Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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A personal attack on someone like Nawaz Sharif would have been considered undiplomatic; but some stark words about Taliban Khan is really not a big deal at all!!! He's the scumbag who openly supports Taliban that kills NATO forces & all the alphabet soup Jihadi tanzeems that target Indians!!
Remember that he was hounded out of Peshawar by the parents of the slain school kids - because he had openly supported the killers of the kids!!
When Indian police & forces are brutally killed & mutilated while the perpetrators & the jihadi tanzeems are glorified in Paki postage stamps, few tough words are required to send a clear signal!!
I agree with what you say of Imran Khan but that was just more reason not to rush into talks. Having done that, exiting it should have been done with a minimum of fuss. My opinion.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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I think there is some complacency on part of BSF. Had it happened with an army soldier, IA would have avenged by now, and given a media briefing that all that needs is done. But bsf guys gave no statement, Rajnath has to tell them after a public outcry. Their operations in Bengal border have also been ineffective in reducing illegal immigrant influx or the cattle trade.
BSF are glorified cops. Cops become breathless chasing cattle smugglers, what will they do about actual SSG napakis.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
I agree with what you say of Imran Khan but that was just more reason not to rush into talks. Having done that, exiting it should have been done with a minimum of fuss. My opinion.
I agree that they shouldn't have fallen prey to Imran Khan's 'peace overtures' so quickly! It's India's weakness - every new Indian PM thinks they can figure a NEW WAY to make peace with Pak; every incumbent Indian PM thinks they can figure a NEW WAY to make peace with a new Pak head-of-the-state!
Unfortunately, every Pak head-of-the-state comes in with a NEW WAY to destroy India (even Nawaz Sharif initially drooled over Musharraf's Kargil plan)!

Once the talks were announced the exit has to be loud and vociferous! If India did a silent exit then Pak would have clobbered India all over! And desi media itself would have gone hammer and tongs that 'India didn't provide any convincing reasons for exit'!!!!


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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Four Pakistan Army posts destroyed by BSF in retaliation.
Govt has to do real solution , we need to cut down terrorist mastermind ,we have to show dare for that we have to keep airforce , navy , army ready before that ,if pakistan react then hit them hard hit them without any 2nd option .

India need to hit where the real cause is taking place.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Yes to an extent. But this needs to be publicized. Also army needs to do some publicity of these things more

The Indian army makes the kill. The pak army hides it, but them pakis know the might of the Indian army. Its them and only them who should know it.
The whole world knows why pak is trying to keep Kashmir on the boil, its politics and the survival of pak army.
pakis will try to hide their dead to "preserve" the illusion for the paki citizens,
Indian army need not do such to make Indians believe in the ability of our army.

Publicizing it for what?
For 30 secs of fame on the air.
C'mon, every time an Indian is sipping on his coffee peacefully at home and bashing the same indian soldiers on the border via social media knows very well without PROOF that the Indian army is doing their job; the reason why he is not running from shelter to shelter like in the citizens of war ridden nations in middle east.

Indian army should never give out their tactical advantages. vantage points and other operational secrets by making video public to give an ego-stroking for few.

Publicising it also start another political war with the JNU anti nationals and the Congress?
Indian army is given a free hand now, and publicising information on the kills can make them be on a leash again. We Indians are feeding and nurturing the anti Indians in campuses by giving them scholarships on tax payers money and making them celebrities when they write shit about India in the name of literature.

We should learn to publicize the anti nationals in India by calling every bluff they put in front of us.
Thats the war any average Indian can do to win for the Indian army who is on the border.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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We are nuclear state, prepared for war: Pakistan fumes over General Rawat's statement

DG Inter Services Public Relations Major General Asif Ghafoor says Pakistan is ready to respond to any external aggression.
Responding to a statement of Indian Army Chief, he said #Pakistan is a nuclear power and our desire for peace should not be misconstrued as our weakness

pakis and their suicidal thoughts. They are prepared with a nuke strike on themselves ..What a bunch of morons!
NUCLEAR STATE!! without a drop of water to drink and on debt to maintain the nukes:laugh::laugh:

Every statement from India worries pakistan so much that they are looking at nuking themselves with tactical nukes.:rofl::rofl:
i highly doubt if china will allow pakis to nuke themselves without paying the chinese dues on CPEC :rofl::laugh:
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