Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Sep 24, 2016
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@Bhadra you asked these questions on the previous thread which is now closed

Sir still he question remains _

Did it deter Pakistan from carrying out cross border terrorism ??

It stopped use of explosives certainly. It also stopped pattern of organized massive attacks on Indian military bases. Now they are only relying on individual tangos for low intensity engagements.

Can military means be used as effective deterrence against terrorism ?

Yes. But for military to be successful we need to root our support network of terrorist in Kashmir valley. Before 370 removal terrorist sympathiser were ruling Kashmir. Now central govt does.

We can ruthlessly stem out any domestic source of terrorism and we can inflict massive damage to pok based groups too.

But the larger problem will remain . Pakistan will keep supporting low intensity terrorism because that's the only way for them to keep Kashmir in news. The solution of which is destruction of Pakistan itself which will take time .

So in the meanwhile we need to get better at finding and nuetrslising individual terrorist.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan forms two new terrorist groups with Lashkar-e-Taiba to launch attacks in Jammu and Kashmir: Sources

Pakistan is plotting major terror attacks on Indian security personnel deployed in Jammu and Kashmir, as per latest report accessed by Zee News. The report revealed that Pakistan has formed two new terror groups in valley with the help of banned terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). The newly formed group ‘The Resistance Front’ (TRF) and Tehreek-i-Milat-i-Islami (TMI) are covertly formed by Pakistani intelligence agency ISI.


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Oct 27, 2019

[Retd] General Syed Ata Hasnain and [Retd] Major Gaurav Arya discussing the Topic of LoC Infiltration by Trashmiri and Porki Terrorists and what the Indian Army is doing to stop this threat in its tracks.
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Oct 27, 2019
Pakistan forms two new terrorist groups with Lashkar-e-Taiba to launch attacks in Jammu and Kashmir: Sources

Pakistan is plotting major terror attacks on Indian security personnel deployed in Jammu and Kashmir, as per latest report accessed by Zee News. The report revealed that Pakistan has formed two new terror groups in valley with the help of banned terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). The newly formed group ‘The Resistance Front’ (TRF) and Tehreek-i-Milat-i-Islami (TMI) are covertly formed by Pakistani intelligence agency ISI.
I don’t understand the point of new Trashmiri Terrorist Groups? Doesn’t this split the Manpower flow into the traditional big three jihadi groups and also create factionalism between all the Terrorist groups? They would have to fight each other to gain new recruit unless these new Terrorist groups were created to recruit from the local Islamic Gurjar-Bakarwal Population who have pro Porki sympathies.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2019
Note: I am just posting what was on the link put by Underground Soldier. So everybody can read it better.

Afghan forces intercept Taliban fighters, find Jaish terrorists training for Kashmir

Indian security officials are closely watching developments in Afghanistan with the Taliban all set to fight it out with the Ashraf Ghani regime after US withdraws its forces

Afghan forces had carried out a raid in Nangarhar’s Muhmand Dara at what was presumed to be a Taliban camp that led to a bloody gunfight. At the end of the clash that cost the Afghan security forces four lives on April 13-14 night, the security personnel discovered that only 5 of the 15 men they had killed were from the Afghan Taliban. The other 10 were Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists being trained to fight in Jammu and Kashmir One Jaish terrorist survived the gunfight and was captured.

Counter-terror operatives in Delhi and Kabul told HT that the Masood Azhar-founded Jaish-e-Mohammed, which shares the same Deobandi umbilical cord with Taliban, appeared to be running three camps (called Mustaquil) along with four Taliban camps in Nangarhar province. The camps have been identified as Khogyani I, Khogyani II and Dargah camp in Nangarhar province and were lent by the Taliban in lieu of Haqqani network’s cadre being trained in JeM’s camps in Pakistan.

Hindustan Times has accessed photographs and video footage of the clash. One of these photographs shows some of the weapons seized by the Afghan security forces from the camp: 2 mortar launchers, one rocket-propelled grenade and 2 AK series rifles.

Afghan security forces recovered mortar launchers and other firearms from the spot of the bloody clash with Taliban and Jaish operatives ( Sourced )

Maulana Masood Azhar, who has been on India’s most wanted list for years, is incapacitated due to health issues and lives in the terror group’s headquarters, Markaz-e-Usman-o-Ali in Pakistan’s Bahawalpur.

His younger brother Mufti Rauf Asghar is the man running the Jaish ‘s terror show.

Intelligence reports indicate that the Jaish’s de facto chief Mufti Rauf Asghar’s son Wali Azhar is also being trained in these camps that are headed by former Afghan war and Harkat-ul-Mujahideen veteran Mufti Asghar Kashmiri. His second-in-command at these camps is the Jaish’s Kashmir infiltration specialist Abdullah aka Asadullah.

“We have photographic evidence that places Kashmiri and Abdullah at the terror launch pads in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir,” one official told HT.

According to information shared with India’s security planners, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir residents Yasin, Umar, Said and Mansoor along with Bahawalpur-based chief trainer Chacha Wagah, Junaid and Qari Sahab were present in the camp along with Kashmiri and Abdullah as late as March 29.

The total strength of Khogyani I camp is 23 cadres and seven instructors, while the number of cadres in Khogyani II and Dargah camps number 66 excluding trainers and logistics staff.

The radicalised cadre are being given a 15-day normal training after which they have to clear the six-month “Jundullah (commando)” training course before being launched into J&K. These cadres are also being given jungle survival training in Kunar reserve near Nuristan border.

Miniature replicas of the areas around their launch pads at Neelum, Sharda, Kel, Athmuqam, Leepa, Kotli and Forward Kahuta across the Line of Control (LOC) have been created for briefing them about infiltration into J&K.

Already, intelligence agencies have reported that the Pakistan terror groups had prepped to send about 230 terrorists across the Line of Control.

Indian national security planners are also watching with some anxiety the emerging big picture in Afghanistan with the US on the verge of withdrawal and Taliban all set to fight it out with the Ashraf Ghani regime for the seat in Kabul.

It is quite evident that once the Taliban gain control of Kabul, Pakistan would acquire strategic depth through Afghanistan and use the soil to launch terror strikes against India, a counter-terror operative in Delhi said.

Underground Soldier

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Apr 6, 2020
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I don’t understand the point of new Trashmiri Terrorist Groups? Doesn’t this split the Manpower flow into the traditional big three jihadi groups and also create factionalism between all the Terrorist groups? They would have to fight each other to gain new recruit unless these new Terrorist groups were created to recruit from the local Islamic Gurjar-Bakarwal Population who have pro Porki sympathies.
Brother, these Terrorist groups and all other groups are run by ISI and they decide the manpower, fundings and operations of any these groups.
ISI doesn't want to be seen as involved in any Terrorist action in India as they will have to pay for that and also their image will go down further.
So they have made these groups to give the attacks local color and they will claim that these are local boys fighting India and this is an indigenous movement without aid of Pakistan and by that way they will escape scrutiny.
And regarding manpower, these Terrorist groups train much more people than required in action. And BTW If you have a nation ready to die for jihad why you need to think about manpower?? There's too much manpower available, too much!!


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Oct 27, 2019
Pakistan proxies in fight to the finish in Afghanistan, but India too needs to prep | Analysis

Taliban deputy leader Sirajuddin Haqani and ISKP chief Aslam Farooqui may be Pakistan proxies but are in the middle of fight to the finish to capture Kabul

Aslam Farooqui, the so-called Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISKP) chief who was arrested on April 4, hasn’t really been singing like a canary as some expected. But he has spoken about his group’s links with Pakistani deep state, given interrogators an insight into the status of power struggle in Afghanistan and admitted how his fighters had been on the run and mostly, hiding in a eastern Afghanistan district. The big picture that has emerged from days of questioning at a location outside Kabul is that the Taliban will not share the spoils of power after the withdrawal of US armed forces from the country.

The Taliban, he has told interrogators in the early days of his interrogation, has neutralised 90 percent of the ISKP group in Afghanistan. This onslaught has forced his remaining fighters to seek shelter in Achin district of Nangarhar province, which shares the border with Pakistan.

It hasn’t helped the ISKP led by Farooqui, a Pashtun from Orakzai Agency, that the group largely comprises Pakistani nationals, right from those in Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa area to Islamabad and Pak-occupied Kashmir. The Sunni Pashtun Taliban have been mercilessly battering the ISKP for trying to operate from Kandahar, Kunar, Nuristan and Nangarhar provinces.

That the Taliban has nothing to do with the ISKP and its backers in Pakistani deep state was evident when the Taliban promptly distanced itself from the March 25 attack on the Kabul gurdwara that killed more than 2 dozen Sikh worshippers. The attack was carried out by Farooqui group with a couple of radicalised Keralites from Kasargod involved in the massacre.

The Taliban, after some hiccups, has started taking the first steps to implement the February 29 deal with the US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad that paves the way for the US and other foreign forces to quit Afghanistan. This pact requires the Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners. The Taliban, on the other hand, would free 1,000 Afghan security force personnel. The exchange was supposed to have happened by March 10.

The Taliban released the first set of 20 Afghan security-force prisoners on Sunday, a development that the US special envoy described as an “important step in the peace process and the reduction of violence”.

It is still early to predict the course of events in the volatile state of Afghanistan. But there is growing evidence that the country is heading from being a Islamic Republic to Islamic Emirate, where Sharia laws will apply and back to the days when Taliban took control of Kabul in 1996.

Even though the US may have a limited footprint in the strife-torn country to manage its affairs in Central Asia, Pakistan and China, there are indications that the Taliban will not listen to its Pakistan, once its mentor, on every issue once it seizes power.

“The Taliban is not a monolithic body. It may be united to seize power in Afghanistan but there are elements within it that completely oppose Pakistan and some are advocates of the Durand Line being made into the new border with its eastern neighbour,” said a senior analyst based in Kabul. That will complicate the situation for Islamabad.

Just as Pakistan, India is also going into uncharted waters once again as it supports the current regime including its Northern Alliance friends from the past two decades, it will have to deal with Taliban when it comes to power. And that day is not too far away.


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Oct 27, 2019
Afghanistan rejects Pakistan’s demand to hand over ISKP leader Aslam Farooqi

Pakistan had on Thursday demanded the handing over of Farooqi, a Pakistani national with long-standing ties to the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. Farooqi was captured with 19 other members of ISKP during an operation by Afghan troops on April 5.

(ISKP) leader Aslam Farooqi, saying he will be tried under Afghan laws for crimes committed in the country.

Pakistan had on Thursday demanded the handing over of Farooqi, a Pakistani national with long-standing ties to the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. Farooqi was captured with 19 other members of ISKP during an operation by Afghan troops on April 5.

The Afghan foreign ministry said in a statement in Dari issued on Friday: “Aslam Farooqi is the leader of the ISIS group who has committed many crimes in Afghanistan. He is accused of leading a series of operations that have resulted in the deaths of many civilian Afghans and soldiers. He will be treated according to the laws of Afghanistan.”

The statement said another reason for treating Farooqi under Afghan laws is that “there is no agreement between Pakistan and Afghanistan on the extradition of criminals”.

“Afghanistan does not discriminate against terrorists [and] unlawful behaviour and is committed to all anti-terrorism commitments,” the statement added.

The foreign ministry statement suggested there could be exchanges of information under the Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS), “which will help fight terrorism”.

Several of the terrorists captured with Farooqi are Pakistani nationals, Afghanistan’s spy agency or National Directorate of Security (NDS) has said.

Farooqi has been linked to the March 25 attack on a Sikh place of worship in Kabul that killed more than 25 people, including an Indian national. Indian security officials have said the ISKP targeted the Sikhs after being unable to attack the heavily fortified Indian mission in Kabul.

Pakistan’s Foreign Office had demanded that Farooqi be handed over as he “was involved in anti-Pakistan activities in Afghanistan”.

Indian and Afghan security officials have been sceptical about Pakistan’s demand. They said it appeared the Pakistani side was more worried about what Farooqi could divulge about his long-standing links to the Pakistani military establishment during his interrogation.

The ISKP has claimed responsibility for a string of deadly attacks on Afghanistan’s minorities such as Hazara Shias and Sikhs. However, it has been put on the backfoot after coordinated operations by Afghan forces in Nangarhar province since November led to the surrender of hundreds of the group’s fighters and sympathisers.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
10,296 Srinagar man who became Terrorist 25 yrs ago caught by NDS in Afghanistan!!!
Ab pelo saale ko!!
Note: I am just posting what was on the link put by Underground Soldier. So everybody can read it better.

Kashmiri terrorist got away 25 yrs ago, caught with ISKP chief in Afghanistan

Aijaz Ahangar was caught by Afghan forces along with the Islamic State ‘Khorasan Province’ chief Aslam Farooqui earlier this month

was arrested early this month by Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS) in Kandahar, some 500 km from capital Kabul. No one really paid much attention. No one knew. This was a surprise

The NDS had been far too focussed on their prize catch, Aslam Farooqui, the chief of the Islamic State ‘Khorasan Province’ who had claimed responsibility for the 25 March Kabul Gurdwara attack that killed nearly 27 worshippers.

In the early rounds of his questioning, Ahangar identified himself as Ali Mohammed from Islamabad. And it was taken at its face value.

The sequence of events that blew up his carefully-crafted cover is still not clear. Counter-terror operatives in Delhi and Kabul, however, told Hindustan Times that it was only much later that they discovered that the April 4 raid had also netted Aijaz Ahmad Ahangar, the 55-year-old chief recruiter of the Islamic State Jammu & Kashmir.

“It was a surprise,” acknowledged an Afghan watcher. Terror links in the Family

Aijaz Ahangar, born in Bugam on the outskirts of Srinagar city, wasn’t the only one in his extended family to pick up the gun.

According to security agencies, his father-in-law Abdullah Ghazali aka Abdul Ghani Dar had been a Lashkar-e-Taiba commander and had played a role in the formation of the Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen in 1990, a group that was dominated by foreign mercenaries recruited from Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Ghazali was then 50.

Aijaz Ahangar married Ghazali’s daughter Rukshsana much later.

Abdullah Ghazali, now 80, was found murdered in February this year inside Jamia Masjid Ahl-e-Hadith at Maisuma near Lal Chowk, Srinagar’s business hub. His murder has been attributed to a factional clash within the local leadership of the Islamic religious movement Ahl-e-Hadith.

That Aijaz Ahangar went to Pakistan via Bangladesh rather than undertake the treacherous and risky journey across the Line of Control, said one counter-terror official, reflected the family’s links with the Pakistani deep state And the terror links continue.

Once in Pakistan, Aijaz Ahangar was initially settled in Islamabad by Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence. In 2008, according to intelligence reports, he also married Aiysha, a resident of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

At some point, the Aijaz Ahangar family was relocated to Miranshah area of Waziristan near the Afghan border. After a brief association with Al Qaeda, he joined ISIS. Aijaz Ahangar later joined the Islamic State-Khorasan Province.

Aijaz Ahangar’s son Abdullah Umais also joined the fighting in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar and was killed a few years ago.

His son-in-law, Huzafa-al-Bakistani, a top online recruiter of ISKP and later the IS affiliate in Jammu and Kashmir, was killed in a US drone attack in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province on July 18 2019. A Kerala man, Muhammed Muhasin, was killed in the same bombing.


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Dec 22, 2019
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So Pakistan army has lost a few high ranking officers. Sounds true since pak-is were planning something Big for retaliation but backed off seeing and fearing India's posture.....
Tweet deleted. What did it say?


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Jul 11, 2011
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From "War" to "War Like" to "Conflict" to "LIC" to "Tansion "and Now " Skirmish"
When one can not overcome and mange a situation and wish to underplay it because it is diificult to answar then change the narrative. Or if one wishes to hide the truth, obscure the realities then understate a thing like a child trying to underplay a knife wound to his Mom by calling it just a cut.

That is very old tactics of hiding the realities, your sins or some one elses sins. Americans and the West are the master in this kind of perception management wherein they have been hiding their dirty wars, mercenary massacres, proxy struggles and occupation and regime change Wars as "conflicts", "COIN". "LIC" and various such low sounding names.

On India - Pakistan border, there has never been moments of peace. Lakhs of soldiers with their guns, cannons, mortars, missiles and deadly terrorist have been each others blood. Rates of casulties is amongst highest in any battle zones. There have been five wars astride the LC.

Indians have a high moral ground and justification for their defending actions and has not been a status quo change side. Still we call that high intensity war like situation by various degraded names such as border conflict, LICO, LIC, just conflict etc etc. The reasons have not always been due to national considerations.

But, Lo ! and behold,

The "Forum" or rather DFI has decided to name it as "Skirmish". May I know why someone thought that atack on Army bases, fierce Arty duels, cross border raids, pounding defense posts and positions, ambushes, IED blasts, terrorism, infiltration, killing of civilians, heavy stone pelting, crass ani nationalism etc are "Skirmishes" ... ????? So someone thinks our boys are just indulged into Skirmishes .... Wah bhai Wah...

Can some one spill his pearls of wisdom on that ???
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