RSS role in bombing samjhota express. mecca masjid


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
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Abir said:
But behold, the RSS version of Hinduism which is more Semitic than Indian, well organized, with us or against us view towards the rest of us, no doubt they have been caught exploding stuffs.
So are you saying that Semitic faiths are not "Indian"?
That they are inherently "well organized" and people who have been caught "exploding stuffs" belong to Semitic faiths ?


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2010
So are you saying that Semitic faiths are not "Indian"?
That they are inherently "well organized" and people who have been caught "exploding stuffs" belong to Semitic faiths ?
How can it be Semitic if it's Indian by origin? However they have been Indianised just as Islam was Persianised in past. If your question is if they are equal citizens of Republic of India, yeah off-course they are.

The concept of war in the name of religion is exclusive to Semitic faiths, I'm not very well-informed about Hinduism, but I guess it doesn't mandate people to join in holy war sort of things. There is concept of Dhrama Yudhya, but I think that is different in context.

And yeah Semitic faiths are well-organised, that's their bedrock.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
No I don't seem to have the idea. Enlighten me of the nationalistic acts of RSS, my little research about them say, they have been quite against of the idea of nation that Republic of India is.
Quotes of some famous Indian on RSS

Field Marshal Cariappa in his speech to RSS volunteers said "RSS is my heart's work. My dear young men, don't be disturbed by uncharitable comments of interested persons. Look ahead! Go ahead! The country is standing in need of your services"

Dr Zakir Hussain the former President of India once told to Milad Mehfil in Monghyar on November 20, 1949 "The allegations against RSS of violence and hatred against Muslims are wholly false. Muslims should learn the lesson of mutual love, cooperation and organization from RSS.

Noted Gandhian leader and the leader of Sarvoday movement, Jayaprakash Narayan, who earlier was a vocal opponent of RSS had the following to say about it in 1977 "RSS is a revolutionary organization. No other organization in the country comes anywhere near it. It alone has the capacity to transform society, end casteism and wipe the tears from the eyes of the poor." He further added "I have great expectations from this revolutionary organization which has taken up the challenge of creating a new India


RSS is a controversial organisation but to equate it to a terrorist one is CONGRESS and other sickularist delusion.AFAIK i never heard any RSS activist plotting against INDIA whereas so called great intellectuals who advocate against the very existence of INDIA are put in high esteem (Arundhati Roy)


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
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Abir said:
The concept of war in the name of religion is exclusive to Semitic faiths, I'm not very well-informed about Hinduism, but I guess it doesn't mandate people to join in holy war sort of things. There is concept of Dhrama Yudhya, but I think that is different in context.

And yeah Semitic faiths are well-organised, that's their bedrock.
Now that you agree on these points. You'll also agree that during "classical" times Semitic faiths did not exist and Hinduism was....liberal, not rigid, decentralized etc.

Hinduism adapts, evolves (that's probably why it survived for 5 thousand years)....I partly agree with Vir Sanghvi, the current manifestation of Hinduism is a response. But the response is just natural.

(I think Im going too much into religion, which is not allowed here)
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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
what happened to Haji Nurul Islam Trinamul Congress MP he actively supported Bangladeshi Infiltration and he has a hand behind the 2010 Deganga riots,then why there is no media or political outrage against him WHY THE DOUBLE STANDARDS?


Phat Cat
Super Mod
Feb 23, 2009
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You can't start a separate thread on the said topic, please don't hijack this thread.


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2010
Now that you agree on these points. You'll also agree that during "classical" times Semitic faiths did not exist and Hinduism was....liberal, not rigid, decentralized etc.

Hinduism adapts, evolves (that's probably why it survived for 5 thousand years)....I partly agree with Vir Sanghvi, the current manifestation of Hinduism is a response. But the response is just natural.

(I think Im going too much into religion, which is not allowed here)
I didn't mean classical time when I said classic, also I don't think Hinduism is immune of terrorism. This not a current manifestation, the elements have been there since long but they are becoming more mainstream as the society getting polarised in recent times, and even if it's natural, it's not justifiable by any means.


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2010
Quotes of some famous Indian on RSS

Field Marshal Cariappa in his speech to RSS volunteers said "RSS is my heart's work. My dear young men, don't be disturbed by uncharitable comments of interested persons. Look ahead! Go ahead! The country is standing in need of your services"

Dr Zakir Hussain the former President of India once told to Milad Mehfil in Monghyar on November 20, 1949 "The allegations against RSS of violence and hatred against Muslims are wholly false. Muslims should learn the lesson of mutual love, cooperation and organization from RSS.

Noted Gandhian leader and the leader of Sarvoday movement, Jayaprakash Narayan, who earlier was a vocal opponent of RSS had the following to say about it in 1977 "RSS is a revolutionary organization. No other organization in the country comes anywhere near it. It alone has the capacity to transform society, end casteism and wipe the tears from the eyes of the poor." He further added "I have great expectations from this revolutionary organization which has taken up the challenge of creating a new India


RSS is a controversial organisation but to equate it to a terrorist one is CONGRESS and other sickularist delusion.AFAIK i never heard any RSS activist plotting against INDIA whereas so called great intellectuals who advocate against the very existence of INDIA are put in high esteem (Arundhati Roy)
Those were personal opinions of individuals, not examples of nationalistic acts. I'm not equating RSS with terrorist organisations, not yet, as long as RSS denounce the deeds of individuals related to it. However if they start promoting them, then it's no better than a terrorist organisation.


New Member
May 10, 2010
Those were personal opinions of individuals, not examples of nationalistic acts. I'm not equating RSS with terrorist organisations, not yet, as long as RSS denounce the deeds of individuals related to it. However if they start promoting them, then it's no better than a terrorist organisation.
Didn't RSS chief publicly denounced the people involved in the blasts and openly said that there were few extremists in the party but the were either curbed or kicked out of the organization . so whole blame game or branding RSS with some called new saffron terror should stop here . If there are few extremists its an individual not the organization.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
Those were personal opinions of individuals, not examples of nationalistic acts. I'm not equating RSS with terrorist organisations, not yet, as long as RSS denounce the deeds of individuals related to it. However if they start promoting them, then it's no better than a terrorist organisation.

These are not opinions of any tom **** or harry this obsession of applying your logic to show RSS is dubious organisation is useless imo.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
These are not opinions of any tom **** or harry this obsession of applying your logic to show RSS is dubious organisation is useless imo.
JBH22, if members of RSS are found to be involved in those heinous crimes, they should be punished to the maximum possible, under Indian Laws. RSS did denounce those acts, but it should not stop our Intelligence Agencies from probing who's responsible for those acts.

Time now for our Intelligence Agencies to prove things and take the matter forward.

P.S: Let's stop the mud slinging contest between RSS is this and that and posters and stick to the thread, shall we? Nothing is guilty, until proven otherwise. All is propaganda till then!
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The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
I'm a Hindu and i don't believe RSS gave us a bad name far from that they are not Let or Al-Qaeeda or whatever shit most of them are nationalist. Do you know difference between nationalist and terrorist?
Members of a nationalistic organization don't plant bombs in that same nation and kill its citizens.

A nationalistic person would never in his wildest dreams think of killing his countrymen that too civilians.


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2009
Killing innocent minority people and destruct their religious places and shrine, killing their religious leader ( like Graham styne ) in Orisa are now, subject to Heroism in India. Here Political Leader and Religious Leader openly confess their wrong doing without shame. Are we going to Pakistan way?


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
Members of a nationalistic organization don't plant bombs in that same nation and kill its citizens.

A nationalistic person would never in his wildest dreams think of killing his countrymen that too civilians.
Innocent until proven guilty afaik its far proven that the RSS ordered these attacks how hard is it to understand.

Killing innocent minority people and destruct their religious places and shrine, killing their religious leader ( like Graham styne ) in Orisa are now, subject to Heroism in India. Here Political Leader and Religious Leader openly confess their wrong doing without shame. Are we going to Pakistan way?
Do you know that all you mentioned Hindus also face the same problem ironically they are the majority community in this country


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2009
Do you know that all you mentioned Hindus also face the same problem ironically they are the majority community in this country
The Hindu leader received threat from Pakistan, an enemy state and not from Indian citizens, The Hindu temples in Kashmir destroyed by Pakistani terrorist and not by Indian citizens. But the act of Majority people in India, that minority comunities are responsible for the same. These give chance and opportunities to Pakistani terrorist organisation and spy agency to lure the people and BRAINWASH their minds. There are lot of problems in communties itself, problem of education and job, problem of illiteracy and also problem of radicalization by religious leaders.
The accusing people does not solve the problem but will create problem. Proper understanding and willingness will solve this problem. Everyone want peace here. Majority comuntiy will hope understand this


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2009
The braggats who carried out mass executions, raping and eventually the ethnic cleansing of Kashmir's Hindu pundit commuity where not Pakistani,many of them still are distinguished members of the Kashmir society,Godhra train wasn't set alight by Pakistanis,Dawood Ibrahim who orchestrated the 1993 blats wasn't a Pakistani,boys from the Batla house,who were the members of the IM,an organization which carried out several attacks against Hindu temples,and whose death in a police encounter which were condoled and questioned by national leaders like Mulayam Singh,diggy,weren't Pakistanis.Inventing the bogey of Pakistani ISI for all and every acts of omission and commission in India has become a sort of a rituals,which has only emboldened the audacity of anti nationalists element in the country,


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
The Hindu leader received threat from Pakistan, an enemy state and not from Indian citizens, The Hindu temples in Kashmir destroyed by Pakistani terrorist and not by Indian citizens. But the act of Majority people in India, that minority comunities are responsible for the same. These give chance and opportunities to Pakistani terrorist organisation and spy agency to lure the people and BRAINWASH their minds. There are lot of problems in communties itself, problem of education and job, problem of illiteracy and also problem of radicalization by religious leaders.
The accusing people does not solve the problem but will create problem. Proper understanding and willingness will solve this problem. Everyone want peace here. Majority comuntiy will hope understand this

HAHA go and read about Debanga riots, Manipur some are even prevented to do durga puja so don't come with Pakistani sh!t with me.My point is that while RSS is getting all the attention isn't crimes being committed against Hindus equally important to tell the country.

We all know here that the sudden media attention on RSS is not without any political machination


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2009
HAHA go and read about Debanga riots, Manipur some are even prevented to do durga puja so don't come with Pakistani sh!t with me.
The Bangladeshi Illegal immigrants took active part in Deganga riots and there were people who want to take political advantage of it. No Common man want riots and destruction

The braggats who carried out mass executions, raping and eventually the ethnic cleansing of Kashmir's Hindu pundit commuity where not Pakistani,many of them still are distinguished members of the Kashmir society,
Many of Kashmiri Muslim live under the fear of bullet from both side Terrorist as well as Indian Army. There is few young youth who brainwashed by Pakistani treaters are doing wrong things. Ordinary muslim also suffered lot because of Pak sponsored terrorism.

Godhra train wasn't set alight by Pakistanis,Dawood Ibrahim who orchestrated the 1993 blats wasn't a Pakistani,boys from the Batla house,who were the members of the IM,
Ordinary people knows from when sudden thing changes? and why this is happening, and because of whom, these guys takes arm in their Hand. No one want to be a terrorist and killing a people. Everyone want to be a peaceful life and family.
But because of delay in justice or no justice at all, people leads to wrong path.

Pakistan want to destroy India so they are taking their revenge by all the way. Pakistan's politics also India centric. It shows from time to time


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2009
Kashmiris weren't living under any Indian army siege when they let loose their pogrom on hapless Hindu pundits in the summer of 1989.The only reason was that for Kashmiri separatist they the unwanted snake in their blessed paradise,what crime did the passengers of Sabarmati express commit,that the the Muslim mob at Godhra station wanted to torch their train full of men and woman and children,after locking it from outside. For an appeaser bent on perpetually appeasing no reasonable argument would be sufficient.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
The Bangladeshi Illegal immigrants took active part in Deganga riots and there were people who want to take political advantage of it. No Common man want riots and destruction
So did the govt took necessary actions to kick their butt? the sickest part is that they illegally occupy our land and they have guts to start religious riots on Indians Hindus now if RSS kicked their butt that is something that would be laudable.
Also Haji Nurul Islam a Trinamul Congress MP has been active in that and it is a fact that Hindus are prevented from entering Mandirs they dug out kinda trenches infront of some temples.

Many of Kashmiri Muslim live under the fear of bullet from both side Terrorist as well as Indian Army. There is few young youth who brainwashed by Pakistani treaters are doing wrong things. Ordinary muslim also suffered lot because of Pak sponsored terrorism.
What is your point if the action is performed by brainwashed people does that make the crime less heinous. The same logic can be applied for Samjhauta Express Bombers. Kashmiri Pandits were killed and forced out in the late 1980's by not brainwashed but by islamist sympathisers

Ordinary people knows from when sudden thing changes? and why this is happening, and because of whom, these guys takes arm in their Hand. No one want to be a terrorist and killing a people. Everyone want to be a peaceful life and family.
But because of delay in justice or no justice at all, people leads to wrong path.
Everyone wants a peaceful including me but not at the cost of being subdued or in the fear of some mullah.

Pakistan want to destroy India so they are taking their revenge by all the way. Pakistan's politics also India centric. It shows from time to time
you are obsessed with Pakistan not all of our internal problems are because of them you gotta realise religious violence exist in India.

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