LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Sep 6, 2010
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Given the new tie ups between Nepal and china, china might sneak into the nepal's Koshi and mechi zones might serve as a backdoor trojan to attack siliguri corridor. its highly unlikely but we should be considering this in mind too


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Feb 12, 2014
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Given the new tie ups between Nepal and china, china might sneak into the nepal's Koshi and mechi zones might serve as a backdoor trojan to attack siliguri corridor. its highly unlikely but we should be considering this in mind too
All chinese movements are being watched. Besides, to block siligauri corridor, chinese will beed heavy weapon systems which cannot be easily sbeaked in nepal without India noticing them.

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NRI in Europe
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Aug 10, 2009
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US won't sit idle if India-China conflict breaks out: Experts
BEIJING: The US is not likely to be an idle witness in the case of a military conflict between India and China and it might take actions to put pressure on Beijing, .
all this sounds great but in the end we will have to do the work for ourselves
only thing is if they could help us wth ammo ....i heard our logistic sysytem regardsing ammo is in a horrific mess ?

Second flaw: Congress should have backed when IA took its stand. It became a serious scandal by first denying the meeting. It will be used against Congress in 19. In short, Congress vote share decreases. If the conflict happens between IA and PLA, then it's game over for Pappu.
one overall observation is that whenever the UPA uses the letter I , it does not stand for india ....eg CPI s not commie party of india , or rahuç paau uses theletter I it doen not stand for india , rather, it stands for ITALY. ..... so actually it is also congi part of Italy !

We need to ask Mongolia for an air base. Doesnt matter even if we keep just 2 sukhois there. It will be a pshycological victory over china.
haw haw ....indeed ! nevertheless we can do more than just 2 sukhoi ....we should keep c hand full of thermo's with their medium range carriers ( bm's ) near the shink border ....and global times will go crazy !!

Doval is in Beijing these days isn't he? Was he carrying some secret message from the GoI?
Qquite frankly i think india shouldl back down in private ....... ive often heard multiple sources about our lack of ammo and now fake china made spare parts for our bofors etc ... modei has done a heck of a lot in the few years he was there but the infinitesimal rot done by UPA over the decades cant be realistically overcome even in one 5 year term .... so it is realistic to admit that even now our military logistical system is probably still in a somewhat messy sitaution ...... we should stand our gorund because for a short war we can but we had better quickly get our logistics and defence manufaturing in order , i thnk it is still a mess.

We can't trust the Chinese. This might just be a subterfuge in order to buy some time, we must not let our guard down.
absolute.y ! .... they are never gonna be friend ...only a friend of congress perhaps

If Chinese signal for de-escalation, let's talk with Vietnam.If they declare that they are ready to withdraw unconditionally, let's talk with Taiwan.

all me stupid but I want Aksai Chin back and the Chinese area between Nepal and Bhutan
our wonderful strategic planners , when we liberated bdesh in 1971 , they didnt have the ability to re-adjust the boder area at chickens nek with bedesh ?
they ddnt know how to negotiatie with bdesh , give them more territory and do an exchange where bdesh gest more land but we relieve the constriction at the chickens neck areas ?
the problem with india is not th e people , who are talented but the pappus whose loyalty is not to India but another counrty with the letter I

I think Chini Govt escalated. Media are just their mouthpeices, global times or xinhua. So there must be some behind the back deliberations going on within PLA, CCP and Xi as to how to handle doval.
neither modi nor doval said any word nad their silence to global times is actually contemptuous to those


CANBERRA: The US Pacific Fleet commander said on Thursday he would launch a nuclear strike against China next week if President Donald Trump ordered it, and warned g ship off northeast Australia.ion Army-Navy Type 815 Dongdiao-class auxiliary general intelligence vessel from within Australia's 200-mile exclusive economic zone.
that commander deserves a wine toast to his name - standing ovation
hear ye hear ye !


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Sep 6, 2010
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5. The State of Karnataka writes to the central government for permission to introduce Visa to enter into Karnataka — a state ruled by Congress.

6. The Congress Karnataka govt ask the Central Government to have their own state flags.
Karnataka was asking this for a long time regardless of 3 main parties coming into power recently, JDS, BJP, and now congress they have all moved this topic to the legal bench to sort this out. This is just a diplomatic move to use the sympathy of local people as the elections are nearing, and its been a common practice for all the parties, but i should say its will be a proud movement for every kannadiga and the resident of karnataka if this will happen.
As karnataka is using this flag from 1960s and we are hoisting it on November 1st every year since then. non of them i came across publicly and individually doesnt have a separatist idea regarding india flag and karnataka flag. its our pride of regional unity and so do most of the states have there own flag.

PS: Regarding to Lingayats row they are way of living it very typically different (daytoday religious practice) and are among the higher caste base. So by default they fall to BJP support like brahmins. Former Chief Minister of Karnataka corrupt B. S. Yeddyurappa is unfortunately/fortunately a Lingayat.
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Dec 25, 2016
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News coming from Beijing that NSA Hold a separate meeting with his chinese counterpart State Councillor from the Foreign ministry and they discussed all bilateral issues including Dolam..Now what high position this person is had to be seen in the Chinese foreign ministry ..

NSA .jpg
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Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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To be frank, I really don't support this, this would mean India is incapable of handling China alone, which according to me is false.
What turn of events. 45 yrs back in 1971 war it was US that sent carrier battle group to fight India and sided with Pak. Same cuntry is today ready to send a cbg in support of India....!!!


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Jan 30, 2017
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In case you guys didn't get that, USA just pinned India by boasting its ego to go ahead and irritate China more.
You may be right.. but any help from a world power would a great help and US is UNSC seat holder.. recent strategic partnership elevation between US-India will be helpful at UNSC level if China brings any resolution against India..


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
First of all it's an opinion piece, not an official announcement. Neither GoI, nor PRC will take any note of it. The actual GOTUS position would have been conveyed to both behind the scenes or at least hinted at.

Second, if at all US goes down this route, it will be with one eye on their relations with Australia, Japan and SoKo. I don't know if you've noticed this, but recently there have been substantial protests against American military bases in Japan, especially Okinawa.

Both the US and their allies need to justify and convince their people that indeed US will stick by them, when push comes to shove. What better than demonstrate that if US is willing to come to the aid of a non-treaty ally, then surely it'll help it's allies in the time of their need. Keeps the bases in place, keeps the hosts happy- win win.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
This region was never a part of Shina, not matter what the CCP and RoC hacks claim.

Da great communist leader Mr Eleven has written in the great history text books that Maharashtra is actually west Tibet and Kerala is south Tibet. Y U no read history? As per nine dash line, all the water on the planet was donated to the world when Mao accidentally left his kitchen tap open and the water filled up the ocean.

You evil Yindoos don't know anything, you just wanna fight with great Mr Eleven. Our wisdom is higher than mountains and deeper than Pakistani economic debt.
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Jan 12, 2017
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another fool- shit new article, well it related to india-china stand-off so posting here . if other feel to be moved please do..........

How Hindu nationalist agenda is linked to Doklam stand-off

5-6 minutes

The depressing drumbeat of bad news from Jammu and Kashmir and Bhutan’s Doklam plateau may or may not be a consequence of the policies or actions of Narendra Modi’s government.

Yet it should serve as a wake-up call for the governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which seems blithely oblivious to India’s external and internal security vulnerabilities as it single-mindedly pursues its implicit goal of Hindu nationalist domination of the political landscape.

Take the standoff in Doklam. On the face of it, the Chinese decision to build a road through the disputed Bhutan territory — the “routine affair of a sovereign nation”, according to Beijing — is a challenge India could not have planned for.

While flare-ups along the northeastern border are nothing new, the primary lesson of the 1962 war for India has been to avoid giving China any pretext to inflict yet another defeat.

It is also an indisputable fact that there was no serious Indian provocation in the run-up to the Doklam stand-off, unless its refusal to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative or attend the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing in May could be considered one.

The question thus arises as to whether renewed religious and political tensions in India emboldened China to size up its rival on the picturesque meadows of the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction area.

With the level of violence confronting the army and paramilitary forces rising in Jammu and Kashmir, both along the Line of Control and in the Valley, the temptation for China to stir things up must have been strong, well before Indian troops crossed into Doklam on June 16 and physically blocked Chinese road-construction activity there.

What possibly added to the temptation was the spectre of ferment conjured up by the rash of attacks on Muslims by cow-protection vigilantes and mobs, events that have projected a picture of instability and lawlessness which in turn has been magnified by social media and the international media.

The alarming news headlines would hardly have gone unnoticed in the corridors of power in Beijing, ever watchful of opportunities to pursue the “recovery” of territories it believes China lost to Western or Japanese imperialism.

The government of Xi Jinping is, of course, scarcely a paragon of peaceful accommodation with China’s Muslim and Buddhist minorities, respectively, in Xinjiang and Tibet. Even so, the perception that the Modi government is inimical to minority rights serves the interests of China (and ally Pakistan) by virtue of its potential for exacerbating India’s religious and societal cleavages.

Against this background, Bhutan, which acts as a buffer between China and India’s Siliguri Corridor, may have provided the perfect location for a major power to wage a phony war on a rising but weaker rival without actually starting a confrontation.

Whether or not this was the strategic calculation of the People’s Liberation Army is hard to ascertain, but what is clear is that the conditions for a little military experiment were conducive, to say the least.

To its credit, the Modi government has of late taken a number of administrative and legislative steps that are likely to prove economically beneficial in the long term. It is also courting foreign investors and technology companies, encouraging import substitution in the defence sector and promoting skill development and entrepreneurship to tackle youth unemployment.

Where the government is falling short is in its understanding of the possible strategic repercussions of its narrow Hindu nationalist agenda and its attempts to control the message.

With everyone from regional politicians and police officers to army chiefs and TV news anchors trying to jump onto the bandwagon of hypernationalism, sound judgement and constructive criticism are being drowned out by the din of competitive patriotism on critical issues ranging from Kashmiri youths’ alienation to mob lynchings.

Public discourse in India may be inexorably on an insular and inward-looking trajectory but, alas, in the age of Twitter, social videos and Facebook, what happens inside the country does not stay inside the country.

Furthermore, South Asia continues to be a rough neighbourhood where both state and non-state actors are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to stir up trouble.

Going forward, India’s political parties, be they ruling or opposition, need to be disabused of the notion that they enjoy unfettered rights but no responsibilities in their pursuit of domestic popularity and power.

For his part, Modi, as the Prime Minister, needs to put — in words, deeds and tweets — the national interest ahead of the BJP’s interests, regardless of the exigencies of electoral politics.

If the Doklam crisis ultimately succeeds in firing a warning shot across the bows of India’s armchair Hindu nationalist warriors, then it will have been a salutary lesson for them: Identity politics and polarising rhetoric may make them feel stronger, but they leave the nation weaker and vulnerable.


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Jan 12, 2017
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Now what high position this person is had to be seen in the Chinese foreign ministry ..
Five facts about ‘Tiger’ Yang Jiechi, China’s Ajit Doval
Published July 27, 2017

As NSA Ajit Doval heads to Beijing on July 27 and 28 for the BRICS NSA’s meet, here are five facts about his host and main interlocutor, the top Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi.

    1. Yang Jiechi (pronounced yaang jeeyeh-chuh) is China’s State Councillor – as its National Security Adviser is known – and couldn’t be more unlike his Indian counterpart. Doval’s colourful exploits as a spy are the stuff of legend. Yang, on the other hand, is a career diplomat who is known for his cautious demeanour, and whose public utterances wouldn’t exactly be described as colourful.
  1. Yang started out as an interpreter in the Foreign Ministry and climbed the ranks, and early on in his career famously accompanied George HW Bush on a trip to Tibet. Since then, he has been a long-time friend of Bush Senior and Junior, who reportedly nicknamed him “Tiger Yang”.
  2. Yang is rare among senior Chinese officials in spending quite a bit of time overseas, studying in Bath and at the London School of Economics. International diplomacy runs in his family. His brother Yang Jiemian is a widely respected strategic affairs scholar and former president of the Shanghai Institute of International Studies.
  3. The one time that the cautious career diplomat’s mask famously slipped was at an ASEAN forum in 2010, when he reportedly thundered at other diplomats in the room: “There is one basic difference among us. China is a big state and you are smaller countries.”
  4. Whether Yang and Doval will discuss the Doklam stand-off remains to be seen, but what is clear is Yang is now already a veteran on India-China border affairs. He has been the “Special Representative” on three rounds of boundary talks and engaged with two Indian SRs. His first was the 17th round in 2014 along with former NSA Shivshankar Menon, and he has since chaired two rounds of talks with Doval. They certainly know each other well.
Yang will host Doval and other officials for a banquet, while the BRICS NSA’s summit will hold a formal opening on Friday morning at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

As India Today reported, Doval will also meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, with the five NSAs set to call on Xi at the Great Hall of the People on Friday afternoon.

Yang and Doval are also Special Representatives on the India-China boundary negotiations.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
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Oct 13, 2015
Pak Army LoC Ops

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