Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Down and Out trouble started_____________________________

It's your right.________________________
Right to believe opposition? Or are you talking about opinion?

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Jun 14, 2012
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This explosion in Харьков was the only one episode that looks like a classic terrorist attack. However, it could be a dirty political provocation like "Russian snipers" on Maidan. Or maybe an act of terror by some local group, who don't like Ukrainian patriots a lot.
An explosion in a cafe in Kharkov - a few people were injured, the explosion in Odessa - two dead, the explosion in Kherson - one killed. I can still list. But this is not the topic.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
An explosion in a cafe in Kharkov - a few people were injured, the explosion in Odessa - two dead, the explosion in Kherson - one killed. I can still list. But this is not the topic.
It's definetly not DNR/LNR or Russians have done, but the local group or even Kernes (Kharkov Major) guys could do.
However, the explosion has killed the nazi bastards only when they have drinked there and celebrated their marauding acts. And those explosions were only in those caffees who supported nazi battallions and gathered money and equipment for them.


Jun 14, 2012
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It's definetly not DNR/LNR or Russians have done, but the local group or even Kernes (Kharkov Major) guys could do.
However, the explosion has killed the nazi bastards only when they have drinked there and celebrated their marauding acts. And those explosions were only in those caffees who supported nazi battallions and gathered money and equipment for them.
If you are killed for the "Russian world" for you anyone remember?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
‘Are You Really Journalists?’ Moscow Slams Reuters for Biased Bombshell on Syria
‘If everything is being written for you in London, what are you even doing in Moscow?’

(RT) | Russia Insider

Maria Zakharova - the anti-Jen Psaki

Moscow has condemned Reuters for its “exclusive” report which ignored a detailed statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, in favor of the narrative predetermined by a “draft document” coming from an unnamed source and comments by anonymous officials.

In its “exclusive” story published on November 10, Reuters claimed it had obtained a “draft” of Russia’s plan for a “constitutional reform process of up to 18 months,” prepared for the multilateral talks on Syria this week.

The Reuters News Agency requested a comment from the Foreign Ministry, which it was given, but then decided to ignore it in their report.

“The [news] agency indeed contacted us prior to writing this information,” Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry told reporters on Thursday. “[Reuters’] Moscow correspondents have received extensive comments that this information does not correspond to reality.”

The Foreign Ministry confirmed to Reuters that Moscow is in contact and in consultation with its partners, but emphasized that there was “certainly” no such document in the works.

“After an hour-and-a half, the report, which widely spread throughout the world’s media, was published without a relevant comment from Russian Foreign Ministry,” Zakharova said, pointing out that at the same time, Reuters did not hesitate to quote some of its “unnamed sources.”

“Thus the central media with a long history has opted for the publication of perspective from unnamed sources, while they had been given an official comment by Russian Foreign Ministry,” Zakharova said.

READ MORE: Vienna talks: 19 global powers to work to establish nationwide Syria ceasefire

The Ministry had to press the news agency to include Russia’s official statement in the report, which was eventually added in the third update of the article sent out to subscribers, almost four hours after the initial version was published.

“As you may understand, no one cared, because the ‘international sensation’ [had] already spread,” she said.

When asked how it could have happened that the statement provided by Russia on Reuters’ own request was ignored, the news agency’s representatives in Moscow pointed the finger at their colleagues in London.

“I have a legitimate question to the Reuters news agency, which is represented in Moscow by some 50 correspondents: Are you really journalists?” Zakharova wondered. “If you are not working and [don’t cover] Moscow’s comments, if everything is being written for you in London, what are you even doing in Moscow in such numbers?”

The Ministry’s spokeswoman pointed out that the controversial report coincided with Washington’s initiative to organizing three “working groups” on Syria in Vienna on November 12-13. Russia was informed of this “improvisation” via an email from the US embassy, which came as a surprise as the initiative was never discussed with Moscow.

“We are considering US actions on forming working groups as an unsuccessful experiment,” Zakharova told reporters, stressing that Russia is in favor of “collective work” in Vienna without separating the participants into “those who are leading and those who are being led.”

“We have collectively outlined a plan in Vienna, which was agreed with all participants. We should adhere to agreements [we] reached,” she said, referring to the previous meeting in Vienna on October 30, which laid the basis for a coordinated work without “improvisations, rushing forward and undue haste, which only harm the cause.”
Commentary: Quoting “unnamed sources” is an old trick used by western news agencies.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Here’s Why Russia’s Bombing Campaign in Syria is so Effective
Advanced aircraft and targeting systems combined with clever tactics have the jihadis on the run.

Daniel Fielding | Russia Insider

Cockpit of the SU34 - the most advanced bomber deployed by the Russians in Syria

As the Syrian army continues its advances, a Syrian officer has explained to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti why Russian air strikes are so effective.

He is reported to have said the following:

“Syrian aircraft are easily detectable in the sky and militants have time to hide. Russian warplanes launch attacks from higher altitudes since they are equipped with cutting-edge sighting and guidance systems. They also use guided bombs.”

This claim is undoubtedly true and explains why the Russian intervention has proved in military terms so decisive.

The aircraft the Syrian air force uses are old Soviet machines dating from the 1960s to 1980s.

Aircraft like the MiG21 and MiG23 were designed as air to air fighters. They cannot carry heavy bomb loads.

The MiG21 is limited to 1,000 kgs. The MiG23 to 3,000 kgs.

This compares with the much heavier bomb loads the Russian aircraft can carry: 4,000 kgs in the case of the SU25s, 8,000 kgs in the case of the SU24s and 12,000 kgs in the case of the SU34s.

The heavier loads the Russian aircraft can carry don’t just mean they can carry more bombs.

It means they can carry much bigger bombs - capable of far more destruction than the much smaller bombs the Syrians use.

However the key difference as the Syrian officer said is in their sighting systems.

The chief sighing system used by the Syrian aircraft is the pilot himself. The aircraft bomb what the pilot sees.

This means the accuracy of the bombing depends heavily on the pilot’s skill. Since even the best pilots are limited by normal human limitations, inevitably that means most of the bombs the Syrian aircraft drop miss their targets.

It also means the Syrian aircraft can only fly during the day and in good weather.

Most important of all however, it also means the Syrian aircraft have to fly close to the ground.

That not only gives the jihadis ample warning of their coming.

It also means the Syrian pilots are at constant risk of being shot down by hand held surface to air missiles (“MANPADS”) and anti aircraft cannon, which are a deadly threat to aircraft flying at low altitudes and which the jihadis have in abundance.

The Russian aircraft by contrast have highly sophisticated electronic targeting systems.

These means they can fly at high altitudes, day or night, in most weather conditions, and can hit their targets with deadly accuracy.

Since the Russian aircraft fly at high altitudes they are normally beyond the reach of the jihadis’ MANPADS and cannon, and the jihadis have little or no warning of their coming.

In the great majority of cases the jihadis are not aware of the presence of the Russian aircraft until the moment the bombs strike.

The fact the Russians can strike the jihadis with deadly accuracy any time, day or night, without warning, using far more powerful bombs than any the Syrians use, explains the far greater effectiveness of the Russian air strikes.

The Russian air campaign is being conducted at a technological level only matched in the recent air campaigns carried out by the US.

The big difference is that this time it is groups allied to the US that are being targeted.

Judging from reports of increasing numbers of retreats and desertions, the effectiveness of the Russian air campaign is now starting to erode the jihadis’ morale.

Over the last few days the Russians have acted to worsen it even more.

They have publicly claimed that the reason some of the air strikes have been so effective is because targeting information on some of the jihadi groups has been provided by members of the Syrian opposition.

That is by no means impossible. However publicizing this claim - whether it is true or not - is inevitably going to feed the paranoia and distrust that already exists between the various rebel groups.

That of course is why the Russians made the claim public.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syrian opposition provided info regarding fighting positions around the Kweires airbase, Syria

It is important to note that the general does not give credit to the FSA. He just states "Syrian Opposition" (Syriski Oppositsi).


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Here’s Why Russia’s Bombing Campaign in Syria is so Effective
Advanced aircraft and targeting systems combined with clever tactics have the jihadis on the run.

Daniel Fielding | Russia Insider

Cockpit of the SU34 - the most advanced bomber deployed by the Russians in Syria

As the Syrian army continues its advances, a Syrian officer has explained to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti why Russian air strikes are so effective.

He is reported to have said the following:

“Syrian aircraft are easily detectable in the sky and militants have time to hide. Russian warplanes launch attacks from higher altitudes since they are equipped with cutting-edge sighting and guidance systems. They also use guided bombs.”

This claim is undoubtedly true and explains why the Russian intervention has proved in military terms so decisive.

The aircraft the Syrian air force uses are old Soviet machines dating from the 1960s to 1980s.

Aircraft like the MiG21 and MiG23 were designed as air to air fighters. They cannot carry heavy bomb loads.

The MiG21 is limited to 1,000 kgs. The MiG23 to 3,000 kgs.

This compares with the much heavier bomb loads the Russian aircraft can carry: 4,000 kgs in the case of the SU25s, 8,000 kgs in the case of the SU24s and 12,000 kgs in the case of the SU34s.

The heavier loads the Russian aircraft can carry don’t just mean they can carry more bombs.

It means they can carry much bigger bombs - capable of far more destruction than the much smaller bombs the Syrians use.

However the key difference as the Syrian officer said is in their sighting systems.

The chief sighing system used by the Syrian aircraft is the pilot himself. The aircraft bomb what the pilot sees.

This means the accuracy of the bombing depends heavily on the pilot’s skill. Since even the best pilots are limited by normal human limitations, inevitably that means most of the bombs the Syrian aircraft drop miss their targets.

It also means the Syrian aircraft can only fly during the day and in good weather.

Most important of all however, it also means the Syrian aircraft have to fly close to the ground.

That not only gives the jihadis ample warning of their coming.

It also means the Syrian pilots are at constant risk of being shot down by hand held surface to air missiles (“MANPADS”) and anti aircraft cannon, which are a deadly threat to aircraft flying at low altitudes and which the jihadis have in abundance.

The Russian aircraft by contrast have highly sophisticated electronic targeting systems.

These means they can fly at high altitudes, day or night, in most weather conditions, and can hit their targets with deadly accuracy.

Since the Russian aircraft fly at high altitudes they are normally beyond the reach of the jihadis’ MANPADS and cannon, and the jihadis have little or no warning of their coming.

In the great majority of cases the jihadis are not aware of the presence of the Russian aircraft until the moment the bombs strike.

The fact the Russians can strike the jihadis with deadly accuracy any time, day or night, without warning, using far more powerful bombs than any the Syrians use, explains the far greater effectiveness of the Russian air strikes.

The Russian air campaign is being conducted at a technological level only matched in the recent air campaigns carried out by the US.

The big difference is that this time it is groups allied to the US that are being targeted.

Judging from reports of increasing numbers of retreats and desertions, the effectiveness of the Russian air campaign is now starting to erode the jihadis’ morale.

Over the last few days the Russians have acted to worsen it even more.

They have publicly claimed that the reason some of the air strikes have been so effective is because targeting information on some of the jihadi groups has been provided by members of the Syrian opposition.

That is by no means impossible. However publicizing this claim - whether it is true or not - is inevitably going to feed the paranoia and distrust that already exists between the various rebel groups.

That of course is why the Russians made the claim public.
Yes, but there is an old instruments layout for the first 5 Su-34 prototypes.
All the preproduction and production planes have completely glass cockpit with 6 small MFDs.

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Jun 21, 2013
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“When the war began, my son who now came to liberate me was only 16. We talked on the phone and he promised he would come,” Colonel Mehsin Bareeny told RT, stressing that at the time his son was not a soldier, just a student in a high school.

“Now he is 20 and he came and saved me,” Bareeny said.
This is why Assad still clings on even when formidable forces wants him out!!!


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Kerry, Carter at odds over Russia involvement in Syria

Just listen to the first 60 seconds. Carter is mumbling something. He says "probably" and follows it up with "precisely."


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
This is exactly the sort of disgusting crap that makes us loath to give any sympathy to the West. I don't even need to comment any more.
I have seen dogs display more humane behaviour than this Charlie Hebdo trash. Be kind. These Charlie Hebdo guys are still evolving. Give it a few generations, they will be transformed from monkeys to humans.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Week Six of Russian Intervention: a First Major Success for The Syrian Army
Significance: Syria’s army has now seized the initiative from ISIS and is on the offensive

The Saker | Russia Insider

Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Finally. After weeks of grueling combat the Syrian armed forces have liberated the Kuweyres air base in northern Syria.

This is a huge victory for the Syrians because during the 2.5 year long siege of the airbase it had become an important symbol of the Syrian determination to resist the Takfiris in general and, especially, because Daesh which had deployed its best fighters to maintain the siege of the base and prevents its liberation.

In fact, the Takfiris did resist with everything they had up to the last moment. For those of you interested in video and photos of the combats and liberation of Kuweyres I would recommend the site of Colonel Cassad and specifically these posts: (in Russian)

Many of these images and videos are for a “mature audience” only, but they do convey the sense of victory for the Syrian side and I highly recommend watching them. Up to this moment all the successes of the Syrian armed forces were limited in importance whereas the liberation of Kuweyres not only represents a huge moral victory for the Syrians, but it also has an “operational significance” meaning that it actually changes the shape and dynamic of the front (click here for a high resolution map of the area).

Put simply: the Syrian have now seized the initiative from Daesh and they are now on the offensive. As for Daesh, they now have to allocate their forces to prevent the Syrians from further exploiting their success in Kuweyres. Most observers, including myself, were hoping for, or even expecting, such a development, but now it has finally happened. This is very, very good news.

There was, by the way, an interesting if little noticed side story to this event: according to the Russian military, the “moderate opposition” gave key intelligence to the Russian to target the “terrorists” around the airbase. Here is what RT reported about that:

Syrian government forces received intelligence on terrorist positions around the besieged Kweires airbase from opposition sources, which helped them lift the two-year blockade, the Russian Defense Ministry has revealed.

“This airfield had been surrounded by ISIS [the former name of the Islamic State terrorist group] for two years,” Major General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian defense ministry, said in a daily briefing.

“Intelligence on the locations of the terrorist fire positions and support points around Kweires was provided by the Syrian opposition and cleared by the communication center in Baghdad.”

Lifting the siege on the airbase in Aleppo provinces has been one of the biggest victories for Damascus since Russia started providing air support for Syrian government forces.

The opposition also provided data to help target a big weapons depot of the Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, near the village Mheen in the Homs province, Konashenkov revealed.

For one thing, as far as I know, the so-called “moderate opposition” is mostly a myth, and to the degree that it does exist, it is in Turkey and in London. Furthermore, I don’t remember the so-called FSA playing any major role around Kuweyres. So what is going on here?

Well, maybe the Russians just made up this putative intelligence sharing in order to show that they are working hand-in-glove with the “moderate opposition” or, which is far more likely, some folks associated with Daesh felt that the tide was turning and decided to re-brand themselves as “moderates” and gave the Russians some intel in exchange for money and life.

This kind of sudden “coat turning” is typical of the Takfiris and the Russians saw plenty of that in Afghanistan. If my guess is correct, then this further goes to show that Daesh is beginning to seriously hurt under the combined effects of the Russian and Syrian offensives. Again, this is very good news indeed.

Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, also immediately declared that the liberation of the Kuweyres airbase shows the “resilience, strength, determination, and vigor of the soldiers and officers of the Syrian Arab Army. He is right.

There is no overstating the heroism of the Syrians who fought and refused to surrender even though they had no meds and minimum food and supplies But then, since they would not surrender, their only options were to fight to the end or die. And they fought, alone, for over two years. This is why the first Russian reporter who got into Kuweyres wrote “У сирийцев теперь есть свой Сталинград” (the Syrians now have their own Stalingrad).

Having taken Kuweyres, the Syrian army continued its offensive and, according to the latest reports, the Syrians have now also liberated the towns of al-Hader and al-Heis. Following this latest Syrian victory, a Takfiri commander blamed it on the Russian Air Force and declared “The heavy aerial bombardment of Al Hader and the surrounding area gave us no choice but to retreat, but these are to-and-fro battles, where we win ground one day and the next day we lose it.” Maybe.

Still, it is way too early to celebrate. Following weeks of intense fighting and only tactical victories, the Syrians have now achieved their first operational breakthrough, but they will need several more before they can contemplate a strategic offensive against Daesh.

This is something which the USA and, even more so, Turkey and Qatar are going to try to prevent with everything they have got. Here again, it is important to repeat, that the very small Russian force in Syria does not have the means to, for example, prevent Turkey from moving its forces into Syria.

At this point in time, I would judge Turkey and Qatar as even more dangerous than the USA. Why? Because they both put way too much prestige and, especially, money into ousting Assad and building a pipeline across Syria to link their two countries and they know that as long as Assad or any other secular regime remains in power in Damascus they can forget about it. In fact, if the Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi-Hezbollah alliance is successful in flushing out Daesh from Syria, were will all the Takfiri freaks go? The risk here is not only for Turkey, but even for the Saudis!

In contrast, Obama will soon be gone anyway and its not like the USA has a real national strategic interest in Syria (unless you assume that pleasing AIPAC is such a vital goal). Yes, it would be humiliating for the “indispensable nation” to miserably fail only to have a “local power” like Russia brilliantly succeed, but this humiliation can always be blamed on the outgoing Administration and used to get more votes.

As for the US “deep state,” it knows that it can work with Assad only because it used to work with him very nicely before it decided to dump him (Assad even tortured “rendered” suspects on behalf of the CIA!). So keeping Assad in power might be humiliating but not much more than all the other humiliation the AngloZionst Empire already had to suffer at the hands of Putin.

Speaking of Putin, he made an important statement this week: while initially Russian officials had declared that the Russian military operations would last approximately 3 months, Putin has now declared that “the duration of stay of our military will be determined solely depending on the time this objective is achieved. This could indicate a far longer Russian involvement.

I might be mistaken, in fact, I hope that I am, but I don’t see how Daesh could be defeated without an increase of the size of the Russian military force in Syria and, especially, an increase in the number of Iranians supporting the Syrians on the ground. Nobody will be happier than me if I am proven wrong, believe me.

Final event this week: it appears that the Russians are further digging in and that they have now deployed S-400 missile system on their base in Khmeimim. Depending on how you look at it, this either doubles the air defense capabilities of the Russian naval task force off the Syrian coast, or frees the guided missile cruiser Moskva for other tasks.

Curiously, Russian officials have denied that S-400s are deployed in Syria. Either way, this is good news as the deeper the Russian dig in into their positions, the harder it will be to threaten them. All in all, a very good week for the resistance to Empire and there is real possibility that the next couple of weeks will see even bigger progress.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
What Will Control of Aleppo’s Air Base Mean for Syria’s Army?
Last week, the Syrian army capitalized on Russian support and broke the 2 year siege of Kuweires air base. What comes next?

Jean Aziz | (Al-Monitor) | Russia Insider

Originally appeared at Al-Monitor

On Nov. 10, the Syrian army succeeded in lifting the blockade of the Kuweires military air base east of Aleppo city. What comes next? What is the significance of this step, and what repercussions might it have on the conflict raging in Syria? Also, what is the relationship between this advancement and Russia’s military participation in Syria? Wassim Bazzi, a political analyst and expert in the field and military situations in Syria, explained the bigger picture to Al-Monitor.

“Since Russia became engaged in the military operations in Syria, its air raids have helped the Syrian army and its allies — whether the [Islamic] Revolutionary Guard Corps [IRGC] or the Hezbollah militants — to achieve progress on the ground,” Bazzi said. “Since the first week of October, these forces have been trying to advance along three main axes.”

The first axis, he said, started in the countryside of Latakia governorate. The Syrian army achieved its first advancement there, to the east during the second week of October.

“It took over the strategic town of Ghamam, which is situated at an altitude of 1,300 meters [0.8 mile]. Ghamam constitutes a pivotal location that separates the positions of opposition militants in the northern Kurd Mountains and the southern Turkmen Mountains,” he said.

“The Syrian army then managed, during the first week of November, to confirm its victory in the battles in mountainous areas. It tightened its grip on Kaddash Mountain and drew closer to Burj al-Qasab, which is a high and strategic summit in Latakia countryside, as it overlooks Sahel al-Ghab. The latter is a highly important region whose control would provide protection for the whole Syrian coast from the east, especially Latakia. It would also allow the regime to aim for the borders with Turkey, which are only a few kilometers away,” he said.

“In addition to regaining control of Kuweires air base Nov. 10, the Syrian army has simultaneously tightened its grip on other summits, such as Job al-Ahmar. This means that the army is effectively planning to close this part of the Turkish-Syrian border that extends along approximately 910 kilometers [565 miles] and starts from Kessab town in the west of Latakia to reach Idlib, Aleppo, Raqqa and Qamishli,” he added.

Bazzi noted that the second axis starts from Aleppo’s southern countryside.

He said, “The Syrian army and its allies, Hezbollah and the IRGC, launched the Aleppo offensive during the second week of October from the northwest Hama countryside toward the southern Idlib countryside. The battle made some advancement at the beginning, but suffered several setbacks later. The army and its allies controlled Murak city and six other villages in the Hama countryside, aiming to reach Khan Shaykhun village, which has an important location in the southern Idlib countryside and is about 12 kilometers [7 miles] from Murak. However, the militants launched a counterattack on the Syrian army soldiers on this axis and pushed them to retreat from Murak on Nov. 5. As a result, the attacks on this axis stopped.”

This is where the importance of the third axis — the eastern Aleppo countryside — became evident. The Syrian army and its allies began the battle there with cover from Syrian aircraft.

“During the second half of October, action along this axis started from Aleppo’s southern countryside, where the Syrian army advanced from as-Safira town and moved east. The army was able to control around 30 small villages, including Tel Naam, al-Nasiriyah, Jdeida, Bakisha, Tel Sabin and others, until it controlled around 350 square kilometers [135 square miles] of Aleppo’s eastern countryside. The army then arrived close to Hader village, which is one of its strategic goals,” Bazzi said.

“Hader has the largest concentration of Jabhat al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham and Jabhat al-Asala wal Din militants. These are the main components of Jaish al-Fatah, which controls those regions.”

After Kuweires, the Syrian army gained control of Hader on Nov. 12, as Bazzi had expected. He also expects the fall of two other nearby towns, Zerbeh and al-Eis.

Taking over Hader gives the Syrian army control of a facility run by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. Also, now the army can tighten its grip on the Aleppo-Damascus road so it can prepare to enter the northern and eastern Idlib countrysides to get closer to the strategic city of Saraqib.

The Syrian army was unable to reach that axis via Murak as it first planned, so now it will try to reach it from the Aleppo countryside.

Therefore, Bazzi noted, “Lifting the siege off Kuweires air base constituted the most important military, field and strategic accomplishment since the start of the Russian intervention Sept. 30. This step carries a psychological significance, as it allowed the Damascene regime to free around 2,000 soldiers who had been under siege for two years.”

Kuweires is one of the largest airports in Syria and includes an air academy. It is 25 miles east of Aleppo and is surrounded by a natural water canal on three sides. Controlling Kuweires is an important step toward controlling three villages to the east: Manbij, al-Bab and Jarabulus, Bazzi said. Those towns are important to IS because they are along the Turkish border — meaning they can provide a main crossing place “for all radical militants in the world who come from the Turkish Gaziantep city and enter the Aleppo countryside to reach the IS caliphate capital in Raqqa. The control of Kuweires air base is expected to block the Raqqa-Aleppo road later,” he said.

“The Syrian army would then be able to reach the western and northern countrysides of Aleppo. As a result, the eastern part of the city, which is occupied by militants, would be under the army’s complete siege from both countrysides, as well as from the western Aleppo side controlled by the army also,” Bazzi said.

“Moreover, the total restitution of Aleppo holds a bigger geographic meaning for Syria, as it would foil all projects to divide the country and would kill [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan’s dream to control Aleppo and Mosul. It would also be a step toward isolating the Turkish side completely from Syria,” he added.

Bazzi concluded, “We should wait for the upcoming field developments. Notably, the Russian military intervention bore its first fruits in Kuweires air base Nov. 10.”

It seems clear that the main ongoing battle in northern Syria is the battle for Aleppo, the second-biggest Syrian city in terms of area and population that is close to Turkey. According to Bazzi, the party that wins this battle will win the fight for Syria.


Regular Member
May 5, 2014
Maps and figures from today's Russian MoD briefing:

2289 sorties in total
4111 tartgets hit in total
10 satellites are watch Syria
34 cruise missiles launched today

Air group reinforced with strategic bombers and more Flankers, that will be operating from the territory of Russia:





Orbital group above Syria:
Last edited:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Cross-posting from another thread:
iria - Alepo Norte - Aviones Rusos bombardean camiones de petróleo del ISIS - 14 Noviembre 2015

trucks transporting ISIS oil to Turkey bombed...
Long-range bombers to fly anti-ISIS missions from Russia, Putin orders Navy to work with France
Shorter version from Reuters:



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
From the videos above:

Russia used the following:
34 Kalibr Cruise Missiles

Russia struck oil trucks used by ISIS to sell oil.


Russian strikes on ISIS oil trucks - screenshot from air


Russian strikes on oil trucks - screenshot from the ground

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