Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Jun 14, 2012
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Yeah, yeah...
Tere is no FSA exist. They all fled to An-Nusra front with weapons (US MODs words).
And they have no AD systems, like Ukraine as well.
Ukrainian AD is in miserably bad state, crews have not fired a single missile from Tu-154 incident, air detection fields are gappy and early warning system absent at all...
Stop fapping on Bandera portrait, it's bad for your health :)

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You simpleton!

US supplied FSA air defense systems?


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009


Commentary: So, I was wrong about not going over Turkey as I had assumed there was a NATO ban. Looks like Turkey is allowing Russian flights. So, Russian military is flying over NATO and deploying in Syria.

Some comments on the article:

Cuchulain2 days ago
In no time at all we'll hear that Canada has announced it has closed its airspace to Russian Emergency Ministry flights to Syria.

Ver Ami Cuchulain2 days ago
And Australia.

Scana day ago
I'm worried about the position of Finland and Norway on the subject. They will allow Russian flights to Syria on their territories?
When people say that Americans can not find their own country on the map, we think it's a joke ...

American Graffiti Scana day ago
Those countries are reserved for missile interceptors targeting Cuba.

Am I missing something ? Their Geography seems pretty much fucked up.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Am I missing something ? Their Geography seems pretty much fucked up.
These comments are all sarcastic.

The US pressurized Bulgaria to close its airspace to Russian flights going to Syria. To go to Syria, Russia does not need to go over Bulgaria. Despite that, the US pressurized Bulgaria to close its airspace. So, these people are making fun of US and Bulgaria, and other countries perceived to be US puppets.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
How and Why Russia Launched Its Cruise Missiles Against ISIS
An impressive - and unexpected - display of military capability, increasing the military pressure on the Islamic State

Daniel Fielding | Russia Insider

Klub Missile Used By Russia To Attack ISIS

The Russian Defence Ministry has just confirmed that Islamic State positions in Syria have been attacked with 26 long range cruise missiles launched by four Russian warships in the Caspian Sea.

The missiles would have been the long range subsonic land attack version of the Klub cruise missile family.

The Klub family is a modular family of different cruise missiles tasked for different roles depending on their motors and guidance systems.

Some members of this family of missiles are used for attacking surface warships, and others for attacking submarines. Those that are used to attack surface warships typically skim close to the sea, but have a supersonic terminal phase. Those used to attack submarines are short range, sometimes supersonic, and launch a light anti-submarine torpedo into the sea near the point where the submarine has been spotted.

The land attack version of the Klub used in this attack uses a combination of inertial and satellite guidance and in order to achieve a longer range (up to 2,500 km is claimed) uses a turbojet as opposed to a rocket engine to fly subsonically at Mach 0.8.

It is exactly analogous to the subsonic long range cruise missiles the US has regularly used in conflicts starting with the 1990 Gulf war.

The Russians have not identified the warships that were used to launch the missiles.

The key point about the Klub missile family is however that it is modular. This means that different versions of the missile can be launched from the same launcher.

Russia’s Caspian Sea Flotilla is known to possess two Gepard class frigates and six Buyan class missile corvettes, all of which would be capable of launching these missiles.

In order to strike Islamic State targets in Syria, the Russians will have needed to obtain permission from Iran and Iraq through whose airspace the missiles would have had to fly.

The missile strike therefore confirms two things (1) that the Russians again have demonstrated a capability that previously only the US had demonstrated; and (2) that the coalition they have created with Syria, Iran and Iraq is a fully operating reality, that is able to confer and agree on missile strikes.

Missile strikes have certain advantages over air attacks.

They limit the risk of casualties, making it easier to attack fixed targets that are more likely to have strong anti-aircraft defences.

The Islamic State is known to possess man portable short range surface to air missiles including Russian made Strela and Igla missiles. They are also known to have anti-aircraft cannon.

Whilst their air defence systems are unlikely to be very strong or sophisticated, and the Russians have well developed methods to protect their aircraft from such systems, there is no reason why the Russians should risk their aircraft and pilots when an entirely safe alternative exists.

In addition, supplementing the aircraft strike force with long range missiles greatly increases tactical flexibility, enabling a greater number of targets to be attacked. For obvious reasons, cruise missiles are suitable for attacking fixed targets, such as weapons depots or headquarters. Using them to do so frees the aircraft to attack mobile targets, such as artillery or tanks.

Subsonic cruise missiles are exceptionally difficult to observe and track - and shoot down - so the element of surprise is increased. The Islamic State now knows it can be attacked anywhere and at any time - day or night - without warning.

Lastly, it is significant that the Russians have chosen to launch their missiles from the Caspian Sea rather than the Mediterranean (land based versions of long range cruise missiles are prohibited by the 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces (“INF”) Treaty).

The choice of the Caspian Sea is dictated by the political situation. The US has very powerful fleet and intelligence assets in the Mediterranean - as do US allies such as Israel. Launching their missiles from the Caspian Sea enables the Russians to do so without outside observation or interference.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Brzezinski to Putin: Stop hitting OUR al-Qaeda or it’s World War III
By Kevin Barrett on October 6, 2015

Zbig's stunning admission: Al-CIA-duh is US!

“The Russian naval and air presences in Syria are vulnerable, isolated geographically from their homeland,” Brzezinski wrote on Sunday. “They could be ‘disarmed’ if they persist in provoking the US.”

Dr. Barrett said that it is “a stunning admission from a senior high-level policy advisor here in the US that the US in fact using al-Qaeda, or perhaps the Islamic State [the Daesh/ISIL terrorist group] as well, as assets.”


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
You simpleton!

US supplied FSA air defense systems?
1 - Tu-143 is supersonic.
2 - It has no NAO flight capability.
3 - It's not very hard to shoot down a straight forward flying drone when you know the place, time and direction it will come from.
4 - You have not to be a magician to shoot down one or several of them using fighters, when there are no combat hassle, you have enogh time and have no enemy ECM.
Imagine, that you have them all and SLCMs number is 300.

As I have mentioned earlier, you are ignorent fool.

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Putin Has Just Put An End to the Wolfowitz Doctrine
No more regime-changing in the Middle East for the US

(Zero Hedge) | Russia Insider

This article originally appeared at Zero Hedge

4-Star General Wesley Clark noted:

In 1991, [powerful neocon and Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz] was the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy – the number 3 position at the Pentagon. And I had gone to see him when I was a 1-Star General commanding the National Training Center.

And I said, “Mr. Secretary, you must be pretty happy with the performance of the troops in Desert Storm.”

The hawks overthrew Soviet allies Iraq and Libya.

And they’ve been pushing for regime change in Syria for years.

By bombing Isis, Al Nusra and other jihadis in Syria who are focused on overthrowing Russian ally Assad, Putin has put an end to the Wolfowitz doctrine.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Where Will ISIS Terrorists Try to Hide From Russia?
With Russia in the west, Iran in the east, Kurds in the north, and Assad in the south, to where do the ‘soldiers of the caliphate’ and their pals flee?

Peter Lvov | (New Eastern Outlook) | Russia Insider

Between a rock and hard places everywhere

This article originally appeared at New Eastern Outlook

Curiously enough, the fact that Russian airplanes are tearing ISIL positions to pieces in Syria provoked a somewhat mixed reaction in the world. In Europe, politicians are generally content by this fact since the destruction of the Islamic State may stop the flow of refugees from the Middle East, while those who are sponsoring extremist organizations such as Jabhat al-Nusra, Jaish al-Fatah, and Ahrar ash-Sham to get rid of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad are voicing loud protests. In the list of such sponsors one can find Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

After all, those states have been investing heavily in Islamists, providing them with weapons, equipment and every other form of assistance a rebel group can desire to allow it to succeed on the battlefield against the regular Syrian army. Billions and billions of dollars were spent on the conflict, which is believed to be a part of a larger struggle against Iran. So when in just 5 days Russian military command launched over 60 sorties against terrorists, these countries decided to make it clear that they are still determined to do away with Assad.

“The Assad regime has no future” – said Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir hours before the first Russian planes went off on a mission in Syria. Later on he stated that if the Syrian president didn’t leave his post within the framework of an agreement on political transition, the Saudis would resort to the use of direct military force, “which will also lead to the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad.”

Ankara, Riyadh and Doha are well aware of the fact that Russia’s legal involvement in the war against terrorism can jeopardize all of the plans that these three players had for the entire Middle East. After all, the US is no longer positioned to do anything of substance regarding its foreign policy, especially in military terms, as it was shown by the failures in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Afghanistan.

But Turkey, KSA and Qatar have greater concerns than Assad’s fate since, should victory in Syria be achieved, Russia and Iran can join their efforts in purging terrorists in Iraq. And this would be the worst Sunni nightmare suddenly realized – a Shia crescent (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Yemeni Ansar Allah, Bahrain, along with the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia) emerging from ashes in an alliance with Russia. This soon-to-be coalition, should it become true, would be joined by the Sunni countries that have rejected the oppressive tenants of Wahhabism, along with the Kurds, Christians, Druze and other ethnic and religious communities in the Middle East recently targeted by Wahhabist extremism. The bad news is that the territory of the Shia crescent is home to some 80% of the oil wealth of the region, and should Wahhabi monarchies lose their grip on those the West will no longer be interested in working with them. So far these regimes have been intentionally ignoring a long list of problems in the Arabian Peninsula: the utter and complete lack of any form of democracy, human rights violations, violations of personal freedoms, discrimination of ethnic and religious minorities, torture and brutal public executions just to name a few.

Now ISIL and other extremist organizations are fleeing Syria back to Iraq, in an attempt to regroup their forces in Mosul. But it has already been announced that Russian Air Forces will reach this area soon along with Iraqi armed forces eager for revenge, along with the Syrian army, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Kurdish Peshmerga to launch an all-out offensive, using armored vehicles and artillery. Some extremists will be forced to flee to Turkey, and from there they will try to seek refuge in the EU. It is hardly a secret that the recent “exodus” of tens of thousands of Arab refugees to Europe was organized by Ankara with money provided by Riyadh to push European politician into taking actions against Damascus. And Washington, which seeks ways to weaken the EU, played a part in that crisis too.

But Turkey will not be able to accommodate more than a hundred thousand armed Islamists who would inevitably begin creating problems for the Erdogan government. Hence, Ankara will try to make sure that the flow of angry terrorists goes south – to Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The original plan of ISIL leadership was to create a caliphate with its capital in Mecca. So let them all run to the places where they were trained, armed and funded – to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. The KSA will fall apart, while the Eastern Province along with Bahrain and Kuwait will fall under the protection of the Shia crescent. The Caliph of the Islamic State will be enjoying his throne in Mecca. As the saying goes, “what goes around, comes around.” Moscow can only benefit from such a development, since the oil prices may be skyrocketing for months up to the level of 150-170 dollars per barrel. Equally beneficial will be the fall of the Qatari ruling family, which will benefit Russia as gas prices rise sharply. Anti-Russian sanctions will be abolished as leading EU countries may finally wrest complete and total control over their actions from the US. Inspired by military-political games in Europe and the Middle East, Obama has apparently lost sight of the US main sphere of interests – the Asia-Pacific region.

One should not forget that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are engaged in a costly war in Yemen, which can cause severe damage to their military and financial resources. But the king of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is determined in his desire to play tougher games. However, it is highly unlikely that Saudi troops will be seen in Syria, since Wahhabi monarchies are afraid that Washington has abandoned its strategy of containing Iran due to the fact that the nuclear deal with this country has been finally signed. Everything will soon become clear when the active phase of military operations against terrorism is launched in Iraq, giving Saudi elites time to anticipate what is going to hit them.

Commentary: The author’s name is Peter Lvov. @Akim, is it not ironic that with that surname, he would write a seemingly pro-Russia article? On the positive side, he knows how to spell.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russian Embassy Trolls Saudi Arabia On Twitter
Russia’s UAE embassy openly ridiculing US, Turkey and the Gulf monarchies

(Zero Hedge) | Russia Insider

Originally appeared at Zero Hedge

As regular readers and foreign policy critics the world over are no doubt acutely aware, the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey have gotten themselves in a bit of a quagmire in Syria and Moscow has been keen on pointing it out. Still, The Kremlin has thus far observed some semblance (and we do emphasize the word “some”) of decorum in criticizing the West’s approach as Moscow has generally confined its scolding to what at least seem like serious foreign policy critiques.

That just went out the window - Russia is now openly mocking Riyadh, Doha, and Washington and as if the following weren’t brazen enough as it stands, note that it emanates from the UAE…



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

While don't understand what they are saying, I can pick a few words. Why are they repeating the same sentence three or four times? Very odd.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
1 - Tu-143 is supersonic.
2 - It has no NAO flight capability.
3 - It's not very hard to shoot down a straight forward flying drone when you know the place, time and direction it will come from.
4 - You have not to be a magician to shoot down one or several of them using fighters, when there are no combat hassle, you have enogh time and have no enemy ECM.
Imagine, that you have them all and SLCMs number is 300.

As I have mentioned earlier, you are ignorent fool.

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Tu-143 - subsonic Tu-141 supersonic
Tu-143 can maneuver
VR-3 fires the M-143, which simulates the A-10 and Tu-143R, which simulates СM "Tomahawk".
Do not assume that all the time. In the Ukrainian air defense adequate supply of missiles to fend off not only the CM, but also enemy aircraft (approximately several hundred missiles, for each type of air defense systems). Also, a huge number of MANPADS. FSA does not have, therefore, the Russian aircraft so brave.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Oh, only 300k for exports.

And I was so sure a few countries would be Christmas shopping for Kalibrs, Buyan-Ms and Gepards.

It was too good to be true, I guess [emoji14]
A big bunch of countries will be very happy with 300km and more than happy with Buyan-M as a corvette, because it can launch supercruising 3M55 Onyx (300km export and 550km internal on 2650kph) and its firepower is greater than for majority of western frigates.

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Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
Commentary: The author’s name is Peter Lvov. @Akim, is it not ironic that with that surname, he would write a seemingly pro-Russia article? On the positive side, he knows how to spell.
Family name should symbolize something?


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Tu-143 - subsonic Tu-141 supersonic
Tu-143 can maneuver
VR-3 fires the M-143, which simulates the A-10 and Tu-143R, which simulates СM "Tomahawk".
Do not assume that all the time. In the Ukrainian air defense adequate supply of missiles to fend off not only the CM, but also enemy aircraft (approximately several hundred missiles, for each type of air defense systems). Also, a huge number of MANPADS. FSA does not have, therefore, the Russian aircraft so brave.
Ukraine has no viable havy AD systems numbers.
It has 23 years not maintained S-300PS which cannot fire missiles - their lifetime has ended in 2011. Even if they could, their range are 75km. Compare it to Kh-58U and Kh-31P range (100km and 120km respectively) and new ones - Kh-58UShK and Kh-31PD (250km each) :)
And don't forget ECM like Krasukha-2/4 and the others.
Russians will wipe Ukrainian AD out as sutting ducks.

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