New Russian single engine fighter jet


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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you probably are a baby, since technology transfers are limited in highly advanced aircraft, these are released eventualy after 10-20 years, but India will not get the whole tech transfer, only bit and pieces, so regardless now you bash Su-57, the fighter is really good, Russia did not yield to India leaving the agreement, they continued, so now they have the technologies and the engines so the new Sukhoi light fighter for export shows a very advanced thrust vectoring nozzles, supercruise and advanced electronics all is thanks to Su-57
I know you are handicapped in queens tongue.

I asked you to back up a single statement of yours and you have started to blabber.

Show me any technical comments that I have made towards Su57?

I cannot help you if you imagine and hallucinate about something that I haven't written.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Well, I currently dont see any stealth bashing from the west on this aircraft yet?

RCS figures one is with a patent for the overall aircraft the U.S. takes measurements from the front which is always the smallest from the front and that patent does not include RAM. I thought we have been over this 100,000 times. The only thing I am hoping for is if the radar dome on that aircraft is the same size as the Su-57.
This was last year :

You didn't see more coverage in the west because Russians were not able to produce even enough to make it into the news to that point of direct confrontation with F35.

There are just 12 of these which includes 2 of the prototypes.

You can make all excuses about RCS that you want and I am not saying su57 is a bad aircraft rather but comparing it to F35 which has proven itself in middle east, literally btfo'd the S-300 systems, constant bombing runs in Syria, etc. while russia has struggled to even make su57 viable and ready for production despite almost a decade of boasting while F35.


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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I know you are handicapped in queens tongue.

I asked you to back up a single statement of yours and you have started to blabber.

Show me any technical comments that I have made towards Su57?

I cannot help you if you imagine and hallucinate about something that I haven't written.
relax since you are not british.

Sukhoi will not give you 100% transfer at least the first years, because Russia needs first to surpass the initial variant, Su-57 with 117 engines perhaps, a highly downgraded version yes, why? all nations have national security technology issues.

Su-30MKI was not the best tech Russia had in 2000, it was almost the best, but not the best.

All nations what they do is transfer not essential technologies or not the most advanced technologies you know it


Regular Member
Feb 22, 2020
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You didn't see more coverage in the west because Russians were not able to produce even enough to make it into the news to that point of direct confrontation with F35.

There are just 12 of these which includes 2 of the prototypes.

You can make all excuses about RCS that you want and I am not saying su57 is a bad aircraft rather but comparing it to F35 which has proven itself in middle east, literally btfo'd the S-300 systems, constant bombing runs in Syria, etc. while russia has struggled to even make su57 viable and ready for production despite almost a decade of boasting while F35.
I am not going to spoon food you sources but here are the latest news coverage of the Su-57 which will include four in service by this year to pick up the production numbers later.

multiply and adding is a big difference on how countries measure their own EPR or stealth, some use the imperial and some use the metric system for measurements. Where did any F-35 BTFO an S-300? Here is the news for you in Syria I would also check Yuris statements on the Su-57/LTS production numbers if you havent.

India is a proud customer of S-400, but watch out the 25-30 million/ refueling costs might make them proud customers for this next :pound:


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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relax since you are not british.

Sukhoi will not give you 100% transfer at least the first years, because Russia needs first to surpass the initial variant, Su-57 with 117 engines perhaps, a highly downgraded version yes, why? all nations have national security technology issues.

Su-30MKI was not the best tech Russia had in 2000, it was almost the best, but not the best.

All nations what they do is transfer not essential technologies or not the most advanced technologies you know it
What your reply has to do with I have posted?

You claimed and posted regardless now you bash Su-57, the fighter is really good...
I asked you to show me where have I commented on the technical aspects of SU57 in the current discussion.
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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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What you reply has to do with I have posted?

You claimed and posted

I asked you to show me where have I commented on the technical aspects of SU57 in the current discussion.

And your reply was more blabber.

You simply cannot hide your lies with nonsense posting.

It seems you are a clueless idiot.
RCS is not fixed, It only represent the spikes distribution, in fact detectability is based upon the frequency and emmiting power


So I will put it simple the Russians say F-22 is as good as Su-57? why? because everything will depend in the radar, and to hunt Su-57 you need speed, since it supercruises and remmber has more radars and IRST systems pretty much all what you say is propaganda, everything will be who has the best radar and the fastest aircraft and longest range missiles


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Details on the Checkmate fighter:
-Short Take Off and Landing
-$25-30 million cost
-3k km range or 1.5k km combat radius
-1,900 kph speed
-More than 7 ton payload
-First flight set for 2023 -2024-2025
construction of prototypes -2026-2027 pilot batch/serial deliveries

Really good specs... But J-10 class with similar (possibly AL-41 only) engine.

because everything will depend in the radar, and to hunt Su-57 you need speed, since it supercruises and remmber has more radars and IRST systems pretty much all what you say is propaganda,
No offence, but you sound like a layman with no technical knowledge. One example;

Su-57 has a officially acknowledged RCS of 0.5m², F-35 has an RCS of 0.005m², F-22 has 0.0001m²...
So no. To detect the Murican jets at same ranges as they'll detect you, the Russian one will need 100 to 2000 times more powerful radar respectively, assuming other parameters are comparable... (IRST has range limit of the 0-60km & F-35 has EOTS itself).

Another example: Supercruising is done at 1.5M, BVRAAMs fly at 4-5M. No comparison.
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Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Says the person writing in all caps. This is suppose to be a happy thread.

View attachment 100976
Says a person, who jumped in the middle without acknowledging the reason for typing in all caps.

Take your happy thread and shove it up your happy hole.

There are a few rules in forum reply. And primary of them is to not to use reply button if you are posting unrelated stuff which has nothing to do with the original stuff being replied to.
The unrelated stuff can merit its own standing, but not as a reply.

I don't think it is very hard to understand.
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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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RCS is not fixed its magnitude depends upon the radar, the Americans give propaganda numbers, because the radar equation validate my points, better think better what you say, Russia has a very advanced new fighter and Su-57 is excellent
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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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I am not going to spoon food you sources but here are the latest news coverage of the Su-57 which will include four in service by this year to pick up the production numbers later.
Vatniks have been seething about production since decades, reality is that there are only 12 of these out of which 2 are lsp versions.

Url to a forum :rolleyes: , i have no interest in reading the recycled points, point still stands that Russia has only 12 of these with no actual proof that these even will work against F35 while F35 has been bombing over syria, flying over iran,evading S300 since years.

multiply and adding is a big difference on how countries measure their own EPR or stealth, some use the imperial and some use the metric system for measurements. Where did any F-35 BTFO an S-300? Here is the news for you in Syria I would also check Yuris statements on the Su-57/LTS production numbers if you havent.
Another cope, if you want to know about it just go through the bombing runs of Israel and other USAF in Middle east. Were you living in huts when Israel was flying over iran, USAF was bombing israel? Here's few tidbits of how s300 got btfo'd.

India is a proud customer of S-400, but watch out the 25-30 million/ refueling costs might make them proud customers for this next
How are these even related? Also, only a shill will believe that Ruskies are going to sell 'checkmate' for 30 million, they want another PAK-FA but we are not interested. Come back when you actually have a working prototype otherwise it's Su57 and Armata all over again. Too much promise on paper and nothing in reality.

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