LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Mar 5, 2017
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But i am asking you :)

I think that will never happen . But again I am not the right person to ask about its eventuality.
From what I infered after talking to Pakistanis that Politicians and Military both sides have been selling this churan to their respective audience. One guy told me that no matter what even after 4 wars both sides never razed down each other cities like what happened during wars in Europe. So which do imply that there is some understanding between leaderships of both of the countries.
Whenever pressure increases this churan is supplied to "gas patients" just that.


Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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Pakis have the glue of Islam holding them together and they have had a major chip on their shoulder for all their existence since people have been predicting their demise ever since their country got created. Their troops are well motivated, average people are uber nationalistic all because of common religion. Let's not underestimate the enemy..
Same glue was holding them together in 71.



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Sep 24, 2016
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I think that will never happen . But again I am not the right person to ask about its eventuality.
From what I infered after talking to Pakistanis that Politicians and Military both sides have been selling this churan to their respective audience. One guy told me that no matter what even after 4 wars both sides never razed down each other cities like what happened during wars in Europe. So which do imply that there is some understanding between leaderships of both of the countries.
Whenever pressure increases this churan is supplied to "gas patients" just that.
Pakistan knows that a full fledged war against India will be it's undoing that is why it sends jehadis to do it's bidding.

Without a proper all out war paki disintegration is quite difficult.

Pakis have the glue of Islam holding them together and they have had a major chip on their shoulder for all their existence since people have been predicting their demise ever since their country got created. Their troops are well motivated, average people are uber nationalistic all because of common religion. Let's not underestimate the enemy..
Tribal identities are more important than Islamic identity. Otherwise we would have unity in middle East and even in Afghanistan. Pakistan is no different. Pashtun of afghanistan and pakistan will eventually carve out their own land. Sindhi muhajirs will not tolerate pakjabi dominance especially with Karachi in their hold and baloochistan is already burning.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are next Iraq and Syria in the making. They will Eventually be reorganized on tribal lines.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
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Oct 13, 2015
I think that will never happen . But again I am not the right person to ask about its eventuality.
From what I infered after talking to Pakistanis that Politicians and Military both sides have been selling this churan to their respective audience. One guy told me that no matter what even after 4 wars both sides never razed down each other cities like what happened during wars in Europe. So which do imply that there is some understanding between leaderships of both of the countries.
Whenever pressure increases this churan is supplied to "gas patients" just that.
My suggestion is to not buy that Churan and Snake oil.


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Sep 24, 2016
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Nope, east Pakistan was being treated as a colony and a cash cow. West Pakistanis screwed it further by displaying their superiority complex and regularly insulting the Bangladeshis.
Same thing is happening all over Islamic world. Islam is a fake unity . It suited medieval warring tribes as it provided these tribe opportunities to loot distant land and rape women in the name of religion. Now these opportunities are gone .

So the tribal identities are resurfacing all over again . Kurd. Pashtun , pathan , Shia ,Arab are true identities not Islam.

We will all Muslim countries in the world breaking in due time.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Tribal identities are more important than Islamic identity. Otherwise we would have unity in middle East and even in Afghanistan. Pakistan is no different. Pashtun of afghanistan and pakistan will eventually carve out their own land. Sindhi muhajirs will not tolerate pakjabi dominance especially with Karachi in their hold and baloochistan is already burning.

hhmm from my perspective there are two narratives competing in Pakistan. One is the Wahabism/Islamic fundamentalism narrative. If that wins and I think it is winning, then problem for us. The other is the tribal/ethnic element which India supports. I do not think there is credible friction between these elements for them to reach critical mass as of now. We Indians would like to change that though. I think RAW needs to infiltrate the political establishment in Pakistan and start some political movement to fuel this narrative.

Akshay Fenix

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Jun 17, 2017
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I think that will never happen . But again I am not the right person to ask about its eventuality.
From what I infered after talking to Pakistanis that Politicians and Military both sides have been selling this churan to their respective audience. One guy told me that no matter what even after 4 wars both sides never razed down each other cities like what happened during wars in Europe. So which do imply that there is some understanding between leaderships of both of the countries.
Whenever pressure increases this churan is supplied to "gas patients" just that.
Because all the 4 wars were won by India.


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Sep 24, 2016
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hhmm from my perspective there are two narratives competing in Pakistan. One is the Wahabism/Islamic fundamentalism narrative. If that wins and I think it is winning, then problem for us. The other is the tribal/ethnic element which India supports. I do not think there is credible friction between these elements for them to reach critical mass as of now. We Indians would like to change that though. I think RAW needs to infiltrate the political establishment in Pakistan and start some political movement to fuel this narrative.
Wahabi funding is declining quite fast.
Anyway wahabi ideology can be imposed on small population pakistan is too populous for it to completely succeed. Also pakistan has it's fair share of brown sahibs, who are Blind followers of west.

Wahabism will only alienate Shias and others. Thus inturn again support tribal narrative


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Mar 5, 2017
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My suggestion is to not buy that Churan and Snake oil.
I think after winning 1971 war and disintegrating Pakistan into two, our army code of conduct and government magnanimity must have surely been noticed by Pakistani masses. So one thing is pretty clear that no matter what is the rhetoric, leadership both sides do understand well the devastating effect of full fledged war. Both sides are mature enough to not to kill hundreds of millions . Europe on the other side has never been the same. Yet because of Hindu Muslim issue peace is not really possible. Even if Pakistan as in current state stop existing , "The headache of Pakistan" will continue in one or the other way. Even the most jahil Pakistanis live in the mughal dream of ruling India not of burning India down to ashes. That does make a huge difference.

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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Terrorists attack 62 RR convoy in J&K's Shopian - 2 Army jawans injured. Area cordoned off.
Operation is Active in Shopian and Kulgam.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
From what I infered after talking to Pakistanis that Politicians and Military both sides have been selling this churan to their respective audience. One guy told me that no matter what even after 4 wars both sides never razed down each other cities like what happened during wars in Europe. So which do imply that there is some understanding between leaderships of both of the countries.
Whenever pressure increases this churan is supplied to "gas patients" just that.
And the Napakis sold you snake oil that you happily lapped up and are doing an unjustified equal-equal between India and Pakistan, between Indians and Napakis and between Indian army and Napaki fauj.

Let me answer the two main points that you've made.

1. Military both sides- So you are saying that Indian army and Napaki fauj are the same when it comes to hyping up tensions? IA is fully answerable to the civilian set up. Napaki fauj answers no civvie. They own the state.

2. Razed down cities- Our four combined wars lasted less than what a typical war between warring European states usually lasted for- WWI was 4 years, WWII was 6 years. Two of these wars, including the longest one that is Kargil, were highly localised in regions where there were no major habitation. The two major wars with a wider theatre of action- 1965 and 1971 lasted for less than a month combined. Moreover, Napakis never had the ability to raze any of our cities or they would have done so in a heartbeat. We never chose soft targets due to our own convictions. And as @Akshay_Fenix pointed out, we WON all those four wars- three of them decisively (1965, 1971, Kargil) and one partly (1948).

All the poison and all the churan is a Napaki speciality. Napaki fauj survives on anti-India hatred and rhetoric. The Napaki state survives on this. Napaki aawam largely believes this because as a failed quam they have swallowed the Kool aid that India rightfully belongs to them as the descendants of Mughals and the eevil yeendus conspired with the gore angrez to take it away.

There's only ONE country training terrorists to go and kill innocents in the other one. Hint it is NOT India.

Stop doing these meaningless and baseless equal equals

Is there an understanding between the leaderships? Probably yes, it was always there.


New Member
Feb 7, 2017
One guy told me that no matter what even after 4 wars both sides never razed down each other cities like what happened during wars in Europe. So which do imply that there is some understanding between leaderships of both of the countries.
Read about Rajauri massacre (1947) and Mirpur massacre(1947) sir...Hundreds of thousands of sikh and hindu massacred due to thier religious background...along with some muslim who don't support paki army and tribes were also massacred..Rajauri have 30000 population before war...only after war some <9000 left....in Mirpur our women are abducted and sold as sex slave..just like current ISIS area
That "one guy" show fake pride..as in next 3 wars they unable to capture any important indian town and villages..meanwhile we let 93000 soldier live......our army protect our citizen..if it's not they kill ppl there too..every paki army men brainwashed to be a "gazi" just think of the soldier beheading..they take pride in massacre..do u think these ppl left chance of loot and plunder??????????
Just think of it..that instead of Indian army liberating east pakistan...Pakistani army capture Assam and Bengal then what happens....their zahil army can't even spare pashtu and baloch women and look at them as war plunder....
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