Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Mar 24, 2013
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RIP Jagsir Singh, unit not disclosed yet but looks like Punjab Regiment. :frown: :frown:
Why I have a feeling that porki Army is targeting Sikh soldiers. And with it they are raising propoganda that Indian army is using Sikh soldiers as Cannon fodder at loc.

Is it possible that they want to start some type of mutiny and unrest amongst Sikh soldiers and people of Punjab. They have started a thread for same on porki defence forums. So it's highly possible.

I know they won't succeed but IA and GOI should take some extra care.
@Bornubus @hammer head
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New Member
Oct 30, 2013
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Why I have a feeling that porki Army is targeting Sikh soldiers. And with it they are raising propoganda that Indian army is using Sikh soldiers as Cannon fodder at loc.

Is it possible that they want to start some type of mutiny and unrest amongst Sikh soldiers and people of Punjab. I know they won't succeed but IA and GOI should take some extra care.
@Bornubus @hammer head
A wild theory but certainly not outworldy .. we can expect some idiot congress chaps raising this issue if the count increases, but it surely will not be entertained by the army top brass and bjp high command.

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New Member
Jul 3, 2017
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Why I have a feeling that porki Army is targeting Sikh soldiers. And with it they are raising propoganda that Indian army is using Sikh soldiers as Cannon fodder at loc.

Is it possible that they want to start some type of mutiny and unrest amongst Sikh soldiers and people of Punjab. They have started a thread for same on porki defence forums. So it's highly possible.

I know they won't succeed but IA and GOI should take some extra care.
@Bornubus @hammer head
i have also observed this propaganda by the porki
they are worse than the shit

have we placed naga regiment on LOC??
if not then we need to ASAP


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Why I have a feeling that porki Army is targeting Sikh soldiers. And with it they are raising propoganda that Indian army is using Sikh soldiers as Cannon fodder at loc.

Is it possible that they want to start some type of mutiny and unrest amongst Sikh soldiers and people of Punjab. They have started a thread for same on porki defence forums. So it's highly possible.

I know they won't succeed but IA and GOI should take some extra care.
@Bornubus @hammer head

At present LoC at Nowshera is the AoR of unspecified Punjab Regt unit (among others)

Pakis are putting the same argument as many of Indians when Baloch troops were killed by Indian army

Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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Pakis are constantly getting killed on the Eastern and western border. LoC is the only place they feel they have a chance to relieve pressure.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Present scenario suggests that BAT and terror attacks and cross border raids in retaliation to them are the new normal. Now Pakis being Pakis want more. In the next round of attack or even for current case of crpf attack we have an opportunity to escalate. Involve Air Force in cross border raids. Let that become the new normal.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Why I have a feeling that porki Army is targeting Sikh soldiers. And with it they are raising propoganda that Indian army is using Sikh soldiers as Cannon fodder at loc.

Is it possible that they want to start some type of mutiny and unrest amongst Sikh soldiers and people of Punjab. They have started a thread for same on porki defence forums. So it's highly possible.

I know they won't succeed but IA and GOI should take some extra care.
@Bornubus @hammer head
They have chosen their targets, dates and way of execution with some sort of planning.
Three sikh soldiers were killed a day before Guru Purv now they kill a soldier just a day before new year.

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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They have chosen their targets, dates and way of execution with some sort of planning.
Three sikh soldiers were killed a day before Guru Purv now they kill a soldier just a day before new year.
We should shift from retaliatory mode to offensive mode. With LeT totally devastated in the valley, JeM is trying its best to fill the void


New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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We need revenge. Pakistan army has to pay with life of its soldiers for the act of these terrorists. Let's cross LOC and take revenge. It will be a meaningful revenge if we capture their one post in revenge of each such attack. We send backup and ammunition to defend such posts captured from Pakistan army. Any protests from Pakistan army, we should clarify that more such posts will be captured in future if these attacks don't stop.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Well Looks like we do another 100 cross border raids also it won t make any difference to paki s they will just keep on doing the same thing again and again ..i now finally think Pakistan is nothing but a country full of mentally retarded pigs ..You cannot expect a pig to understand the smell of fragrance ..No point in india even thinking of peace with this shitland especially those peaceniks who time and again scream they almost achieved a solution with indo pak problem ...Hope the brains in the Higher levels in Army and the political space really have a plan for this madness country and not roaming like a headless chicken in thinking how to deal with it ..

bhagwan yeh atma ko shanti do ..Hope your sacrifice would not go wasted ..I can only hope nothing else in my hands to do beyond that ..
Sep jasbir singh.jpg

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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Well Looks like we do another 100 cross border raids also it won t make any difference to paki s they will just keep on doing the same thing again and again ..i now finally think Pakistan is nothing but a country full of mentally retarded pigs ..You cannot expect a pig to understand the smell of fragrance ..No point in india even thinking of peace with this shitland especially those peaceniks who time and again scream they almost achieved a solution with indo pak problem ...Hope the brains in the Higher levels in Army and the political space really have a plan for this madness country and not roaming like a headless chicken in thinking how to deal with it ..

bhagwan yeh atma ko shanti do ..Hope your sacrifice would not go wasted ..I can only hope nothing else in my hands to do beyond that ..
View attachment 22291
They seem to be specifically targeting Sikh Soldiers....


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Feb 17, 2017
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I am sharing a you tube video here:-

How Trump makes extreme things look normal

If you watch this video, you will understand how Trump is playing psychologically.

Some things that were unthinkable under the previous governments, he talks of them with ease. So that even if unthinkable is not done, people start thinking about something that previous governments should have considered ridiculous or radical. This video talks about how radical change can be made a new normal.

If we apply the same logic in India Pakistan relationship, Talking of Modi regarding Balauchistan freedom on Independence day from Red Fort was something unthinkable under previous governments. But now you can see people are openly talking about India should morally** support Balauchistan and Sindh freedom from Pakistan.

Similarly after announcing the surgical strikes last year, publicizing of crossing the LOC was unthinkable during previous governments. By publicizing it (unthinkable), crossing the LOC has become New normal today to get revenge by killing Pakistani army men.

It's time to set new normals by doing some unthinkable acts.
1. Use drones to attack Pakistani posts, killing Pakistani army men as revenge for any terrorists attack or ceasefire violations.

2. Capture Pakistani posts in POK in revenge for terrorists attack or ceasefire violations. Such posts should never be returned. Rather the LOC is shifted further.

3. Use of tanks/ artillery guns to attack Pakistani posts and civilians as a revenge for terrorists attacks or ceasefire violations. I am saying civilians because that will create public outcry in Pakistan to stop terrorism and not to poke India as the burnt is born by civilians.

4. Missiles attacks on terrorists camps. Satellites images should be taken in advance and shared with intelligence agencies of U.S. and a couple of friends and such missiles attacks can be justified. This is something unthinkable of India doing it today. But we can make such ridiculous or radical attacks within Pakistan.

5. Today Indian government is not supporting Balauchistan, Sindh and other freedom fighters in Pakistan. Let's openly do canvassing for these freedom fighters in US and EU at diplomatic levels. Let the world realize that world will be a better place if Pakistan is divided into four pieces. It is unthinkable today but world opinion will change to think about ridiculous or radical act of breaking Pakistan.

6. We don't have any problems with China as such other than China's expansion plans which are against our interest. World war 2 started because of Germany's expansion plans. We need to seriously talk to China to forget border disputes with India. If China can forget that, China can find and ally in India rather than a competitor that can be used by other nations to destabilize or counterbalance China. If China can be made an ally, we can break Pakistan any days to end this shit of terrorism.

7. Declare that any killed terrorists will be denied burial and will be burnt to ashes. This is something unthinkable for government. But if they start debating, army can burn the terrorists bodies without declaring because terrorists don't have religion and in such case follow majority religion practice I.e. burn the bodies.
(My opinion)
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Tihar Jail
Aug 6, 2009
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Non related to thread, still a good news.
Five of porkis sent straight to hell, god has it's own ways to teach these inbreds a lesson that they never learn.
QUETTA: At least five Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers died when an oil tanker carrying smuggled fuel ran over their vehicle in Kharan district on Saturday.

According to officials, FC’s patrolling team signaled at the tanker carrying smuggled Iranian fuel to stop but its driver tried to speed away.

“The Frontier Corps soldiers attempted to intercept the oil tanker, but the driver ran over their vehicle, killing five personnel, including a Naib Subaidar,” they said. The FC vehicle was destroyed.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Ghanta, IA knows it can contain pakistan easily. The Indian political doctrine over the years has been influenced by traitors so much that the situation right now we are facing is complicated. Just imagine, john dayal type fuckers were in Advisory Council and that was headed by Sonia a foreigner. You could imagine how much damage they have caused to us. Don't overestimate pak and underestimate our forces.

It looks like even you are influenced by your Porki friends lol. I don't even understand why people even consider these suckers friends or try to get closer with them. And whenever such talks happen, they don't retaliate their so called claims. Pakis are living in delusion and you're getting into it. Stop this before it becomes irreversible as I can see your posts are mostly negative to our forces.
who makes an army, people like you and me from us.

when the whole system of our society is corrupt in thoughts it takes 5-6 years for training institutions to change a cadets mind. And when such cadets gets posted into ministry or some adminstrative job at HQ all the training goes to hell

Its basically the young soldiers and young officers who are doing the job and rest all above lt col , majority of them have become so much bureaucratic.
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