Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
Senior Member
Aug 15, 2016
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MOD Don't ban him, Punish this traitor for running away and deploy him at DFI's frontline
Yeah absolutely, make him go through ALL the pages of this thread as punishment. Here I am an honest jawan ploughing through pg 506, not giving up and swearing oaths on my matribhumi to not stop till I reach the last page (which was btw 622, but now 728 !), and all the while we have whiners like him trying to abandon the fight !


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
Senior Member
Aug 15, 2016
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Russia-Ukraine talks just concluded- Russian demands include recognition of Crimea as part of Russia, recognition of both breakaway regions within their regional boundaries and turning Ukraine into a federation. Can imagine how these went down with the other party. Back to the battlefield it is then😏

Edit: As reported by sources on Telegram. There are also reports that abuses were exchanged so don't think the dialogue was entirely constructive 🤣
Hahaha what did you expect ? It will be like a hindi chini bhai bhai chai biscoot session ?


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2021
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The film crew of the American ABC News visited the Moscow region, the journalist discussed the current situation in the world with local residents and was surprised.

- They are convinced that Russia is now waging something like the Great Patriotic War in Ukraine. This is the first. And the second thing... and they made it very clear to me... they don't really mind the consequences. And more than that, welcome them.

I asked if they weren't worried that Russia would be cut off from everything and that those times would return when their country had no connection with the outside world... But no, that doesn't bother them. Against. They are even happy about it.



Regular Member
Feb 26, 2022
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Yeah absolutely, make him go through ALL the pages of this thread as punishment. Here I am an honest jawan ploughing through pg 506, not giving up and swearing oaths on my matribhumi to not stop till I reach the last page (which was btw 622, but now 728 !), and all the while we have whiners like him trying to abandon the fight !
and im afraid to read from 680 to 700 which i missed when i went out yesterday.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
more dead russians

Russians freeing Kharkiv from "neo nazis"

i am sure the 25% Russians there are loving this

There is no need to take sadistic pleasure from picture of dead soldiers. I have edited your post by removing emoticons.

At American withdrawal from Afghanistan thread post Airport bomb blast where scores of American solider got injured or killed the forum policy on respecting KIA soldiers was made unequivocal clear.

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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The film crew of the American ABC News visited the Moscow region, the journalist discussed the current situation in the world with local residents and was surprised.

- They are convinced that Russia is now waging something like the Great Patriotic War in Ukraine. This is the first. And the second thing... and they made it very clear to me... they don't really mind the consequences. And more than that, welcome them.

I asked if they weren't worried that Russia would be cut off from everything and that those times would return when their country had no connection with the outside world... But no, that doesn't bother them. Against. They are even happy about it.

Beware.. NBC might just be getting started with the propaganda to dehumanize ordinary Russians.. to justify the extreme economic measures, that the west has started to attack Russia with.. That any future economic or military catastrophe affecting Russians would be dismissed by the rest of the world with a shrug.. like ",They had it coming "..


Regular Member
Sep 20, 2019
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India needs to seriously consider how to resolve the Indo-Tibetan issue with China in order to stand up to the western world.

The question is how do we persuade the CCP of China that it is actually in the best interests of China to solve this border issue peacefully and find a solution where each country do not fear each other and respect each other and is accommodating to each other's concerns and interests without need to provoke violence. Of course it requires China to dump Pakistan.

I really think that the British and the US through CIA were behind the 1962 war and stoking the conflict between China and India. They were scared of China and India being friends and then being friends with USSR and creating one gigantic bloc that would rival and supersede any kind of alliance by the US and European powers.

We need to find a way to bury all this hatchet and become friends for the sake of our national security interests. Once that happen, the entire western world will be afraid of us and the Chinese.

Now this is a very tall order to pull it off. It would take a visionary and geopolitical genius to pull it off.

If this is done, we would be untouchable by the rest of the world.
We dont need to solve it right now. We can just sit on it and grow, with enabling better arrangements on border management.
If we can have some Attari Wagha shit show with Napakistan, we can have some of that shit show on many points on India China borders as well. China's prime interest is Hongkong and Taiwan, not Tawang. Their interest in Tawang only lies as that can be used by India and US as base to break Tibet from China, creating insurgency in China (from their POV). Peace and cooperation is in interest of both. We need Japan China US Russia gulf europe everyone for our growth and interest. We dont need to close any option other than cooperating with Napakistanis.
Two) We just need to strengthen our interests in BRICS. make brics and ric more and more institutionalized. And simultaneously link more with Russian economy. russia will always act an intermediate between us and China.


Regular Member
Sep 20, 2019
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so far there is no evidence of western involvement in the events that led to 1962 war, leaders like Sardar patel, Ambedkar were suspicious of imperialist tendencies of CCP at the time of independence itself, they have written about it, after their death this view got sidelined and Nehru had different ideas.

from Chinese point of view, they wanted to create buffer zones to protect Chinese mainland, it’s called five fingers and the palm strategy.
Fingers need to be cut. Nobody is stopping us from that but only us. Annex Nepal and Bhutan asap. Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal already in.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
Beware.. NBC might just be getting started with the propaganda to dehumanize ordinary Russians.. to justify the extreme economic measures, that the west has started to attack Russia with.. That any future economic or military catastrophe affecting Russians would be dismissed by the rest of the world with a shrug.. like ",They had it coming "..
Fighting Syrians or Afghan is 1 thing. Fighting Russkie will be another game. LGBTQIA forces will have to accept some casualty at their end. Lastly, putin does suit the role of a war chief. Can you say same about Sleepy Joe, BoJo or Trudeau?


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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I think their exact quote was that "the Americans can ride to the space station on broom sticks"
Americans were reliant on Russians , they have spacex dragon

it can take crew/cargo to ISS

There is no need to take sadistic pleasure from picture of dead soldiers. I have edited your post by removing emoticons.

At American withdrawal from Afghanistan thread post Airport bomb blast where scores of American solider got injured or killed the forum policy on respecting KIA soldiers was made unequivocal clear.
yea ur right , sorry , my bad.

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