Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Jan 7, 2016
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JK dy grand Mufti was demanding for another Muslim nation and Farukh abdullah warning Amit shah regarding delimitation. These cowards runs on first sight of terrorists and they dare to lock horns with Indian state. Like you said response of Amit Shah

Do you know how they have changed the tune after Shah become HM. Mahebooba, Faruka, Omar, Grand mufti sab shah ke **** pe.


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Apr 4, 2019
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They had not brought them out in Fort Abbas, neither in Tarbela (No, we have not destroyed their F-16s. they were not in Tarbela anyway). In both this case, we incited them to do something. But as usual they remained calm.

They would not bring their Nukes because they know that it is their only guarantee to survive. Once those are out, they are good as dead anyway.
I'm still confused. What happened in Abbas and Tarbela?


New Member
Nov 8, 2014
Generally I refrain sharing porki news videos here, but its something to relish..

I kenw this was inevitable, two oversmart thugs trying to dupe each other. And result was obvious, deal went for toss blaming each other. Poor Porki dreams of dollars overflowing in gutters are in gutter now.

remember the days when ShePaackk was launched Peedeefuck was going ga ga and claiming to be a trillion dollar economy within 5 years. Chinks were fool enough to trust these porkis who hav history of betryal milking and blackmailing host. And porkis were fool enough misunderstanding midget chinks as another cash cow like murikans...ha ha

Anyways Porki Sheepakk dreams shattering..


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Dec 12, 2015
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They had not brought them out in Fort Abbas, neither in Tarbela (No, we have not destroyed their F-16s. they were not in Tarbela anyway). In both this case, we incited them to do something. But as usual they remained calm.

They would not bring their Nukes because they know that it is their only guarantee to survive. Once those are out, they are good as dead anyway.
There is no evidence to say it did not happen. If you have sat images, pl share.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Tarbela is only speculation now... even VSTOL from SFR says airstrike one day... and says something else another day. Even Sentinel pics are not sharp enough to say anything...
Feb 9, 2013
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Generally I refrain sharing porki news videos here, but its something to relish..

I kenw this was inevitable, two oversmart thugs trying to dupe each other. And result was obvious, deal went for toss blaming each other. Poor Porki dreams of dollars overflowing in gutters are in gutter now.

remember the days when ShePaackk was launched Peedeefuck was going ga ga and claiming to be a trillion dollar economy within 5 years. Chinks were fool enough to trust these porkis who hav history of betryal milking and blackmailing host. And porkis were fool enough misunderstanding midget chinks as another cash cow like murikans...ha ha

Anyways Porki Sheepakk dreams shattering..
Zaid Hamid (who reflects and probably even influences hard-line section of Pak army) is saying exactly the same things that Dawn published. But the Army/ establishment hounded that paper and it's journalists. Now suddenly there is cautious approach towards CPEC/ China since Imran Khan came to power. I think in Pakistani forum even some (not all) Chinese members (50 cent army) are playing hardliners criticizing Muslims in Xinjiang related threads, as if to keep their options open. Regular visitors to that site may comment if this is a pattern or aberration.

Also Imran Khan repeatedly tries to call Modi. His ambassador comes looking for possibility of bilateral meet to relieve pressure.

I am afraid, if Pakistan senses everything is now out of control and anarchy is imminent with possible breakup, one fine day they might make dramatic announcement that world needs peace, aman,friendship, blah blah, hence Pakistan with big heart is willing to consider LoC as permanent border. Let us sit and negotiate. Then there will be big media drama. Many Indians anyway seem to be willing to accept this formula (including many of the self proclaimed right wing - their logic being why take area with so much Muslim population).

I hope government and establishment does not forget that it is their constitutional duty to get back PoK land.


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Apr 13, 2013
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This time Gafoora can choose the place and we is hit that place.

Indian Air Force signs deal worth around Rs 300 crore for buying more than 100 SPICE bombs from Israel. SPICE bombs were used by the Air Force to attack madrasah of Jaish-e-Mohammed in Balakot of Pakistan on February 26.


Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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This time Gafoora can choose the place and we is hit that place.

Indian Air Force signs deal worth around Rs 300 crore for buying more than 100 SPICE bombs from Israel. SPICE bombs were used by the Air Force to attack madrasah of Jaish-e-Mohammed in Balakot of Pakistan on February 26.

High explosive warhead.. lol.. now Pakistan cannot even fake it that nothing happened...


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Mar 11, 2016
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Omar kmkb #okmkb

With 2/3 majority in both houses, anything is possible

This Omar has included it in their constitution.. however, If Governor intervenes, then it can happen. As per Coupta's Print:

When has it happened before?
A Delimitation Commission was first constituted in 1952. Subsequently, they have been constituted in 1963, 1973 and 2002. However, in 2002, the Constitution was specifically amended not to have delimitation of constituencies until 2026.

The guiding logic behind this was that by 2026, the population growth across states would be somewhat similar. Otherwise, states which performed poorly in terms of population control would be rewarded by increasing their constituency tally, and those which took measures to control their population would have fewer constituencies.

Can Centre carry out delimitation in J&K?
No, the central government is not authorised to carry out delimitation in the state without amending the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir. Since hardly any Kashmiri party will support this, the Centre is likely to have a tough time carrying out the exercise.

The last time a delimitation exercise was conducted in J&K was under President’s Rule in 1995 by retired Justice K.K. Gupta’s commission. This followed a provisional delimitation
exercise carried out in 1993 by Governor Jagmohan, when J&K was divided into 87 assembly constituencies.

Currently, there are seven seats reserved for Scheduled Castes in the assembly, all in the Jammu division, which haven’t been rotated since 1996.

The next exercise was due in 2005, but in 2002, the Farooq Abdullah government chose to freeze delimitation until 2026 by amending the Jammu & Kashmir Representation of the People Act, 1957, and Section 47(3) of the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir.

The amended Section 47(3) provided that “until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year 2026 have been published, it shall not be necessary to readjust the total number of seats in the legislative assembly of the state and the division of the state into territorial constituencies under this sub-section”.

Going by the J&K Constitution, the governor has the power to amend Section 47 to delete this proviso. Also, if the governor sets up a delimitation commission, the process can begin. Section 3 of the J&K Representation of People Act also gives the governor the power to constitute a delimitation commission.

The state also has the power to revoke the law through a constitutional amendment with a two-third majority.

Convention dictates that the next delimitation exercise can only take place after Census 2031, unless the governor intervenes.


New Member
Mar 11, 2016
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This Omar has included it in their constitution.. however, If Governor intervenes, then it can happen. As per Coupta's Print:

When has it happened before?
A Delimitation Commission was first constituted in 1952. Subsequently, they have been constituted in 1963, 1973 and 2002. However, in 2002, the Constitution was specifically amended not to have delimitation of constituencies until 2026.

The guiding logic behind this was that by 2026, the population growth across states would be somewhat similar. Otherwise, states which performed poorly in terms of population control would be rewarded by increasing their constituency tally, and those which took measures to control their population would have fewer constituencies.

Can Centre carry out delimitation in J&K?
No, the central government is not authorised to carry out delimitation in the state without amending the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir. Since hardly any Kashmiri party will support this, the Centre is likely to have a tough time carrying out the exercise.

The last time a delimitation exercise was conducted in J&K was under President’s Rule in 1995 by retired Justice K.K. Gupta’s commission. This followed a provisional delimitation
exercise carried out in 1993 by Governor Jagmohan, when J&K was divided into 87 assembly constituencies.

Currently, there are seven seats reserved for Scheduled Castes in the assembly, all in the Jammu division, which haven’t been rotated since 1996.

The next exercise was due in 2005, but in 2002, the Farooq Abdullah government chose to freeze delimitation until 2026 by amending the Jammu & Kashmir Representation of the People Act, 1957, and Section 47(3) of the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir.

The amended Section 47(3) provided that “until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year 2026 have been published, it shall not be necessary to readjust the total number of seats in the legislative assembly of the state and the division of the state into territorial constituencies under this sub-section”.

Going by the J&K Constitution, the governor has the power to amend Section 47 to delete this proviso. Also, if the governor sets up a delimitation commission, the process can begin. Section 3 of the J&K Representation of People Act also gives the governor the power to constitute a delimitation commission.

The state also has the power to revoke the law through a constitutional amendment with a two-third majority.

Convention dictates that the next delimitation exercise can only take place after Census 2031, unless the governor intervenes.
Sorry it was done by Omar ke Abbu jaan, Farooq


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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This Omar has included it in their constitution.. however, If Governor intervenes, then it can happen. As per Coupta's Print:

When has it happened before?
A Delimitation Commission was first constituted in 1952. Subsequently, they have been constituted in 1963, 1973 and 2002. However, in 2002, the Constitution was specifically amended not to have delimitation of constituencies until 2026.

The guiding logic behind this was that by 2026, the population growth across states would be somewhat similar. Otherwise, states which performed poorly in terms of population control would be rewarded by increasing their constituency tally, and those which took measures to control their population would have fewer constituencies.

Can Centre carry out delimitation in J&K?
No, the central government is not authorised to carry out delimitation in the state without amending the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir. Since hardly any Kashmiri party will support this, the Centre is likely to have a tough time carrying out the exercise.

The last time a delimitation exercise was conducted in J&K was under President’s Rule in 1995 by retired Justice K.K. Gupta’s commission. This followed a provisional delimitation
exercise carried out in 1993 by Governor Jagmohan, when J&K was divided into 87 assembly constituencies.

Currently, there are seven seats reserved for Scheduled Castes in the assembly, all in the Jammu division, which haven’t been rotated since 1996.

The next exercise was due in 2005, but in 2002, the Farooq Abdullah government chose to freeze delimitation until 2026 by amending the Jammu & Kashmir Representation of the People Act, 1957, and Section 47(3) of the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir.

The amended Section 47(3) provided that “until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year 2026 have been published, it shall not be necessary to readjust the total number of seats in the legislative assembly of the state and the division of the state into territorial constituencies under this sub-section”.

Going by the J&K Constitution, the governor has the power to amend Section 47 to delete this proviso. Also, if the governor sets up a delimitation commission, the process can begin. Section 3 of the J&K Representation of People Act also gives the governor the power to constitute a delimitation commission.

The state also has the power to revoke the law through a constitutional amendment with a two-third majority.

Convention dictates that the next delimitation exercise can only take place after Census 2031, unless the governor intervenes.
For now this delimitation rumour seems to have been created to test the waters... Centre has denied these rumours on delimitation....


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Jul 11, 2011
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Firstly Shekar Gupta is not part of NDTV....has never been!
Secondly, I never said anything about Congress paying or not paying NDTV (you said it and someone else denied it). Given your inability to read and retain information, I doubt that you've any ability to assimilate any info...leave alone judge if the info is fact based or not!

As expected you never understood my spiel on how corporate media caters to its segment of the market! NDTV supports the pseudo secular view because it caters to the audience who conform to that view of world. It's pure business. I don't expect you to understand any of this anyways!
NDTV was raised by Rajiv Gandhi and his Doon School type Prannoy Roy..... Those were the days of Doon School Gang...
It was heavily funded by Xian Church subsidiaries and International Media Houses....
Shekhar Gupta is a "lota"... if you have money buy him. But he has always remained an "official" stooge since his India Today days... ultimately landing him a Padma award from Congress govt... after being kicked out from Indian Express following his coup theory.. he is part of RandiTV

Prannoy Roy, Rajdeep Sardesai, his wife Sagarika Ghost, Vinod Sharma, Vinod Dua, Burqa Dutt, Rahul kanwal, Ravish kumar, Nidhi Razdan, Aroon Purie, are the core which makes Lutiyan Media.
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