Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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kunal sung

Regular Member
Aug 11, 2019
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Finally BC !!! completing 998 pages !!!
I formally request for this thread to be temporarily halted for a day due to election coverage in India 0___0

Vha bc punjab m aap aa rhi h, batao bc !!
But maharaj ji is coming back !!!

Apart from this i have a few queries - What do we stand to gain with the economically weakening of EU ( as hinted by one member ) due to sanctions on Russian oil and gas and moving to green energy as the said member suggested that it will be difficult to find replacement for 200 billion cubic oil from russia.

Also what type of long term and short term difficulties ( if any ) can russia cause for the usa because frankly speaking i would love for usa to loose some strength due to this current fiasco because even a weakened usa will benefit india in long term ( more dependency on us against china, less interference in our internal politics, less ngo and church gaandmasti i guess )

Thirdly, is EU going to try to lessen the US influence on it or is it only gonna increase after it becomes weaker. I feel that a weakening of EU will also increase their dependency on china for cheaper stuff and in a few cases for Chinese finance in case of smaller EU economies.

Fourthly, is the world going to face a recession soon? With gas prices sky rocketing, the prices of almost all consumables will increase. Here in canada the small store owners like local pizza store or bakery have already started complaining about increase price of oil, milk , cream, wheat - raw products for their end products.

Also we know russia will win militarily in due course of time and will also take a financial hit.
Does a weaker russia benefit us ? Like i know china will be their number 1 importer for a long time to come but just china cannot keep them afloat right.
Just like the rumours we have been hearing about russia offering steep discount to india on oil, will we be able to get more concessions from them in the long run ?


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Ya'll Nibbiars what's your weight?.
Russia headed Soviet Union started all this shit and others just followed. (Read USA)

USA poached German Nazi scientists for their Atomic and Space research. It's an universal fact.

USA didn't did this on their own in the initial stages.

Some member/s will ignore this fact also.


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May 31, 2020
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Jan 9, 2022
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it is not a big achievement, it was a pr stunt, that car is made of carbon fiber, it is same as deploying satellites.

but still, what is our end goal or what spaceex is trying to achieve ??

we want to build a sustainable society in moon and mars, but for that you need tons and tons of material from earth, for transporting that you need rockets with huge payload capacity and they also should be fast.

with current tech we can go to mars in every 2 yrs (when mars is closest), and it take 7 months. that is huge time, and we are only able to carry 2% of the total mass of rocket.
Starship will be able to carry 100 tonne to Mars. The plan is to refuel in orbit, hence it doens't need to carry gigantic amount of fuel. It also plans to generate fuel on mars using local resources, hence can refuel on mars.


Nationalist Manasvi Papa

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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Our brave beautiful women also show their worth in the Special Operation

Paramedic Ekaterina Ivanova rescued a wounded soldier when Ukrainian armed forces opened fire on the ambulance. When one of the Ukrainian shells hit near the car, Ekaterina covered a seriously wounded soldier with herself, unable to hide from enemy fire on her own.

Her selfless act saved the life of the wounded. The girl received a shrapnel wound. The ambulance reached the hospital in time, where all the wounded were treated.

Ekaterina and the fighter she saved - a speedy recovery!


Nationalist Manasvi Papa

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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The participation of foreign mercenaries in the battles in Ukraine turns into a farce - like in the story of Jason Haig

On the very first day, the Briton, along with the "Georgian Legion", came under attack from the Russian Aerospace Forces near the Gostomel airport, hid in the forest, was caught by the SBU and mistaken for a Russian spy. After that, he was beaten during interrogation to a concussion, but in the end he was released, and the Briton was able to escape through Lvov and Warsaw home.

His story () is a good illustration of the orgy that is going on in the territories controlled by Kiev.

But what is the title - "BRITISH LION"



Senior Member
Apr 23, 2021
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Starship will be able to carry 100 tonne to Mars. The plan is to refuel in orbit, hence it doens't need to carry gigantic amount of fuel. It also plans to generate fuel on mars using local resources, hence can refuel on mars.

View attachment 143007
again 100 tons is peanuts

and just see the time it will take funkin 7 months :dude: just for going there.

see this video, you will get some idea


Nationalist Manasvi Papa

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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❗The key from today's briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

- The operation to liberate the city of Mariupol from the nationalists continues. The units of the people's militia of the DPR in the east of the city took control of the quarters: "Azovskiy", "Naidenovka", "Lyapino", "Vinogradar" and went to the plant "Azovstal". In the western part of the city, the Western microdistrict has been liberated.

– Work continues on the analysis of documents submitted by employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories on the secret military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine.

- In the near future, the Russian defense department will publish the next package of documents received from Ukrainian employees of biological laboratories and present the results of their examination.

- Russian experts of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection studied documents on the transfer of human biomaterials taken in Ukraine to foreign countries on the instructions of US representatives.

- Particular attention - to detailed information on the implementation of the United States on the territory of Ukraine of a project to study the transfer of pathogens by wild birds migrating between Ukraine, the Russian Federation, and other neighboring countries.

- According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of carrying African swine fever and anthrax.

- As the documents show, in the biological laboratories created and financed in Ukraine, experiments were conducted with samples of coronavirus from bats.

“The purpose of this and other Pentagon-funded biological research in Ukraine was to create a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens.

- In total, 2911 military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

Among them: 97 aircraft, 107 unmanned aerial vehicles, 141 air defense anti-aircraft missile systems, 86 radar posts, 986 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 107 multiple launch rocket systems, 368 field artillery guns and mortars, 749 units of special military vehicles.

Nationalist Manasvi Papa

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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IA Associated Press after a survey of experts noticed the obvious

SUDDENLY, among those who want (in the West) to go to war in Ukraine, there may be supporters of radical ideas of "white supremacy."

In fact, the transformation of Ukraine into a "hub of the ultra-right" and Western neo-Nazis who fought in the Donbass has been discussed since 2014, with photo and video evidence.

In the US and the EU, they clearly decided to "along the way" get rid of their Nazis, who will be massively mowed down in the hostilities in Ukraine


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2022
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again 100 tons is peanuts

and just see the time it will take funkin 7 months :dude: just for going there.

see this video, you will get some idea

Yes that will be something requiring a paradigm shift in our tech, first master fusion, then miniaturize it and build a propulsion system out of it.

Btw, there were proposals that NASA should completely give up working on any rocket propulsion since industry is already taking care of that, instead work on paradigm changing technologies that take multi year research, like laser sail propulsion, nuclear propulsion etc. Hopefully that happens.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2022
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❗The possibility of Ukraine creating a "dirty" nuclear bomb was one of the motives for the start of Russia's special operation - head of the Russian delegation in Vienna Gavrilov
With so much talk of dirty bombs , biological weapons and chemical weapons, I think there will be a false flag staged pretty soon.


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2021
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Yes that will be something requiring a paradigm shift in our tech, first master fusion, then miniaturize it and build a propulsion system out of it.

Btw, there were proposals that NASA should completely give up working on any rocket propulsion since industry is already taking care of that, instead work on paradigm changing technologies that take multi year research, like laser sail propulsion, nuclear propulsion etc. Hopefully that happens.
the magnetically compressed pulsed fusion (which nasa is working on ), that is still not the answer to the deep space travel, best will be using antimatter.

but making antimatter is a problem in itself :fyeah:.

watch this video


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