Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Nov 26, 2017
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As long as the army is not able to capture pak territory, all this bravado is useless. They kill, we kill back. Then what? They lose no territory. That itself is a victory for them, because despite attacking ad tormenting a bigger country they lose no territory.


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Oct 7, 2016
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any info about this news............

Yeah, and Porkistan also won '71 war, and captured West Bengal from India.

Facts are here:

Army officials in New Delhi on Friday rejected Pakistan's claim as “totally false” that it had killed five Indian soldiers by destroying their post in the Tatta Pani sector along the Line of Control in Poonch district late Thursday evening.

A senior officer of the Indian Army said: “Unlike Pakistan Army, we do not, and cannot, hide our casualties."
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Regular Member
May 30, 2015
They should post videos and pics of their attacks. I must say, I have started immensely respecting the BLF. Causing such heavy casualties on a regular basis against such odds, when pakistan is under no pressure either internationally or domestically to show restraint against them, is very commendable.
posting videos or pic is lil difficult as most of attacks are done at night. day time free hit time pass video are posted as it dont requires a flash and visibility is also good.


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Oct 11, 2017
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Why developing the Chabahar port in Iran is important for India: 10 points
  • The Iranian President's visit to India could see India and Iran seal details of the final take over of operations of the strategically important port by New Delhi
  • The Chabahar port will bypass Pakistan
  • It will set up India's road access to four cities in Afghanistan

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani poses near the Chabahar port (Photo: AP/PTI)

NEW DELHI: The first phase of the Chabahar port in south-east Iran, which India is developing, was inaugurated in December last year. The port opened a new strategic transit route between India, Iran and Afghanistan that bypassed Pakistan. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s visit to India, which began on Thursday, could see the two sides seal details of the final take over of operations of the strategically important port by India. Here's why the port is crucial to regional trade and India's economic ties to its partners in this tripartite project:

1. Chabahar is turning out to be a success story in the India-Iran relationship. With the operationalisation of the port, it is witnessing high activity, and there are unconfirmed reports of traffic being diverted from Karachi to Chabahar. In an attempt to circumvent the banking problems caused by western sanctions on Iran , India will, for the first time, allow investment in rupees in Iran. This is a special arrangement, sources said, which is only allowed for Nepal and Bhutan.This was a request from the Iranian side, acceded to by the Indian government, sources said.

2. India is one of a handful of countries that continued trade links with Iran despite it being isolated by Western countries against its disputed nuclear programme. New Delhi is Tehran's second-biggest oil client after Beijing.

3. The project moved slowly because of western sanctions against Iran. The sanctions were lifted in January last year, and since then, India has been pushing for conclusion of an agreement.

4. The Chabahar port will cut transport costs/time for Indian goods by a third. The port is likely to ramp up trade among India, Afghanistan and Iran in the wake of Pakistan denying transit access to New Delhi for trade with the two countries.

5. Iran plans to turn the Chabahar port into a transit hub for immediate access to markets in the northern part of the Indian Ocean and in Central Asia.

6. About a fifth of the oil consumed worldwide each day passes through the Strait, a shipping choke point that separates the Persian Gulf from the Gulf of Oman and Indian Ocean.

7. The Chabahar port, located in the Sistan-Baluchistan Province on Iran's southern coast, will also set up India's road access to four cities in Afghanistan
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8. From Chabahar, the existing Iranian road network can link up to Zaranj in Afghanistan, about 883 kms from the port. The Zaranj-Delaram road constructed by India in 2009 can give access to Afghanistan's Garland Highway, setting up road access to four major cities in Afghanistan -- Herat, Kandahar, Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif.

9. The port project will be the first overseas venture for an Indian state-owned port. India and Iran had in 2003 agreed to develop Chabahar on the Gulf of Oman outside the Strait of Hormuz, near Iran's border with Pakistan.
10. Indian investment in phase-1 will be more than $200 million, including $150 million line of credit from Exim Bank. Iran is believed to have asked the Indian government to "manage" or operate the first phase of the port, until work for the second phase is finalised.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Why developing the Chabahar port in Iran is important for India: 10 points
  • The Iranian President's visit to India could see India and Iran seal details of the final take over of operations of the strategically important port by New Delhi
  • The Chabahar port will bypass Pakistan
  • It will set up India's road access to four cities in Afghanistan

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani poses near the Chabahar port (Photo: AP/PTI)

NEW DELHI: The first phase of the Chabahar port in south-east Iran, which India is developing, was inaugurated in December last year. The port opened a new strategic transit route between India, Iran and Afghanistan that bypassed Pakistan. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s visit to India, which began on Thursday, could see the two sides seal details of the final take over of operations of the strategically important port by India. Here's why the port is crucial to regional trade and India's economic ties to its partners in this tripartite project:

1. Chabahar is turning out to be a success story in the India-Iran relationship. With the operationalisation of the port, it is witnessing high activity, and there are unconfirmed reports of traffic being diverted from Karachi to Chabahar. In an attempt to circumvent the banking problems caused by western sanctions on Iran , India will, for the first time, allow investment in rupees in Iran. This is a special arrangement, sources said, which is only allowed for Nepal and Bhutan.This was a request from the Iranian side, acceded to by the Indian government, sources said.

2. India is one of a handful of countries that continued trade links with Iran despite it being isolated by Western countries against its disputed nuclear programme. New Delhi is Tehran's second-biggest oil client after Beijing.

3. The project moved slowly because of western sanctions against Iran. The sanctions were lifted in January last year, and since then, India has been pushing for conclusion of an agreement.

4. The Chabahar port will cut transport costs/time for Indian goods by a third. The port is likely to ramp up trade among India, Afghanistan and Iran in the wake of Pakistan denying transit access to New Delhi for trade with the two countries.

5. Iran plans to turn the Chabahar port into a transit hub for immediate access to markets in the northern part of the Indian Ocean and in Central Asia.

6. About a fifth of the oil consumed worldwide each day passes through the Strait, a shipping choke point that separates the Persian Gulf from the Gulf of Oman and Indian Ocean.

7. The Chabahar port, located in the Sistan-Baluchistan Province on Iran's southern coast, will also set up India's road access to four cities in Afghanistan
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8. From Chabahar, the existing Iranian road network can link up to Zaranj in Afghanistan, about 883 kms from the port. The Zaranj-Delaram road constructed by India in 2009 can give access to Afghanistan's Garland Highway, setting up road access to four major cities in Afghanistan -- Herat, Kandahar, Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif.

9. The port project will be the first overseas venture for an Indian state-owned port. India and Iran had in 2003 agreed to develop Chabahar on the Gulf of Oman outside the Strait of Hormuz, near Iran's border with Pakistan.
10. Indian investment in phase-1 will be more than $200 million, including $150 million line of credit from Exim Bank. Iran is believed to have asked the Indian government to "manage" or operate the first phase of the port, until work for the second phase is finalised.
Apparently saudis are putting roadblocks in Chabahar and also investing in Gwadar.

Also Iranians are to be blamed for slowing down chabahar progress, because of their red tape.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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I was referring to delay in rail line construction as of 6 months back. Maybe situation has improved now.

On the other hand.

In a way shows you what an idiots these pakis are, all this while pakis were badmouthing afghanistan and afghan refugees but their trade numbers were heavily dependant of afghan exports.

Similarly with India, they know that their exports reach India via Dubai still they antagonise us.

So basically Pakistan’s primary trade partners are Afghanistan and India, but still they manage to piss off both its neighbours.


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2014
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I got his points more than anyone else could get. And the fact is let's not forget Manishankar aiyar is from IFS he is a diplomat not a security officer. He is trained that way so he will keep diplomatic solutions, peace talks and appeasement in the first order. He has spent 4 years in Karachi as Consulate head.
The previous NSA's were also from the IFS background so believed in talking to Pakistan, and appeasements and other sort of initiatives.

Right now he is trying to prove to congressis and rest of India that his methods are more effective than any one else in India. Nothing more than that. And there is no doubt that he has been sent by congress.
Mani has been a known hole in the establishment, Nehru the then PM was warned by IB about his communist affiliations, but Nehru still allowed him to be appointed as IFS.

How has the appeasement policy gone over the years, dossier after dossiers and the famous "strategic restrain" policy of the previous NSA ? The same dossiers are now being used by Pakis to compile their own dossiers of their propaganda that India is a terrorists state. There has to be a limit to the appeasement, or insanity in this case.

His methods have been proven time and again, 90000+ civilian casualties and 17000+ police, paramilitary and military casualties. What is he trying to achieve by uniting 600 Muslims under Pakistan ? I don't understand what was the point of dividing Pakistan back in 71, has congress thrown away Indira's strategy in air, or has it got to do with Italianisation of Congress in which Mani played an important part.

We are having problem handing 60 million Kashmiri muslims under influence of Pakistan, what future congress and her strategists see with 600 million muslims under influence of Pakistan ? I know madam, pappu and family would be 1st to run inside Italian embassy and seek asylum when trouble starts, what are the rest of congressis thinking about ? or is it too harsh on our part expecting them to do that.


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Jan 25, 2014
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Lately I have come to the conclusion that long term objective of surgical strike was to do what IA is doing precisely doing now.

Objective being to hunt pakis from our own backyard. One of the objectives of Surgical strikes being to stir the hornets nest.

Numbers indicate that more paki soldiers have been taken out (average per year)post-surgical strikes than before. Paki posts are being targeted because paki launch pads are moved closer to paki posts. Paki launch pads have moved closer to paki posts because surgical strikes targeted tango launch pads farther from paki posts. Now paki soldiers are also taken out along with launchpads when ever concentration of tangos increase near their posts. IA is taking them out from our territory, aaram se like shooting fish in a barrel.

Am I making sense?
Effectively we seem to be heading down late 90s when Artillery was used to completely destroy JKLF infrastructure across the LoC. By regular fire assaults, totally demoralizing and ultimately finishing the cadre.

This time the target seems to be LeT, Last year they have not been able to increase their numbers and suffered great losses in the valley, there was also infighting and mistrust among commanders with their key man Dujana leaving the organization. And at one stage there was no one willing to take up the job of being commander of LeT.

The surgical strike hit them hard, my estimate is ~80-120 casualties in trained cadre strength. And following fire assaults are not letting them recover from the losses since then. Hafiz was quiet furious at namaz-e-janaza back then, they tried to compensate by Propaganda of doing "spectacular attacks", like targeting Amaranth pilgrims to win back trained cadres from other jihadi organizations in Pakistan, but that has not worked it seems, specially with Afghan war heating up again.

The main target of Army in the fire assault this time is terrorists launch pads, It may be possible after 2016 SS, a few launch pads moved closer to Paki Army posts, and they also become unwanted targets, and hence the cycle of retaliation starts to keep their morale up.

Lately JeM have taken the onus to keep the flame burning, and since their infrastructure is deeper, and their collusion with military is far greater, the task of differentiation becomes much more difficult and hence more often Pakis have to react.

This seems to be a good strategy, but there's a difference to the situation in late 90s, then most of the cadre of JKLF were Kashmiris. In JeM and LeT's case most of their cadre are Pakistanis, the two things working in our favor are increase in intensity of Jihad in Afghanistan and the LoC fence.

The Americans have started hammering them quiet hard, with B-52s. As of now It appears that they will repeat the 2001 strategy of using heavy air power and pushing the jihadis across the Durand line, and want Pakis to do another Zarb-e-Kabz this time more sincerely, and Pakis are dragging their feet knowing well that it will backfire greatly on both fronts(Kashmir and Afghan).


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2014
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Pakis hav no other choice. Saudis r demanding for mercenaries since Yemen war started
Pakis are dependent to Saudi, they get subsidized petrol from them, and money which keeps their economy running, even their electricity is produced by heavy oil imported from Saudi at cheap Halala rates.

Now with CPEC and Paki-Chini bromance, RANDI and DALLA etc, going full swing they thought gone are the days of begging from Saudis and Amreekis, but then reality hit them hard last year 2nd half when power projects promised slowed down due to costs, and they back tracked on a Dam project in Gilgit, when Chinese demanded full rights over the sale of electricity. They realized that their fate is far worse of "making puncture of Chinese trucks and selling chole bhature on the CPEC road" this was said by one of their Major General.

And hence they are back to reality and begging Saudi once again, Interestingly today Iranian President was in New Delhi and the timing of this news is some message It seems to Iran, or bad timing.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Mani has been a known hole in the establishment,
Could be something else too which looks like a hole. My view on this is simple, congress will claim in coming elections that the LC skirmishes decreased due to their back channel talks.
Nehru the then PM was warned by IB about his communist affiliations, but Nehru still allowed him to be appointed as IFS.
Because that time communists were seen as friend under Hindi Chini bhai bhai slogan and pro USSR stature.

How has the appeasement policy gone over the years, dossier after dossiers and the famous "strategic restrain" policy of the previous NSA ?
Can't do anything about it, the appeasement works well inside India so there fore same is tried with the rest of the world. Other reason is simple. The chaploos NSA's would do the chaploosi in their profession too, it's simple.

What would a foreign service officer know about security of India who has never seen how military communicates, has no knowledge of tradecraft, doesn't know the pain of losing an asset, has never experienced fear of being caught and tortured, never seen an encounter, and who has not known the enemy from close? But lived on perks and lavish houses abroad allotted by the government, lived on finest rums and spent hours in luxury cars. You can't expect anything from them in the matter of security. Security becomes dependent on diplomacy only and the counterpart diplomats don't give a damn about that. Diplomacy is way different from negotiation.

The same dossiers are now being used by Pakis to compile their own dossiers of their propaganda that India is a terrorists state. There has to be a limit to the appeasement, or insanity in this case.
And why wouldn't they use it? They will also share the lapse and other sort of things with the rest of the world. And especially China. So that China can build a pattern on diplomatic moves related to security at UNSC.
His methods have been proven time and again, 90000+ civilian casualties and 17000+ police, paramilitary and military casualties. What is he trying to achieve by uniting 600 Muslims under Pakistan ? I don't understand what was the point of dividing Pakistan back in 71, has congress thrown away Indira's strategy in air, or has it got to do with Italianisation of Congress in which Mani played an important part.
Yes and that's what Modi quotes their own congressi leaders time after time in the parliament. To be honest, neither congress knows and nor the BJP what to do.
Indira's strategy worked due to cold war. The only mistake she did was she aimed at Nobel peace prize. And I am afraid Modi is aiming for that too. But I tell you neither Pakistan nor China would allow that to happen.

India has already lost big oppurtunity to teach them a good lesson in 2008. After that Pakis have beefed up their security and analyzed all moves which could be taken by India. And now the chinese are on their soil. This move was very calculative although Pak has risk of being consumed by China but they are ready to take it. That's the only loop whole left on their part and one of the two option which can be taken by India.
Otherwise India has now no option. And these skirmishes will continue even after 4 years.

e are having problem handing 60 million Kashmiri muslims under influence of Pakistan, what future congress and her strategists see with 600 million muslims under influence of Pakistan ? I know madam, pappu and family would be 1st to run inside Italian embassy and seek asylum when trouble starts, what are the rest of congressis thinking about ? or is it too harsh on our part expecting them to do that.
Kashmir is a hyped problem. this is what I believe, you teach lesson to pakistan the Kashmir problem will die. But then you also have to be sure that no one third takes advantage of India Pak rivalry. Because India knows Pakistan can be managed but if other powers mingle it could bring unrest in India on the basis of religion and other things. And Pakistan would become only an excuse to start, as it is a muslim country.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Àwesome, Iranian port aka Chabahar is under our control. Omans port aka duqm is under our control. We have also accepted UAEs plan to store Oil in India which means we have obtained the last piece of the puzzle (filling up of our strategic oil reserves). And finally our forex reservers are at an all time high.

Quite a lot has happened in 2018.
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