LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Jan 30, 2017
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US won't sit idle if India-China conflict breaks out: Experts

BEIJING: The US is not likely to be an idle witness in the case of a military conflict between India and China and it might take actions to put pressure on Beijing, two experts told TNN in interviews.

"I do not think that the United States would become involved in a border conflict between China and India, but I do think that an increasingly competitive China-India dynamic is likely to lead to increased security cooperation between the United States and India," Zack Cooper, senior fellow at the Washington based Center for Strategic and International Studies told TNN.

Cooper said the US is trying to balance against China's growing power and India can play a major role in this balancing effort.

"In that sense, if China continues to pursue its claims against India, Beijing risks creating an anti-China balancing coalition of its own making," he said. "In my view, Beijing would be wise to de-escalate the crisis and resolve the stalemate without a violent conflict," he added.

Rising military competition between the US and China has kept Beijing engaged in recent weeks. The US might enhance its naval presence in case of a conflict in the India-China border, analysts said.

"Should the ongoing push and shove turn into a hot war, Washington is expected to provide logistical, intelligence and material support to India's military," said Mohan Malik, professor of Asia-Pacific Center for Security in Honolulu. "It might even dispatch an aircraft carrier and submarines to the Indian Ocean to monitor and deter Chinese naval assets," he said.

Chinese concerns about the US taking sides with India were reflected in a commentary in government backed Global Times on Wednesday.

"There are certain forces in the West that are instigating a military clash between China and India, from which they can seek strategic benefits at no cost to themselves. Washington applied this scheme in the South China Sea disputes," it said.

Malik said some Chinese strategic thinkers are favouring a short war would give India a bloody nose while helping China take forward its goal of achieving a Sino-centric regional order in Asia.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Till date, Indian Diplomacy didn't use its power to irritate China. Since it has started, let's see how Chinese counterparts react!?

This may not an expected by PRC. Well Vietnam, Taiwan (Tibet!) maybe next in the line.

GOI is full of surprises. China is still guessing what it's gonna get next.

Last thing, what could be the date of visit!?
I received this from someone so sharing this.The Opposition parties have collaborated with Pakis and Chinis to act against Indian interests... such Jaichand's rascals we have who are living alive on our land. :tsk:

The Sinister Plan Hatched by Congress, Left and other Anti-India Forces

Notice the order of events.

1. At the beginning of July, China picked up a fight with India on Doklam region.

2. Then China's Ambassador to India met West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

3. This is reportedly followed by China Ambassador's discussions with the communist Ministers of Kerala. Indian Government is not kept in the loop by CPI (M) led Left Democratic Front (LDF) and the Indian National Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF).

4. Rahul Gandhi meets Chinese Ambassador secretly. First, Congress denies such meeting was ever held. But when media reports about the meeting, Congress accepts that the meeting was held. What was most shocking is that Robert Vadra, a person who does not hold any official position in Congress and is just a private citizen, was also present in the meeting with his brother-in-law Rahul Gandhi.

5. The State of Karnataka writes to the central government for permission to introduce Visa to enter into Karnataka — a state ruled by Congress.

6. The Congress Karnataka govt ask the Central Government to have their own state flags.

7. Even as the military tension between India and China is at its peak, Farooq Abdullah stunned the nation by saying third parties like China should mediate in the Kashmir issue!

What does all this mean to the people of India? It is high time we the people of India understand the anti-national games played by Congress and Left leaders with India by joining their hands with China and also Pakistan. Quite clearly, these anti-national forces are trying to create anarchy in the country ahead of the 2019 General elections and destabilize the country with the help of China and Pakistan.

The target of the anti-national forces in India and the enemies outside like Pakistan and China is Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has won global praise for his daring steps in making India a global power. This, obviously, is not in the interests of the corrupt forces. A weak India is what these anti-nationals, Pakistan and China want.

We the citizens of India not only need to support Modi but thwart the dangerous game played by these anti-nationals.
Last edited:

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
I received this from someone so sharing this.The Opposition parties have collaborated with Pakis and Chinis to act against Indian interests... such Jaichand's rascals we have who are living alive on our land. :tsk:

The Sinister Plan Hatched by Congress, Left and other Anti-India Forces

Notice the order of events.

1. At the beginning of July, China picked up a fight with India on Doklam region.

2. Then China's Ambassador to India met West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

3. This is reportedly followed by China Ambassador's discussions with the communist Ministers of Kerala. Indian Government is not kept in the loop by CPI (M) led Left Democratic Front (LDF) and the Indian National Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF).

4. Rahul Gandhi meets Chinese Ambassador secretly. First, Congress denies such meeting was ever held. But when media reports about the meeting, Congress accepts that the meeting was held. What was most shocking is that Robert Vadra, a person who does not hold any official position in Congress and is just a private citizen, was also present in the meeting with his brother-in-law Rahul Gandhi.

5. The State of Karnataka writes to the central government for permission to introduce Visa to enter into Karnataka — a state ruled by Congress.

6. The Congress Karnataka govt ask the Central Government to have their own state flags.

7. Even as the military tension between India and China is at its peak, Farooq Abdullah stunned the nation by saying third parties like China should mediate in the Kashmir issue!

What does all this mean to the people of India? It is high time we the people of India understand the anti-national games played by Congress and Left leaders with India by joining their hands with China and also Pakistan. Quite clearly, these anti-national forces are trying to create anarchy in the country ahead of the 2019 General elections and destabilize the country with the help of China and Pakistan.

The target of the anti-national forces in India and the enemies outside like Pakistan and China is Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has won global praise for his daring steps in making India a global power. This, obviously, is not in the interests of the corrupt forces. A weak India is what these anti-nationals, Pakistan and China want.

We the citizens of India not only need to support Modi but thwart the dangerous game played by these anti-nationals.
Maulana saab, ye tho hona hi tha...

But there are fatal flaws which prevents the success of such plans.

My take of your 7 points

The aim was Chinese to pick a fight with India, force India to negotiation thus undermine India's as well as Modi's image internationally. In short, they wanted another Oct 24. Though both withdraw at same time, world saw that India was under pressure. If China repeats similar stunt again, then it has huge gains i.e, Political Victory for Xi. US and Jap who were expecting India to play vital role in Asia will postpone the Indo Asian relations strategy. US will re-think of attack on NK. In short, hunky dory Chinese army will be the world's best.

To have huge impact on India, PRC needed political support in India against Modi. Though Congress performed worst in 2014 general election, there were various reasons. Every political analyst (who is not following India growth or Indian hearts) will expect more seats for Congress in 2019. But, Congress needs additional push to rule India for another 5 yrs. PRC also knows Congress response in 2013 standoff. So I believe PRC choose Congress (or PRC has no option left). Both decided to team up. PRC job is to make GOI to take a step back. Once this is done, Congress aim was to bad mouth NDA and Modi, i.e, securing chances to win 2019.

Now coming to flaws...

1. PRC choose wrong place, i.e, India has advantage in the Sikkim area. We have world's best mountain warfare army. Occupying heights, thus giving no reason for IA to back off. If this was not enough for IA to defend its positions. The conflict area is dangerously close to Chicken's neck. In short, If IA backs off(never did! in 67, won't do it now), then we can forget NE states.

The first flaw: IA didn't back off. Well, to my knowledge, I couldn't find a backup plan for PLA to withdraw (without losing face). Maybe I am yet to see through it. This also means political suicide for Xi and huge Victory for GOI. Let's wait and see.

More is yet to come....


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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The game plan of MODI's make in India. :hmm:

चीन को अब समझ आ रहा कि .. मोदी ने हमला कब का कर दिया था

जिन्हें लग रहा है कि रिलायंस ने ये फ्री फ़ोन अचानक लांच कर दिया उन्हें दोबारा सोचने की ज़रूरत पड़ेगी। मोदी ने 3 साल पहले Make in India लांच किया, विदेश की 70+ मोबाइल कंपनियां भारत आयीं और अपनी फैक्टरियां लगाईं ।

जिस देश मे मोबाइल का स्क्रीन गार्ड, कवर और ग्लास तक नही बनता था वहां अब मोबाइल बनने शुरू हो गए…। अब इन विदेशी कंपनियों ने भारत मे Made in India हैंडसेट बेचने शुरू कर दिए, जिसमे Xiaomi, Gionee, Oppo, Vivo आदि शामिल हैं।

लेकिन मोदी का ये सपना नही था, उन्हें तो कुछ और चाहिए था, मोदी को भारत की बादशाहत चाहिए थी विश्व बाजार में, तो जब सब ने अपनी अपनी फैक्ट्री लगा ली प्रोडक्शन चालू कर लिया। तब उन्हें विदेशों में माल बेचने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया गया, टैक्स में छूट दी गयी, नतीजा ये हुआ कि Xiaomi जैसी कंपनी Made in India हैंडसेट को US और Europe में बेचने लगी, बेच तो पहले भी रही थी पर तब चीन में बना हैंडसेट बेचा जा रहा था और अब भारत मे बना, यानी चीन का व्यापार छीन कर भारत ने ले लिया, और ऐसा एक चीनी कंपनी से करवा लिया, चीन की बौखलाहट की वजह यही है।

अब कल Jio का फ्री फ़ोन लांच हो गया यानी ऐसी 70+ कंपनियों की वाट लग गयी ,अब वे क्या करेंगी? ज़ाहिर है हजारों करोड़ के इन्वेस्टमेंट के बाद ये कंपनियां बंद तो करेंगी नही क्योंकि बंद करने में पूरा पैसा डूब जाएगा,

अब इन कंपनियों के लिए भारत का बाजार तो खत्म हो गया ऐसे में अब ये सभी कंपनियां एक्सपोर्ट पर दिमाग लगाएंगी, यानी सभी विदेशी कंपनियां अब मोबाइल बनाएंगी भारत मे और बेचेंगी विदेश में, यही तो मोदी का सपना था, यही सही मायने में Make in India है, जहां भारतीयों को काम मिले, माल भारत मे बने और विदेशों में बेचा जाए।

वैसे फ्री फ़ोन का कांसेप्ट Jio के साथ लांच होना था पर इसे एक साल तक रोके रखा गया, आप इतने समझदार है कि ये समझने की ज़रूरत नही कि क्यों रोका गया । जो लोग अडानी अम्बानी के लिए हर वक़्त गालिया देते है, वो सबसे पहले लाइन में लगे है .. मुफ्त के मोबाइल के लिए .. !!

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016

Maulana saab,....our enemies have united, but that doesn't mean they can defeat us.

Here is more.....

Domestic enemies: Congress was forced to agree with PRC for many reasons. We all knew the NDA's work. UP was huge blow to all the plans and maybe hope for 2019 elections.

Congress has to join it's forces with PRC against Modi hoping for Victory in 19. Else it will be pretty much destroyed. Thanks to Pappu as leader, Congress has no future in 19. There are little chances that Amit Shah will leave Congress more than pile of dust by 2024.

Second flaw: Congress should have backed when IA took its stand. It became a serious scandal by first denying the meeting. It will be used against Congress in 19. In short, Congress vote share decreases. If the conflict happens between IA and PLA, then it's game over for Pappu.

Strong message to sort Kashmir: Everyone knows that Pork is fried in LOC on daily basis. Pak is screaming for help. Pak drugs and ammo were caught in huge amounts. Only Hurriyat was left.

Third flaw: Farooq Abdullah had no business in asking for China's help. He literally asked GOI to show its balls. GOI responded with ferocity never seen before. Geelani is crying. In short huge blow to Hurriyat. Though I am sceptical on BJP political growth in J&K. Strong message to ISI and Terrorist supporters. I think we will not hear Farooq for a long time.

More is yet to come....

I requested my friends for info in Karnataka...

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
The game plan of MODI's make in India. :hmm:

चीन को अब समझ आ रहा कि .. मोदी ने हमला कब का कर दिया था

जिन्हें लग रहा है कि रिलायंस ने ये फ्री फ़ोन अचानक लांच कर दिया उन्हें दोबारा सोचने की ज़रूरत पड़ेगी। मोदी ने 3 साल पहले Make in India लांच किया, विदेश की 70+ मोबाइल कंपनियां भारत आयीं और अपनी फैक्टरियां लगाईं ।

जिस देश मे मोबाइल का स्क्रीन गार्ड, कवर और ग्लास तक नही बनता था वहां अब मोबाइल बनने शुरू हो गए…। अब इन विदेशी कंपनियों ने भारत मे Made in India हैंडसेट बेचने शुरू कर दिए, जिसमे Xiaomi, Gionee, Oppo, Vivo आदि शामिल हैं।

लेकिन मोदी का ये सपना नही था, उन्हें तो कुछ और चाहिए था, मोदी को भारत की बादशाहत चाहिए थी विश्व बाजार में, तो जब सब ने अपनी अपनी फैक्ट्री लगा ली प्रोडक्शन चालू कर लिया। तब उन्हें विदेशों में माल बेचने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया गया, टैक्स में छूट दी गयी, नतीजा ये हुआ कि Xiaomi जैसी कंपनी Made in India हैंडसेट को US और Europe में बेचने लगी, बेच तो पहले भी रही थी पर तब चीन में बना हैंडसेट बेचा जा रहा था और अब भारत मे बना, यानी चीन का व्यापार छीन कर भारत ने ले लिया, और ऐसा एक चीनी कंपनी से करवा लिया, चीन की बौखलाहट की वजह यही है।

अब कल Jio का फ्री फ़ोन लांच हो गया यानी ऐसी 70+ कंपनियों की वाट लग गयी ,अब वे क्या करेंगी? ज़ाहिर है हजारों करोड़ के इन्वेस्टमेंट के बाद ये कंपनियां बंद तो करेंगी नही क्योंकि बंद करने में पूरा पैसा डूब जाएगा,

अब इन कंपनियों के लिए भारत का बाजार तो खत्म हो गया ऐसे में अब ये सभी कंपनियां एक्सपोर्ट पर दिमाग लगाएंगी, यानी सभी विदेशी कंपनियां अब मोबाइल बनाएंगी भारत मे और बेचेंगी विदेश में, यही तो मोदी का सपना था, यही सही मायने में Make in India है, जहां भारतीयों को काम मिले, माल भारत मे बने और विदेशों में बेचा जाए।

वैसे फ्री फ़ोन का कांसेप्ट Jio के साथ लांच होना था पर इसे एक साल तक रोके रखा गया, आप इतने समझदार है कि ये समझने की ज़रूरत नही कि क्यों रोका गया । जो लोग अडानी अम्बानी के लिए हर वक़्त गालिया देते है, वो सबसे पहले लाइन में लगे है .. मुफ्त के मोबाइल के लिए .. !!
Bhai in English please.....................


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2017
US won't sit idle if India-China conflict breaks out: Experts

BEIJING: The US is not likely to be an idle witness in the case of a military conflict between India and China and it might take actions to put pressure on Beijing, two experts told TNN in interviews.

"I do not think that the United States would become involved in a border conflict between China and India, but I do think that an increasingly competitive China-India dynamic is likely to lead to increased security cooperation between the United States and India," Zack Cooper, senior fellow at the Washington based Center for Strategic and International Studies told TNN.

Cooper said the US is trying to balance against China's growing power and India can play a major role in this balancing effort.

"In that sense, if China continues to pursue its claims against India, Beijing risks creating an anti-China balancing coalition of its own making," he said. "In my view, Beijing would be wise to de-escalate the crisis and resolve the stalemate without a violent conflict," he added.

Rising military competition between the US and China has kept Beijing engaged in recent weeks. The US might enhance its naval presence in case of a conflict in the India-China border, analysts said.

"Should the ongoing push and shove turn into a hot war, Washington is expected to provide logistical, intelligence and material support to India's military," said Mohan Malik, professor of Asia-Pacific Center for Security in Honolulu. "It might even dispatch an aircraft carrier and submarines to the Indian Ocean to monitor and deter Chinese naval assets," he said.

Chinese concerns about the US taking sides with India were reflected in a commentary in government backed Global Times on Wednesday.

"There are certain forces in the West that are instigating a military clash between China and India, from which they can seek strategic benefits at no cost to themselves. Washington applied this scheme in the South China Sea disputes," it said.

Malik said some Chinese strategic thinkers are favouring a short war would give India a bloody nose while helping China take forward its goal of achieving a Sino-centric regional order in Asia.
fucking finally more AMMUNITION,when is the airdrop with 30 mags + M4 coming to my way?


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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We should form a military alliance with Mongolia, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, U.S. and other countries that are willing to join the buildup against China.

Will these countries have guts to stand United against China? We can then pool on resources. This alliance can only work if Japan and U.S. share technology instead of charging billions. If they look at this alliance to earn billions, forget this alliance and each country stand for himself and unilaterally deal with China.

Divided we fall.


Regular Member
Jun 28, 2017
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US and Russia will not interfere openly. India can fight and knock out PLA on its own. But a quick supply of ammo will definitely help.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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We should form a military alliance with Mongolia, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, U.S. and other countries that are willing to join the buildup against China.

Will these countries have guts to stand United against China? We can then pool on resources. This alliance can only work if Japan and U.S. share technology instead of charging billions. If they look at this alliance to earn billions, forget this alliance and each country stand for himself and unilaterally deal with China.

Divided we fall.
We are already moving in the right direction throwing away shitty non-aligment crap started by Nehru.

MODI already been to most of the important countries including Mongolia,SK,Japan and it has really irked China and CONgress and its allies.The ONLY way to counter this arrogant communist terrorist expansionist Han China is to form a strong alliance to encircle which we can call a String of Samosa.Han China is not able to digest its economic boom and wanna do Tibet-II to Bhutan.

See below... 5 visits to US and recent historic first ever PM visit to Eeeezzraeel. :stirpot: :cowboy:


Number of visits Country
1 visit (37) Australia,Bangladesh,Belgium,Bhutan,Brazil,Canada,Fiji,Iran,Ireland,Israel,Kenya,Kyrgyzstan,Laos,Malaysia,Mauritius,Mexico,Mongolia,Mozambique,Myanmar,Netherlands,Pakistan,Portugal,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,Seychelles,South Africa,South, Korea, Spain, Switzerland,Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand,T urkey,Turkmenistan,United Arab Emirates,United Kingdom,Vietnam
2 visits (8) Afghanistan,China,Japan,Kazakhstan,Nepal,Singapore,Sri Lanka,Uzbekistan
3 visits (3) France,Germany,Russia
5 visits (1) United States



Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Ajit Doval Arrives In Beijing Amid Sikkim Sector Standoff
All India | Press Trust of India | Updated: July 27, 2017 00:57 IST
2-3 minutes

NSA Ajit Doval will also call on Chinese President Xi Jinping (File)

National Security Adviser Ajit Doval arrived in Beijing on Wednesday to attend a meeting of top security officials of the BRICS grouping,

amid a standoff
between the armies of India and China in the Sikkim sector. Mr Doval is likely to speak with China's State Councillor Yang Jiechi to break the deadlock.

The meeting of security chiefs of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa ends on Friday.

Mr Doval's visit has raised expectations about the likelihood of India and China finding a way out of the over a month-long standoff at Doklam in Sikkim sector.

Mr Doval will also call on Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday. China holds the presidency of the BRICS and is due to hold a summit of the five-member group in September at Xiamen city.

Ahead of his meeting with Mr Jinping, Mr Doval is expected to hold separate talks with Mr Jiechi to discuss resolution of the standoff at Sikkim sector.

Though China continues to maintain that there won't be a meaningful dialogue without the unconditional withdrawal of Indian troops, the Chinese foreign ministry has hinted of a bilateral meeting between Mr Doval and Mr Jiechi, which is part of the tradition of BRICS NSAs meeting.

Both sides acknowledged talks through diplomatic channels to ease tensions. Chinese and Indian troops have been locked in a standoff in the tri-junction for more than a month since Indian troops stopped the Chinese army from building a road in the area.

China claimed it was constructing the road within its territory. India protested the construction, saying it would allow China to cut India's access to its northeastern states.

Ahead of Mr Doval's visit, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lu Kang said no meaningful dialogue can be held with India until it "unconditionally" withdraws troops from Doklam.

He also said Foreign Minister Wang Yi has authoritatively made Beijing's position clear on the issue.



Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Major Setback to China! Look Who PM Modi has Invited to India.. China Furious now

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited Mongolia’s new president Khaltmaa Battulga to visit India, a diplomatic move that may have significant effect on international relations in South Asia.

After all, when you invite a person who fought and won the Mongolian presidential election on a populist, anti-China platform, and that too at a time when a heated standoff between New Delhi and Beijing continues along the border in the Sikkim sector, heads are bound to turn.

Modi, himself, had visited Ulaanbaatar — the capital of Mongolia — in 2015. India had, at that time, extended a line of credit of $1 billion to Mongolia. After Modi’s invitation, the then President Pranab Mukherjee also sent a message to Battulga, saying both India and Mongolia believed in democracy, according to The Economic Times.

This India-Mongolia bonhomie has now found hope for even better ties with Battluga’s victory.To understand Battluga’s anti-China views, which in fact helped him win the presidential election, it is important to note that China purchases 80 percent of Mongolian exports, according to AFP.

Mongolia’s economy grew by a measly one percent last year, a stark contrast from an impressive 17 percent in 2011. It has been hit hard by a more than 50 percent fall in the price of copper, its main export, over the past five years, while slowing growth in its biggest customer China has hobbled the economy.

Given the slow growth, anti-China sentiment has been growing in Mongolia and people want to reduce the country’s dependence on China, something which was advocated by Battluga, said the report in The Economic Times.

In fact, Battluga will inherit a $5.5 billion International Monetary Fund-led bailout designed to stabilise its economy and lessen its dependency on China. An incident which also worsened the ties between China and Mongolia was when the Buddhist-majority Mongolia had invited Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama to visit the country in November 2016.

An angry China had reportedly closed an important border with Mongolia after Dalai Lama’s visit, resulting in many Mongolian truck drivers, who were left stranded at the border. Eventually, Mongolia gave in to pressure from China and promised never to invite the Dalai Lama again.

China views the Dalai Lama as a separatist seeking to split Tibet from China and strongly opposes all countries from hosting the monk, who has been based in India since fleeing Tibet during an abortive uprising against Chinese rule in 1959.

Now that Battluga has come to power in Mongolia, India has sensed an opportunity.

Perhaps J Mohan Malik, professor at the Asia-Pacific Centre for Security Studies in Honolulu, described it best when he told The Times of India: “President Battulga’s victory provides an opportunity for strengthening bilateral ties which are now part of the broader spectrum of the Sino-Indian geopolitical rivalry for the support of small and middle powers.”
We need to ask Mongolia for an air base. Doesnt matter even if we keep just 2 sukhois there. It will be a pshycological victory over china.

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Regular Member
Jan 12, 2017
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We need to ask Mongolia for an air base. Doesnt matter even if we keep just 2 sukhois there. It will be a pshycological victory over china.

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not that easy ... Mongolia is largely dependent on china ........
we need to make Mongolia to feel independent of china (or atlest start to have capacity ) then this will be the next logical step till then have improve air force ............... right now we lag even our own original strength in air power...............


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2017
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WE SHOULD START SAME WITH 1967 WAR VERTERANS .............................. DON'T YOU GUYS THINK ...........


Defence News, After Doklam, Chinese war veterans planning rare 1962 commemoration
4-5 minutes

  • The 1962 Chinese war veterans have maintained a low profile on previous anniversaries.
  • 2This year, they want the occasion to be different and are planning activities.
  • 3History of 1962 war was kept low-key so far as China-India ties were improving in recent decades.
Amid the heightened rhetoric from China over the Doklam stand-off, Chinese State media have reported that former People's Liberation Army (PLA) veterans of the 1962 war are planning to hold a rare commemoration to mark the war's 55th anniversary this year.

As the Communist Party-run Global Times reported, in China, the history of the 1962 war "has been kept low-key", and unlike the Korean War, is rarely highlighted in State propaganda in China. The paper suggested one reason was the improving relations with India in recent decades.

The newspaper, known for its hawkish views, appears to be advocating for a change in that approach. On Wednesday, it profiled a number of ex-PLA soldiers who fought in 1962 and said they were keen to hold a rare public event to mark its 55th anniversary later this year.

Chen Qungeng, director of the 1962 border war veterans association in southwestern Shaanxi province, told the Global Times that "the veterans are planning activities to mark the 55th anniversary of the war".

"Previously, they always kept a low profile. This year, they want to be different," the report said. The newspaper also interviewed 1962 veterans on the on-going stand-off. Chen, a 1962 veteran, told the paper that the incident "set off a wave of anger".


"If needed, we are willing to send our sons and grandsons to the frontline," Chen said. "If diplomacy can't settle, we support use of force."

"Once when I talked about my identity as the 1962 war veteran to some young civil servants, they were surprised, saying they never knew there was a war between India and China, except that a monk went to India to get Buddhist scriptures," he added, referring to the widely known history in China of the monk Xuan Zang (Hiuen Tsang).

The newspaper also quoted Fang Zhenjun, a researcher who has written about the war, as saying that he had finished the script for a 40-part television series about 1962. Chinese State media regularly broadcast documentaries and television dramas on the Japanese occupation and the war against Japan, but rarely publicly discuss 1962.

Since the June 16 stand-off, however, China has unleashed an unprecedented barrage of shrill rhetoric aimed at India, with State media regularly referring to the "lessons" of 1962 and even the PLA's official spokesperson telling India "to learn from historical lessons".



Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Till date, Indian Diplomacy didn't use its power to irritate China. Since it has started, let's see how Chinese counterparts react!?

This may not an expected by PRC. Well Vietnam, Taiwan (Tibet!) maybe next in the line.

GOI is full of surprises. China is still guessing what it's gonna get next.

Last thing, what could be the date of visit!?
You forgot that GOI sent Dalai Lama to Tawang? That irritated chinis a lot.

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Feb 12, 2014
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US won't sit idle if India-China conflict breaks out: Experts

BEIJING: The US is not likely to be an idle witness in the case of a military conflict between India and China and it might take actions to put pressure on Beijing, two experts told TNN in interviews.

"I do not think that the United States would become involved in a border conflict between China and India, but I do think that an increasingly competitive China-India dynamic is likely to lead to increased security cooperation between the United States and India," Zack Cooper, senior fellow at the Washington based Center for Strategic and International Studies told TNN.

Cooper said the US is trying to balance against China's growing power and India can play a major role in this balancing effort.

"In that sense, if China continues to pursue its claims against India, Beijing risks creating an anti-China balancing coalition of its own making," he said. "In my view, Beijing would be wise to de-escalate the crisis and resolve the stalemate without a violent conflict," he added.

Rising military competition between the US and China has kept Beijing engaged in recent weeks. The US might enhance its naval presence in case of a conflict in the India-China border, analysts said.

"Should the ongoing push and shove turn into a hot war, Washington is expected to provide logistical, intelligence and material support to India's military," said Mohan Malik, professor of Asia-Pacific Center for Security in Honolulu. "It might even dispatch an aircraft carrier and submarines to the Indian Ocean to monitor and deter Chinese naval assets," he said.

Chinese concerns about the US taking sides with India were reflected in a commentary in government backed Global Times on Wednesday.

"There are certain forces in the West that are instigating a military clash between China and India, from which they can seek strategic benefits at no cost to themselves. Washington applied this scheme in the South China Sea disputes," it said.

Malik said some Chinese strategic thinkers are favouring a short war would give India a bloody nose while helping China take forward its goal of achieving a Sino-centric regional order in Asia.
In case you guys didn't get that, USA just pinned India by boasting its ego to go ahead and irritate China more.


Regular Member
Mar 23, 2014
Mongolia still has the support of Russia as the Russians don't want the Chinese in Ulan Bator. In any case Indian support is welcome as it is better to have several friends than having only one. The same applies for Vietnam or Myanmar. A more active foreign policy by India without the non-ailnment crap will help all free nations in Asia.


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Feb 12, 2014
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US and Russia will not interfere openly. India can fight and knock out PLA on its own. But a quick supply of ammo will definitely help.
Logistics is also very important. Any logistical assistance from USA should definitely be taken but ONLY if war breaks out and we need that assistance.
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