- capable, but very expensive aircraft.

Though the Sukhoi, assisted by in- flight refuelling, has a very long range and can be brought into combat in virtually any part of India within a matter of hours, the location of the squadrons indicate that their primary task was, first, air defence over India's western peninsular areas where many of our key industrial centres and assets are located ( Jamnagar refinery, Kandla, Bombay High, Mumbai- Pune industrial belt and so on). The second major focus was air defence of our northern border with China.

What can fill this gap? " Nothing," according to an aviation analyst.

As a second line, India has three squadrons of Mirage 2000s and three of Mig 29s. They are located in Gwalior ( Mirage) and in Adampur and Jamnagar ( Migs). Neither in terms of range or capability can they even hope to fill the sudden gap that has emerged. In addition India has a number of squadrons of Mig- 21s in Rajasthan, Punjab and Kashmir, which can, at best, provide limited air defence over specific targets - an air base or a city.

In some ways the IAF has brought on the situation on itself.

An ideal air force has a pyramid structure with its best cuttingedge fighter on top, a tier- two workhorse and, at the bottom, large numbers of less capable tier- three fighters. By their current plan, the IAF could end up with an inverted pyramid. It could end up with as many as 280

heavy Sukhoi 30- MKI and around 126 medium fighters for which a competition is currently underway.

We have a total of about 250 Mig- 21s of varying vintages that should have been replaced yesterday.

Instead, they will be painfully slowly replaced by the LCA over the next 15 years.

The large number of Sukhois are not only very expensive ( officially $ 45 million, in reality Rs 350 crore per piece) to buy, but they are horrendously costly to operate and their serviceability is poor in any case.

But things don't look too good for the air force in the coming years. They have messed up their Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft ( MMRCA) competition by mixing apples and oranges, as it were. Instead of acquiring a Mig- 21 replacement - a light fighter like the Swedish Gripen, the American F- 16 or the Russian Mig- 29 - they have opened the competition for much more capable, heavier and expensive fighters like the Boeing FA18, the French Rafaele and the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Should, for example any of the last named win the competition, we will have an air force of only top- of- the- line fighters, no workhorses.

And, if the LCA fails to measure up, the air force will try to fill the numbers with more MMRCA acquisitions which could complicate the situation further.


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Aug 3, 2009
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The large number of Sukhois are not only very expensive ( officially $ 45 million, in reality Rs 350 crore per piece)
lol.. that's 76 million!!! IAF would have gone for Mirage-2000 back in the day if it was that costly to buy. One of the main factors to influence Su-30 was it's extremely low cost. Infact, if it was 76 million CAG will be screaming all about it like they are doing for Gorshkov. *****s would do anything to get sensational reporting.

Even if temporary, the grounding of Sukhoi- 30MKI fighters of the Indian Air Force ( IAF) has opened up a huge gap in the country's air defence system.
Perhaps this moron isn't aware the jets will be available in case of emergency which was said by IAF itself. This is not only temporary but also only a precautionary grounding. The whole article is dripping with anti-IAF crap.

Edit: Looks like the posters in Bharat-rakshak are laughing at it too.

wild goose

New Member
Jun 15, 2009
Sukhoi to fly again on Monday; crash due to engine fire


New Delhi, Dec 4 (PTI) The grounded Sukhoi fighter jet fleet is likely to get airborne again by Monday, senior IAF officers said today, adding that the aircraft crash on November 30 near Jaisalmer in Rajasthan was caused by a fire in its engine.

The precautionary checks on the Sukhoi fleet were in progress and it could be completed by Monday, when it would be cleared for flying again, they said.

After the mishap, the IAF had stopped flying the 100 Sukhoi aircraft in its fleet and had kept it on the ground to carry out checks.

"The crash, we have learnt during preliminary investigation, was caused by a fire in its engine. It (Sukhoi fleet) start flying again on Monday," they said.

SU-30MKI, a Russian-origin aircraft made at the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited facility in India, is a twin-engine, twin-seater, air superiority fighter jet


Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Su 30 MKI: Fuel leak behind engine fire

A fuel leak on board India’s most advanced fighter could have led to the engine fire that caused the Su 30 MKI crash on Monday. Investigators, including an HAL engine expert, have reached the site of the crash and sources said a problem with the fuel system was likely to have caused the fire on board the aircraft that forced both pilots to eject.

While the entire fleet of the advanced fighter jet, that numbers over 90 and is based in Pune, Bareilly and Tezpur, still remains on the ground, a senior air force official said the aircraft were likely to take to the skies again on Monday after the preliminary inquiry.

“The preliminary inquiry is on and the aircraft could start flying again by Monday. Anyways, the fighters are available for operations if there is any requirement,” a senior official said.

As reported earlier, the entire fighter fleet was grounded after Monday’s crash of the HAL-built fighter, the second time in eight months that the fighters have been grounded. After a crash in April, the fighters remained on the ground for over a month while investigators tried to figure out the fault. A defect in the ‘a fly by wire’ system was found out later.

The IAF, which also suspected an engine defect in Monday’s crash, had ceased operations immediately, given that the fighter that went down was a brand new aircraft that had recently been manufactured in India by HAL.

While it may take several weeks before the crash is investigated, the fleet would be allowed to fly again after the preliminary inquiry rules out any major defect in the aircraft. “There is no point to fly and lose another aircraft because of the same fault. The aircraft will fly after it has been ascertained that there is no major defect,” an IAF officer said.

The IAF has close to 90 of the Su 30 MKI fighters in its inventory and has placed an order for 230 aircraft. Out of this, the majority of 140 fighters would be manufactured or assembled by HAL. The earlier batch of aircraft that have been in operation for the past few years were imported from Russia.


Member of The Month JANUARY 2010
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Aug 14, 2009
Does the price include maintenance, spares & stuff?


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Aug 3, 2009
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If you're referring to the price which the guy said, nope. I have not read his previous articles, but that guy has a history of b()llshitting if mods at BR are to be believed. It seems everyone is an expert when it comes to the price of the MKI quoting their own fantasy figures rubbishing the official price. CAG would be all over the media if each jets costs more than the actual published price.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
Yes, the cost of the contract include the cost of labour too. When you pay for something you pay for labour and manufacturing. Whoever heard of a contract without labour charges.
it is common sense that manufacture in india is cheaper because the labour cost being cheaper.
i said even labour costs are increasing in india. since you asked for proof of hike in pays for the HAL in post #506, i provided one.
now, all that adds to increase in product price apart from the cost of infrastucture for producing the machine which affects your 15-20 mil dollar difference between local manufacture and the imported one.

The aircraft isn't complete without it's avionics. The total cost of the contract is inclusive of Aircraft in flyaway condition. IAF isn't manufacturing the MKIs, it's HAL. Do you know how contracts are signed? IAF signs contract with HAL or Irkut/Rosoboronexport to give a fly away condition MKI. HAL sub-contracts it's subsystems to various other companies, both local and foreign after IAF gives the ok. For example earlier French sub-systems were used but now HAL has given the sub-contract to Samtel.
Samtel cockpit displays for Sukhoi-30MKI: India News
"Now Samtel Display Systems, a part of the Samtel Group, will supply these significantly cheaper than Thales."
Now the cost saved by sub-contracting to samtel will be profit for HAL. This is how business works.
thank you very much for enlightening me.

I can't believe you are oblivious to this simple fact. Show me one single link which says "IAF has signed contracted with Thales and gave them this much amount of money for MKI jets avionics".
but where did i say IAF signs contracts with Thales or anyone?
however IAF specifies the systems they want to the OEM.
infact mig 29 upgrade is held up because OEM says IAF is yet to specify.

However, officials from the OEM told The Hindu that there will be a delay of at least eight months in the arrival of the first upgraded aircraft. The Russians are attributing this to a delay in the IAF finalising the ‘buyer furnished equipment.’

The delay will translate into a year-long delay in the start of production aircraft at 11BRD. Fourteen aircraft are scheduled to roll out of 11BRD between April 2010 and March 2011.

Under the contract, the IAF have to indicate to RSK MiG the list of equipment and their physical dimensions that they want fitted on the upgraded MiG-29’s. Many of these items are to be sourced or integrated by Indian companies.
The Hindu : National : MiG-29 upgrade may be delayed

So what next? I have to show you the contract for engines with IAF?
i never asked. so stop mocking. it helps a saner debate.

And it is silly to suggest an external pod is an integral part of the aircraft.
ECM/ECCM systems or jammers are integral part of any modern fighter. whether it is externally mounted or internally mounted does not matter. hence it is part of one unit.

What next? R-77 is part of the Aircraft too? No one sends a fighter without missiles, so do you calculate the cost of R-77s and R-73s too?
missiles are expendable. you shoot and it is gone. jammers and other avionic systems are permanent on an aircraft.
so, it would be better if you seriously debate without being funny.

Those same jammers can be fitted to Mig-21s and other aircrafts too in a few minutes depending on the type of mission. That is why it is called an external pod.
right. but irrespective of that it is still part of a unit.

The link doesn't give the cost of the MKI sans western avionics anywhere. They probably mean the cost of the MKI itself is not known to them. Some research that website is giving. They don't even know what the MKI costs even when ACM Tyagi said the imports costs little less than 40 million.
you seemed to have missed the authors of the article-
By Gulshan Luthra and Air Marshal Ashok Goel (Retd)
one is a retired air marshal. if they can't specify the MKI cost incl of the non russian components, you think you can? they would know better than both of us.
problem is real MKI cost has never been revealed.
i guess the 45mil dollar cost of the imported one is only with russian components. since the cost of israeli, indian and french components is not known in the public domain, it is difficult to arrive at the right fig.
i assume it is much higher than 45mil price.
to give a wild fig(pure guess) must between 55-60mil.

Only highlighted? So you only highlight some words and form you own meaning? You won't read the whole sentences and context?

I said: "Yes, that is the import price for the 40 additional orders. Russians are known to increase costs citing excuses. Infact the new order is pegged at 45 million."

You said: "which is what p2p was saying."

P2p said it about indigenous MKIs and you claimed he said 45 million for imports from Russia.
listen fulcrum. i answered it already. now if you don't beleive me i can't help it.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
LCA which is manufactured in india and indigenous has a price tag of 21 mil $ according to wikipedia.
HAL Tejas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

according to this article (note it is 2001 article)-
Many media reports have estimated that the LCA’s per unit acquisition cost at $26 Million for a production run of 200+ aircraft [9,10,11].

now you have been saying MKI cost manufactured in india is less than 25 million dollar. are you saying su-30mki costs less than LCA?


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Aug 3, 2009
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it is common sense that manufacture in india is cheaper because the labour cost being cheaper.
i said even labour costs are increasing in india. since you asked for proof of hike in pays for the HAL in post #506, i provided one.
now, all that adds to increase in product price apart from the cost of infrastucture for producing the machine which affects your 15-20 mil dollar difference between local manufacture and the imported one.
I didn't just ask for increase in pays. I asked for the increase to meet your 45 million mark.

but where did i say IAF signs contracts with Thales or anyone?
That is what you're saying. You're saying IAF signed separate contracts with Thales and pays it separately. Now, as it is clear, HAL has replaced Thales with much cheaper Samtel.

however IAF specifies the systems they want to the OEM.
infact mig 29 upgrade is held up because OEM says IAF is yet to specify.
That is exactly what I'm asking for the MKI program.
In case of the MKI program, it has been replaced by Samtel under the Aegis of HAL.

whether it is externally mounted or internally mounted does not matter
Ofcourse it matters. This means you don't have to buy 280 jammers for 280 planes. You can juggle them between planes. External pods take up valuable hardpoints which could be used to carry bombs. Generally SEAD and escort missions are ones which carry jammers, AA missiles and Anti-Radiation missiles, and go in and clear the area, and the bomber profiled MKIs would follow with Lightning targetting pods and bomb the crap out of the enemy. It would be tactically flawed to let all the planes carry unnecessary equipment. So what next? You're going to calculate the cost of targeting pods?

missiles are expendable. you shoot and it is gone. jammers and other avionic systems are permanent on an aircraft.
It's not permanent, that's that whole point. It can be removed and is temporary. Infact there is only one pic with a EL8222 pod on the MKI. There are several pics with lightning pods, but only one with a ELTA jammer pod under the wing.

Gulshan Luthra and Air Marshal Ashok Goel (Retd)
So some retired marshal(who knows how long before he retired and which plane he flew), knows more than serving Air Chief marshall and HAL chairman themselves?
""They will come for a little less than $40 million apiece," said ACM Tyagi.

That is a direct quote from ACM tyagi. So you with your wild guess and Gulshan and a Ret Air marshall knows more about the current working and price structure of the planes. Give me a break! And how do you know that particular sentence was written by the Retd Air marshall? The other guy's name is mentioned first, meaning he was the prime architect of that article. Like I said, everyone in this country knows about the IAF more than the Air Chief Marshall.

to give a wild fig(pure guess) must between 55-60mil.
You can guess anything you want.

listen fulcrum. i answered it already. now if you don't believe me i can't help it.
You either misinterpreted the sentence and didn't known what p2p and I was discussing about. You jumped into the discussion blindly and quoted some irrelevant line and claimed p2p said that.

Many media reports have estimated that the LCA’s per unit acquisition cost at $26 Million for a production run of 200+ aircraft.
26 million might be the entire cost. Besides, LCA is not yet ready, and we have ppl already estimating the cost? lol The entire cost of HAL manufcatured MKIs is 34-35 million. The cost excluding the set-up expenses and etc is 25-30. Earlier it was 22.5 million. Besides, like I said, CF Composites are not cheap.


New Member
Feb 23, 2009
It's back again up on Monday

Sukhoi to fly again on Monday; crash due to engine fire

First Published: 22:15 IST(4/12/2009)
Last Updated: 22:21 IST(4/12/2009)

The grounded Sukhoi fighter jet fleet is likely to get airborne again by Monday, senior IAF officers said on Friday, adding that the aircraft crash on November 30 near Jaisalmer in Rajasthan was caused by a fire in its engine.

The precautionary checks on the Sukhoi fleet were in progress and it could be completed by Monday, when it would be cleared for flying again, they said.

After the mishap, the IAF had stopped flying the 100-or so Sukhoi aircraft in its fleet and had kept it on the ground to carry out checks. "The crash, we have learnt during preliminary investigation, was caused by a fire in its engine. It (the Sukhoi fleet) will start flying again on Monday."

The SU-30MKI, a Russian-origin aircraft made at the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited facility in India, is a twin-engine, twin-seater, air superiority fighter jet. The aircraft, which crashed on Monday, was on a routine training sortie and its pilots, Wg Cdr Shrivastava and Flt Lt Arora, had bailed out to safety before the mishap.

"The pilots had switched off the engine to control the fire and this led to the mishap," the IAF officers said. A probe team comprising IAF officers and HAL officials have recovered the black box, that holds its cockpit voice and
data recorders, which would be analysed soon, the officials said.

In the other and only previous Sukhoi crash on April 30 this year, the IAF had lost a pilot and trouble in its fly-by-wire system was said to be the cause of the mishap.

Sukhoi to fly again on Monday; crash due to engine fire- Hindustan Times


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Su 30 MKI: Fuel leak behind engine fire

Manu Pubby
Posted: Saturday , Dec 05, 2009 at 0406 hrs New Delhi:

A fuel leak on board India’s most advanced fighter could have led to the engine fire that caused the Su 30 MKI crash on Monday. Investigators, including an HAL engine expert, have reached the site of the crash and sources said a problem with the fuel system was likely to have caused the fire on board the aircraft that forced both pilots to eject.

While the entire fleet of the advanced fighter jet, that numbers over 90 and is based in Pune, Bareilly and Tezpur, still remains on the ground, a senior air force official said the aircraft were likely to take to the skies again on Monday after the preliminary inquiry.

Su 30 MKI: Fuel leak behind engine fire .
“The preliminary inquiry is on and the aircraft could start flying again by Monday. Anyways, the fighters are available for operations if there is any requirement,” a senior official said.

As reported earlier, the entire fighter fleet was grounded after Monday’s crash of the HAL-built fighter, the second time in eight months that the fighters have been grounded. After a crash in April, the fighters remained on the ground for over a month while investigators tried to figure out the fault. A defect in the ‘a fly by wire’ system was found out later.
The IAF, which also suspected an engine defect in Monday’s crash, had ceased operations immediately, given that the fighter that went down was a brand new aircraft that had recently been manufactured in India by HAL.

While it may take several weeks before the crash is investigated, the fleet would be allowed to fly again after the preliminary inquiry rules out any major defect in the aircraft. “There is no point to fly and lose another aircraft because of the same fault. The aircraft will fly after it has been ascertained that there is no major defect,” an IAF officer said.
The IAF has close to 90 of the Su 30 MKI fighters in its inventory and has placed an order for 230 aircraft. Out of this, the majority of 140 fighters would be manufactured or assembled by HAL. The earlier batch of aircraft that have been in operation for the past few years were imported from Russia


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
'Bars' upgrade potential

'Bars' upgrade potential

Because repeating questions about possibly 'Bars' ESA radar upgrade for Su-30MKI, I put the NIIP's chief engineer Tamerlan Bakirbayev's article again in my blog. This article was published in Russian 'Army & Navy Review' magazine, issue 4, 2009.
The OCRed text is below.

Defunct Humanity: 'Bars' upgrade potential



New Member
Aug 13, 2009
Grounded Sukhois to fly again
TNN 8 December 2009, 02:40am IST

NEW DELHI: After being grounded for almost a week, India's frontline Sukhoi fighters were cleared for flying on Monday when a check on the 100-odd jets by the IAF found all of them air-worthy.

On November 30, one of the aircraft crashed in Jaisalmer which led the IAF to ground the entire fleet for a thorough check. This was the second crash of the Sukhois. The previous aircraft had crashed in April.

"The Sukhoi aircraft has started flying again and the first flight, after being grounded for a week, took place on Monday afternoon at Lohegaon airbase near Pune," an IAF officer told reporters here.

"Now, one by one, all the Sukhois in the five operational squadrons will start flying," the officer added.

Since its induction in 1996, Sukhois were involved in accidents for the first time this year. The IAF plans to have a total of 280 Sukhois in its fleet in the next few years.

Meanwhile, defence minister A K Antony informed Parliament that the entire fleet of HPT-32 initial trainer aircraft has been grounded after a fatal crash in July.

In the July HPT trainer crash, two instructor pilots were killed near Hyderabad. In a written response to a question, Antony said the force has lost 17 HPT-32s and 19 pilots till now in different accidents.

"The total loss suffered as a result of these accidents amounts to Rs 16.21 crore," Antony said. He said HAL has already commenced preliminary design work on the turbo-prop trainer aircraft.

To another query, the minister said IAF has signed a contract worth Rs 2,700 crore in 2006 with HAL for procuring 20 Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) in Initial Operational Clearance configuration.

Antony said Coast Guard was being equipped with Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA), Dornier aircraft, twin-engine and light helicopters, offshore patrol vessels, interceptor boats along with surveillance, communication and navigational armaments to upgrade the security infrastructure. He said, "Rs 1,155 crore has been earmarked for modernisation during this fiscal."

Grounded Sukhois to fly again - India - The Times of India
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