LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Feb 16, 2009
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Flagging off our northern frontiers
July 23, 2017, 6:00 AM IST Lt General H S Panag in Shooting Straight | India, World | TOI
What India inherited in 1947 as far as Tibet is concerned, was a frontier region shaped by the Himalayan chapter of the Great Game, played over 150 years by British India, China, Russia and Tibet. It is difficult to apply Westphalian logic to the rival claims as India, China and Tibet are ancient civilisations and memories go back to centuries.

All this notwithstanding, the 1842 Treaty between the Sikh/Dogra Empire and Tibet and the Simla Convention of 1914 between Britain, Tibet and China were good start points to negotiate a settlement of the Himalayan frontier region.

But conventions and treaties are given short shrift by nation states in the frontier regions where physical, political and military control decides the eventual delimitation of the international boundary.
Such was the backdrop when the Sino-Indian frontier dispute began in early 1950s.

British India, China and Tibet were well-versed in oriental statecraft and we had inherited a first rate foreign office left behind by Britain. However, the legacy of our freedom struggle made us a romantic state with respect to international relations, as opposed to the hard realpolitiks, which China practised.

India understood the need for securing its northern borders, but was initially complacent due to difficulties of the terrain, a false sense of security due to the inherited military outposts in Tibet at Yatung and Gyantse, a Counsel General at Lhasa, a number of trading posts and a dysfunctional Tibetan state. This was despite knowing that Tibet was in virtual political control of area upto Tawang and some area in the Lohit division.

With respect to Aksai Chin, we were completely ignorant due to its remoteness even though the Dogras had patrolled the area and maintained an outpost at Shahidula upto 1947.

Thus, three years were wasted. It was only when China seized Tibet in 1950 that we woke up. Employing the traditional forward policy to flag the frontier, we first secured Tawang, Lohit and other areas up to the McMahon Line by 1951. Then we began the same process in the more inaccessible Ladakh.

Our military was weak and without any border infrastructure it was virtually impotent on the northern borders. Consequently, the strategy adopted was to rely upon diplomacy, avoid conflict and plant our flag in the frontier regions at the earliest to be in a better negotiating position for a final settlement. Contingent to this strategy was the urgent need to create the border infrastructure and prepare our armed forces for an inevitable conflict.

Alas, there was complete lack of will shown in this regard and very little was done for the 10 years that we gained. This was Jawaharlal Nehru’s biggest failure as the Prime Minister.

China adopted a much more aggressive strategy than India. It not only seized Tibet and Xingiang in 1950, but linked the two via Western Highway through disputed frontier region of Aksai Chin, thus establishing de facto control over entire Aksai Chin by mid 1950s.

As we woke up and moved forward Assam Rifles in the north east and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in Ladakh along with the Intelligence Bureau (IB) posts, we came in contact with Chinese Border Guards on the western and southern fringes of Aksai Chin and along the watershed marked by the McMahon Line in 1959.

Given our poor infrastructure and weak military, we had done exceptionally well until now with the traditional forward policy to flag major parts of our frontier with Tibet, except for Aksai Chin where the Chinese pre-empted us. A de facto border that ran roughly along the present-day LAC was virtually established.

Now was the time for diplomacy to take centerstage and accept the actual ground positions as a mutually acceptable border without giving up our claims for a final settlement. Due to the revolt in Tibet and India granting asylum to the Dalai Lama in March 1959, China hardened its position and came out with a new claim line in Ladakh.

With changing claim lines, border clashes were inevitable which took place on August 25, 1959 at Longju in Lohit and on October 21, 1959 at Kongka La in Ladakh. Until now, the goings on in the frontier regions had been secretive and were not in the public domain.

However, the border clashes and causalities led to immense parliament and public pressure. The PM lost his nerve and he abandoned a fairly successful strategy. All his subsequent actions became knee jerk tactical actions bereft of strategic thought. NEFA and Ladakh were placed under the Army control in August and December 1959.

A more aggressive ‘forward policy’ was adopted — not to be confused with the traditional frontier flagging forward policy adopted so far — which actually became ‘forward movement of troops’, to call the Chinese bluff along their claim lines.

Less by design and more by default, the PM blundered into a military confrontation on unfavourable terrain and with an Army that was ill-prepared for the task that was thrust upon it despite its vehement protests. Rather than calling the bluff of the Chinese our own bluff was called. Rest is history.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.


Regular Member
Nov 23, 2012
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Old But Very Interesting overview of Chinese army by British forces

As per them The Chinese training Army of Nerds Not soldiers

Some time I think Its boon to US that We have hot Kashmir & LOC and NE Which gives us Proper battle experience

Nice video giving insight of the skill level of PLA. Sometimes back I had read an article where Russian millitary observers stated that the Chinese paratroopers were hesitant to jump during joint military excercise. I believe there power projection is as fake as their GDP figures. One small bit of advice or request, please tag some of the chinease bonkers here on the DFI. They should realise the ass whooping they will receive if PLA decides to commit reputational suicide by attacking India.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Butter Chicken

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Oct 6, 2016
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9 soldiers among 11 people killed while 16 others injured in border skirmishes this month between India, Pakistan along #LoC in J-K.


mavles ihctep

Regular Member
Nov 22, 2016
Casualties are high on our side.. :frusty::frusty:
Pakistanis officially admits 6 fatalities. our army scored 11 kill in june 19 assault

Pakistan Army two soldiers martyred at LoC from Indian fire

Four soldiers drown as Pakistan Army vehicle hit by Indian fire falls into river


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
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Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
Their propaganda has failed. Thanks to Modi's foreign trips. I am sure China had already planned this Dokhlam since day 1 when modi took the seat.

Chinese plan:

1) enter the region create stand off
2) show India as aggressor
3) take world support
4) launch strikes.

Now it has become dud.
chinese take too much for granted and rely too heavy on propaganda......
both their long success tactics failed at the indian doors...


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
US has some unknown intrest in tibet since 1950 , some reports states that US has a airbase in east pakistan ( present bangladesh ) to keep a eye on tibet /china....
US and UK have bases in Nepal. Both have troops as well as air strips and ELINT posts. In the 60's the US even trafficked Tibetans of the Khampa tribe (warrior caste) back to the US and trained them in raids and sent them back to Nepal. These guys did behead a lot of Chinese soldiers. They harassed China like Pakistan is harassing us now. In the 70's the US had shared a seismic measurement device which RAW had planted on Himalayas to keep track of Chinese nuclear tests.

This is a rare documentary but it has a lot of real footage from the cold war :



Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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chinese take too much for granted and rely too heavy on propaganda......
both their long success tactics failed at the indian doors...
Problem is that they have no experience in counter propoganda.They have been brought up to believe the CCP.Their entire population is brainwashed as such.So their efficiency is limited.Neither they are trained to question nor they are trained to answer questions.
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