Su-30 MKI

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Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
IAF 'happy' with Sukhoi fighter jets: Antony

New Delhi (PTI) The Sukhoi crash on April 30 in Rajasthan today caused an uproar in the Rajya Sabha, forcing Defence Minister A.K. Antony to come out in favour of the air superiority of the IAF's fighter jet.

"The Su-30 is one of the most advanced jets in the world.

The IAF is very happy with it. The IAF feels it is one of the best in the world," Mr. Antony said during Question Hour.

As his deputy, M.M. Pallam Raju, was replying to supplementaries, Mr. Antony said "the Indian Air Force feels Sukhoi - one of the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world - is best suited for Indian conditions. The IAF is very happy with these aircraft."

Members had wanted to know from the Minister if the crash "was a case of a wrong pilot in a right plane" and if "the pilots reported a malfunction."

Mr. Raju told the House that the blackbox of the crashed Sukhoi was badly damaged and has been sent to the UK for retrieving information.

The Court of Inquiry ordered into the mishap would look into the possible reasons for the crash including probability of malfunctioning of some equipment, he added, without ruling out "technical failure" of the aircraft.

On his part, Mr. Antony added that the government planned to more than double the number of Sukhoi fleet strength to 230 by 2015. "By 2015, we plan to have a fleet of 230 Sukhoi fighter aircraft," he said.

The Hindu News Update Service


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Jul 6, 2009
AESA Radar Options Displayed

A fierce competition is now underway for supplying up to 450 active phased-array radars (AESA) for the Indian Air Force’s future combat aircraft acquisitions, with the principal contenders hailing from the US (Northrop Grumman and Raytheon)

A fierce competition is now underway for supplying up to 450 active phased-array radars (AESA) for the Indian Air Force’s future combat aircraft acquisitions, with the principal contenders hailing from the US (Northrop Grumman and Raytheon), Europe (EADS Defence Electronics, THALES and SELEX Galileo), Scandinavia (Ericsson Microwave), Israel (Israel Aerospace Industries), and Russia (Phazotron JSC and Tikhomirov NIIP). The enabling technology for AESA is Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), which uses lithographic-type processes to produce microwave circuits on chips at very high levels of integration. A modern X-band transmit/receive (T/R) module, in addition to a radiating element, contains up to eight chips (MMICs) produced in a foundry and later integrated into a substrate with a few discrete components and cooling provisions, all filling a space on the order of 1/4 cubic inches. Unlike a conventional mechanically steered-array (MSA) radar, the antenna array of T/R modules is fixed, with no moving parts. The radar can steer its agile beams electronically--at nearly the speed of light--and redirect them instantaneously from one target to another. In MSA radars, a circular or elliptical antenna plate in the nose of the aircraft is moved rapidly using a gimbal system with three or four drive motors to scan an area of airspace or on the ground, a single flashlight-like beam at a time. AESA radars on the other hand can track significantly more targets and can operate in multiple modes simultaneously, such as air-to-air search (in low-, medium-, and high-PRFs) and digital ground mapping. The AESA also automatically establishes tracking files for each detected target (more than 24), thereby reducing pilot workload. With interleaved air-to-air and air-to-surface cockpit displays, the aircrew will thus be able to maintain situational awareness while executing air-to-surface missions. AESA radars also offer better air-to-ground resolution (three times higher) than MSA radars, particularly using their synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mode.

The current market leaders in terms of confirmed orders for AESA radars for combat aircraft are Northrop Grumman and Raytheon. The former has unveiled a new AESA radar it is developing with company funds to equip the Lockheed Martin F-16 and other aircraft. The Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR) is currently undergoing flight-tests and will be available by 2011. Northrop Grumman presently supplies the APG-77 AESA for the Lockheed Martin F/A-22 Raptor, APG-80 for the UAE Air Force’s F-16E/F Desert Faclons, and APG-81 AESA for the Lockheed Martin F-35 JSF, while Raytheon supplies the APG-79 for the Boeing-built F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Block 2, and the APG-63(V)3 for the Boeing-built F-15SGs of the Republic of Singapore Air Force. Raytheon has also repackaged its APG-79 AESA as the RANGR, a next-generation radar sized to fit the F-16, Saab’s JAS-39 Gripen and Korea Aerospace Industries’ A/T-50. Competing against the US aerospace giants is France’s THALES Group, which is proposing its RBE-2 AESA, which has been under development since 2003, and will be available from next year. The RBE-2 along with the OSF infra-red search-and-track system is being proposed for installation on board 90 of the IAF’s 230 Su-30MKIs on order. Also being proposed are SELEX Galileo’s Vixen 5000e AESA, Israel Aerospace Industries’ EL/M-2052, and the Caesar from EADS. The X-band EL/M-2052’s array comprises 'bricks' of 24 T/R modules, making it easy to assemble the AESA in different configurations to match the size and shape of an existing fighter nose, up to 1,290 modules. Smaller, lower-module-count versions can be air-cooled, reducing weight and making integration simpler. The Caesar is being proposed for both retrofit as well as on board the Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon Tranche 3. The Euroradar consortium-built Captor Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar (Caesar), which has been co-developed since 2003 by the UK’s SELEX Sensors & Airborne Systems, Galileo Avionica of Italy, EADS Defence Electronics of Germany and INDRA of Spain, is a modular AESA comprising six line-replaceable units (LRU) and weighting around 170kg. The six LRUs include twin transmitter and receiver units, the radar computer and the antenna block. The radar computer comprises 17 individual processors and is able to perform up to 3 billion flow-point operations per second. As the radar computer’s signals data processor is programmable, it is easy to upgrade the radar by simply uploading new software. The Caesar’s software is written to MIL-STD-2167A standard and comprises 1.2 million lines of code. The antenna can be swept around by at least +/-70° in both azimuth and elevation. The AESA employs two data processing channels for target detection and tracking, and uses a third one for identification and suppression of hostile electronic countermeasures (ECM). The combination of high scanning and processing speeds with a dedicated data processing channel provides the Caesar with exceptional ECCM capabilities. For beyond visual range (BVR) aerial engagements the Caesar provides three main modes. The range-while-scan mode (RWS) is used to scan a large field-of-view for detecting hostile aircraft at the longest possible distance. The track-while-scan mode (TWS) is used to give the pilot a better picture of the airspace ahead thereby increasing his situational awareness (SA), while the velocity search mode (VS) is used to determine the hostile contacts’ closure speeds for target priorisation. In contrast to other radars offering similar modes, the Caesar enables the pilot to define a sector where the radar should look for targets and also determine if a detected contact should be automatically tracked or not. Normally, the Caesar will work in RWS mode to detect aircraft as early as possible. The antenna will be automatically steered to scan the defined sector and the radar will automatically choose the best suited PRF depending on the look-on direction and the targets’ aspect angles to optimise performance. If a contact is detected the pilot will be informed and the contact will be shown on the default 2-D horizontal display format in relation to its position in azimuth and range. If automatic target tracking is selected the Caesar will then track the contact by automatically switching to TWS mode. To do so the radar will generate a track file where it saves the position of the contact. With every electronic sweep the Caesar will check and update the targets position again and again. Tracked contacts are shown with their flight direction and identification. The Caesar is at least able to track up to 40 targets at once, while searching for additional targets, even under look-up/look-down conditions.
For target identification the Caesar features an integrated IFF system which will automatically try to identify every tracked contact by sending out a crypted signal towards the contact and awaiting a correct response. Targets will be shown as different symbols in different colours according to their identification status, which could be friendly, hostile or unknown. The VS mode will be normally interleaved with the TWS mode to determine the contacts’ closure speeds. In TWS mode every tracked target will be automatically priorised taking into account a target’s distance, flight direction, closure speed, altitude and identification. Every target will be marked with a letter depending on its priorisation. Despite the fact that the VS mode will be normally interleaved with the TWS or even RWS mode there is also a separate VS display mode showing contacts in relation to their closure speed rather than range. The Caesar is able to track at least up to 12 high-priority targets. Normally, the contacts posing the highest threat will be assigned by the system as high-priority targets, but the pilot can also select any target he wants as a high-priority target using the radar cursor. If the priorities change the pilot will be automatically informed. He can easily switch to the new priority target via a voice recognition system. High-priority targets will also be tracked outside of the scanning sector as long as they stay within the scanning angles of the antenna. This technique is called data adaptive scanning (DAS) and improves the tracking performance at longer distances. Thanks to its high scanning speed the Caesar is able to track while scan within the full azimuth coverage if required, in comparision to other systems which are mostly limited in that direction. For all high-priority targets the fire-control system will automatically calculate firing solutions, enabling the Typhoon to perform multiple target engagements.

The Caesar also features an aircraft-to-missile data link that will provide mid-course guidance updates for active radar-guided BVRAAMs launched towards high-priority airborne threats. In addition to the three main modes, the Caesar features a single-target track (STT) sub-mode that enables it to concentrate on a single target by increasing target data update rates and countermeasures resistance. The Caesar also features a non-cooperative target recognition (NCTR) capability that allows it to identify a tracked contact as a specific aircraft type by comparing the characteristic radar returns to examples stored in a programmable data library. Another feature is the raid assessment mode that enables the radar to identify and track single targets within a very close formation thanks to its high-resolution. The trace function allows the pilot to identify enemy aircraft manoeuvres and tactics. Another unique feature of the Caesar is its ability to generate a 3-D picture of the airspace, thus making threat analysis and target acquisition much easier and enhancing the pilot’s SA. Next to the 2-D horizontal display mode there is also a 2-D elevation mode showing contacts in relation to their position in range and altitude. As both display modes can be simultaneously shown on two individual multifunction head-down displays, the pilot gets a complete 3-D picture of the airspace ahead. The Caesar’s tracking range is well beyond 200km against combat aircraft-sized targets, with a range of more than 300km against large targets like transports or aerial refueling tankers. The Caesar’s antenna, using a liquid cooling system, comprises 1,500 Gallium-Arsenide T/R modules. Each of these active, finger-sized and 15-gram light modules provides a power output of 10 Watts and is able to generate, sweep, send out and receive radar signals. To optimise performance, single modules can be formed into groups. Thanks to electronic scanning the Caesar can instantaneously scan the entire field-of-view within some milliseconds, vastly increasing reliability, countermeasures resistance and target data update rates. It is even possible to form a number of primary beams of different shapes and sweeping them in different directions for undertaking various tasks simultaneously. The rapid scanning in combination with the use of frequency hopping technologies and heavy sidelobe suppression dramatically reduces the radar’s detectable emissions, while increasing the countermeasures resistance. Even functions like threat warning, jamming and data transmission are performed simultaneously.

Russia’s Phazotron JSC is offering its Zhuk-AE AESA, whose full-scale mock-up was first displayed during the MAKS aerospace exhibition at Zhukovsky in August 2005. At that time, the radar featured a 700mm-diameter antenna comprising 1,088 T/R modules (272 packs, each containing four modules); the antenna mirror was set at a 20° look-up angle. This design, however, turned out to be too heavy (450kg). In the next version the weight of individual components was reduced, cutouts were made in the radar body and a lighter magnesium alloy was introduced. Finally, the antenna diameter was reduced to 575mm and the number of T/R modules trimmed to 680 (170 packs of four modules each); the antenna itself was set in a vertical position. The overall radar weight was reduced to 220kg. The definitive design of the Zhuk-AE will eventually have a 700mm-diameter antenna with 1,100 T/R modules. Last year an initial batch of 12 Zhuk-AEs radars were built. The so-called ‘first stage’ Zhuk-AE (also designated FGA-29 with 1,064 T/R modules) that was shown in Bengaluru in February 2007 was a modernised version of the mechanically-scanned Zhuk-ME radar fitted with an AESA antenna. It retained the existing computing system with data processor, signal processor and software, as well as the clock generator. The Zhuk-AE/FGA-29 radar can be series-produced by retrofitting the present Zhuk-ME radar. Phazotron will probably offer such an option for Zhuk-ME users such as Yemen and Eritrea. The Zhuk-AE/FGA-29 is a multifunction X-band radar (3cm wavelength), which can track and engage air, ground and naval targets. The radar in its present form has a search range of 130km against combat aircraft. According to Phazotron, by selecting the proper range between radiating elements, the antenna beam can be deflected by +/-60 degrees without parasitic sidelobes. The radar can track up to 30 airborne targets and engage six of them simultaneously. The ‘second stage’ radar, designated Zhuk-AE/FGA-35, will be fitted to the production MiG-35 M-MRCA. It will receive a new computing system and new multifunction wideband generator. The FGA-35 will feature a 700mm-diameter antenna with 1,100 T/R modules. Phazotron JSC is now seeking the best method of heat dissipation--a critical issue for the success of future developments. The range of the Zhuk-AE/FGA-35 will be 200km, it will be capable of tracking up to 60 airborne targets and engaging eight of them. Phazotron JSC has designed and manufactured all radar components in-house, except for the T/R module. In 2002, the Almaz-Phazotron subsidiary in Saratov tried unsuccessfully to produce its own T/R module. Phazotron JSC subsequently engaged two companies from Tomsk: Mikran and NIIPP (Nauchno-Issledovatelskiy Institut Poluprovodnikovykh Priborov, Scientific Research Institute of Semiconductor Instruments) to produce the T/R modules. Mikran designs Russian monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) and TR modules, while NIIPP undertakes production on an industrial scale.

Tikhomirov NIIP, on the other hand, is busy developing its X-band AESA radar for fitment on to both the Su-35BM and the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft that will be co-developed by Russia’s United Aircraft Corp and India’s state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL). Thus far, three prototype AESAs have been built and are now undergoing laboratory tests, with the first functional unit due to enter the flight-test phase in 2010, and the series-produced radars entering service by 2015. The AESA’s front-end antenna array will also be offered for integration with the existing NO-11M ‘Bars’ PESA radars by 2014. Yet another AESA variant being designed by Tikhomirov NIIP is called the ‘smart skin’ in which the T/R modules can be located anywhere on board the aircraft to generate the relevant radiation fields required for almost 360-degree airspace surveillance coverage.

:: TEMPUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE - English Section -9


ok firstly the Zhuk AE can't track 60 but it can track 30. EL-2052 tracks 64. Zhuk AE is simply not as advanced as the EL-2052 and in current status the Zhuk AE has around 700 T/R modules with ability to increase to a 1000.

CEASAR isn't ready and even God dont know when its going to be ready and its has a little over 1000 T/R modules just like the RBE-2, neither of them proven and clearly not ready before 2013, they also lack the maturity and range of APG-80, APG-79, APG-63. Why would we put RBE-2 AESA on MKI when its BARS already has a much better range than it, secondly active arrays will go on board the mk-4 MKI when ready and all the others will also receive it eventually. And come 2014, UAC, together with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) will begin upgrading the first 100 IAF Su-30MKIs by modifying their airframes to make them stealthy, converting the existing ‘Bars’ into an active phased-array radar, enhancing the situational awareness by incorporating active electronically scanned transmit/receive arrays on the aircraft’s wings, and beefing up the defensive-aids suite by installing a combined radar/laser warning system and a missile approach warning system. Tikhomirov-NIIP had by last November begun laboratory-level tests of a ‘Bars’, which was fitted with an AESA array made up of X-band transmit/receive modules built by Istok JSC. Since then, another two ‘Bars’ radars have been modified as part of the R&D phase, which will last until 2012, and will be followed by flight qualification a year later.

Secondly RBE-2 is useless on the MKI because even if we go for it, we'll have to integrate all of its weapons, including Brahmos. Being French makes the RBE-2 very expensive, waste of money and time. now that the US has shut out the Issies from the MRCA deal we can be sure the current MRCA contenders with their respective radars are the only ones under offer. EL-2052 will be used on the LCA, Jaguars, i am also hoping the Mirage and mig-29 upgrade (its compatible).


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Jul 6, 2009
Tikhomirov NIIP N011M BARS

The BARS is the most advanced radar developed by Russian industry during the 1990s. It is unusual in being designed with a hybrid array arrangement, the receive path using very similar technology to US and EU AESAs, with similar sensitivity and sidelobe performance, but using a Travelling Wave Tube and backplane waveguide feed for the transmit direction, a technology closest to the B-1B and early Rafale EA radars. As such the BARS is a transitional design sitting in between Passive ESAs (PESA) and contemporary AESAs. There is no doubt this design strategy reflected the unavailability to Russian designers of the Gallium Arsenide power transistors used in Western AESAs.

The baseline N011M radar uses a vertically polarised 0.9 metre diameter aperture hybrid phased array, with individual per element receive path low noise amplifiers delivering a noise figure cited at 3 dB, similar to an AESA. The antenna is constructed using phase shifter and receiver 'stick' modules, a similar technology to early US AESAs.

Three receiver channels are used, one presumably for sidelobe blanking and ECCM. The EGSP-6A transmitter uses a single Chelnok Travelling Wave Tube, available in variants with peak power ratings between 4 and 7 kiloWatts, and CW illumination at 1 kW. Cited detection range for a closing target (High PRF) is up to 76 NMI, for a receding target up to 50 NMI. The phased array can electronically steer the mainlobe through +/-70 degrees in azimuth and +/-40 degrees in elevation. The whole array can be further steered mechanically. Polarisation can be switched by 90 degrees for surface search modes.

The BARS remains in production for the Indian and Malaysian Irkut built Su-30MKI/MKM variants. The radar is available with a range of TWT power ratings, this being the source of considerable confusion to observers who have not tracked this program since its inception. The result is a wide range of performance figures depending on the resulting Power Aperture Product. That the antenna has good power handling capability is evident in its adaptation for the Irbis E design.

Given the similarity between the Irbis E and BARS, existing BARS operators will over time effect block upgrades to convert their BARS inventories into the Irbis E configuration.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Jul 6, 2009
USA Buys Russia’s Su-27 Jets From Ukraine to Find Out Why F-15 Is So Bad

The Pentagon purchased two Russian-made Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine. The United States will reportedly use the Russian jets to train effective counter-operation efforts.

The Russian jets are a serious competition for the US F-15 fighters. The jets of Russia’s renowned Sukhoi design bureau proved to be more successful than their US competitors during a number of tests. The Pentagon has been trying to obtain the Russian warplanes, and Ukraine helped the nation do it legally.

The news about the deal between the USA and the Air Force of Ukraine appeared on the US-based website The website said that Russia’s Su-27 fighters were technically similar to F-15 jets, although the Russian planes were 30 percent cheaper.

Several Su-27 jets landed at Langley US air base in the summer of 1992, upon the agreement with the US side. Russian pilots examined F-15 jets at the base and proposed a simulated combat. The US pilots did not like the idea much: they thought that it would be too risky to hold the fight above the base in front of photographers and TV cameras. They eventually accepted the offer, but agreed to hold the mock fight above the Atlantic Ocean, 200 kilometers far from the coast.

The scheme of the mock fight was very simple. A Sukhoi was supposed to fly behind a US jet, and the planes were supposed to switch places with one another.

A US plane attempted to fly away from the Russian jet, but the Russian pilot caught up with the F-15 very easily. The planes switched places, and the Su-27 flew away from the F-15 making a turn and gaining altitude. The Russian jet found itself behind the American fighter a couple of minutes later. The F-15 pilot lost the Russian aircraft out of sight and could not escape from it afterwards: the Russian pilot was keeping the F-15 covered.

The F-15 lost another battle with Russia’s Su-27 in the autumn of 2000, during the US-Japanese drills in the Pacific Ocean. Two Su-27 jets, covering the Su-24MP, conducted a sudden attack of the flagship of the US 7th fleet, Kitty Hawk. The US aircraft carrier would have been destroyed in real combat conditions.

The US Defense Department is seriously concerned about the growing sales of Su-27 and Su-30 all over the world. Russia has been shipping these jets to India, China, Malaysia, Venezuela, Indonesia and Algeria for years.

Now the US purchased two Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine. The US military command will now be able to study the phenomenon of Russia’s Sukhoi design bureau thoroughly.

USA Buys Russia’s Su-27 Jets From Ukraine to Find Out Why F-15 Is So Bad - Pravda.Ru


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Country flag
Engine = Al F 117s
Radar = N1012 Irbis
Datalink = newly developed by Indo-Israeli joint venture
Avionics = Fly - by- light flight control system
= New Processor for faster computation
= Cockpit modifications (ergonomic cock pit)
= HMCS (Indian)
= new IRST and Mayawi jamming pod
Missiles = R 77M1
= R74
= Brahmos
= KS 172 Novator(unconfirmed)
Airframe = More composites in the existing airframe


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
^^ How about RCS reduction measures as the present mki has a huge RCS?


Engine = Al F 117s
Radar = N1012 Irbis
Datalink = newly developed by Indo-Israeli joint venture
Avionics = Fly - by- light flight control system
= New Processor for faster computation
= Cockpit modifications (ergonomic cock pit)
= HMCS (Indian)
= new IRST and Mayawi jamming pod
Missiles = R 77M1
= R74
= Brahmos
= KS 172 Novator(unconfirmed)
Airframe = More composites in the existing airframe
you forgot all aspect thrust vectoring, current aircraft only have 2D TVC. smart skin sensors, stealth coatings and a new Optical locator system.


New Member
Feb 26, 2009
in improvrd mki! ................but significant reduction in rcs should be achieved


will mki have an internal weapon bay?
no mki wont have internal bays but its rcs will reduce by 2/3rds. It will be lighter, faster, have better maneuverability due to all aspect tvc, better radar, active sensors all over the skin for 360 degree coverage and protection. It will have stronger under-carriage for brahmos and depending on how many brahmos the IAF wants the MKI to carry, it may even get strengthened wings for more brahmos. it will have active and better radar with detection range of around 400km.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sukhoi Su-30Mki crash was due to systems failure: Antony

Published: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 at 17:58 IST

New Delhi: The crash of an Indian Air Force (IAF) Sukhoi Su-30 combat jet in Rajasthan this April, the first accident involving the plane since it was inducted 12 years ago, was caused by the failure of its sophisticated fly-by-wire system, parliament was informed on Wednesday.

"The preliminary investigation into the accident reveal that the reason for the crash... is likely failure of the fly-by-wire system," Defence Minister A.K. Antony said in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.

"There is no indication of any serious problem in the maintenance of aircraft by the IAF or any short supply of hardware as the cause of the crash," he added.

"Each accident is investigated through a court of inquiry and remedial measure are undertaken accordingly to check their recurrence in future," the minister pointed out.

The crash had generated much heat in the Rajya Sabha earlier this month, prompting Antony to intervene and state that the IAF was "very happy" with the aircraft.

"The Su-30 is one of the most advanced jets in the world. The IAF is very happy with it. The IAF feels it is one of the best in the world," Antony said.

"Was it a case of a wrong pilot in a right plane?", "Has the black box been sent to England?", "What precautions were taken before take-off?", "Did the pilots report a malfunction?", "What is the state of investigations?" were some of the questions asked but not all were answered.

Answering the main question, Minister of State for Defence M.M. Pallam Raju had said the Su-30's black box had been "badly damaged" and efforts were underway to retrieve the data contained in it.

The jet's pilot, Wing Commander S.V. Munje, and the co-pilot, Wing Commander P.S. Narah, had managed to bail out in time but the latter was killed after being apparently hit by the falling debris of the aircraft.

IAF chief Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Naik is on record as saying that the ejection mechanism of the rear seat may have been faulty.

The Su-30 was inducted in 1996 and the IAF fleet currently comprises 98 aircraft. This will rise to 230 by 2015.

Of the Su-30s in the IAF fleet, some were bought in flyaway condition from its Russian manufacturer while state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) manufactured the others under licence. It was not clear which category the crashed jet belonged to.

The Su-30 has won universal acclaim from the air forces of the US, Britain and France whenever it has been fielded against them in war games. Eight Su-30s had participated in the prestigious Red Flag exercise with the US Air Force at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, last year and had more than held their own against their counterparts' F/A-18 and F-16 combat jets

Sukhoi Su-30 crash of systems failure: Antony :: Samay Live


New Member
Feb 26, 2009
no mki wont have internal bays but its rcs will reduce by 2/3rds. It will be lighter, faster, have better maneuverability due to all aspect tvc, better radar, active sensors all over the skin for 360 degree coverage and protection. It will have stronger under-carriage for brahmos and depending on how many brahmos the IAF wants the MKI to carry, it may even get strengthened wings for more brahmos. it will have active and better radar with detection range of around 400km.
nobody talks about survivability and rcs reduction


Respected Member
New Member
Apr 20, 2009
Why these 4+ generation fighter aircrafts don't go for Internal Weapons Compartment when it does a little more good?

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
Why these 4+ generation fighter aircrafts don't go for Internal Weapons Compartment(IWC) when it does a little more good?
This is because developing the IWC is a complicated, expensive and stainous task. Have you heard about the vibration of bay door in F-22 when it goes supersonic. Your weapons carring capacity is also reduced and also the type of weapons carried are also limited. Fuel tanks can't be carried in the internal weapon compartment.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Country flag
you forgot all aspect thrust vectoring, current aircraft only have 2D TVC. smart skin sensors, stealth coatings and a new Optical locator system.
The AL 31F 117s already has all aspect 3D TVC.
The RAM coatings have already been given in the new HAL manufactured SU30s, That is why the increased weight
The OLS is going to be replaced with a new generation IRST.
Smart skin sensors have a long way to go.


New Member
Jul 23, 2009
Country flag
Su-30MKI are @ the top in 4.5G fighters the only oppanent is F/A - 22 & F/A - 35 only. b'cos both are 5G Fighters


The AL 31F 117s already has all aspect 3D TVC.
The RAM coatings have already been given in the new HAL manufactured SU30s, That is why the increased weight
The OLS is going to be replaced with a new generation IRST.
Smart skin sensors have a long way to go.
i thought we were to get 3d TVC from mk-3 level onwards. Smartskin should be ready by 2012.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Country flag
Su-30MKI are @ the top in 4.5G fighters the only oppanent is F/A - 22 & F/A - 35 only. b'cos both are 5G Fighters
I think even the EF and Rafale are good competitors when it comes to the opposition of Su 30 MKI.
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