Pulwama Terror Attack On CRPF Convoy

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The Ultranationalist

Tihar Jail
Jan 30, 2017
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CCS meeting tomorrow morning

War is coming

War my ass, politicos dont have the balls to declare war as they do not have the courage and leadership required to lead the country in a war. We need leaders like Shashtri ji or maybe even Indira for at least she was decisive and hawkish and bold leader even though dictatorial.


Regular Member
Jul 30, 2018
War my ass, politicos dont have the balls to declare war as they do not have the courage and leadership required to lead the country in a war. We need leaders like Shashtri ji or maybe even Indira for at least she was decisive and hawkish and bold leader even though dictatorial.
If they want ,they could conducted this CCS meeting today itself as most of these members r in Delhi.


Regular Member
Jul 30, 2018
Operation Gazi rolled out to nab/ kill a dreaded veteran Pakistani terrorist Abdul Rashid Ganji from JeM faction that infiltrated to Kashmir around 4 months back.

He have his experience in Afghanistan in training terrorists, setting up a network & expert in IED as well.
This is the post I mentioned. We failed to track them on time, now we r paying heavy price.


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Pulwama attack: Allowing civilian vehicles on route proved disastrous

I hope the PM learns from this sh!t.

He’s been playing stupid PR games in the last few years where he’s ordered his motorcade to travel in normal traffic instead of a sanitised route. Even his armoured vehicle is not going to be that much help vs a 300+ KG VBIED.

This is a new game altogether. Genuinely disturbed at these developments. ISI has opened a new chapter.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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I hope the PM learns from this sh!t.

He’s been playing stupid PR games in the last few years where he’s ordered his motorcade to travel in normal traffic instead of a sanitised route. Even his armoured vehicle is not going to be that much help vs a 300+ KG VBIED.
If you think that’s stupid, wait till you see what goes on in the next few months. It’s election season.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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i dont wanna show my negative side but here it is again.
we know india is fucked in the arse no matter which gobarment is on the top so why did Modi go easy.
abe laude me jana hi he to shan se jao
and yes RAW is a dumbfuck of a organisation they cant kill of some local huriats who salvage the terrorism in Kashmir.
And dont give me shit like RAW is not mean to do that, if RAW can do this then no other organisation can.

we have external defence but no internal.

I am putting my faith in Modi but I hope he has woken up from his aman ka tamasa bullshit.

situation like these are a true test of a leader.
I think IB is responsible for the current situation.
Also, RAW is having its own problem.



Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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I think IB is responsible for the current situation.
Also, RAW is having its own problem.
IB is the agency involved with internal issues but do everyone think that IB is somehow run by magicians who can do whatever. The terrorists got lucky this time and like URI, the toll is much more than would have normally been the case. Our focus cannot only be to rely on our intelligence and our forces to stop every attack, that’s a fool’s errand. The enemy must fear our retaliation. Unfortunately they do not have that fear and the fault for that lies squarely with us.


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May 16, 2011
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:mad2::tsk:, Om Shanti to the fallen martyrs. Sad day. This is a call of Paki desperate need for attention it is time we oblige, afterall it's Valentine's day. Somebody's gotta get fucked.

If Modi doesn't act, it's over for him. Quickest action doen't even need air assets, we have precise notes on over 42 terror camps.

While the death is depressing, this is a moment in time where India can forever change the way the world views it and the way it views itself. But, this needs to be done by the book which will be the case I hope. Take a day to bury and mourn the dead. One fine morning after a refreshing cup of warm tea and good day biscuits, launch a volley of 72 Pinaka each against 40 Terror camps. Keep IAF on high alert. Each volley can wipe out over 1m2 of area. This must be done with embedded media coverage. Release footage of BDA and years of surveillance, drone footage etc.

Then see what Pak does. It is absolutely imperative that those camps need to be turned to rubble. Time to bring in the big guns 155mm. Arty is one of the best ways to sanitize wide areas. Measured escalation is better :smash:, this way we have time for mobilization.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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He sometimes might say kookie stuff but I can't disagree with him here.
We don't have a comprehensive policy against pigistan, no political party does, this is a proper India problem and not just a BJP or Congress problem.

We ask Americans to join our bandwagon against napakistan when we aren't tough with pakis ourselves? Why will they take our side when there's a chance we won't follow through, when all we look for is temporary "peace". No one respects agreeableness.

This is the difference between politicians and military leaders. Our foreign policy is guided by politicians and 95% of them like politicians in any other country, are risk averse and are in a perpetual hurry for their constituency to always stay sated and nod when then want us to.
Pakis otoh have PA as the major mobilizer of napakistani foreign policy hence they are unnaturally aggressive in everything they do.

If Modi takes stringent, very public action against pigistan he could nearly be guaranteed the GE.
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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
I heard the Jaish fidayeen scum that killed CRPF jawans in his last video.

His main grouse is The enemy gives you a life that has "love for this world, pleasures & happiness and indulgence in western-ness" in order to make you "disloyal to Islam"

Despite such open assertions of radical Islamic agenda (and no grouse of any kind of oppression whatsoever) the terror apologists keep ranting "listen to Kashmiri needs", "address their political concerns" and blah blah blah!
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Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I think IB is responsible for the current situation.
Also, RAW is having its own problem.

Yawn yawn yawn. NO agency can have 100% of attacks at bay, not Indian agencies not even western agencies that have arguably had FAR less success.

India has Pakistan on its border, this is the source of the cancer, how can you expect all these attacks to be prevented?

ONLY way to secure India is to take care of the problem next door otherwise India will forever be trying to minimise the damage at best.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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I think IB is responsible for the current situation.
Also, RAW is having its own problem.

I can explain this one pretty easily.

1> RAW may have been part of hawala network via mafia links.

Precisely what that was, Ojha’s case does not state—but in hearings at the Tribunal on 10 December, he accused RAW of criminal practices, including forging documents. In a 2014 letter to then-RAW chief Alok Joshi, Ojha also complained of a series of threats he attributed to Dawood Ibrahim’s network—imputing, though without evidence, that elements in RAW were linked to the crime cartel.
As former R&AW special secretary Pratap Heblikar told THE WEEK, “The years 2007-14 were the agency’s worst with mediocre chiefs, political interference, nepotism and corruption ruling the roost. The period witnessed the demise of R&AW at the hands of a mafia.”

2> RAW may have been part of hawala network

An on-the-run Kashmiri carpet dealer suspected of working for both Indian and Pakistani spy agencies is under the scanner of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for allegedly channelling money to separatist leaders in the valley,

In the CBI versus CBI case, it has been alleged that Mr Goel tried to dilute the Moin Qureshi money-laundering and corruption investigation with the help of alleged middlemen and brothers Manoj and Somesh Prasad, who are in custody in the Asthana bribery case. Incidentally, the Prasad brothers’ father (Dineshwar Prasad) was also a senior RAW officer in the past.

3> This is the removal of RAS group by Modi to remove Lutyens deep state by removing Kao boys and putting IPS guys in exchange. Some RAS guy handpicked by Doval remain but rest are being shunted out.

In the largest clean-up drive since the days of Morarji Desai, who sacked a third of his spies, the Modi regime has marked more than 70 senior and mid-level officers for “compulsory retirement.”

The exercise, personally supervised by R&AW chief Anil Dhasmana since last year, will involve giving pink slips on grounds of “non-performance” and “doubtful integrity”. A dozen of those marked, four holding joint secretary rank, have been shown the secret door.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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Yawn yawn yawn. NO agency can have 100% of attacks at bay, not Indian agencies not even western agencies that have arguably had FAR less success.

India has Pakistan on its border, this is the source of the cancer, how can you expect all these attacks to be prevented?

ONLY way to secure India is to take care of the problem next door otherwise India will forever be trying to minimise the damage at best.
You telling me a convoy of 2500 paramilitary on 78 vehicles freely travelling in a nigh warzone wasn't preventable?

We need sanctions on companies doing business with both napakistan and India.
Either have a pie of a BRICS economy or that of a failed state pigistan, no compromise.
Effective right now exercise all rights of IWT and use up all the 20% water and look at dissolution of the same.
Ramp up support BLA.
Enough with the "rights for kashmiris" nonsense they have had it far too easy, let's put it out there that we can treat them like napakistan treats Balochis and then some.
Now is the time to talk about Arti. 370.
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Regular Member
Mar 31, 2015
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All our debate here is like throwing throwing rocks onto mountain. Stop speculation and berating. Wait to see what CCS decides in a couple of hours. India will judge together what the outcome is.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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He sometimes might say kookie stuff but I can't disagree with him here.
We don't have a comprehensive policy against pigistan, no political party does, this is a proper India problem and not just a BJP or Congress problem.

We ask Americans to join our bandwagon against napakistan when we aren't tough with pakis ourselves? Why will they take our side when there's a chance we won't follow through, when all we look for is temporary "peace". No one respects agreeableness.

This is the difference between politicians and military leaders. Our foreign policy is guided by politicians and 95% of them like politicians in any other country, are risk averse and are in a perpetual hurry for their constituency to always stay sated and nod when then want us to.
Pakis otoh have PA as the major mobilizer of napakistani foreign policy hence they are unnaturally aggressive in everything they do.

If Modi takes stringent, very public action against pigistan he could nearly be guaranteed the GE.
India has a policy, it just cannot be spelled out in advance. We were hit in 65 war. We started preparation in 1965 and finished the task in 71. In between these 5 years, there must have been so many terror attacks. If, after every attack everyone said, today looks like a good day to invade, we'd never have succeeded. Foreign policy is more than just wars. Indian policy sailed us through the cold war without a scratch (compare that to what happened to Vietnam, Cuba etc). Not only did we keep ourselves safe, we even managed to snatch Bangladesh at the height of the cold war. That's superior strategy. We were able to go nuclear without getting invaded like Libya. We were able to buy oil in Indian currency without getting invaded like Iraq. The littoral nations of S.E Asia which were in Pakistan's camp in 65 are India's pets today (Iran had offered fighter jets/free oil and Indonesia had offered to attack Andaman). All of this is a result of foreign policy. We had the bomb in 74 but we waited until 99 till the other geopolitical factors became favorable for us. We work on our planned timeline; Not based on needling from enemies.

If it's just about visible retribution for this attack, that is coming. If you notice the government's opinion making machinery in action, you will see markers of what they want to do. If they wanted to cover it up, they could have sent a simple message to the media not to reveal the number of deaths. Here, the govt.'s opinion machinery is actively calling for attacks. The govt. wouldn't have allowed them to do that if they were going to disappoint. They are raising the temperature before the final hammer. If they show orphans and wailing widows, the govt. is building public opinion to give themselves some bandwidth in case the escalation spirals out, so that tomorrow peaceniks can't blame the govt. for dragging the nation into an "unnecessary war". They are working on the "necessary" part first.

@Willy3 gon regret his bet. @Bhumihar ne screenshot bhi le liya.
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Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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All our debate here is like throwing throwing rocks onto mountain. Stop speculation and berating. Wait to see what CCS decides in a couple of hours. India will judge together what the outcome is.
CCS won’t do anything. There will be the usual “forces will respond at a time of their choosing “ crap.

If something is going to happen it will not be from CCS where this is decided. There should be 100s of Contingencies and plans already prepared for these kind of attacks, just need a leader with some balls to give green light.
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