Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Delete the picture , dont want anyone use it for propaganda
Let them, they can't show their awam that their Pakistani army got massacred. It will disclose their fake bravado.
Pakistani posters who lurk here, will see the truth and accept it, but won't be able to speak about it. Just like their F-16 got shot down and pilot beaten to death by their own public, yet they cannot reveal the truth, nor honour the dead pilot.


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Apr 13, 2013
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BSF launches massive exercise to fortify anti-infiltration grid along Pak border in Punjab, Jammu

A mega exercise to fortify the 'anti-infiltration grid' along the Pakistan border in Punjab and Jammu has been launched by the BSF, which has mobilised its entire senior field brass, thousands of troops and machinery deployed in these forward areas.

The operation, code named 'Sudarshan', was launched on July 1 and will cover the entire over 1,000-kms length of the India-Pakistan International Border.

While Jammu shares about 485-kms of the sensitive IB with Pakistan, about 553-kms of the front is in Punjab. Further, it runs down towards Rajasthan and Gujarat on India's western flank.

The Border Security Force is the primary force guarding this frontier as the 'first line of defence'.

Top sources in the security establishment told PTI that a huge assortment of heavy machinery, communication interceptors and mobile bulletproof bunkers have been mobilised, backed by thousands of BSF personnel as part of the exercise.

Frontier and battalion commanders (from the Inspector General to the Commandant rank), their second-in-commands and company (unit) commanders of the about 40 battalions of the BSF are camping in the forward areas of the two states to finish the operation within a fortnight and be at their bases by July 15, they said.

Multiple patrols are being undertaken to strengthen Indian defence positions and locations for launching offensive action at these borders from the point of view of sealing the front against infiltration of terrorists, drug mules and also to ensure a befitting reply to unprovoked firing from the Pakistani side.

The mega exercise has been named 'Sudarshan' drawing from the legendary and mythological cutting wheel or the 'sudarshan chakra' on Lord Krishna's finger that decimates the enemy with sharp precision and returns to its original place in quick time, official sources said.

The commanders of the force have been asked to prepare their watch towers and sentry posts better, replenish arms and ammunition dumps, strengthen artillery positions, check and plug border fence breaches, detect underground and cross-border tunnels and make all operational and logistical arrangements to strengthen the vigil along the sensitive and infiltration-prone border.

The commanders have been asked to ensure that the Jawans follow the standard operating procedures and that there is an all-time stock of bulletproof vests, 'patka' (armoured head gear) and combat gear to ensure their safety, they said.

They have been asked to ensure that the 'sarkanda' or the elephant grass on the border is cut for better visibility against any movement on the border and instances of drugs smuggling through couriers that is rampant across the Punjab border and some instances of which are also reported on the Jammu side, they said.

As part of the operation, big earthen mounds on the International Border will be flattened, new bunkers and 'ditch-cum-bandh' (trenches) are being dug and BSF posts are being better armoured against sniper firing incidents that have claimed lives of many troops in the past, they said.

A fleet of heavy and small all-terrain vehicles has been mobilised in these areas as the field commanders are moving in those localities, they said.

Some fresh 4x4 vehicles have been dispatched to be placed on the borders for quick movement of armed troops, sources said.

The operation will end by the time monsoon unleashes heavy rains and cuts easy access to forward locations, they said.

While sources dismissed suggestions that the exercise was a reaction to a recent similar movement being noticed on the Pakistani side, they said this was being done to only "fortify Indian defences against infiltration, unprovoked firing and Pakistan Border Action Team (BAT) attacks."

BSF Director General Rajni Kant Mishra and senior officials of the border guarding force are expected to review the "results achieved" on the ground after the exercise ends, they said.

The Union Home Ministry will go through the final report of the operation after which sanctions will be made to procure gadgets, equipment and infrastructure that is required to plug gaps and strengthen border management at these two fronts, they said


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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PKMKB in Punjab too....

If i am not wrong after 27 Pakistani tanks were on Punjab border, do we know how many chinese solider in pakistani dress and what types of weapons , tanks, & other things they have .


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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BSF launches massive exercise to fortify anti-infiltration grid along Pak border in Punjab, Jammu

A mega exercise to fortify the 'anti-infiltration grid' along the Pakistan border in Punjab and Jammu has been launched by the BSF, which has mobilised its entire senior field brass, thousands of troops and machinery deployed in these forward areas.

The operation, code named 'Sudarshan', was launched on July 1 and will cover the entire over 1,000-kms length of the India-Pakistan International Border.

While Jammu shares about 485-kms of the sensitive IB with Pakistan, about 553-kms of the front is in Punjab. Further, it runs down towards Rajasthan and Gujarat on India's western flank.

The Border Security Force is the primary force guarding this frontier as the 'first line of defence'.

Top sources in the security establishment told PTI that a huge assortment of heavy machinery, communication interceptors and mobile bulletproof bunkers have been mobilised, backed by thousands of BSF personnel as part of the exercise.

Frontier and battalion commanders (from the Inspector General to the Commandant rank), their second-in-commands and company (unit) commanders of the about 40 battalions of the BSF are camping in the forward areas of the two states to finish the operation within a fortnight and be at their bases by July 15, they said.

Multiple patrols are being undertaken to strengthen Indian defence positions and locations for launching offensive action at these borders from the point of view of sealing the front against infiltration of terrorists, drug mules and also to ensure a befitting reply to unprovoked firing from the Pakistani side.

The mega exercise has been named 'Sudarshan' drawing from the legendary and mythological cutting wheel or the 'sudarshan chakra' on Lord Krishna's finger that decimates the enemy with sharp precision and returns to its original place in quick time, official sources said.

The commanders of the force have been asked to prepare their watch towers and sentry posts better, replenish arms and ammunition dumps, strengthen artillery positions, check and plug border fence breaches, detect underground and cross-border tunnels and make all operational and logistical arrangements to strengthen the vigil along the sensitive and infiltration-prone border.

The commanders have been asked to ensure that the Jawans follow the standard operating procedures and that there is an all-time stock of bulletproof vests, 'patka' (armoured head gear) and combat gear to ensure their safety, they said.

They have been asked to ensure that the 'sarkanda' or the elephant grass on the border is cut for better visibility against any movement on the border and instances of drugs smuggling through couriers that is rampant across the Punjab border and some instances of which are also reported on the Jammu side, they said.

As part of the operation, big earthen mounds on the International Border will be flattened, new bunkers and 'ditch-cum-bandh' (trenches) are being dug and BSF posts are being better armoured against sniper firing incidents that have claimed lives of many troops in the past, they said.

A fleet of heavy and small all-terrain vehicles has been mobilised in these areas as the field commanders are moving in those localities, they said.

Some fresh 4x4 vehicles have been dispatched to be placed on the borders for quick movement of armed troops, sources said.

The operation will end by the time monsoon unleashes heavy rains and cuts easy access to forward locations, they said.

While sources dismissed suggestions that the exercise was a reaction to a recent similar movement being noticed on the Pakistani side, they said this was being done to only "fortify Indian defences against infiltration, unprovoked firing and Pakistan Border Action Team (BAT) attacks."

BSF Director General Rajni Kant Mishra and senior officials of the border guarding force are expected to review the "results achieved" on the ground after the exercise ends, they said.

The Union Home Ministry will go through the final report of the operation after which sanctions will be made to procure gadgets, equipment and infrastructure that is required to plug gaps and strengthen border management at these two fronts, they said

Well things are getting hot on punjab border


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistani terrorists being trained in Afghanistan after Balakot
Indian Air Force (IAF) Mirage jets attacked JeM’s Balakot terror camp at Manshera in Pakistan, retaliating to the February 14 attack by a Jaish suicide-bomber on a CRPF convoy in Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir.

India’s diplomatic missions and offices in Kabul and Kandahar have been put on high alert after intelligence inputs indicated that cadre of terror groups Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) have shifted to Kunar, Nangarhar, Nuristan and Kandahar provinces of Afghanistan after the Indian Air Force’s strike on the Balakot terror camp.

Indian Air Force (IAF) Mirage jets attacked JeM’s Balakot terror camp at Manshera in Pakistan, retaliating to the February 14 attack by a Jaish suicide-bomber on a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) convoy in Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir.

According to documents reviewed by Hindustan Times, both the Pakistan-based proscribed groups have joined hands with the Afghan Taliban and Afghan insurgent group, Haqqani Network, across the Durand Line that separates Pakistan from Afghanistan, for training their extremist cadre in subversive activity. It is perhaps due to this reason that the Modi government has not taken at face value the action taken by Pakistan’s Imran Khan government on July 1-2 on 15 over-ground LeT leaders and five charity organisations linked to terror funding. India has called for visible and verifiable action against armed terror groups and not window-dressing.

Indian security agencies believe that the terrorist cadre’s shift to across the Durand Line has been done to avoid black-listing of Pakistan by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in its Paris conference later this year. The multilateral body formed to crack down on cross-border money laundering and terror financing has been extremely critical of Pakistan and placed it on a grey list.

Indeed, people familiar with the matter in India’s counterterror agencies say that even as Pakistan was launching its July actions, Indian diplomatic establishments, including the embassy in Kabul, were under threat from a heavily-armed group of JeM terrorists led by Haji Abdul Safi. There was also a threat from another terrorist Qari Wari Gul to carry out a vehicle-borne IED attack on the Indian Embassy in Kabul. And there was an alert against a Taliban attack on the Indian consulate in Kandahar. The people added that these were very real threats.

The North Block has also been informed that a significant number of Jaish cadre shifted to Kot and Momandara (Nangarhar); Sanguin and Marja (Helmand); Logan, Nawa (Ghazni), Zurmat (Paktia), Kunar, Faryab and Kunduz provinces of Afghanistan in coordination with the Taliban. Intelligence reports also indicate that both the Taliban and the Haqqani Network offered shelter to Jaish emir Maulana Masood Azhar in Afghanistan in February 2019 but the latter felt more safe under the protection of the Pakistani Army in Bhawalpur.

The revelation about increased JeM footprint in Afghanistan came when two of its terrorists, identified as Sediq Akbar and Ataullah were arrested by Afghan National Security Force in January this year from Jalalabad while they were en-route to Kabul. Trained at Markaz Usman-e-Ali in Bhawalpur and Balakot terror camps, the two revealed that they had been tasked to conduct surveillance on Indian interests in Kabul and Kandahar.

Apart from this, LeT has established training centres for its cadre in Nangarhar, Nuristan, Kunar, Helmand and Kandahar provinces of Afghanistan. It has moved its cadre from Peshawar to Kabul, and also decided to train its cadre in subversion and sabotage with the help of Taliban.

A recent Pentagon report noted that the LeT, with more than 300 fighters in Afghanistan, posed a significant threat to the US and allied forces. The group has also been instrumental in forging peace between Taliban and so-called Islamic State of Khyber-Paktunkhwa.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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We know our ENEMIES on the OUTSIDE..BUT LOOKIE!!! !
:facepalm: and TREASON OF HIGHEST ORDER!...who then went on to become VP during Congress Regime
Mussie is a mussie is a mussie is a mussie!!

and some FORUM Posters want to sleep with IRAN in the battle of Iran Vs USA:mad2::mad2:

Ex-R&AW officers want PM to act against Hamid Ansari’s ‘anti-national’ acts - The Sunday Guardian Live

New Delhi: Former Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) officers had sought an inquiry against former Indian Vice President Hamid Ansari for what they have called “damaging R&AW operations” while he was posted as Ambassador in Tehran, Iran. They now hope that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will get into the truth of the entire matter. These officers, who were posted in Tehran during Ansari’s tenure, had first approached the PM in August 2017. Ansari was posted in Tehran from 1990-1992.

In their complaint to the Prime Minister, these officers have claimed that Ansari, while being posted in Tehran, “not only failed to protect India’s national interest, but cooperated with the Iranian government and its intelligence agency SAVAK to cause serious dent to R&AW and its operations. According to them, there were four major incidents when Indian Embassy officials, diplomats were kidnapped by SAVAK and Ansari deliberately failed in his duties to protect India’s interest.

One of the officers, N.K. Sood, who retired from the agency in 2010, told The Sunday Guardian that Ansari even went to the extent of recommending the closing down of R&AW stations in Iran.

SAVAK, was officially disbanded in 1979 and a new organisation, Sazman-e Ettela’at va Amniat-e Melli-e Iran, was formed. However, intelligence agencies, including R&AW, even till date, continue to refer to the Iranian spy agency by its old name SAVAK, as the new organisation is/was not properly known.

Sood listed multiple instances which showed that Ansari, during his tenure in Tehran, did not fulfill his duty as was expected from him.

In May 1991, one Indian official, Sandeep Kapoor, was kidnapped from the Tehran airport, ostensibly by SAVAK. When the issue was brought before Ansari, he played it down despite the R&AW station chief—who was in Dubai when the incident took place, but flew back considering the emergency situationbriefing him personally on the matter. “Ansari did not take any steps to trace Kapoor, but sent a confidential report to the MEA that Kapoor was missing and that his activities were suspected in Iran as he was said to be involved with some local woman. He deliberately failed to mention that R&AW had reported about involvement of SAVAK in this case,” Sood said.

Three days later, an anonymous phone call to the Indian Embassy informed the receiver that Kapoor is lying at a particular place on the road side. He was drugged, the effects of which lasted for several years. Despite R&AW’s advise to report and lodge a protest with the Iranian foreign office, Ansari did not take any action.

In August 1991, R&AW was keeping eyes on Kashmiri youths who were regularly visiting Qom, a religious center of Iran, and were taking arms training. Despite the old R&AW staff advising him not to do so, the new station chief of R&AW told Ansari about his operation. “Ansari gave the name of the officer who was handling this operation, D.B. Mathur, to the Iranian Foreign office, who passed it to SAVAK, and Mathur was picked up by them on a morning while coming to the Indian embassy. By the evening, it was clear that he has been picked up by SAVAK,” Sood recalled.

This incident has also been mentioned in the letter that has been shared with Prime Minister Modi. When Ansari refused to take any concrete action, apart from registering a missing report about Mathur with the Iranian Foreign office and sharing it with Delhi without mentioning that he was likely to be picked by SAVAK, the R&AW officers, on the second day, through a scene out of a spy movie, managed to inform Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Delhi, who then told this to P.V. Narasimha Rao, the then Prime Minister, which led to the release of Mathur from Evin prison, where he was kept, on the fourth day of his kidnapping, but he was given 72 hours to leave the country. Once inside the Indian Embassy, Mathur disclosed what had happened to him and how the SAVAK was already aware of the identity of Sood and the station chief, which the letter says can be attributed to Ansari sharing it with the Iranian Foreign Office.

These officers believe and are extremely hopeful that PM Modi will order a thorough probe into this issue, which damaged India’s strategic capabilities deeply.

The Sunday Guardian also reached out to the office of V.P. Ansari through emails, seeking his response on the charges leveled by the R&AW officers. However, no response was received till the time of the story going to press.

Sood also recalled about an incident involving Mohammad Umar, a security guard posted at the residence of the Indian Ambassador, who was picked by the SAVAK and released after three hours. When Ansari was informed about it, he asked the R&AW station chief to ascertain the facts as he believed that he was “turned” by SAVAK. However, despite the R&AW clearly stating that he was innocent, he was sent back to India with Ansari recommending that he should be barred from foreign postings.

Perhaps the most glaring humiliation that the R&AW suffered in those times, as has been mentioned in the letter, is the beating up of P.K. Venugopal, the R&AW station chief by SAVAK, before being let off. The station chief was picked up while he was on a sightseeing tour with an Iranian woman. Ansari never lodged a complaint with the Iranian authorities. Later, Ansari recommended his recall from Iran and he was later dismissed from service. However, this is where things became interesting. She wanted an Indian visa to meet Venugopal, which was resisted by R&AW; however, Ansari went ahead and gave her the visa.

The letter also mentions how a First Secretary, who was posted in Iran for 10 years, was charging US$ 500 from people who claimed to be students and gave them Indian visa. An inquiry done by R&AW revealed that the recommendation letters allegedly issued by the Indian universities on the basis of which the Iranian nationals were being given visa, did not exist. Despite R&AW putting this in writing in front of Ansari, nothing happened and the matter was forgotten.

The letter mentions about Ansari’s regular and long meetings with Pakistan Ambassador in Tehran, which were not reported to the MEA.

It further goes on to talk about how R&AW’s operations, which were defensive in nature, were kept on hold because of Ansari’s order.
“Ansari also brought other Indian Ambassadors in Dubai, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia to target R&AW units in their respective missions. At the time of the Bombay blasts, the R&AW’s capabilities vis-a-vis Gulf countries were in total disarray,” the letter reads.

Sood told The Sunday Guardian that when Ansari was transferred from Iran in mid-1993, there were celebrations in the Indian Embassy.

Sood has asked for a detailed inquiry into why Ansari failed to take proper and appropriate actions when staff members in Tehran were being kidnapped, the role of Ansari in the fake visa being given to Iranian students and the role played by Ansari in damaging R&AW’s operations in Tehran and other Gulf countries.


Jul 11, 2011
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I am gonna write something that I read, give me your thoughts on it and why it isn't stupid?

But first, as always , the infiltrators needed to be challenged by the para commandos.

It remains one of the most risky SOP, but SF units have NO WAY around it yet .
Since such ops take place among Indian citizens and on Indian territory, protocol demands that every precaution be taken before hostile action.

Challenging someone in such a situation instantly gives away your position, allowing the challenged party to take the first shot.
This is from 2015 ,
Now from same year in another op a SF leader challenged the 3 figures (SOP)and they instantly open fired ,injuring the SF leader .

So, with such stupid SOP they will Always be first fired upon and get injured, and what's more frustrating it that they say they had no way around it .

I hope this has been changed or modified.
Challenge as a procedure is only part of static sentry duty keeping and where movement of own troops can not be fully known or communicated to all sentries. This WWII procedure has little operational use except to avoid fratricide.

There is no challenge procedures for active operation, during day, in an area where no other force is known to be present and enemy territory.

Anti- infiltration ops are not primary roles of SF, they are there only in their spare time and to gain only some live realistic training value in firing, battle craft , camouflage and concealment. They will operate only on definite intelligence and information and generally in an area where other own forces are not operating.

If own forces are active in the given area adequate coordination is carried out.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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We know our ENEMIES on the OUTSIDE..BUT LOOKIE!!! !
:facepalm: and TREASON OF HIGHEST ORDER!...who then went on to become VP during Congress Regime
Mussie is a mussie is a mussie is a mussie!!

and some FORUM Posters want to sleep with IRAN in the battle of Iran Vs USA

Ex-R&AW officers want PM to act against Hamid Ansari’s ‘anti-national’ acts - The Sunday Guardian Live

New Delhi: Former Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) officers had sought an inquiry against former Indian Vice President Hamid Ansari for what they have called “damaging R&AW operations” while he was posted as Ambassador in Tehran, Iran. They now hope that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will get into the truth of the entire matter. These officers, who were posted in Tehran during Ansari’s tenure, had first approached the PM in August 2017. Ansari was posted in Tehran from 1990-1992.

In their complaint to the Prime Minister, these officers have claimed that Ansari, while being posted in Tehran, “not only failed to protect India’s national interest, but cooperated with the Iranian government and its intelligence agency SAVAK to cause serious dent to R&AW and its operations. According to them, there were four major incidents when Indian Embassy officials, diplomats were kidnapped by SAVAK and Ansari deliberately failed in his duties to protect India’s interest.

One of the officers, N.K. Sood, who retired from the agency in 2010, told The Sunday Guardian that Ansari even went to the extent of recommending the closing down of R&AW stations in Iran.

SAVAK, was officially disbanded in 1979 and a new organisation, Sazman-e Ettela’at va Amniat-e Melli-e Iran, was formed. However, intelligence agencies, including R&AW, even till date, continue to refer to the Iranian spy agency by its old name SAVAK, as the new organisation is/was not properly known.

Sood listed multiple instances which showed that Ansari, during his tenure in Tehran, did not fulfill his duty as was expected from him.

In May 1991, one Indian official, Sandeep Kapoor, was kidnapped from the Tehran airport, ostensibly by SAVAK. When the issue was brought before Ansari, he played it down despite the R&AW station chief—who was in Dubai when the incident took place, but flew back considering the emergency situationbriefing him personally on the matter. “Ansari did not take any steps to trace Kapoor, but sent a confidential report to the MEA that Kapoor was missing and that his activities were suspected in Iran as he was said to be involved with some local woman. He deliberately failed to mention that R&AW had reported about involvement of SAVAK in this case,” Sood said.

Three days later, an anonymous phone call to the Indian Embassy informed the receiver that Kapoor is lying at a particular place on the road side. He was drugged, the effects of which lasted for several years. Despite R&AW’s advise to report and lodge a protest with the Iranian foreign office, Ansari did not take any action.

In August 1991, R&AW was keeping eyes on Kashmiri youths who were regularly visiting Qom, a religious center of Iran, and were taking arms training. Despite the old R&AW staff advising him not to do so, the new station chief of R&AW told Ansari about his operation. “Ansari gave the name of the officer who was handling this operation, D.B. Mathur, to the Iranian Foreign office, who passed it to SAVAK, and Mathur was picked up by them on a morning while coming to the Indian embassy. By the evening, it was clear that he has been picked up by SAVAK,” Sood recalled.

This incident has also been mentioned in the letter that has been shared with Prime Minister Modi. When Ansari refused to take any concrete action, apart from registering a missing report about Mathur with the Iranian Foreign office and sharing it with Delhi without mentioning that he was likely to be picked by SAVAK, the R&AW officers, on the second day, through a scene out of a spy movie, managed to inform Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Delhi, who then told this to P.V. Narasimha Rao, the then Prime Minister, which led to the release of Mathur from Evin prison, where he was kept, on the fourth day of his kidnapping, but he was given 72 hours to leave the country. Once inside the Indian Embassy, Mathur disclosed what had happened to him and how the SAVAK was already aware of the identity of Sood and the station chief, which the letter says can be attributed to Ansari sharing it with the Iranian Foreign Office.

These officers believe and are extremely hopeful that PM Modi will order a thorough probe into this issue, which damaged India’s strategic capabilities deeply.

The Sunday Guardian also reached out to the office of V.P. Ansari through emails, seeking his response on the charges leveled by the R&AW officers. However, no response was received till the time of the story going to press.

Sood also recalled about an incident involving Mohammad Umar, a security guard posted at the residence of the Indian Ambassador, who was picked by the SAVAK and released after three hours. When Ansari was informed about it, he asked the R&AW station chief to ascertain the facts as he believed that he was “turned” by SAVAK. However, despite the R&AW clearly stating that he was innocent, he was sent back to India with Ansari recommending that he should be barred from foreign postings.

Perhaps the most glaring humiliation that the R&AW suffered in those times, as has been mentioned in the letter, is the beating up of P.K. Venugopal, the R&AW station chief by SAVAK, before being let off. The station chief was picked up while he was on a sightseeing tour with an Iranian woman. Ansari never lodged a complaint with the Iranian authorities. Later, Ansari recommended his recall from Iran and he was later dismissed from service. However, this is where things became interesting. She wanted an Indian visa to meet Venugopal, which was resisted by R&AW; however, Ansari went ahead and gave her the visa.

The letter also mentions how a First Secretary, who was posted in Iran for 10 years, was charging US$ 500 from people who claimed to be students and gave them Indian visa. An inquiry done by R&AW revealed that the recommendation letters allegedly issued by the Indian universities on the basis of which the Iranian nationals were being given visa, did not exist. Despite R&AW putting this in writing in front of Ansari, nothing happened and the matter was forgotten.

The letter mentions about Ansari’s regular and long meetings with Pakistan Ambassador in Tehran, which were not reported to the MEA.

It further goes on to talk about how R&AW’s operations, which were defensive in nature, were kept on hold because of Ansari’s order.
“Ansari also brought other Indian Ambassadors in Dubai, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia to target R&AW units in their respective missions. At the time of the Bombay blasts, the R&AW’s capabilities vis-a-vis Gulf countries were in total disarray,” the letter reads.

Sood told The Sunday Guardian that when Ansari was transferred from Iran in mid-1993, there were celebrations in the Indian Embassy.

Sood has asked for a detailed inquiry into why Ansari failed to take proper and appropriate actions when staff members in Tehran were being kidnapped, the role of Ansari in the fake visa being given to Iranian students and the role played by Ansari in damaging R&AW’s operations in Tehran and other Gulf countries.

Its very difficult to find person like abdul kalam azad from them . 99% are bastard snakes in our home


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Indian Army signed a deal with US to purchase 3000 LGB (Laser Guided Bomb) under emergency procurement process. These bombs can target enemy positions middle of the civilian population without harming civilians. Range of these bomb are 30 to 50 kilomitar.



Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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Indian Army signed a deal with US to purchase 3000 LGB (Laser Guided Bomb) under emergency procurement process. These bombs can target enemy positions middle of the civilian population without harming civilians. Range of these bomb are 30 to 50 kilomitar.


Thats good but yes very costly , pinka 2 can also do the job if i am not wrong


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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Could be GBU-10 and GBU-12? and have to be fired from jaguars, mirages and LCA?
Why would Indian army buy laser guided bombs for fighters when we don't have any army Air force. Those are IAF assets.
I suppose it is Excalibur rounds for 155mm howitzers. That makes sense. These are guided rounds for 155mm with 40kms range and can hit with pin point accuracy.
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