LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Mar 24, 2013
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Chinese army conducts live-fire drills in Tibet
Jul 17, 2017, 09:54 AM IST


  • People's Liberation Army conducted live-fire exercises in Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region
  • The live-fire drills included the quick delivery of troops and different military units working together on joint attacks.
Chinese army doesn't get women to drill. So out of frustration they are drilling one another to deliver faster troops as they know they will have shortage of troops seeing how Indian Army is on rampage killing porki Army men by hundreds. So instead of usual 9 months they deliver half baked troops in 6 months or less.:pound::pound::pound:


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Mar 24, 2013
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China should 'keep calm' about India's rise: Global Times
PTI | Jul 16, 2017, 09:52 PM IST
  • An article in Global Times said that China could start working on a more effective growth strategy to cope with competition from India.
  • The influx of foreign manufacturers is addressing some of India's weaknesses and enhancing its manufacturing ability, the article said.
Representational graphic.

BEIJING: India is receiving a "massive influx" of foreign investments which will greatly enhance its ability to develop the manufacturing sector and China should "keep calm" and start working on a more effective growth strategy for the new era, a state-run newspaper said on Sunday.

"This massive influx of investment by foreign manufacturers is of great significance for India's economy, employment and industrial development," an article in the Global Times said.

"China should be calm seeing India's rise. To cope with competition from India, China could start working on a more effective growth strategy for the new era now," it said.

The influx of foreign manufacturers is addressing some of India's weaknesses and enhancing its manufacturing ability, with Chinese companies also playing an important role in the process, according to the article.

"This is a repeat of China's introduction of foreign investment, which is why it is likely that India may succeed."

"If in the past India lacked capital, a developed manufacturing sector and skilled manufacturing workers, the foreign manufacturing inflow is now helping India address the problem, backing up the government's 'Make in India' initiative," it said.

The article listed a host of foreign companies including some of the Chinese firms which are investing in India.

"It should be pointed out that what is happening in India occurred in China two decades ago.

"Just like what happened with China during its reform and opening-up, the arrival of foreign manufacturing will greatly enhance India's ability to develop its manufacturing sector, which will help in cultivating a large number of skilled workers, managers and factories," it added.


After rhetoric against India and seeing Indian reaction Chinese Media and Govt want to deescalate the entire issue but Chinese govt and media have egg on their faces now.


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Aug 18, 2009
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Sunday, July 16, 2017
The Doklam Standoff between China and India is more complex that what is made to appear.
The public may be under the impression that Indian soldiers are still at Doklam side claimed by China. That cannot be true. Indian soldiers had gone into the disputed area between China and Bhutan upon which India has no claim of her own. However, it is apparent that the Indian soldiers were pushed back and subsequently Chinese soldiers had entered the Indian line on Sikkim side and even destroyed few border post make do shelter of the Indian Army. So now both must be at their original post albeit with additional re- inforcement.

The video footages in fb of Chinese and Indian soldiers confronting each other are of different times and at different place , not at Doklam. The Indian Army has been very tight lipped about the present Doklam incident. Therefore, there is no chance of them sharing video footages.

In the year 2012, India and China had agreed not to interfere into border issues that India or China may have with Bhutan or Burma ( Myanmar) at tri-junction boundaries. And on that basis, the Border Agreement between Indian Sikkim and Chinese Tibet was finalised. It seems that both the Doklam status of China and the Nathu La Trade Route Opening were part of several overall understandings reached between India and China. Also during the Sino- Bhutan Border Talks, the Chinese position on Doklam Plateau was very clear and firm from the very beginning. Bhutan understood the Chinese claim regarding Doklam.

This time at Doklam, India had breached that Bilateral Agreement and understandings between China and India when Indian soldiers transgressed into Doklam. And now in retaliation, China is abrogating that Agreement and demanding that Indian Army withdraw back from its existing position at Sikkim -Tibet border. China is insisting upon re-negotiating the Tibet- Sikkim border.

India had not expected such a strong reaction from China. And caught flat footed, tried to wriggle out of the tight corner by saying that Indian Army entered Doklam at the request of Bhutan Army. In other words declaring that Bhutan is a " Protectorate " of India. And projecting a international posture of India protecting tiny Bhutan from a big bully China.

Bhutan naturally cannot support such blatantly invasive contention of India. Bhutan is a sovereign nation and member of UN. Not a " Protectorate " of India. And anyway China is not buying any such blabbering from India.

It appears that an overzealous Defence Ministry of India ordered the Indian Army intrusion into Doklam area. Maybe it was one strategy aimed at foiling Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement happening during the next Ministerial level Sino- Bhutan Border Meeting. It could also be an internal strategy of Defence Ministry officials to push through lucrative Defence Purchase Deals through hyping Sino- Indian conflicts at sensitive border points. Defence Deals worth billions of dollars could result in huge dividends for those making the Deals. And any sign of heightened tensions with China or Pakistan could hrlp to seal big defence related procurement Deals.

Whatever the reasons may have been for the unprecedented transgression at Doklam, the Indian war hawks had not envisaged such a huge fallout upon the Sikkim -Tibet Border Agreement and the Kashmir conflict. India had already breached part of understandings with China by playing up the Dalai Lama card at Arunachal. And Doklam intrusion sort of broke the camel back. Since the departure of the Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar to take up the post of Goa Chief Ministership, the Defence Ministry of India under Shri Arun Jaitley has been embarking upon a new defiant policy against China.

It is also quite clear that Indian Army Command was against such a confrontational move at Doklam. But had followed the order issued by the Defence Ministry. The fallout from the foul up by the Defence Ministry has compelled Modi Cabinet to trim away Defence Ministry bureaucratic powers and transfer the same to the Indian Army Command. Recently the strategic and defence powers including armament procurement authority of both the Chief and Deputy Chief of Indian Army have been considerably enhanced. India may also find it necessary to appoint a full time new Defence Minister. Presently Shri Arun Jaitley is holding double portfolios of Finance and Defence Ministries. And that may have lead to war hawks at Defence Ministry taking over.

India could be prepared to fight 2 and 1/2 wars at the same time. But this is turning out to be 5 and 1/2 wars. Chicken Neck, Arunachal, Kashmir, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea plus that 1/2 meaning internal security. And America, Japan and Israel cannot be trusted to fight from Indian side against China in case of war. Going against three nuclear nations China, Pakistan and North Korea for sake of Indian interest alone is not sufficiently tempting for United States. And in any case, other world powers would love to see India and China bleed each other as they look upon from afar. What America and other nations dread is the two Asian powers teaming up.

China was fully aware of behind the scene Indian pressures upon Bhutan in Sino- Bhutan Border negotiations throughout the last 34 years and 24 rounds of Talks. But China could not take punitive action until India directly and openly showed her hand. And this time at Doklam, India unmasked herself. That was what China was waiting for.

Now I think an Indian advance peace team is already in Beijing to be joined by Indian Security Advisor later. India is adopting a conciliatory approach to save the 2012 Sikkim- Tibet Border Agreement. The Indian Diplomat and Security Analyst Phunchuk Stobdan who recently authored the article " India's Real Problem lies in its Foreign Policy, Not Border " seems to be also a member of the Indian advance team at Beijing. His article is a sign of conciliatory gesture from the Government of India.

The Doklam standoff crisis may dissipate if India truly backs off from Sino- Bhutan Border negotiation and in other areas like opposing One Belt Road Initiative and stop playing up Dalai Lama card. I hope all goes well between our giant neighbours. War is terrible for all of us.

There is no written security pact as such between India and Bhutan or Bhutan with China. However, if Bhutan is invaded by either India or China, one could rightly assume that the other giant neighbour will get involved because of their respective concerns for national security. For both India and China, Bhutan’s buffer status is very crucial and non- negotiable. As of date, Bhutan has a 2007 Treaty ( revised 1949 Indo- Bhutan Treaty) with India which recognises each other' s sovereignty and declaration of friendship. Likewise Bhutan has an Agreement with China which also spelts out respect for each country's sovereignty and declaration of friendship.

In regards to Doklam crisis, I would like to reiterate that I have always had tremendous faith in the working of the Deities. And I hopefully pray that what happened at Doklam this time is a way of the Deities to clear the path for Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement. There is always a possibility of a silver lining to every dark cloud. I dare to be optimistic as well as forthright.

May Triple Gem watch over the Kingdom and guide our Leaders. Pelden Drukpa Gyel Lo ! Lha Gyel Lo !


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Jul 9, 2014
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There is only one supply line that comes to the border in tibet. This will be completely destroyed fast and fuel depots are also quiet a distance do not know how Chinese think they will be able to fight at all?
Is this map accurate in terms of deployment?
And what is the strength of ground forces,tanks,armor and artillery facing India.
And what are the main main supply routes to Tibet for reinforcement.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Nothing is going to happen. If the Chinese wanted to attack then they would have done it by now but instead of attacking, they are going and meeting opposition leaders.

Also, those drills are a usual thing.

People out here, "Try" to have a meaningfull chatter with the Chinese guy/girl rather than throwing dirt. He has been here since 2009.

4 Pages wasted with no new information.
you know what they are doing?

They will pressurize the government through opposition. And when government takes peace building measures and reduce the momentum at LAC.

Chinese will bounce back..


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Mar 24, 2013
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Little Bhutan in Tibet
  • Claude Arpi

    July 17, 2017 | 02:33 AM

(Photo: AFP)

China quite amazingly is able to deny even the most undeniable facts. Geng Shuang , spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was recently asked by an Indian correspondent about the details of the meeting between President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Modi on the sideline of the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. Geng replied: “According to my information, the two leaders did not hold any bilateral meetings.”

When asked by another correspondent, “Are you saying this did not happen?”, he replied: “The two leaders of China and India did not hold any meetings on the sidelines of any meeting in Hamburg.”

He thrice repeated his contention.

This was an event which took place only a few days earlier, with a photograph tweeted all over the world. One can imagine the scenario when something occurred several decades or centuries earlier; historical events can never be in China’s disfavour.

Moving to the Doklam plateau, the same spokesman quoted a letter written by Nehru on 26 September 1959 in which he would have acknowledged the 1890 Convention between Great Britain and China. The fact that this agreement was never implemented simply because the main stakeholders ~ Tibet, Bhutan and Sikkim ~ were not signatories or even represented, has been forgotten. Here too Geng has selective memory.

The same para (No. 17) of Nehru’s quoted letter speaks about the Tibet-Bhutan border, the object of the present standoff. The Indian Prime Minister tells the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai: “It is not clear to us what exactly is the implication of your statement that the boundaries of Sikkim and Bhutan do not fall within the scope of the present discussion. In fact, Chinese maps show sizeable areas of Bhutan as part of Tibet.”

This relates in particular to the Doklam plateau. Nehru continues: “Under treaty relationships with Bhutan, the Government of India are the only competent authority to take up with other Governments matters concerning Bhutan’s external relations. The rectification of errors in Chinese maps regarding the boundary of Bhutan with Tibet is therefore a matter which has to be discussed along with the boundary of India.”

Not only was the boundary line never rectified, but China has recently tried to change the status quo. A year later (1960), the Prime Ministers of India and China agreed to participate in a conference with ‘Officials’ of the two sides to sort out the boundary issue. China conveniently refused to discuss the TibetSikkim and the Tibet-Bhutan borders.

The Indian officials nevertheless filed a separate statement about Bhutan; at that time, the main issue was the eastern part of Bhutan, adjacent to Kameng Frontier Division (today’s Tawang district). The report of the officials stated: “As far as India and Bhutan are concerned the valid boundary in this sector is known and recognised.”

But more interestingly, the report mentions several Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet. It notes: “Chinese officials have illegally dispossessed the designated authorities of the Government of Bhutan in the following eight villages situated in western Tibet over which Bhutan has been exercising administrative jurisdiction for more than 300 years: Khangri, Tarchen, Tsekhor, Diraphu, Dzung Tuphu, Jangehe, Chakip and Kocha.” Minsar, the Indian enclave in Tibet is better known, but these villages too did not belong to Tibet, they were part of Bhutan’s territory.

The report continues: “Bhutan has for centuries appointed the officers who governed these villages, collected taxes from them and administered justice. Tibetan authorities consistently recognised that these villages belonged to the Bhutan Government. The villages were not subject to Tibetan officers and laws; nor did they pay any Tibetan taxes. There has thus been a violation of Bhutan’s legitimate authority over these villages.”

On August 19 and 20, 1959, at the request of Bhutan, official notes were sent by Delhi to Beijing, in which the Chinese Government was requested “to restore the rightful authority of the Bhutan Government over their enclaves.”

The scholar, John Bray, who is the president of the International Association of Ladakh Studies, wrote a fascinating research paper on the ‘Bhutanese enclaves’ in Tibet. He explained that until the 1950s “both Ladakh and Bhutan governed small enclaves of territory in Western Tibet. Ladakh’s enclave consisted of the village of Minsar, near lake Manasarovar, and its surrounding land, while Bhutan governed the Darchen Labrang and several smaller monasteries and villages near Mount Kailash. Bhutan continued to raise revenue there for some 300 years.”.

For centuries, the inhabitants of Minsar, although surrounded by Tibetan territories, paid their taxes to the kingdom of Ladakh. During in the 19th century, when Ladakh was incorporated into Maharaja Gulab Singh’s State, Minsar de facto became a part of the Jammu & Kashmir State.

In October 1947, after Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession, Minsar became Indian territory. This lasted till the mid-1950s. Bray remarked: “Both sets of enclaves share a common origin in that they date back to the period when the Kings of Ladakh controlled the whole of Western Tibet. The link with Bhutan arises because of the Ladakhi royal family’s association with the Drukpa Kagyupa sect.”

This school of Buddhism, different from the Dalai Lama’s Gelukpa, has been influential in Ladakh and Bhutan for centuries. Regarding Minsar, the Indian principality in Tibet, the rights to this small town were inherited from the peace treaty between Ladakh and Tibet signed in Tingmosgang in 1684. Apart from the confirmation of the delimitation of the border between Western Tibet and Ladakh, the treaty affirmed: “The king of Ladakh reserves to himself the village of Minsar in Ngari-khor-sum (Western Tibet)”. For centuries, Minsar has been a home for Ladakhi and Kashmiri traders and pilgrims visiting the holy mountain.

In 1953, when Jawaharlal Nehru wanted to sign his Panchsheel Agreement with China, he decided to abandon all Indian ‘colonial’ rights inherited from the British. Though he knew that the small principality was part of the Indian territory, he felt uneasy about this Indian ‘possession’ near Mt. Kailash in Tibet. Nehru was aware that Minsar had been providing revenue to maintain the temples around the sacred mountain and the holy Manasarovar lake, but believed that India should unilaterally renounce her rights as a gesture of goodwill towards Communist China.

He instructed the diplomats negotiating the Panchsheel accord in Beijing: “Regarding the village of Minsar in Western Tibet, which has belonged to the Kashmir State, it is clear that we shall have to give it up, if this question is raised. We need not raise it. If it is raised, we should say that we recognize the strength of the Chinese contention and we are prepared to consider it and recommend it.”

Eventually, Minsar was not discussed in 1954 during the talks for the Tibet (also known as Panchsheel) Agreement and, the Bhutanese enclaves could not be brought up during the IndiaChina talks in 1960, as China refused to deal with Sikkim and Bhutan. This means that the fate of these enclaves has never been negotiated or settled. It remains so today. On 31 December 1953, while opening the ‘Tibet talks’ (without the participation of the Dalai Lama’s government), Premier Zhou Enlai affirmed: “All outstanding problems between China and other countries could be solved on the basis of mutual respect for territorial integrity, non-aggression and non-interference in internal affairs so as to enable peaceful co-existence. I know Prime Minister Nehru’s Government and the people of India also feel the same way. On basis of this principle all outstanding questions between us which are ripe for settlement can be resolved smoothly.”

Are the forgotten Bhutanese enclaves ‘ripe for settlement’ now? Mr Geng has probably forgotten their existence.


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May 8, 2017
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Sunday, July 16, 2017
The Doklam Standoff between China and India is more complex that what is made to appear.
The public may be under the impression that Indian soldiers are still at Doklam side claimed by China. That cannot be true. Indian soldiers had gone into the disputed area between China and Bhutan upon which India has no claim of her own. However, it is apparent that the Indian soldiers were pushed back and subsequently Chinese soldiers had entered the Indian line on Sikkim side and even destroyed few border post make do shelter of the Indian Army. So now both must be at their original post albeit with additional re- inforcement.

The video footages in fb of Chinese and Indian soldiers confronting each other are of different times and at different place , not at Doklam. The Indian Army has been very tight lipped about the present Doklam incident. Therefore, there is no chance of them sharing video footages.

In the year 2012, India and China had agreed not to interfere into border issues that India or China may have with Bhutan or Burma ( Myanmar) at tri-junction boundaries. And on that basis, the Border Agreement between Indian Sikkim and Chinese Tibet was finalised. It seems that both the Doklam status of China and the Nathu La Trade Route Opening were part of several overall understandings reached between India and China. Also during the Sino- Bhutan Border Talks, the Chinese position on Doklam Plateau was very clear and firm from the very beginning. Bhutan understood the Chinese claim regarding Doklam.

This time at Doklam, India had breached that Bilateral Agreement and understandings between China and India when Indian soldiers transgressed into Doklam. And now in retaliation, China is abrogating that Agreement and demanding that Indian Army withdraw back from its existing position at Sikkim -Tibet border. China is insisting upon re-negotiating the Tibet- Sikkim border.

India had not expected such a strong reaction from China. And caught flat footed, tried to wriggle out of the tight corner by saying that Indian Army entered Doklam at the request of Bhutan Army. In other words declaring that Bhutan is a " Protectorate " of India. And projecting a international posture of India protecting tiny Bhutan from a big bully China.

Bhutan naturally cannot support such blatantly invasive contention of India. Bhutan is a sovereign nation and member of UN. Not a " Protectorate " of India. And anyway China is not buying any such blabbering from India.

It appears that an overzealous Defence Ministry of India ordered the Indian Army intrusion into Doklam area. Maybe it was one strategy aimed at foiling Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement happening during the next Ministerial level Sino- Bhutan Border Meeting. It could also be an internal strategy of Defence Ministry officials to push through lucrative Defence Purchase Deals through hyping Sino- Indian conflicts at sensitive border points. Defence Deals worth billions of dollars could result in huge dividends for those making the Deals. And any sign of heightened tensions with China or Pakistan could hrlp to seal big defence related procurement Deals.

Whatever the reasons may have been for the unprecedented transgression at Doklam, the Indian war hawks had not envisaged such a huge fallout upon the Sikkim -Tibet Border Agreement and the Kashmir conflict. India had already breached part of understandings with China by playing up the Dalai Lama card at Arunachal. And Doklam intrusion sort of broke the camel back. Since the departure of the Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar to take up the post of Goa Chief Ministership, the Defence Ministry of India under Shri Arun Jaitley has been embarking upon a new defiant policy against China.

It is also quite clear that Indian Army Command was against such a confrontational move at Doklam. But had followed the order issued by the Defence Ministry. The fallout from the foul up by the Defence Ministry has compelled Modi Cabinet to trim away Defence Ministry bureaucratic powers and transfer the same to the Indian Army Command. Recently the strategic and defence powers including armament procurement authority of both the Chief and Deputy Chief of Indian Army have been considerably enhanced. India may also find it necessary to appoint a full time new Defence Minister. Presently Shri Arun Jaitley is holding double portfolios of Finance and Defence Ministries. And that may have lead to war hawks at Defence Ministry taking over.

India could be prepared to fight 2 and 1/2 wars at the same time. But this is turning out to be 5 and 1/2 wars. Chicken Neck, Arunachal, Kashmir, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea plus that 1/2 meaning internal security. And America, Japan and Israel cannot be trusted to fight from Indian side against China in case of war. Going against three nuclear nations China, Pakistan and North Korea for sake of Indian interest alone is not sufficiently tempting for United States. And in any case, other world powers would love to see India and China bleed each other as they look upon from afar. What America and other nations dread is the two Asian powers teaming up.

China was fully aware of behind the scene Indian pressures upon Bhutan in Sino- Bhutan Border negotiations throughout the last 34 years and 24 rounds of Talks. But China could not take punitive action until India directly and openly showed her hand. And this time at Doklam, India unmasked herself. That was what China was waiting for.

Now I think an Indian advance peace team is already in Beijing to be joined by Indian Security Advisor later. India is adopting a conciliatory approach to save the 2012 Sikkim- Tibet Border Agreement. The Indian Diplomat and Security Analyst Phunchuk Stobdan who recently authored the article " India's Real Problem lies in its Foreign Policy, Not Border " seems to be also a member of the Indian advance team at Beijing. His article is a sign of conciliatory gesture from the Government of India.

The Doklam standoff crisis may dissipate if India truly backs off from Sino- Bhutan Border negotiation and in other areas like opposing One Belt Road Initiative and stop playing up Dalai Lama card. I hope all goes well between our giant neighbours. War is terrible for all of us.

There is no written security pact as such between India and Bhutan or Bhutan with China. However, if Bhutan is invaded by either India or China, one could rightly assume that the other giant neighbour will get involved because of their respective concerns for national security. For both India and China, Bhutan’s buffer status is very crucial and non- negotiable. As of date, Bhutan has a 2007 Treaty ( revised 1949 Indo- Bhutan Treaty) with India which recognises each other' s sovereignty and declaration of friendship. Likewise Bhutan has an Agreement with China which also spelts out respect for each country's sovereignty and declaration of friendship.

In regards to Doklam crisis, I would like to reiterate that I have always had tremendous faith in the working of the Deities. And I hopefully pray that what happened at Doklam this time is a way of the Deities to clear the path for Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement. There is always a possibility of a silver lining to every dark cloud. I dare to be optimistic as well as forthright.

May Triple Gem watch over the Kingdom and guide our Leaders. Pelden Drukpa Gyel Lo ! Lha Gyel Lo !
Chinese Communist party can paint it as it wants cuz Chinese people have lost reasoning power and believes in only CPC propoganda apart from Chinese and porkis ,not even a single person in whole world gives a shit about CPC mouthfarts, you can paint this incident as you want ...But the reality is that the China has embarrassed itself in front of the whole world...India has called the Chinese "Supa Pawa" bluff....:india:


Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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Jab zaroorat parti hai tab pata nahi yeh kidhar gayab ho jata hai

@hammer head

Eid ke chand bante jaa rahe ho bhai.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Active Chinese frontier while LOC is hot is the worst possible thing by Bipin rawat and Modi CO. I am sorry but I am also a nationalist to core but our army is not ready to fight China and Pak together now and we need time.
It is not like we were seeking a confrontation with China, they forced our hand.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


New Member
Feb 20, 2014
Sorry, this is just bunch of claims. Making a row of assumptions and declaring that China has the upper hand.

Claiming that an Indian team is in China to sue for peace is even more hilarious.. The Indian NSA is in China as part of a BRICS initiative. If he requests a bilateral meeting, that is because of the Indian Govt's rational mindset. Not out of fear. The GoI is dealing with this the right way. If one goes by the sheer number of hysterical and pompous articles being churned out my the Chinese media, one might think that its China that is trying to wriggle out of a tight corner without losing face.

China has taught India enough in 1962 and India has learnt enough since 1962. China needs to stop writing stern articles and actually try to 'teach' India another lesson. Go on.


New Member
Sep 15, 2016
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Sunday, July 16, 2017
The Doklam Standoff between China and India is more complex that what is made to appear.
The public may be under the impression that Indian soldiers are still at Doklam side claimed by China. That cannot be true. Indian soldiers had gone into the disputed area between China and Bhutan upon which India has no claim of her own. However, it is apparent that the Indian soldiers were pushed back and subsequently Chinese soldiers had entered the Indian line on Sikkim side and even destroyed few border post make do shelter of the Indian Army. So now both must be at their original post albeit with additional re- inforcement.

The video footages in fb of Chinese and Indian soldiers confronting each other are of different times and at different place , not at Doklam. The Indian Army has been very tight lipped about the present Doklam incident. Therefore, there is no chance of them sharing video footages.

In the year 2012, India and China had agreed not to interfere into border issues that India or China may have with Bhutan or Burma ( Myanmar) at tri-junction boundaries. And on that basis, the Border Agreement between Indian Sikkim and Chinese Tibet was finalised. It seems that both the Doklam status of China and the Nathu La Trade Route Opening were part of several overall understandings reached between India and China. Also during the Sino- Bhutan Border Talks, the Chinese position on Doklam Plateau was very clear and firm from the very beginning. Bhutan understood the Chinese claim regarding Doklam.

This time at Doklam, India had breached that Bilateral Agreement and understandings between China and India when Indian soldiers transgressed into Doklam. And now in retaliation, China is abrogating that Agreement and demanding that Indian Army withdraw back from its existing position at Sikkim -Tibet border. China is insisting upon re-negotiating the Tibet- Sikkim border.

India had not expected such a strong reaction from China. And caught flat footed, tried to wriggle out of the tight corner by saying that Indian Army entered Doklam at the request of Bhutan Army. In other words declaring that Bhutan is a " Protectorate " of India. And projecting a international posture of India protecting tiny Bhutan from a big bully China.

Bhutan naturally cannot support such blatantly invasive contention of India. Bhutan is a sovereign nation and member of UN. Not a " Protectorate " of India. And anyway China is not buying any such blabbering from India.

It appears that an overzealous Defence Ministry of India ordered the Indian Army intrusion into Doklam area. Maybe it was one strategy aimed at foiling Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement happening during the next Ministerial level Sino- Bhutan Border Meeting. It could also be an internal strategy of Defence Ministry officials to push through lucrative Defence Purchase Deals through hyping Sino- Indian conflicts at sensitive border points. Defence Deals worth billions of dollars could result in huge dividends for those making the Deals. And any sign of heightened tensions with China or Pakistan could hrlp to seal big defence related procurement Deals.

Whatever the reasons may have been for the unprecedented transgression at Doklam, the Indian war hawks had not envisaged such a huge fallout upon the Sikkim -Tibet Border Agreement and the Kashmir conflict. India had already breached part of understandings with China by playing up the Dalai Lama card at Arunachal. And Doklam intrusion sort of broke the camel back. Since the departure of the Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar to take up the post of Goa Chief Ministership, the Defence Ministry of India under Shri Arun Jaitley has been embarking upon a new defiant policy against China.

It is also quite clear that Indian Army Command was against such a confrontational move at Doklam. But had followed the order issued by the Defence Ministry. The fallout from the foul up by the Defence Ministry has compelled Modi Cabinet to trim away Defence Ministry bureaucratic powers and transfer the same to the Indian Army Command. Recently the strategic and defence powers including armament procurement authority of both the Chief and Deputy Chief of Indian Army have been considerably enhanced. India may also find it necessary to appoint a full time new Defence Minister. Presently Shri Arun Jaitley is holding double portfolios of Finance and Defence Ministries. And that may have lead to war hawks at Defence Ministry taking over.

India could be prepared to fight 2 and 1/2 wars at the same time. But this is turning out to be 5 and 1/2 wars. Chicken Neck, Arunachal, Kashmir, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea plus that 1/2 meaning internal security. And America, Japan and Israel cannot be trusted to fight from Indian side against China in case of war. Going against three nuclear nations China, Pakistan and North Korea for sake of Indian interest alone is not sufficiently tempting for United States. And in any case, other world powers would love to see India and China bleed each other as they look upon from afar. What America and other nations dread is the two Asian powers teaming up.

China was fully aware of behind the scene Indian pressures upon Bhutan in Sino- Bhutan Border negotiations throughout the last 34 years and 24 rounds of Talks. But China could not take punitive action until India directly and openly showed her hand. And this time at Doklam, India unmasked herself. That was what China was waiting for.

Now I think an Indian advance peace team is already in Beijing to be joined by Indian Security Advisor later. India is adopting a conciliatory approach to save the 2012 Sikkim- Tibet Border Agreement. The Indian Diplomat and Security Analyst Phunchuk Stobdan who recently authored the article " India's Real Problem lies in its Foreign Policy, Not Border " seems to be also a member of the Indian advance team at Beijing. His article is a sign of conciliatory gesture from the Government of India.

The Doklam standoff crisis may dissipate if India truly backs off from Sino- Bhutan Border negotiation and in other areas like opposing One Belt Road Initiative and stop playing up Dalai Lama card. I hope all goes well between our giant neighbours. War is terrible for all of us.

There is no written security pact as such between India and Bhutan or Bhutan with China. However, if Bhutan is invaded by either India or China, one could rightly assume that the other giant neighbour will get involved because of their respective concerns for national security. For both India and China, Bhutan’s buffer status is very crucial and non- negotiable. As of date, Bhutan has a 2007 Treaty ( revised 1949 Indo- Bhutan Treaty) with India which recognises each other' s sovereignty and declaration of friendship. Likewise Bhutan has an Agreement with China which also spelts out respect for each country's sovereignty and declaration of friendship.

In regards to Doklam crisis, I would like to reiterate that I have always had tremendous faith in the working of the Deities. And I hopefully pray that what happened at Doklam this time is a way of the Deities to clear the path for Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement. There is always a possibility of a silver lining to every dark cloud. I dare to be optimistic as well as forthright.

May Triple Gem watch over the Kingdom and guide our Leaders. Pelden Drukpa Gyel Lo ! Lha Gyel Lo !
Do you know now why China is isolated? Do you know who you are fighting and do you know why?


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Dec 23, 2016
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Sunday, July 16, 2017
The Doklam Standoff between China and India is more complex that what is made to appear.
The public may be under the impression that Indian soldiers are still at Doklam side claimed by China. That cannot be true. Indian soldiers had gone into the disputed area between China and Bhutan upon which India has no claim of her own. However, it is apparent that the Indian soldiers were pushed back and subsequently Chinese soldiers had entered the Indian line on Sikkim side and even destroyed few border post make do shelter of the Indian Army. So now both must be at their original post albeit with additional re- inforcement.

The video footages in fb of Chinese and Indian soldiers confronting each other are of different times and at different place , not at Doklam. The Indian Army has been very tight lipped about the present Doklam incident. Therefore, there is no chance of them sharing video footages.

In the year 2012, India and China had agreed not to interfere into border issues that India or China may have with Bhutan or Burma ( Myanmar) at tri-junction boundaries. And on that basis, the Border Agreement between Indian Sikkim and Chinese Tibet was finalised. It seems that both the Doklam status of China and the Nathu La Trade Route Opening were part of several overall understandings reached between India and China. Also during the Sino- Bhutan Border Talks, the Chinese position on Doklam Plateau was very clear and firm from the very beginning. Bhutan understood the Chinese claim regarding Doklam.

This time at Doklam, India had breached that Bilateral Agreement and understandings between China and India when Indian soldiers transgressed into Doklam. And now in retaliation, China is abrogating that Agreement and demanding that Indian Army withdraw back from its existing position at Sikkim -Tibet border. China is insisting upon re-negotiating the Tibet- Sikkim border.

India had not expected such a strong reaction from China. And caught flat footed, tried to wriggle out of the tight corner by saying that Indian Army entered Doklam at the request of Bhutan Army. In other words declaring that Bhutan is a " Protectorate " of India. And projecting a international posture of India protecting tiny Bhutan from a big bully China.

Bhutan naturally cannot support such blatantly invasive contention of India. Bhutan is a sovereign nation and member of UN. Not a " Protectorate " of India. And anyway China is not buying any such blabbering from India.

It appears that an overzealous Defence Ministry of India ordered the Indian Army intrusion into Doklam area. Maybe it was one strategy aimed at foiling Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement happening during the next Ministerial level Sino- Bhutan Border Meeting. It could also be an internal strategy of Defence Ministry officials to push through lucrative Defence Purchase Deals through hyping Sino- Indian conflicts at sensitive border points. Defence Deals worth billions of dollars could result in huge dividends for those making the Deals. And any sign of heightened tensions with China or Pakistan could hrlp to seal big defence related procurement Deals.

Whatever the reasons may have been for the unprecedented transgression at Doklam, the Indian war hawks had not envisaged such a huge fallout upon the Sikkim -Tibet Border Agreement and the Kashmir conflict. India had already breached part of understandings with China by playing up the Dalai Lama card at Arunachal. And Doklam intrusion sort of broke the camel back. Since the departure of the Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar to take up the post of Goa Chief Ministership, the Defence Ministry of India under Shri Arun Jaitley has been embarking upon a new defiant policy against China.

It is also quite clear that Indian Army Command was against such a confrontational move at Doklam. But had followed the order issued by the Defence Ministry. The fallout from the foul up by the Defence Ministry has compelled Modi Cabinet to trim away Defence Ministry bureaucratic powers and transfer the same to the Indian Army Command. Recently the strategic and defence powers including armament procurement authority of both the Chief and Deputy Chief of Indian Army have been considerably enhanced. India may also find it necessary to appoint a full time new Defence Minister. Presently Shri Arun Jaitley is holding double portfolios of Finance and Defence Ministries. And that may have lead to war hawks at Defence Ministry taking over.

India could be prepared to fight 2 and 1/2 wars at the same time. But this is turning out to be 5 and 1/2 wars. Chicken Neck, Arunachal, Kashmir, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea plus that 1/2 meaning internal security. And America, Japan and Israel cannot be trusted to fight from Indian side against China in case of war. Going against three nuclear nations China, Pakistan and North Korea for sake of Indian interest alone is not sufficiently tempting for United States. And in any case, other world powers would love to see India and China bleed each other as they look upon from afar. What America and other nations dread is the two Asian powers teaming up.

China was fully aware of behind the scene Indian pressures upon Bhutan in Sino- Bhutan Border negotiations throughout the last 34 years and 24 rounds of Talks. But China could not take punitive action until India directly and openly showed her hand. And this time at Doklam, India unmasked herself. That was what China was waiting for.

Now I think an Indian advance peace team is already in Beijing to be joined by Indian Security Advisor later. India is adopting a conciliatory approach to save the 2012 Sikkim- Tibet Border Agreement. The Indian Diplomat and Security Analyst Phunchuk Stobdan who recently authored the article " India's Real Problem lies in its Foreign Policy, Not Border " seems to be also a member of the Indian advance team at Beijing. His article is a sign of conciliatory gesture from the Government of India.

The Doklam standoff crisis may dissipate if India truly backs off from Sino- Bhutan Border negotiation and in other areas like opposing One Belt Road Initiative and stop playing up Dalai Lama card. I hope all goes well between our giant neighbours. War is terrible for all of us.

There is no written security pact as such between India and Bhutan or Bhutan with China. However, if Bhutan is invaded by either India or China, one could rightly assume that the other giant neighbour will get involved because of their respective concerns for national security. For both India and China, Bhutan’s buffer status is very crucial and non- negotiable. As of date, Bhutan has a 2007 Treaty ( revised 1949 Indo- Bhutan Treaty) with India which recognises each other' s sovereignty and declaration of friendship. Likewise Bhutan has an Agreement with China which also spelts out respect for each country's sovereignty and declaration of friendship.

In regards to Doklam crisis, I would like to reiterate that I have always had tremendous faith in the working of the Deities. And I hopefully pray that what happened at Doklam this time is a way of the Deities to clear the path for Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement. There is always a possibility of a silver lining to every dark cloud. I dare to be optimistic as well as forthright.

May Triple Gem watch over the Kingdom and guide our Leaders. Pelden Drukpa Gyel Lo ! Lha Gyel Lo !
oo dear again ???

before i start my opinion..one word dont jump ur guns ..try to check the facts am saying true or not

the China was just trying their usual way of information war , what u trying to say i dont understand becoz UN court made a positive verdict on Philippians issue abt south china sea ..but china rejected it so Bhutan hope for un if china graps their land?? lol ..and agin what u saying India getting in to Bhutan issue unnecessary, first go check in Hong Kong issue in your country .. your country try to make Hong Kong as part of their army regime ...by rigged election kidnapping etc and about Taiwan your army killed your previous government now you guys trying to say Taiwan also part of China,,, dont forget when your ppl request for democracy you guys killed them like stray dogs , so dont teach us the peace quest from your propaganda , if try to make use of psychological war fare bro one word only for you

try with Pakistan ..it works there

this Is INDIA



New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Sorry, this is just bunch of claims. Making a row of assumptions and declaring that China has the upper hand.

Claiming that an Indian team is in China to sue for peace is even more hilarious.. The Indian NSA is in China as part of a BRICS initiative. If he requests a bilateral meeting, that is because of the Indian Govt's rational mindset. Not out of fear. The GoI is dealing with this the right way. If one goes by the sheer number of hysterical and pompous articles being churned out my the Chinese media, one might think that its China that is trying to wriggle out of a tight corner without losing face.

China has taught India enough in 1962 and India has learnt enough since 1962. China needs to stop writing stern articles and actually try to 'teach' India another lesson. Go on.
That pro-China, anti-India article was written by a Bhutanese journalist! WTF? Why are some Bhutanese licking Chinese ass?


New Member
Oct 7, 2016
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That pro-China, anti-India article was written by a Bhutanese journalist! WTF? Why are some Bhutanese licking Chinese ass?
It's written by the same Global Times journalist who also wrote the OTHER anti-India article.

I can bring out 10 anti-China articles written in other media establishments in the past 7 days. The CPC sycophants here love to wank over their own propaganda - I won't stoop to that level.

The article says:

India could be prepared to fight 2 and 1/2 wars at the same time. But this is turning out to be 5 and 1/2 wars. Chicken Neck, Arunachal, Kashmir, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea plus that 1/2 meaning internal security.
Right, sure, how about a 10 1/2 front war. How about 150 1/2 front war.



Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Apparently there is a video of the chini military drill in Tibet.

Anybody got it?


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Oct 12, 2013
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Lol Attack of this scale Was Immediately picked up by US & ?Nato and others world power

LOL US NSA phoned Doval for Just a minor Strike in POK

Such Attack If happen Eastern command Will Have over 400 Brahomos Mk3 What do you think they will be Sitting Idol
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