Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Nov 17, 2017
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You mean to say Ukraine being a Russian puppet like Belarus, is better than being a American puppet like Poland ?

A puppet of a Far off hegemon(Poland) always has a greater freedom of action, than the puppet of a nearby hegemon ( Belarus)..
As a country Ukraine made its choice, and so did Belarus..

Now , at the end of the day, it all depends on whether the West / Ukraine has more staying power on the battle field, ( including economy) as compared to Russia..

If after this war, Belarus exists as atleast a puppet state of Russia with atleast token freedom of action, while Ukraine is eradicated from World Map, Belarus /Luka would have been right ..

But, if Russia is severely weakened as a result of this war, while Ukraine gets back its lost territories, Ukraine would have made the right choice..
Every war ends at a negotiating table or it doesn't end at all ! Immoral elite of Globalist American Empire & it's puppets seems to forget this . Ukraine cannot fight to the end for some fake promise to join EU & NATO . False promises & ego have ended many nations. Ukraine must compromise.


Jun 14, 2012
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i Didn’t know but it looks like a lot of people already might have toldyou this but let me repeat it again. You’re delusional.

Bhuhmut is in verge of collapsing, I hear Ukraine asked the citizens not to leave their houses in order to stop the mass migration. Zelenskyy running to US for aid… Human wave attack lies by Ukrainians… the list goes on.
I don't even know what to answer you. I don’t know, because Bakhmut was made into information noise.
It is a town, with a pre-war population of 70,000. Now there are 12 thousand there, because there is no forced evacuation in Ukraine. What kind of migration flow should be stopped if only 300,000 people left Mariupol for the interior of the country in a week?
It has already been said here that with the fall of Bakhmut, the whole of Ukraine will not fall. This will expose the line of defense, will allow you to reach the next cities of Donbass, but this is all success. Only those who have not been able to capture a single town since July are capable of turning a tactical victory into a strategic one.


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2016
Russia is basically done. They may actually capture the entire coastline and create an east Ukraine out of the coastal areas + Crimea + the rest of the eastern third of Ukraine, but the damage to Russia's economy and international alliances won't be worth it. NATO always had access to the Black sea, and Europe is racing towards energy independence (Green energy) which will render Russia continued dominance over European energy irrelevant within a couple of decades.
Seems so also from India’s perspective Russia is going to china’s lap.better military brass and kadi ninda wake up sooner rather than later. In this war only USA and china are winner, everyone else is looser.


Jun 14, 2012
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bullshit. You started this whole thing when you overthrew a democratically elected government and started persecuting ethnic Russia Ukrainians. And you violated the Minsk accords on numerous occasions. And US soldiers have been seen walking around in Ukraine in their uniforms not to mention US generals.

your post is full of lies and omissions.
Hitler also became chancellor democratically. Too bad they didn't overthrow him. Apparently then the German people wanted dictatorship, the Ukrainian people did not want this.

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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😂 is that what happened in WW2? Do you know what “unconditional surrender” meant? And here you are laughing at decent posts.. joke is on you.
Unconditional surrender does not happen to one of the world's Top 2 nuclear powers.. Russian defeat and eviction from all Ukranian territories is possible ( but this is a very remote possibility at the moment )..
No body is going to march on Moscow to force Unconditional surrender of Russia.


Jun 14, 2012
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Unconditional surrender does not happen to one of the world's Top 2 nuclear powers.. Russian defeat and eviction from all Ukranian territories is possible ( but this is a very remote possibility at the moment )..
No body is going to march on Moscow to force Unconditional surrender of Russia.
In 1990, the United States drew up a strategy of existence with the USSR until 2030, but it took it and collapsed a year later.

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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Every war ends at a negotiating table or it doesn't end at all ! Immoral elite of Globalist American Empire & it's puppets seems to forget this . Ukraine cannot fight to the end for some fake promise to join EU & NATO . False promises & ego have ended many nations. Ukraine must compromise.
Ukraine is fighting for its survival. So, it will fight until it has the capability to mount any decent offensive against Russia, to recapture territories.. and until Uncle Sam continues to provide decent military support.

You need to remember that Ukraine agreeing to a ceasefire, means a permanent loss of captured territories. It also means handing the initiative back to Russia, to regroup and relaunch an offensive to conquer more Ukranian territories a few years down the line (like the second Chechen war ), as Ukraine cannot attack Russian held territories after a ceasefire, and be seen as an aggressor, as it will lose western arms supplies without which it cannot wage war ( unlike Russia )..

So, the war should continue until Russia launches a new offensive, and convinces Ukraine and the west that Ukraine will lose more territories the longer it delays negotiations, or until Russia is kicked out of captured Ukranian territories..

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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In 1990, the United States drew up a strategy of existence with the USSR until 2030, but it took it and collapsed a year later.
Was Soviet collapse, the result of a US-USSR war, resulting in an unconditional Soviet surrender? What I am saying is, forcing Russia into an unconditional surrender is not possible without triggering a nuclear exchange.. The collapse of the Soviet Union was due to economic and political reasons, and it was not the result of a military defeat.
But, a Russian defeat in Ukraine is possible. But, there will be no unconditional Russian surrender.
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Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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ukraine using jugaad cruise missile from 70's , what chance would russian AD have against US missiles.



Senior Member
Mar 22, 2022
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ukraine using jugaad cruise missile from 70's , what chance would russian AD have against US missiles.

sorry, you're wrong!

They're just not using their real power. Once the Russians power up, we will have an epic big chungus moment and Russia will finally fight properly! This is just Putin playing around!


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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sorry, you're wrong!

They're just not using their real power. Once the Russians power up, we will have an epic big chungus moment and Russia will finally fight properly! This is just Putin playing around!
just wait 2 more weeks , u will see .

and if nothing happens just wait 2 more weeks ...


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
Russia will power up like red power ranger from Power Rangers SPD, and finally defeat Ukraine. I am sure of it!
You mean like India with Pakistan, next 26/11 and as if we will trampling islamabad😁😅


Senior Member
Nov 17, 2017
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😂 is that what happened in WW2? Do you know what “unconditional surrender” meant? And here you are laughing at decent posts.. joke is on you.
The days of GloboHomo GAE unipolar moment are coming to an end , whether your sorry aßs wants it or not 🚭! Trillion $$ money printing & exporting inflation to rest of the world & showing a facade of Demo-crazy & Free_Dumb while squatting over a land blood soaked with natives blood & suffering . Elites wallow in decadence while streets are full of homeless & criminals. Your " Empire of Lies" has just entered a decline my friend, it'll fall sooner or later !


Senior Member
Dec 14, 2021
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Ukraine war: Drone attack on Russian bomber base leaves three dead
5 hours ago
A Russian bomber prepares to take off from the Engels airfield in the Saratov region. Photo: 3 December 2022
Maxar Technologies/Handout via REUTERS
The Engels air base has been repeatedly used by Russia to carry out missile strikes on various targets in Ukraine
By Russia Editor Steve Rosenberg & Jaroslav Lukiv
in Moscow and London
A Ukrainian drone attack on an airbase for bombers in southern Russia has left three people dead, Moscow says.
Air defences shot down the drone near the Engels base, but falling debris fatally wounded three technical staff, the defence ministry said.
Earlier this month, Russia accused Ukraine of a similar attack on the airfield, home to bombers that have carried out missile attacks on Ukraine.
The base lies about 650km (400 miles) north-east of Ukraine's border.
The Ukrainian military did not officially admit to the latest attack, but air force spokesman Yuriy Ihnat said the explosions were the result of what Russia was doing on Ukrainian soil.
Hours afterwards Russia's FSB security service announced it had killed a four-strong "sabotage group" trying to enter the Russian border region of Bryansk from Ukraine armed with improvised explosive devices and German-made submachine guns. The FSB released video of what it said was the "liquidation" of the group, although there is no independent confirmation of the incident.
The latest drone attack inside Russia will come as an embarrassment to Russian authorities, coming so soon after the two 5 December attacks hundreds of kilometers from the front line - both at the Engels base and in the Ryazan region. At the time Russia also blamed falling debris for the deaths of three servicemen and what it described as light damage to two aircraft.
Social media early on Monday posted videos of blasts and air sirens in the vicinity of Engels airfield.

😂😂😂 10 Months of embarrassment continues
ohh no 3 died its over I kneel, At this point it sounds like you and the person liking the post in no desperation at all.:crazy:

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