LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Regular Member
Jun 12, 2017
I am not threatening you, just saying you have to be bit cautious as at this moment India would might confront two front wars, and though the fight would be limited but can't say about the escalation level, and also India has no first use policy of Nuke st
If a nation launches a nuke against its rival. The later won't sit back and suck its thumb. The response will be nuclear. It will be complete destruction. Same goes for any nuclear armed country.

As far India is concerned we have almost 3 million troops if you combine Regular+ reserves and paramilitary and not to forget more young men than the Chinese to pick up a gun.

So take your nuclear rhetoric and shove it inside your arse.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I am not threatening you, just saying you have to be bit cautious as at this moment India would might confront two front wars, and though the fight would be limited but can't say about the escalation level, and also India has no first use policy of Nuke strikes. That gives Pakistan and China to strike inside India which is an upper hand first before India responds to second NFPU.


I am only saying this when situation raises from limited to escalation level then Nukes should be considered.
Comments from former Indian officials, including former Strategic Forces Commander Lt. Gen. B.S. Nagal, former Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, and retired National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, have led some experts to conclude that India would consider nuclear first use in a third circumstance, as a pre-emptive counterforce attack if India has reason to believe that Pakistan is preparing a first strike against it.



Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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Comments from former Indian officials, including former Strategic Forces Commander Lt. Gen. B.S. Nagal, former Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, and retired National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, have led some experts to conclude that India would consider nuclear first use in a third circumstance, as a pre-emptive counterforce attack if India has reason to believe that Pakistan is preparing a first strike against it.

Sounds like melody



Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
@gekko - That part of chilar chap Chinese strategy is spot on. The CCP always overboasts to it's populace but it doesn't always work out as intended.

A while ago, they paraded a photo of PLA cooking noodles in dirty water and drinking such water with the caption "

"These men stood tall in the face of adversity with or without clean water," state-run media reported."

Chinese Citizens Are Freaking Out Over This Government Propaganda Photo


Instead of jaahil Paki aawam who would cheer such stuff, what happened was that Chinese public asked their govt this :

""It's 2014, and our soldiers are still drinking muddy water during mission. How can we trust such a military force to defend our country during war?" "Water filters and tablets are technologies of the last century, and yet our soldiers are still cooking with muddy water in 2014. Where do the millions of military expenses go?" "What to applaud when the lives of our soldier are put at the risk of unclean drinking water in the field?""

Eleven Pingpong is facing pressure from within the party. In their one party system, the leader has to present the successors with his report card. The top 64 CCP members who are next in line to become China's premier review this report card. Eleven has nothing to show now with the standoff with India. He took office in 2013, it's 4 years already. It's time for a mid term review in September.

India has sent diplomatic cables to all countries, and US has already told China to calm their tits.

China needs to acknowledge that India is a force to be reckoned with: Nisha Biswal

Australian minister is visiting India today. We had kept Australia out of Malabar exercise to assuage Chinese sensibilities, but now that they are not acting sensible, maybe Australia will get a red carpet to join. If Australia joins Malabar and if India intensifies its stand on Tibet, and the standoff results in no change of status quo, then China will have lost more than it gained. It will be worse off than it started. Both sides know that there is going to be no war, so the side which gives most empty threats will look like an idiot while swallowing their words.

In the meanwhile, India can do all those things which we had held back from doing in the interest of sanity, starting with openly giving BrahMos to Vietnam, referring to Tibet and Taiwan as independent countries, and kicking the butt of their local proxy Poliostan, just to show our resolve. What has China gained from all of this brinkmanship?
Ye Sun Tzu hai ya Ghochu hai. :pound:

We humiliated Paki Raheel Shareef in a similar manner at the time of his retirement. We did a surgical strike just a week before he was supposed to take charge of the Muslim alliance sponsored by Saudi Arabia. He couldn't do anything, he went there with the shame of defeat. That is why Pakistan kept denying the surgical strikes. The same Pakis who blame India even if a woman gets pregnant in Pakistan were telling the world that India is so virtuous that India would never hurt Pakistan.
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Regular Member
Mar 28, 2017
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Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
I am not threatening you, just saying you have to be bit cautious as at this moment India would might confront two front wars, and though the fight would be limited but can't say about the escalation level, and also India has no first use policy of Nuke strikes. That gives Pakistan and China to strike inside India which is an upper hand first before India responds to second NUFP.


I am only saying this when situation raises from limited to escalation level then Nukes should be considered.
Baapre! Itni strategy!

Koi teri nunni kaat ke le gaya tabh kahan thi teri strategy :pound:

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Eleven Pingpong is facing pressure from within the party. In their one party system, the leader has to present the successors with his report card. The top 64 CCP members who are next in line to become China's premier review this report card. Eleven has nothing to show now with the standoff with India. He took office in 2013, it's 4 years already. It's time for a mid term review.

India has sent diplomatic cables to all countries, and US has already told China to calm their tits. Australian minister is visiting India today. We had kept Australia out of Malabar exercise to assuage Chinese sensibilities, but now that they are not acting sensible, maybe Australia will get a red carpet to join. If Australia joins Malabar and if India intensifies its stand on Tibet, and the standoff results in no change of status quo, then China will have lost more than it gained. It will be worse off than it started. Both sides know that there is going to be no war, so the side which gives most empty threats will look like an idiot while swallowing their words.

In the meanwhile, India can do all those things which we had held back from doing in the interest of sanity, starting with openly giving BrahMos to Vietnam, referring to Tibet and Taiwan as independent countries, and kicking the butt of their local proxy Poliostan, just to show our resolve. What has China gained from all of this brinkmanship?
Ye Sun Tzu hai ya Ghochu hai. :pound:

We humiliated Paki Raheel Shareef in a similar manner at the time of his retirement. We did a surgical strike just a week before he was supposed to take charge of the Muslim alliance sponsored by Saudi Arabia. He couldn't do anything, he went there with the shame of defeat. That is why Pakistan kept denying the surgical strikes. The same Pakis who blame India even if a woman gets pregnant in Pakistan were telling the world that India is so virtuous that India would never hurt Pakistan.
I doubt Border standoff with India will be part of report card and Xi has not done badly. China is growing at 6.9%, OBOR is reasonable success and I doubt he faces a challenge within CPC unlike Hu. In India I seriously doubt that Modi would be foolish enough to escalate tension on Sino india border knowing that China is a power to reckon with. Modi's reelection like Xi's report card will be based on economic performance. So why this itch on part of China to build a road south of Doklam and hype up as if India is big bad bully. I think this has more to do with Xi's relation with PLA.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
Comments from former Indian officials, including former Strategic Forces Commander Lt. Gen. B.S. Nagal, former Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, and retired National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, have led some experts to conclude that India would consider nuclear first use in a third circumstance, as a pre-emptive counterforce attack if India has reason to believe that Pakistan is preparing a first strike against it.

The NFU anyway is not imposed on us by anyone, and we are not answerable to anyone. It's just a posture to mirror the reality that faces us right at that moment. If the reality changes, our posture changes.

Still, we have good reason to believe that we have acquired the means to denuclearize Pakistan. In a non-nuclear strike using bunker buster bombs, we can take out 85% of their known arsenal. Even if they have a hidden launchpad somewhere or canister based, truck loaded missiles, the missile defense system is enough to take care of them. Their tactical nukes can't even cross no man's land.

They have no credible way to hit us, what they have is at the most the threat that if India strikes with bunker buster weapons first, then there will be nuclear debris. There will never be a scenario when we will have to cross the nuclear threshold against Pakistan. It can be fragmented with conventional force alone.

Waiting for shubh muhurat. We took a hit in 1965, it was a wake up call for the forces to double up and within 5 years, we had 1971.

I really feel bad for Paki people though. We used to live together once, they asked for a separate land, we gave it to them, then they started chopping their own dicks, and fucking their own sisters and created generation after generation of retarded offspring, that too with polio. Pura gandh macha ke rakh diya. Now the nation has gone beyond saving.


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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Border row: India must avoid the trap set by China’s bombastic English language media

As the border stand-off in Doklam defies resolution, the Indian commentariat is increasingly analysing what appears in China’s English-language media, presumably for insights into Beijing’s thinking. It is a misguided enterprise.

Only between 1% and 2% of the Chinese media is in English, and much of it peddles hypernationalism as a market strategy, not unlike a section of the Indian media. The Global Times, for one, spews venom against India the same way as Times Nowdoes against Pakistan. Unsurprisingly then, most of the so-called experts who populate the columns of the Global Timescarry little heft, intellectual or political.

Since reputed Chinese scholars publish mostly in their own language, they are not read widely across the border.

Instead, commentators in India over-analyse bellicose articles threatening to “teach a lesson” and “reconsider China’s policy on Sikkim”; retorting, in a dig at army chief Bipin Rawat’s remark that India was ready to fight a “two-and-a-half front war,” that the “Chinese look down upon their military power”; or warning that a “third country can enter Kashmir” on Pakistan’s request.

By giving undue importance to such articles by amateur scholars—merely because they write in English—India’s strategic experts and policy advisers enable them to influence New Delhi’s China policy.

Falling for the trap
If Indian scholars could look beyond the inflammatory editorials in the Global Times, they would realise that the Chinese media’s coverage of India has changed for the better. Save for Huanqiu Shibao, the Mandarin edition of the Global Times, the Chinese language media perceives India positively.

Last week, People’s Daily, the Communist Party newspaper, republished its editorial of Sept. 22, 1962, to remind India of the “bitter lesson” of the 1962 India-China war and warn that China would inflict “greater losses than 1962.” It was, however, soon withdrawn. The Chinese edition of the daily did not carry the editorial, or even a report on the Doklam stand-off that day.

The state news agency Xinhua carried an English commentary asking India “to rectify its mistakes and show sincerity to avoid an even more serious situation creating more significant consequences.”

It appears the psychological war launched by China’s English media is solely intended to invite counter attacks from the Indian media. It is working rather well, if the coverage of the stand-off by TV news channels and Hindi newspapers is any evidence. This “media war” only serves to deepen the common Indian’s negative perception of China, and vice-versa. Young Chinese hold little or no antipathy towards India, but the hysteria over the Doklam stand-off could have them reorder their list of the most hated nations.

It is, thus, imperative that India and China rush to the negotiating table and resolve the stand-off. Meanwhile, the media in both countries must act responsibly. As Ma Jiali, a research fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, emphasises, only “close cooperation” can pave the way for a good India-China relationship.

This post first appeared on Scroll.in.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
Border row: India must avoid the trap set by China’s bombastic English language media

As the border stand-off in Doklam defies resolution, the Indian commentariat is increasingly analysing what appears in China’s English-language media, presumably for insights into Beijing’s thinking. It is a misguided enterprise.

Only between 1% and 2% of the Chinese media is in English, and much of it peddles hypernationalism as a market strategy, not unlike a section of the Indian media. The Global Times, for one, spews venom against India the same way as Times Nowdoes against Pakistan. Unsurprisingly then, most of the so-called experts who populate the columns of the Global Timescarry little heft, intellectual or political.

Since reputed Chinese scholars publish mostly in their own language, they are not read widely across the border.

Instead, commentators in India over-analyse bellicose articles threatening to “teach a lesson” and “reconsider China’s policy on Sikkim”; retorting, in a dig at army chief Bipin Rawat’s remark that India was ready to fight a “two-and-a-half front war,” that the “Chinese look down upon their military power”; or warning that a “third country can enter Kashmir” on Pakistan’s request.

By giving undue importance to such articles by amateur scholars—merely because they write in English—India’s strategic experts and policy advisers enable them to influence New Delhi’s China policy.

Falling for the trap
If Indian scholars could look beyond the inflammatory editorials in the Global Times, they would realise that the Chinese media’s coverage of India has changed for the better. Save for Huanqiu Shibao, the Mandarin edition of the Global Times, the Chinese language media perceives India positively.

Last week, People’s Daily, the Communist Party newspaper, republished its editorial of Sept. 22, 1962, to remind India of the “bitter lesson” of the 1962 India-China war and warn that China would inflict “greater losses than 1962.” It was, however, soon withdrawn. The Chinese edition of the daily did not carry the editorial, or even a report on the Doklam stand-off that day.

The state news agency Xinhua carried an English commentary asking India “to rectify its mistakes and show sincerity to avoid an even more serious situation creating more significant consequences.”

It appears the psychological war launched by China’s English media is solely intended to invite counter attacks from the Indian media. It is working rather well, if the coverage of the stand-off by TV news channels and Hindi newspapers is any evidence. This “media war” only serves to deepen the common Indian’s negative perception of China, and vice-versa. Young Chinese hold little or no antipathy towards India, but the hysteria over the Doklam stand-off could have them reorder their list of the most hated nations.

It is, thus, imperative that India and China rush to the negotiating table and resolve the stand-off. Meanwhile, the media in both countries must act responsibly. As Ma Jiali, a research fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, emphasises, only “close cooperation” can pave the way for a good India-China relationship.

This post first appeared on Scroll.in.
actually its the opposite.....

its an indian trap....the trap to cut 50b$ surplus trade with china.....


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
Country flag
actually its the opposite.....

its an indian trap....the trap to cut 50b$ surplus trade with china.....
We should get to know the difference in English and local papers on India -China issues if any. We can't take English daily seriously if published or read by just 1-2 percent Chinese.


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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Don't worry. Brigadier Surya dev singh will take out the fuse conductors. #Tiranga
lol... But there is difference.... He could take out the fuse conductors because it was Indian weapons that were planned to destroy India.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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View attachment 17927 :biggrin2:View attachment 17927 :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:
Same as North Korean generals..



Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
Border row: India must avoid the trap set by China’s bombastic English language media

As the border stand-off in Doklam defies resolution, the Indian commentariat is increasingly analysing what appears in China’s English-language media, presumably for insights into Beijing’s thinking. It is a misguided enterprise.

Only between 1% and 2% of the Chinese media is in English, and much of it peddles hypernationalism as a market strategy, not unlike a section of the Indian media. The Global Times, for one, spews venom against India the same way as Times Nowdoes against Pakistan. Unsurprisingly then, most of the so-called experts who populate the columns of the Global Timescarry little heft, intellectual or political.

Since reputed Chinese scholars publish mostly in their own language, they are not read widely across the border.

Instead, commentators in India over-analyse bellicose articles threatening to “teach a lesson” and “reconsider China’s policy on Sikkim”; retorting, in a dig at army chief Bipin Rawat’s remark that India was ready to fight a “two-and-a-half front war,” that the “Chinese look down upon their military power”; or warning that a “third country can enter Kashmir” on Pakistan’s request.

By giving undue importance to such articles by amateur scholars—merely because they write in English—India’s strategic experts and policy advisers enable them to influence New Delhi’s China policy.

Falling for the trap
If Indian scholars could look beyond the inflammatory editorials in the Global Times, they would realise that the Chinese media’s coverage of India has changed for the better. Save for Huanqiu Shibao, the Mandarin edition of the Global Times, the Chinese language media perceives India positively.

Last week, People’s Daily, the Communist Party newspaper, republished its editorial of Sept. 22, 1962, to remind India of the “bitter lesson” of the 1962 India-China war and warn that China would inflict “greater losses than 1962.” It was, however, soon withdrawn. The Chinese edition of the daily did not carry the editorial, or even a report on the Doklam stand-off that day.

The state news agency Xinhua carried an English commentary asking India “to rectify its mistakes and show sincerity to avoid an even more serious situation creating more significant consequences.”

It appears the psychological war launched by China’s English media is solely intended to invite counter attacks from the Indian media. It is working rather well, if the coverage of the stand-off by TV news channels and Hindi newspapers is any evidence. This “media war” only serves to deepen the common Indian’s negative perception of China, and vice-versa. Young Chinese hold little or no antipathy towards India, but the hysteria over the Doklam stand-off could have them reorder their list of the most hated nations.

It is, thus, imperative that India and China rush to the negotiating table and resolve the stand-off. Meanwhile, the media in both countries must act responsibly. As Ma Jiali, a research fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, emphasises, only “close cooperation” can pave the way for a good India-China relationship.

This post first appeared on Scroll.in.
India doesn't make it's strategy based on Chinese newspapers, nor on Scroll.in articles. This Scroll article itself is cleverly written Chinese propaganda, telling India to act responsibly while giving a clean chit to Chinese provocations.

Young Chinese hold little or no antipathy towards India, but the hysteria over the Doklam stand-off could have them reorder their list of the most hated nations.
This itself is a typical Chinese threat. "Behave, otherwise...". Otherwise what? China will stop selling their Redmi phones and ruin their 60B$ trade surplus with India? :scared2:

On the recent anniversary of Hiroshima bombing, the same Chinese media posted a picture of destroyed Japanese cities and captioned it "And, Japan wants to militarize again..". This is how China provokes others.

What the sell outs are not realizing is that it is fun to receive those PayPal notifications from China for posting paid Chinese propaganda, they are being marked by intel. A few years down the line, these people who write these paid articles will have a pretty steep fall from grace like that Tits-ka Sucklewad.
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