Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Is it the same situation for the Apaches, the Poseidons and the C17s that India operates?
We are ok with the Poseidons because it is based on a common platform like the 737. It is easy to find parts for 737 and everything else can be taken up by India defense manufacturing complex.

As for the C-17s, this may be a big issue because they don't make the C-17s anymore and US controls the spare parts supply system. It is a real possibility that these planes may be grounded. If grounded, sell them to UAE or Qatar and get something else.

Apaches - we bought them in small numbers and I hope it stays that way as we bring the LCH program to full speed and production. If they are grounded due to lack of spares, sell them to the Israelis and concentrate on developing the LCH more.

I really do not want India to buy US weapon systems anymore. Only just to get a few and study them and then indigenously develop a similar weapon system.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
They were victims of the circumstances. We like to simplify it as a fault of just a few individuals but it was a systemic collapse.
No they were the leaders and they made the decisions that led to the systemic collapse. Contrast those decisions with the decisions made by the Chinese Politburo in 1989 and afterwards.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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I admire your courage & Ukrainians have put up hell of a fight ; but it doesn't cover up for the fact that only nuclear weapons could have saved Ukraine . After the war , instead of joining NATO make your own nukes & Russia won't attack you again.
thats probably the best guarantee of getting invaded by Russia again.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Tejas Mk-2 will never be a mainstay of Navy fighter. it will be acquired by the navy in small numbers, simply to keep the active aircraft number as high as possible, since India will have a tiny naval fighter wing ( owing to 2, max 3 medium-small sized carriers). Its main role will be to fill in the gaps when the Mig-29 KUB or Rafale-M or SH goes for maintanance. This is because the navy has made it clear that it will NOT make a single engine jet the mainstay of their naval wing, which no country on the planet has done since ww2
That is why the IN wants the TEDBF program to meet their needs.


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2022
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Russia Coal and Oil Paid for in Yuan Starts Heading to China

bye bye Dollar
The 4 billion $ ban on coal by EU wont pay any result . China is suffering from coal shortage . coal of whole world not sufficient for them .. Now these 4 billion $ trade ll happen in terms of Yen ... If Russia in future starts diverting some of its gas supplies to china that ll add another step for de dollarization .. Many countries might start accepting yen as you can buy anything made in china .. Great for china .. it ll solve its debt issue it is facing ..

Certain radical woke people have taken up power of decision making .. They have no idea where its going .. Froze of russia reserve was a great provocation ..

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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The miracle of top attacking ATGMs and UAVs

What an irony……. A heavily equipped Russian force which crossed into Ukraine has been laid waste by Ukrainian force equipped with ATGMs, Stinger Missiles and limited number of Turkish UAV drones equipped with Artificial intelligence. Yes, their will to fight by the Ukrainians also played its role.

A big lesson for tank heavy Indian Armed forces. The previous technology was to hit a tank straight on and disable it. Sloped armour, explosive reactive armour plates and heavy thickness of steel were the pre-requisites for a tank on tank and tank with anti tank guns fight.

Now the anti-tank battle is happening from above where the steel thickness is the weakest. The newer missiles are top attacking and UAVs are also top attacking. Hence the tank has been somewhat rendered impotent. Some relief exists in anti drone hardware which can shoot the drones but it is not hundred percent sure. There is very little a tank crew do in seconds when a top attacking ATGM has targeted it.

My point is that Indian Army is tank heavy and so are Pakistanis Army. They both follow the WW2 tactic of tank on tank (1965 Khemkaran, 1971 Sialkote sector, no tank battles occurred in 1999 Kargil War). Hence, are we protecting ourselves from top attacking missiles and UAVs? We must remember that sooner than later the Turkish UAVs which are well proven and will be in Pakistani hands. These will lay Indian tank regiments waste with one or two Bayractar UAVs.

The tactics of fighting battles have to change. This is a major take away from the great defence put up by the Ukrainian Army in fight against the Russians. I hope the Indian Army is thinking on these lines Of greater emphasis on top attacking ATGM and Bayractar type UAVs.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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I didn't even read this nonsense. It disgusts me to see that some Indians have betrayed the ideals of India, which fought against the British Empire for centuries.
And we are still fighting against the remnants of that British Empire...

It's a shame you chose to work with those colonizers like Britishers Americans French Spain etc Not just that your constant support to Pakistani Defence establishment which is behind Taliban is a shameful chapter in the recent existence of Ukraine.

Your Karma never leaves you ...

What goes around comes around... May be that's the payback for what Uzov did to ethnic Russians.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
AFAIK its not space based radar. They use (this has been documented in several places) longwave radar which doesn't reflect off the 'stealth' plane like regular high tech microwave ones. They also bounce off the ground and ionosphere (remember SW radio hop distances? )

The issue is that it's not as precise as the regular radar but knowing the general area to search for would help by a lot. Also stealth just means reduced radar returns, not zero returns. You can detect it if you're close enough and your rader is strong enough.
yes the Americans know that. However the Russians did it in a way that made those stealth planes trackable. That is what is important. You need to be able to track them so you can give targeting info to the missiles and guide them to the stealth planes.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2022
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We are ok with the Poseidons because it is based on a common platform like the 737. It is easy to find parts for 737 and everything else can be taken up by India defense manufacturing complex.

As for the C-17s, this may be a big issue because they don't make the C-17s anymore and US controls the spare parts supply system. It is a real possibility that these planes may be grounded. If grounded, sell them to UAE or Qatar and get something else.

Apaches - we bought them in small numbers and I hope it stays that way as we bring the LCH program to full speed and production. If they are grounded due to lack of spares, sell them to the Israelis and concentrate on developing the LCH more.

I really do not want India to buy US weapon systems anymore. Only just to get a few and study them and then indigenously develop a similar weapon system.
I'm not sure how good we are with reverse engineering, let alone even manufacturing something to the same level of precision/quality.

tbh like I always say, it's okay to fail but we need to build on them and get better.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
It doesn't change the essence. We are fighting against Putin's imperial ways.
And by the way - the patriots of India, why do you speak the language of the occupier? Maybe national identification is not related to the language issue?
Crimea. The ethnic composition of the population was forcibly changed in it, and after that the RSFSR almost destroyed the Crimea.
That shows you really know nothing about India. India is made of 22 major languages and over 1000 dialects. The reason why we use English as a medium because half of the people in India does not like being forced to learn to speak Hindi which is a northern Indian language and made for people who use Devangiri script. The other Indian languages are Tamil, Malayalam, Bengal, Punjabi, Gujurathi, Telegu, Marathi, etc. and they have their own scripts.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
I'm not sure how good we are with reverse engineering, let alone even manufacturing something to the same level of precision/quality.

tbh like I always say, it's okay to fail but we need to build on them and get better.
It is not reverse engineering but understanding the physics and mechanics and the philosophy behind these weapons and then using your own knowledge to come up with a similar system if need be.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2022
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Russia Coal and Oil Paid for in Yuan Starts Heading to China

bye bye Dollar
even if the world refuses to buy from Russia. Being able to sell to just China and India would save them.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009

Yes, Russia exports more than it imports so they can stabilize it. Let's see
And there are willing buyers. Hey if the US can't stop the flow of cocaine and heroin and the likes on its borders despite its war on drugs and massive money it spent on, and yet cannot stop the flow of drugs, what hope in hell does US have in stopping countries from buying Russian oil? Absolutely fricking none.

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