Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Regular Member
Oct 29, 2016
It's a time waste that's what I am saying
India should rather escalate if India really wants some strategic objectives.

meiny 4 marey tuney 4 marey is bakch*di on LC
I always maintained without land gain LoC fight is waste. Its Bjp governtment responsibility to choose mode of fight


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2017
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I heard in tv debates from bjp spokesperson that we caused over hundred casaulities in surgical strike ,i remember twice from sambit patra nd once from some other guy. Can anyone clear what is the number of actual total casaulities . Around 40 are said to be immediate estimate but that would have increased afterwards.
if you are reffering the latest book on surgical strike i think its an account of only 1 team there were other teams on
different locations Mahroof raza in a times now debate said that scale at which we crossed the border was phenomenal

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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I heard in tv debates from bjp spokesperson that we caused over hundred casaulities in surgical strike ,i remember twice from sambit patra nd once from some other guy. Can anyone clear what is the number of actual total casaulities . Around 40 are said to be immediate estimate but that would have increased afterwards.
For some reason, the actual casualties estimates will not be revealed. But, it would be foolish to think the SF crossed the LC to kill just 3 dozen tangos.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Winter is approaching fast, the northern border with China will go quite but only for a while. Next year, Chinese do not have any pressing international issues to deal with except if the US decide to heighten tension with North Korea. It will be stupid for US to do that. Otherwise Chinese will have a free hand to deal with little powers like India.

Elsewhere, thanks to inaction by Obama, Chinese have already captured all of South China Sea area as their own. The Americans kept watching but did nothing.

Overconfident Chinese came to do the same on India - China border using Doklam as the test case. Well they met an iron fist. No solution was possible until the head of the Chinese Army who was the roadblock was removed from the office and a day later settlement followed. The Chinese media and the Chinese people were shell-shocked at the turn of the events. The hardliners in the Chinese Communist Party hierarchy who precipitated the crisis have not given up yet. They have the party General Congress conference in October/November where they will outline President Xi's shortcomings and demand his head or much stricter action against a minor power like India. President Xi may relent and give into the demand of punitive action against India. All that will happen, if US - North Korea war of words does not heat up into punitive action by the US. That will put a hold on Chinese plans on India-China border. Otherwise, situation at the LAC will heat up.

So what are Chinese options:

1. They may try and retake the Doklam plateau again.

2. They may send lorries full of Chinese soldiers to plains near Daulat Beg Oldi to block Indian movement there. That will remove any Indian threat to CPEC being built via Khunjreb Pass to Pakistan.

3. They can simply threaten Indian position at Chusul airstrip.

4. In Arunachal Pradesh they may threaten Tawang one more time and still use the foot paths over minor passes to appear behind Tawang and cut Indian positions off. This they did very well in 1962 as our bumbling military leadership did not know how to react.

Any of the above, Chinese can do it but it all depends upon how India reacts. If India presents an iron fist just as it did at Doklam then Chinese generals will be obliged to escalate it further. They simply do not wish to look for a face saving formula. But there is a problem here, Chinese have insufficient troops and military hardware in Tibet other road network to meet the Indian iron fist which India may present. That 240,000 Chinese garrison in Tibet after internal security requirements, is far too insufficient to meet the Indian iron fist of comparable troop strength organized in 8 mountain divisions and an aggressive corp being readied at Panagarh in West Bengal. In the east Ladakh is well supplied with troops, tanks and artillery.

Now begins the issues to be thought thru by the Chinese leadership in Peking. If they concur to the additional troops strength asked for by the Chinese generals or ignore general's requests but restart the verbal and media war we witnessed this summer over Dokolam. We do not know yet what is up in the Chinese mind. My guess is additional troops to Tibet to intimidate India will be the policy.

Let us assume that Peking doubles the troop strength in Tibet opposite India. First, on a single rail line from China which is partially built over permafrost, it will be hard to support the additional troops. But let us assume that long range supply is maintained somehow, then how will the unacclamtized troops and hardware will behave in -20C and mountain tops which are not in Tibetan plateau but at 12,000 to 20,000 feet and which are not serviced by much talked about Chinese road network. I see a big supply problem. Troops will have to turn back as overconfident Chinese meet the Indians at well acclamatised Indians positions. Moreover attacking ratio in the mountains of 7 to 1 cannot be met. I only see hardship for the attacking Chinese and victory for India.

It has been confirmed by the Indian Airforce chief that Chinese airfields are inadequately developed at seven thousand feet in Tibet. A big problem for them, advantage India. Hence Chinese will not dare to use the Airforce at all.

As for the Navy, there is nothing in Chinese navy which is war ready after travelling four thousand miles to the Indian Ocean. Their numbers are large but mostly untrained paper tigers. Their submarines are not seen diving deep and do not go any farther than thirty miles from their maintenance trawler. These submarines breakdown more often. The aircraft carrier has not seen the deep sea.

So, minor skirmishes is a possibility next year, but Chinese very much worry about their prestige will not initiate a big confrontation. Even a little one is most unlikely to happen as the little ones escalate into big fights.

Chinese have to remember that India is very much different than what they met before.


Sep 7, 2015
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Elsewhere, thanks to inaction by Obama, Chinese have already captured all of South China Sea area as their own. The Americans kept watching but did nothing.
The Americans have got this habit of shutting the stables after the horses have bolted. The same happened when the Pakis were busy transporting centrifuges to North Korea for their nuclear program. The Americans knew it all along but did squat. The irony is that these centrifuges and other sensitive equipment were flown to North Korea in American C-130 aircraft!!

And now see what has happened. North Korea has become a black hole where even the US is afraid to enter. It's too late. The horses have already bolted. Why they didn't nip this blatant nuke proliferation by the Pakis in the bud is unfathomable. Was it in their national interest to turn a blind eye to the goings-on?

And the same is happening in the South China Sea too. But here perhaps it's still not too late for the US to reboot its strategy in the SCS and start playing a more dominant role there before it's too late. But it seems Trump has other priorities.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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I always maintained without land gain LoC fight is waste. Its Bjp governtment responsibility to choose mode of fight
The skirmish on LC is to give cover to infiltrators a lot of times.
Other times to remind India that the dispute is still there.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
On the next Super Sunday (after 20,000 followers) an exclusive, never seen before full video will be posted in which Indian army is completely annihilating the Pak Army posts along the LOC.



Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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And now see what has happened. North Korea has become a black hole where even the US is afraid to enter. It's too late. The horses have already bolted. Why they didn't nip this blatant nuke proliferation by the Pakis in the bud is unfathomable. Was it in their national interest to turn a blind eye to the goings-on?

And the same is happening in the South China Sea too. But here perhaps it's still not too late for the US to reboot its strategy in the SCS and start playing a more dominant role there before it's too late. But it seems Trump has other priorities.
American LAND doesnt have to worry much from NoKo..if NoKo goes crazy the SoKo and Japan burns..nothing much for USA there.
USA was waiting for this EXACT reason to open another front against china via NoKo.
Like any nation USA was waiting for the RIPE moment then..and I think the moment is nearing now.
USA got almost all nations on the periphery of china by nook or crook...thats the double standards yielding result for USA


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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On the next Super Sunday (after 20,000 followers) an exclusive, never seen before full video will be posted in which Indian army is completely annihilating the Pak Army posts along the LOC.


Thanks for the video mate.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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I always maintained without land gain LoC fight is waste. Its Bjp governtment responsibility to choose mode of fight
Land gain is something our political class has never kept in calculations. We returned the hard earned Haji Pir pass after capturing it in 65. India has never gained territory though it won all wars against Pak. Also gaining land across LoC is not possible without full scale war. For that to happen right kind of circumstances need to be available. Either a major terror attack like mumbai 2008 or baloch crisis spilling into India as happenend in 71. Before any of these happen no land gain is gonna happen. So meanwhile let IA screw the local jihad factory which its doing very well. No fight is waste.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
This fight is not for any strategic objective to start with, you know little about your own kind ..

Our heads were cut down and solider were given permission to mourn and raise candle lights ..

You need to keep away this kind of nonsense out of DFI ..

India is not way more powerful than Pakistan. You can't achieve any strategic objectives in LoC firing.
I always maintained without land gain LoC fight is waste. Its Bjp governtment responsibility to choose mode of fight
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