Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Ya'll Nibbiars

Am I wrong in thinking that all of these posts merely serve as intelligence reports for the Ukrainian elements to scout in advance and plan ambushes? If I was Russian I would threaten to close off Twitter in Belarus and Russia and Ukraine and prosecute Twitter and it’s staff for providing intelligence and material support to the enemy. These posts violate op security. I recall those days when American forces were engage in combat they would insist that all reporters and business not report their positions in the open as to prevent intelligence and preserve op security.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2021
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Mustard oil ?

If yes, how many kgs of mustard does it take to produce one litre of mustard oil and how many times do you filter it before use at home?
I have an option to go to a nearby village and buy oil straight from oil producers. Although I prefer to buy oil from local supermarket. If prices goes out of control I may start importing oil from village.

I have friends who buys mustard seeds and takes it to village to separate oil. They say it takes about 15kgs of mustard seeds to produce 5 to 6 litres of oil. Maybe different types of mustard and different processes will have effect on yield. You can eat mustard oil and other Indian oils straight away no need for any advance filtration process.

Back in 1991 our urbanization wasn't at the stage which it currently is and most of India lived in rural side so sanction did not affect the larger voter Bank but this sanction might be felt by us.

Our lives have also become more westernised. I remember in my childhood days we didn't care about petrol prices as we didn't have any vehicle and we mostly traveled on foot. Nowadays I see a Scorpio or Fortuner parked outside houses even in villages.

I hope we tune our economy in a way that domestic needs can be fulfilled by domestic companies and domestic raw materials.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2022
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Am I wrong in thinking that all of these posts merely serve as intelligence reports for the Ukrainian elements to scout in advance and plan ambushes? If I was Russian I would threaten to close off Twitter in Belarus and Russia and Ukraine and prosecute Twitter and it’s staff for providing intelligence and material support to the enemy. These posts violate op security. I recall those days when American forces were engage in combat they would insist that all reporters and business not report their positions in the open as to prevent intelligence and preserve op security.
What if these reports were based on old data? Also it's an opportunity to sprinkle some disinfo.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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These guys need to take out Biden and other loonies in Democratic parties.

Mr Graham would be doing the world a great service if he becomes Brutus.
If he needs some suicide vests, sure there are lot of Pakis around to provide him one and even strap it on him.
He should dress up as a pre teen girl and present himself.. sorry herself to Biden.

The shock should kill the fossil hopefully... but then who will cull.. sorry bell Kamala the Hideous?


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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The US and Russia have set up a “deconfliction” hotline to avoid any misunderstandings that could trigger escalation, the Pentagon said.
On Thursday, amid the ongoing Russian offensive, Ukraine’s parliament called on the United Nations and other international organizations to send a peacekeeping mission to their country.
Not admitting Ukraine and Georgia into NATO was the right decision, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told the TV channel ZDF on Thursday, commenting on the current conflict between Kiev and Russia.
Interpol has rejected calls from several Western countries to suspend Russia from its ranks over the conflict in Ukraine, the world police organization said on Thursday. Canada, Poland, and the UK were among those demanding the move.
Some 16,000 foreign “volunteers” are heading for Ukraine to fight against Russia, President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Thursday. The militants are coming as the country continues to receive lavish military aid from abroad, he added.

“Ukraine continues to receive weaponry on a daily basis from our partners, from real friends. And the weapons are more and more powerful every day,” Zelensky said in a taped address shared on social media.
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Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
What if these reports were based on old data? Also it's an opportunity to sprinkle some disinfo.
I don’t think so. Ukrainian force have been pretty successful in pulling off some ambushes and slowing down the forces. They had to get intelligence.


Regular Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Mustard oil ?

If yes, how many kgs of mustard does it take to produce one litre of mustard oil and how many times do you filter it before use at home?
Depends upon the type of Mustard : Yellow one gives back around 40% of the raw in weight, and black one around 30%. For filtration , we usually left it in the container for sometime, with time residual solid product settles down and then can easily pour the oil in other container.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2022
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I don’t think so. Ukrainian force have been pretty successful in pulling off some ambushes and slowing down the forces. They had to get intelligence.
Whole of NATO intelligence and sat networks are behind them. So that's not surprising. I'm very curious what Russia's plans are to disrupt that. Is FSB so bad that they don't have some moles in there.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Whole of NATO intelligence and sat networks are behind them. So that's not surprising. I'm very curious what Russia's plans are to disrupt that. Is FSB so bad that they don't have some moles in there.
I think their assets are tied up. They can’t be everywhere at once. I think they re tied up monitoring NATO forces to protect its western flank while the majority of the Russian forces are sent in to deal with the Ukrainian situation. They need to have advanced warning time to reorient their forces if the NATO forces ever decide to step into the fray. NATO forces might decide to step into Lyiv and get a foothold in Ukraine. They can say that they were invited in by Zelensky.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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That's some serious mental masturbation on your part, on behalf of Ruskies, like the "Koi nahi ghusa" fame.. The very fact that Russians have not been able to conclusively suppress Ukranian AD systems, that AD systems in Kiev, was still operational yesterday, shows that Ruskie air force, is at best second rate compared to US.
What “mental masturbation’ I simply pointed to the fact that Ukrainian have been making many propaganda based claims that even some western press is acknowledging. I further acknowledged that Russian aircraft are not invisible and they have lost some helicopters.

The funny part is how US brainwashed so many with US Rambo style propaganda. US ‘experts’ seem shocked Russia has not destroyed all of Ukraine’s air defense batteries and aircraft in 8 days. :eek1:

Newsflash, NATO aircraft were getting shot down weeks into the Gulf War. Iraqi aircraft were still operational and airborne weeks after the invasion. Ukraine is a huge country, with lots of heavy vegetation and urban areas where they can hide air defense batteries.

Over Yugoslavia US lost one F-117 and one F-16, plus several helicopters, an additional F-117 was damaged. Yugoslavian forces fire up to 700 missiles. Clearly the US didn’t do that great of a job if so many missiles were fired.

SEADS missions are also nearly impossible if air defenses don’t have their radars active, otherwise there is nothing for anti radiation missile to hone onto and nothing to jam.

Here is a list of 86 US aircraft damaged or shot down during the gulf war. This is just US, the British had a very poor attrition rate especially with tornados but that is not even included.


Ukrainians have much more formidable air defenses then Yugoslavia and Iraq. Ukraine is also much larger and heavily forested. So far the war is ongoing, and we don’t know the full extent of how many Ukrainian air defense batteries have been destroyed, we don’t know how many times they fired at Russians aircraft, we don’t know how many sorties Russians have flown, how many aircraft they used or how many aircraft they lost.


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2022
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I used to have a very high opinion of USA.

It's obvious that the common populace is filled with r@tards and the establishment plays them like a fiddle. Their Tech hegemony is keeping them afloat as the sole superpower but these people have gone completely nuts.

Russia should threaten to nuke Lindsey Graham's constituency of South Carolina if anything happens to Putin just for the Lols.
🤪 All right I need to sign off. My wife is seriously pissed off at me for spending too much time on the computer and my kids are demanding my attention! 😨
CIA glowbois invading Indian forums,,,,, guys be aware

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