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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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basically, india is the trouble maker. without india's intervention, china and Bhutan would have reacher border agreement several years ago. this time india is taking it too far, Bhutan wont be happy.

let us find out what india had done to stabotage the border talks between china and Bhutan.

Would India disrupt Bhutan China Border Negotiations?

November 2, 2014 at 8:00 pm
The Indian Newspaper The Telegraph carried a front page article on the forth coming visit of the Indian President to Bhutan in its issue of 28th October,2014. It says that the visit is about Indian anxiety on the progress of China Bhutan Border Talks. President Pranab Mukerjee arrives on7th and leaves on 8th November.2014. Would he demand Bhutan to obstruct border negotiations with China?

India had been controlling the Sino Bhutan international boundary Talks through its iron grip on Bhutan’s economic and communication dependence on India. The writer Charu Sudan Kasturi cites the case of India withdrawing subsidies in 2013 to warn Bhutan against normalising relation with China.

The China Bhutan Border Talks have been going on for decades. China has been quite sincere and mostly positive in conducting the international boundary negotiation with Bhutan. And Bhutan on the other hand has been trying to delay the progress for many years at the insistence of India. How long can Bhutan defy the patience of China and to what national benefit? The next step after signing international boundary agreement with China would be normalising relationship between the two Countries.

And that is what India wants to stall or prevent. A diplomatic level relationship with China would forever consolidate the sovereign status of Bhutan. Bhutan would no longer be easily available to act as political pawn or surrogate for India in sensitive international politics. That is a fact. However, Bhutan’s corner stone foreign policy of friendship with India will not alter. India will remain Bhutan’s most desired benefactor. Geographical access, language and social behaviour naturally bring Bhutan closer to India. So India will be more dominant than China in Bhutan’s priority. At the other end of the scale it would be suicidal to keep snubbing friendly overtures from China.

Unfortunately India and many other Western Nations and their Allies in South East Asia including Australia and Japan do not want China to develop progressive relationship with Bhutan. On the other hand these same Countries have gone all out to develop their own political and economic ties with China. So they are not containing the influence of China in international affairs but they are curtailing the progress of Bhutan. It is necessary that Bhutanese Leaders counter the isolation of Bhutan from China by vested interests of India and other pro Western groups of nations. Bhutan cannot be ” A Tool of Irritant ‘ for anti- China forces.

The Telegraph article on the eve of the visit of President of India to Bhutan is a deliberate political attempt to misconstrue the facts about China Bhutan international boundary Talks. The article alleges that China is offering more land to Bhutan at certain point of Sino-Bhutan border in exchange for some adjustment at the Tri-junction border of India, Bhutan and China. This is a a desperate strategy on part of India to thwart Sino Bhutan progress in boundary Talks.

The actual fact is that India wants Bhutan to demand more land from China at the Tri-junction. India is very well aware of the historical facts of British Raj days in India. As much as the Kings and the Kingdom of Bhutan want to comply with Indian dictate,historical facts cannot be changed by Bhutan. The British Raj grabbed the Duars from Bhutan and made the Duars part of India. The Tri-junction is part of annexed Duar region and part of it was sold by British Raj to China Tibet after it was annexed from Bhutan.

Now how could Bhutan reclaim this portion of land from China when she cannot reclaim her Duar regions from India? The Tri-junction is a strategic point and neither India nor China would surrender even a square inch of their land to each other or to Bhutan . If Bhutan continues to postpone the finalization of international boundary with China,the King of Bhutan has to be aware that the Kingdom will not get the relaxation that China had so far accorded on the disputed Sino Bhutan border. And history will reflect badly on the legacy of the so far much admired Wangchuck dynasty for testing, at the behest of India, the extreme limit the benign policy of China towards Bhutan.

President Pranab Mukerjee is an accomplished leader of India. No one can cast doubts on his nationalistic insight and foresight especially on China and India border dispute. He and another notable Political Leader of India late hon’ble Shri Basu of Communist Party could have been the Prime Ministers of India but for the obstructions from their own respective Parties. So he is of the highest political calibre to understand that even without coming to Bhutan that Bhutan is in no position to take Chinese land to enhance the strategic interest of India.

President Pranab Mukerjee was the then the Minister of External Affairs of India when the 4th King of Bhutan pleaded with India in 2006 for renegotiation of 1949 Indo Bhutan Treaty. What concession did he consider for Bhutan? Why was the clause regarding the Duars annuity payable by India to Bhutan removed from the renegotiated Treaty? The Kingdom of Bhutan was obliged to forgo its past losses in the bargain to regain authority over its present and future Sovereign Affairs. But in realty Bhutan lost out on the Duars annuity and India still insist on directing Bhutan’s external affairs. India even took the unprecedented step to intervene in the General Election of Bhutan in 2013 as recorded in the Telegraph article.

When will India and Bhutan respect the spirit and the letter of the re-negotiated Indo Bhutan Treaty that was in fact signed by the present President of India and the present King of Bhutan in 2006.

Their Majesties the 5th King and the 4th King have all the respects and obedience of the Bhutanese people but how does India expect the Kings to overlook the security interest of their own Kingdom and people and continue delaying the settlement of China Bhutan international boundary.

India is an old and dear development benefactor of Bhutan. No Bhutanese can discount this fact. However can any Bhutanese put his head in the mouth of the lion in the north at the roar of the tiger from the south? My own answer is no even if the tiger does pose danger to my assumed secure position. Actually without real sovereignty there cannot be secure position for anyone in Bhutan; only a deluded sense of hanging on borrowed time and position.

The international Sino Bhutan boundary is being demarcated by two technical survey teams of Bhutan and China. The Indo Bhutan international boundary in the west and south of Bhutan was demarcated by the Survey General of India.

Bhutan and India are yet to resolve the international boundary in the East of Bhutan primarily because the Survey General of India could not arbitrarily demarcate the boundary of Arunachal State which is also claimed by China. According to Chinese map of Bhutan, substantial land area of Bhutan is presently occupied by the State of Arunachal. Would India be prepared to give back Bhutanese land?

The paradox is that there are three maps of the Kingdom of Bhutan. One is Indian version,the other is Chinese version and one that Bhutan adopted several years back at the later stage of the reign of the 4th King. The ideal solution would be for China to give to Bhutan whatever the Indian map shows as being Bhutanese land along the Sino Bhutan boundary. And India should also give to Bhutan whatever land the Chinese map shows as Bhutanese land along the Indo Bhutan boundary. As a gesture of goodwill to Bhutan’s two neighbours, the King of Bhutan could advise the Bhutanese Parliament to sanction joint patrolling with China along Sino Bhutan international boundary and joint patrolling with India along Indo Bhutan international boundary. That way both China and India would not be aggrieved for accepting both the version of Bhutanese international boundary maps prepared by their own national Survey Agencies.

I invite the three nations to consider the ideal solution. Both China and India could return the whole of ancient Bhutanese land to Bhutan. And participate with Bhutan to patrol the respective border regions. That way the land China returns to Bhutan cannot be used by India and the land India returns to Bhutan cannot be used by China. A real politics of status quo put in actual real life practise could provide for peace of mind of all three neighbours.

I urge Bhutan to finalize the Sino Bhutan international boundary. The issue has been straggling over three reigns of Wangchuck dynasty since 1970. Also as successive leaderships of Bhutan have reiterated, the friendship with India must remain the corner stone foreign policy of Bhutan. However, China has the vast potentiality to also assist Bhutan to economic prosperity and economic development must be the central goal of a least developing nation like Bhutan. Right now Bhutan is the only SAARC Country and maybe the only UN Member which does not pursue an internationally respectable status relationship with its immediate northern neighbour China.

India under Shri Modi leadership has gone all out to woo Chinese investment in India. Prime Minister Modi of India accorded a huge welcome to the President of China even whilst Chinese and Indian troops stood at close hostile encounter positions on the line of disputed Himalayan border. This is one lesson that Bhutanese leadership could put in practise in Bhutan’s relation with China. After all , is not the new Indo Bhutan Big Brother Theme : Bharat for Bhutan and Bhutan copycat Bharat?

Pelden Drukpa ! Stay Vigilant !


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009

Watch this Luytean Ball bearing for his rants, bias and selection of panelists being apologetic about China. Stopped watching when both panelists started accusing of DM's comment following Chinese comment reminding about 1962.

The intro was all against Indians and media channels who call for action against Pakistan and detailed Chinese messages and warnings (they are paying to disseminate in India).

No research on China as he usually do about one party vs another (mostly agaist BJP) on different issues exposing their hypocrisies.

Only argument supporting India was China being selective about accepting treaties and its interpretations.

Kept talking about Chinese strategy of ambiguity to further spread fear psychosis when it is India who is ambiguous this time and not uttering a word.

Yea NDTV chahata kya hai ?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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this is an article posted by Wangcha Sangey on his blog, who I believe to be a Bhutanese working with Bhutan News Network as a reporter. very informative and insightful, it detailed how india manipulated its neighbor to gain its own interest.


Monday, July 3, 2017

Understanding Sino - Bhutan Border issues at Doklam. Search for truth

The recent Doklam event has many versions. The Indian media naturally had the versions of their Government though they shared what the Chinese also said.

More than the Indian media, it was Tenzing Lamzang of The Bhutanese who attempted to expound the Indian Government positions/ views upon the Bhutanese public through his lengthy article titled " Understanding the Doklam border issue ".

The best way to seeve the truth is to visit history of various events relating to Sino- Bhutan Border and compare with this recent inflated and manipulated Doklam incident. So now another lengthy article in response to Indian media and Tenzing Lamsang article.

1. Initially from late 1960s and through 70s, the Government of India made attempts to discuss with China on the issue of China- Bhutan international border demarcation.

2. China rejected all such attempts by India. China maintained that Bhutan which is a sovereign Kingdom should stand for herself and deal directly with China.

3. So India had to permit Bhutan to directly deal with China on the border issue. That was how the Border Talks began between Bhutan and China from the 1980s. Since then 24 rounds of Talks have taken place in most cordial manner. And much progress have been achieved. India was always kept in the loop by Bhutan.

4. It is possible that the public of Bhutan feel that the Talks are taking too long. Similar views also have been aired in the National Assembly of Bhutan . I understand the innocent frustrations. Under the past absolute Monarchy system, people are used to instant decisive decision of a King. Many do not understand the complexities involved in international boundary demarcation. The case is more perplexing since the Government is in no position to bare all the uncomfortable truths including heavy pressures from India to demand more strategic land from China.

5. Also the Indo- Bhutan international boundary in the South was demarcated so quietly. The public did not hear anything about Bhutan negotiating with India regarding her international border in the South with India. It is possible that Bhutan was in no position to negotiate. Bhutan is more vulnerable to a takeover by India than by China. Also Bhutan has no access to outside world except through India. And moreover, Bhutanese economy and commerce are totally dependant on India including travel from West Bhutan to East Bhutan in the South of the Kingdom. Against such geopolitical constrictions, Bhutan probably had to accept at where ever, the Survey of India decided to lay the Indo- Bhutan international boundary pillars. Thus the quiet smoothness and the speed when one side makes decision for two sides.

6. The fact that China is willing to negotiate with Bhutan on the international boundary of the two nations is I believe a giant step forward for Bhutanese sovereignty. I am grateful to China for this sovereign courtesy. I am even more grateful to India for all the economic assistance and freedom of trade and transit that enabled Bhutan to develop thus far. But I do love Bhutan ever more.

7. There is no doubt in my mind that Bhutan would want to finalise the Sino- Bhutan Border Talks and sign the Agreement. Bhutan has to be fully aware of the limitations of demands we can make upon China. And at the same time Bhutan is in no position to ignore the strategic interests of India. There is too much pressure. That is why Doklam the tri-junction Plateau is drawing multi attentions. It will be a blessing in disguise if China or India forcefully just takeover Doklam Plateau. The so called status quo is endangering the status of whole of Bhutan.

8. For Bhutan, Doklam holds no extra strategic significance than any other part of the Kingdom. But for both India and China, this Tri- junction is considered most vital. Unfortunately for India, the international boundary between Sikkim India and Tibet China at the Doklam Tri-Junction was decided long time back. So as vital as whole of Doklam Plateau is for Indian military strategic interest, there is not much that India can do through her State of Sikkim. The Sikkim door which India possessed is closed.

9. India, therefore, is pushing Bhutan to claim as much as possible the part of Doklam Plateau in the Sino- Bhutan Border Talks. India knows that she has the clout to use Bhutanese territory to serve her strategic interest. So what India herself had forfeited in negotiation with China, she now wants Bhutan to re-claim. This places Bhutan in a very difficult position. Every inch of Bhutanese land is sacred. To claim land for our own is justifiable. But to demand disputed land from China for Indian strategic purposes could endanger Bhutan. In demanding more, Bhutan loses the moral ground to even claim what is rightfully hers.

9. Bhutan is placed in a near impossible position. China will never surrender the strategic position that she had already gained at Doklam Plateau during negotiation on international boundary with India ( State of Sikkim ). And India is insisting upon Bhutan to wrest from China larger portion of Doklam Plateau that India could not get whilst negotiating with China on Sikkim-Tibet international boundary.

10. China wants to have better relation with the sovereign Kingdom of Bhutan. And wants to settle the border dispute in the interest of promoting closer ties including diplomatic relationship. And China has shown willingness to accommodate Bhutanese requests/ stand in other parts of the northern border. But not at the Tri-Junction where China shares border with Indian State of Sikkim and Bhutan. It seems that China had made her position clear to India in regards to Doklam status even when negotiating with India on the internal boundary of the State of Sikkim which borders Doklam along with Tibet and Bhutan. There is no way that China will give in to India through Bhutan front. The Government of Bhutan knows this and wants to be realistic and conclude the negotiations without further adieu and sign the Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement. But Bhutan does not dare to sign the Agreement without the nod from India. In the end, China will keep exercising jurisdiction over Doklam Plateau and Bhutan always at merciful generosity of India.

11. India is worried about the security of her so called chicken neck of the Siliguri corridor and thereby, the Eastern Frontier States. Maybe that was the reason of takeover of Sikkim. In the same manner, China is worried about the future security of her narrow Chumbi Valley stretch and thereby the whole of Tibet. China seems to considers Doklam Plateau as vital to her as Sikkim is to India. Even then China was willingly to share a part of Doklam Plateau with Bhutan so as to enable an amicable settlement. I feel we have to face the reality. China may not wait forever for Bhutan to get Indian clearance. Chinese security concerns would out weigh any ties including with Bhutan.

12. Presently the international boundary in eastern Bhutan has not been demarcated even with India . The sticking point is that Arunachal Pradesh is on the other side. And China claims part of Arunachal. So later, like Doklam, there is bound to be similar Tri- Juction situation. And there, too, China would not be compromising her national security for friendship with Bhutan. So considering all aspects, it may be also in India's interest to let Bhutan sign the Sino-Bhutan Border Agreement. The gesture could contribute towards reaching reasonable agreement towards drawing the Sino- India Arunachal border demarcation. Confidence building is a must in negotiation.

13. China will not budge in Sino - Bhutan Border negotiation where Bhutan is deemed to act as a proxy for Indian strategic interests. At times during Sino - Bhutan Border Talks, China may have been suspicious of India directing the negotiations from Bhutan side. And this time with India openly declaring that she had interferred on behalf of Bhutan at Doklam confirms that all along Bhutan has been actually acting as a proxy for Indian Doklam interest. This will harden Chinese resolve.

14. The Bhutanese Army at Doklam would not approach the Indian Army stationed on the Sikkim side in regards to any issue with China. Bhutan is well aware that directly involving India is an act of surrendering sovereignty to another nation. It took many years and much diplomatic and political maneuvering to convince India to let Bhutan negotiate directly with China. Bhutanese leaders must demonstrate more courageous wisdom and resolve if Sino- Bhutan Border Agreement is to be successfully signed.

Response to The Bhutanese.

Tenzing Lamsang the Editor of The Bhutanese, in his lengthy article claimed that Bhutanese Army tried unsuccessfully to stop the road construction by the Chinese Party and then Indian Army got involved in stopping the construction. I really doubt that Indian Army can ever stop China from doing anything on the land that she claims as her own. Tenzing Lamsang may or may not care of the implication of what he related or claimed. But for sure he does not seem to recognise or acknowledge how much Bhutan wants to keep Sino- Bhutan Border Talks a sovereign affair of Bhutan.

Tenzing Lamsang may have been just a student studying in a Tibetan School in New Delhi when major incursion by China happened into Bhutan ( northern boundary of Haa Dzongkhag with China Tibet ). Understandably, Tibetan Schools in India would not have any good things to teach about China. They may even target Bhutan for the troubles Bhutan had with Tibetans in early 1970s. Any way whether Tenzing Lamsang was born or already a studenr, when that Chinese incursion took place, IMTRAT was very much there in Haa. And yet, Bhutan did not seek Indian Army help.

The King of Bhutan did not turn to Indian Army stationed in Haa Wangchuk LoDzong to confront the Chinese force. In fact, I believe the IMTRAT in Haa was in disarray probably packing up to leave Bhutan when the Chinese incursion happened. His Majesty commanded a Captain of Royal Bhutan Army to lead an unarmed small RBA force to march up to the extreme northern border of Haa with Tibet. A symbolic act to maintain the integrity of Bhutanese land. And this Captain accomplished the Command of his Supreme Commander. That was how a crisis was averted. Today that Captain is the Chief of Operations of Royal Bhutan Army. As a novice junior RBA Officer, he and his soldiers faced the Chinese troops and paved their way to the border. Now as a General, he can never direct his soldiers at the outpost at Doklam to seek Indian Army help. Not way. Not at all.

So Tenzing Lamsang, my views are not based on " desktop musing " as inferred by you ( my response in your fb post has been deleted by you but it's OK. I have my blog as you have your Newspaper. So I have answered your article in full here ).

I know for a fact that Bhutanese soldiers at Border out -posts take their responsibility sincerely and courageously and independent of Indian Army. It is an insult to RBA and the nation to even insinuate that Bhutanese officers and soldiers, on their own, cannot deal with Chinese forces at the border. I had, therefore, objected to Tenzing Lamsang's narration to the Bhutanese public the foreign propaganda materials that glorifies Indian Army at the expense of Royal Bhutan Army. RBA may be trained and funded by India but our Defence Force has independant Bhutanese national heart and responsibility. RBA has always fulfilled the task of securing Bhutanese Borders and cleansing the nation of any intruders including from India.


Royal Bhutan Army outposts at the Sino- Bhutan border are there to carry out their defence tasks. Our officers and soldiers are not posted there to warm the chilly mountain air with their breath. They do not run to Indian Army to seek help to execute their own national defence task. Numerous Sino- Bhutan incidents have taken place in the past. And in all those incidents, the Royal Bhutan Army, the Chief of Operations or the Supreme Commander has never sought help of Indian Army to face Chinese troops at the Sino- Bhutan Border. Now if China invades Bhutan, probably His Majesty may seek Indian help. Likewise if India invades Bhutan, His Majesty may seek Chinese assistance. Maybe both will come without even inviting. Until then, Bhutan will deal with what are deemed to be containable conflicts on its own whether in the South or in the north.

For general readers. I have one point of clarification. It is true that within Bhutan, there are Indian military presences as declared by India. And yes, Bhutanese Army is trained by India and even funded by India. But all this is not for defence of Bhutan. It is for the security of India. In the defence strategy plan of India against China, India counts on Bhutan's ability to secure her international borders with China. So Indian military is in Bhutan for defence of India. And likewise Indian Army's recent action at Doklam Plateau has nothing to do with Bhutanese national interest or with Bhutanese Security Force at Doklam.

The demarche issued on 20th June by Bhutan Embassy in New Delhi to Chinese Embassy is a normal happening. Both China and Bhutan follow this diplomatic procedure to air any misgivings or clear any misunderstandings at the borders. The soldiers of China and Bhutan do not engage in unruly jostling or play kapadi kind of pushing and catching game at the Sino- Bhutan border. It must also be noted that the Bhutanese Government referred to road being built in "disputed area". Not " inside undisputed " Bhutanese territory. It said " maintain status quo" which is different from allegation of encroachment into Bhutanese Security Force manned Bhutanese territory.

The Press Release by Bhutanese Foreign Ministry on 29th June is out of norm. A kind of political " cry Wolf ". Bhutan usually acts quietly with dignity. Who was Bhutan appealing to in the Press Release with all the history ? If it was China whom we were addressing then there was no need of history as they are party to all the history. This unusual propaganda type of Press Release may have been issued at Indian request to consolidate their weak stand in the international arena. Unfortunately, in so doing, the Bhutanese Government may have further complicated a complex issue. Maybe we need to prayer harder and sincerely for the guidance of Pelden Drukpa.

May Tsawa Soum be in continuous good health. Pelden Drukpa Gyel Lo!
You know, if you hadn't posted the link to the blog, I might have totally took it for CCP propaganda material. Full of telltale CCP fingerprints like 'China will do this' 'China will do that' 'India should do this' India should do that'... big countries can have paid agents in any country. No need to take a blog seriously. It's a (paid probably) mans opinion. Bhutanese government knows what's best for it. They have made their stance very clear.

P.S: china has many paid commie agents in India too. anyone with a few working braincells won't take them seriously. There are many pro democracy bloggers in Hong Kong (not many in china because they will 'disappear'). Does CCP take them seriously? It's a blog. Nothing less nothing more.

India isn't an oppressive regime like china. Making people who don't agree with it pay dearly.

Talking about which, I really question if your loyalty toward CCP stems only out of fear for your safety. Am I right? You know if you speak for democracy what will happen to you. Especially if you are in mainland :pound:
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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
You know, if you hadn't posted the link to the blog, I might have totally took it for CCP propaganda material. Full of telltale CCP fingerprints like 'China will do this' 'China will do that' 'India should do this' India should do that'... big countries can have paid agents in any country. No need to take a blog seriously. It's a (paid probably) mans opinion. Bhutanese government knows what's best for it.

P.S: china has many paid commie agents in India too. anyone with a few working braincells won't take them seriously. There are many pro democracy bloggers in Hong Kong. Does CCP take them seriously? It's a blog. Nothing less nothing more.

India isn't an oppressive regime like china. Making people who don't agree with it pay dearly.

Talking about which, I really question if your loyalty toward CCP stems only out of fear for your safety. Am I right? You know if you speak for democracy what will happen to you. Especially if you are in mainland :pound:
Do you think Chiese even read articles. They only read Titles and Headlines.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
basically, india is the trouble maker. without india's intervention, china and Bhutan would have reacher border agreement several years ago. this time india is taking it too far, Bhutan wont be happy.

let us find out what india had done to stabotage the border talks between china and Bhutan.

Would India disrupt Bhutan China Border Negotiations?

November 2, 2014 at 8:00 pm
The Indian Newspaper The Telegraph carried a front page article on the forth coming visit of the Indian President to Bhutan in its issue of 28th October,2014. It says that the visit is about Indian anxiety on the progress of China Bhutan Border Talks. President Pranab Mukerjee arrives on7th and leaves on 8th November.2014. Would he demand Bhutan to obstruct border negotiations with China?

India had been controlling the Sino Bhutan international boundary Talks through its iron grip on Bhutan’s economic and communication dependence on India. The writer Charu Sudan Kasturi cites the case of India withdrawing subsidies in 2013 to warn Bhutan against normalising relation with China.

The China Bhutan Border Talks have been going on for decades. China has been quite sincere and mostly positive in conducting the international boundary negotiation with Bhutan. And Bhutan on the other hand has been trying to delay the progress for many years at the insistence of India. How long can Bhutan defy the patience of China and to what national benefit? The next step after signing international boundary agreement with China would be normalising relationship between the two Countries.

And that is what India wants to stall or prevent. A diplomatic level relationship with China would forever consolidate the sovereign status of Bhutan. Bhutan would no longer be easily available to act as political pawn or surrogate for India in sensitive international politics. That is a fact. However, Bhutan’s corner stone foreign policy of friendship with India will not alter. India will remain Bhutan’s most desired benefactor. Geographical access, language and social behaviour naturally bring Bhutan closer to India. So India will be more dominant than China in Bhutan’s priority. At the other end of the scale it would be suicidal to keep snubbing friendly overtures from China.

Unfortunately India and many other Western Nations and their Allies in South East Asia including Australia and Japan do not want China to develop progressive relationship with Bhutan. On the other hand these same Countries have gone all out to develop their own political and economic ties with China. So they are not containing the influence of China in international affairs but they are curtailing the progress of Bhutan. It is necessary that Bhutanese Leaders counter the isolation of Bhutan from China by vested interests of India and other pro Western groups of nations. Bhutan cannot be ” A Tool of Irritant ‘ for anti- China forces.

The Telegraph article on the eve of the visit of President of India to Bhutan is a deliberate political attempt to misconstrue the facts about China Bhutan international boundary Talks. The article alleges that China is offering more land to Bhutan at certain point of Sino-Bhutan border in exchange for some adjustment at the Tri-junction border of India, Bhutan and China. This is a a desperate strategy on part of India to thwart Sino Bhutan progress in boundary Talks.

The actual fact is that India wants Bhutan to demand more land from China at the Tri-junction. India is very well aware of the historical facts of British Raj days in India. As much as the Kings and the Kingdom of Bhutan want to comply with Indian dictate,historical facts cannot be changed by Bhutan. The British Raj grabbed the Duars from Bhutan and made the Duars part of India. The Tri-junction is part of annexed Duar region and part of it was sold by British Raj to China Tibet after it was annexed from Bhutan.

Now how could Bhutan reclaim this portion of land from China when she cannot reclaim her Duar regions from India? The Tri-junction is a strategic point and neither India nor China would surrender even a square inch of their land to each other or to Bhutan . If Bhutan continues to postpone the finalization of international boundary with China,the King of Bhutan has to be aware that the Kingdom will not get the relaxation that China had so far accorded on the disputed Sino Bhutan border. And history will reflect badly on the legacy of the so far much admired Wangchuck dynasty for testing, at the behest of India, the extreme limit the benign policy of China towards Bhutan.

President Pranab Mukerjee is an accomplished leader of India. No one can cast doubts on his nationalistic insight and foresight especially on China and India border dispute. He and another notable Political Leader of India late hon’ble Shri Basu of Communist Party could have been the Prime Ministers of India but for the obstructions from their own respective Parties. So he is of the highest political calibre to understand that even without coming to Bhutan that Bhutan is in no position to take Chinese land to enhance the strategic interest of India.

President Pranab Mukerjee was the then the Minister of External Affairs of India when the 4th King of Bhutan pleaded with India in 2006 for renegotiation of 1949 Indo Bhutan Treaty. What concession did he consider for Bhutan? Why was the clause regarding the Duars annuity payable by India to Bhutan removed from the renegotiated Treaty? The Kingdom of Bhutan was obliged to forgo its past losses in the bargain to regain authority over its present and future Sovereign Affairs. But in realty Bhutan lost out on the Duars annuity and India still insist on directing Bhutan’s external affairs. India even took the unprecedented step to intervene in the General Election of Bhutan in 2013 as recorded in the Telegraph article.

When will India and Bhutan respect the spirit and the letter of the re-negotiated Indo Bhutan Treaty that was in fact signed by the present President of India and the present King of Bhutan in 2006.

Their Majesties the 5th King and the 4th King have all the respects and obedience of the Bhutanese people but how does India expect the Kings to overlook the security interest of their own Kingdom and people and continue delaying the settlement of China Bhutan international boundary.

India is an old and dear development benefactor of Bhutan. No Bhutanese can discount this fact. However can any Bhutanese put his head in the mouth of the lion in the north at the roar of the tiger from the south? My own answer is no even if the tiger does pose danger to my assumed secure position. Actually without real sovereignty there cannot be secure position for anyone in Bhutan; only a deluded sense of hanging on borrowed time and position.

The international Sino Bhutan boundary is being demarcated by two technical survey teams of Bhutan and China. The Indo Bhutan international boundary in the west and south of Bhutan was demarcated by the Survey General of India.

Bhutan and India are yet to resolve the international boundary in the East of Bhutan primarily because the Survey General of India could not arbitrarily demarcate the boundary of Arunachal State which is also claimed by China. According to Chinese map of Bhutan, substantial land area of Bhutan is presently occupied by the State of Arunachal. Would India be prepared to give back Bhutanese land?

The paradox is that there are three maps of the Kingdom of Bhutan. One is Indian version,the other is Chinese version and one that Bhutan adopted several years back at the later stage of the reign of the 4th King. The ideal solution would be for China to give to Bhutan whatever the Indian map shows as being Bhutanese land along the Sino Bhutan boundary. And India should also give to Bhutan whatever land the Chinese map shows as Bhutanese land along the Indo Bhutan boundary. As a gesture of goodwill to Bhutan’s two neighbours, the King of Bhutan could advise the Bhutanese Parliament to sanction joint patrolling with China along Sino Bhutan international boundary and joint patrolling with India along Indo Bhutan international boundary. That way both China and India would not be aggrieved for accepting both the version of Bhutanese international boundary maps prepared by their own national Survey Agencies.

I invite the three nations to consider the ideal solution. Both China and India could return the whole of ancient Bhutanese land to Bhutan. And participate with Bhutan to patrol the respective border regions. That way the land China returns to Bhutan cannot be used by India and the land India returns to Bhutan cannot be used by China. A real politics of status quo put in actual real life practise could provide for peace of mind of all three neighbours.

I urge Bhutan to finalize the Sino Bhutan international boundary. The issue has been straggling over three reigns of Wangchuck dynasty since 1970. Also as successive leaderships of Bhutan have reiterated, the friendship with India must remain the corner stone foreign policy of Bhutan. However, China has the vast potentiality to also assist Bhutan to economic prosperity and economic development must be the central goal of a least developing nation like Bhutan. Right now Bhutan is the only SAARC Country and maybe the only UN Member which does not pursue an internationally respectable status relationship with its immediate northern neighbour China.

India under Shri Modi leadership has gone all out to woo Chinese investment in India. Prime Minister Modi of India accorded a huge welcome to the President of China even whilst Chinese and Indian troops stood at close hostile encounter positions on the line of disputed Himalayan border. This is one lesson that Bhutanese leadership could put in practise in Bhutan’s relation with China. After all , is not the new Indo Bhutan Big Brother Theme : Bharat for Bhutan and Bhutan copycat Bharat?

Pelden Drukpa ! Stay Vigilant !
let me cut the long story short..

you try to grab the chicken neck........and we grab you from your neck.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
Country flag
Two can TANGO. Then help for Tibetan Independence should also be on Cards.
Unless this statement about Sikkim comes from Chinese government level, we shouldnt talk about tibet. Our media can if they want.

But if the chinese gov. ever does, GOI should definitely start taking Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
Country flag
Few pages back i mention about the situation, Its on the edge ..

I counted no less than 6 transport jets within span of 15mins few days back from where i am presently, IA has done last checks and ready to do 1967 again, Their will be artillery and cruise missiles duel, If China decide to fire first shots ..

Give a look few pages back, minus the trolling etc ..
Deployed near Sikkim or Ladakh ?


Senior Member
May 10, 2017
Country flag
The chinese stooge here should check Indo-Bhutan border, so peaceful there with hardly any soldiers.

And the filthy land grabber China should look itself at the mirror having territorial disputes with more than 20 nations. Don't even have a slightest amount of shame still ranting about so-called "ancient Chinki" land from Bhutan despite Bhutan being one of the tiniest nation in the world. After some years, this chutiya communist CUNTry will claim entire Bhutan as theirs. My middle finger salute to Mao who said that Bhutan is one of the five fingers of Tibet and dreamed of having it under China.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
Country flag
basically, india is the trouble maker. without india's intervention, china and Bhutan would have reacher border agreement several years ago. this time india is taking it too far, Bhutan wont be happy.

let us find out what india had done to stabotage the border talks between china and Bhutan.

Would India disrupt Bhutan China Border Negotiations?

November 2, 2014 at 8:00 pm
The Indian Newspaper The Telegraph carried a front page article on the forth coming visit of the Indian President to Bhutan in its issue of 28th October,2014. It says that the visit is about Indian anxiety on the progress of China Bhutan Border Talks. President Pranab Mukerjee arrives on7th and leaves on 8th November.2014. Would he demand Bhutan to obstruct border negotiations with China?

India had been controlling the Sino Bhutan international boundary Talks through its iron grip on Bhutan’s economic and communication dependence on India. The writer Charu Sudan Kasturi cites the case of India withdrawing subsidies in 2013 to warn Bhutan against normalising relation with China.

The China Bhutan Border Talks have been going on for decades. China has been quite sincere and mostly positive in conducting the international boundary negotiation with Bhutan. And Bhutan on the other hand has been trying to delay the progress for many years at the insistence of India. How long can Bhutan defy the patience of China and to what national benefit? The next step after signing international boundary agreement with China would be normalising relationship between the two Countries.

And that is what India wants to stall or prevent. A diplomatic level relationship with China would forever consolidate the sovereign status of Bhutan. Bhutan would no longer be easily available to act as political pawn or surrogate for India in sensitive international politics. That is a fact. However, Bhutan’s corner stone foreign policy of friendship with India will not alter. India will remain Bhutan’s most desired benefactor. Geographical access, language and social behaviour naturally bring Bhutan closer to India. So India will be more dominant than China in Bhutan’s priority. At the other end of the scale it would be suicidal to keep snubbing friendly overtures from China.

Unfortunately India and many other Western Nations and their Allies in South East Asia including Australia and Japan do not want China to develop progressive relationship with Bhutan. On the other hand these same Countries have gone all out to develop their own political and economic ties with China. So they are not containing the influence of China in international affairs but they are curtailing the progress of Bhutan. It is necessary that Bhutanese Leaders counter the isolation of Bhutan from China by vested interests of India and other pro Western groups of nations. Bhutan cannot be ” A Tool of Irritant ‘ for anti- China forces.

The Telegraph article on the eve of the visit of President of India to Bhutan is a deliberate political attempt to misconstrue the facts about China Bhutan international boundary Talks. The article alleges that China is offering more land to Bhutan at certain point of Sino-Bhutan border in exchange for some adjustment at the Tri-junction border of India, Bhutan and China. This is a a desperate strategy on part of India to thwart Sino Bhutan progress in boundary Talks.

The actual fact is that India wants Bhutan to demand more land from China at the Tri-junction. India is very well aware of the historical facts of British Raj days in India. As much as the Kings and the Kingdom of Bhutan want to comply with Indian dictate,historical facts cannot be changed by Bhutan. The British Raj grabbed the Duars from Bhutan and made the Duars part of India. The Tri-junction is part of annexed Duar region and part of it was sold by British Raj to China Tibet after it was annexed from Bhutan.

Now how could Bhutan reclaim this portion of land from China when she cannot reclaim her Duar regions from India? The Tri-junction is a strategic point and neither India nor China would surrender even a square inch of their land to each other or to Bhutan . If Bhutan continues to postpone the finalization of international boundary with China,the King of Bhutan has to be aware that the Kingdom will not get the relaxation that China had so far accorded on the disputed Sino Bhutan border. And history will reflect badly on the legacy of the so far much admired Wangchuck dynasty for testing, at the behest of India, the extreme limit the benign policy of China towards Bhutan.

President Pranab Mukerjee is an accomplished leader of India. No one can cast doubts on his nationalistic insight and foresight especially on China and India border dispute. He and another notable Political Leader of India late hon’ble Shri Basu of Communist Party could have been the Prime Ministers of India but for the obstructions from their own respective Parties. So he is of the highest political calibre to understand that even without coming to Bhutan that Bhutan is in no position to take Chinese land to enhance the strategic interest of India.

President Pranab Mukerjee was the then the Minister of External Affairs of India when the 4th King of Bhutan pleaded with India in 2006 for renegotiation of 1949 Indo Bhutan Treaty. What concession did he consider for Bhutan? Why was the clause regarding the Duars annuity payable by India to Bhutan removed from the renegotiated Treaty? The Kingdom of Bhutan was obliged to forgo its past losses in the bargain to regain authority over its present and future Sovereign Affairs. But in realty Bhutan lost out on the Duars annuity and India still insist on directing Bhutan’s external affairs. India even took the unprecedented step to intervene in the General Election of Bhutan in 2013 as recorded in the Telegraph article.

When will India and Bhutan respect the spirit and the letter of the re-negotiated Indo Bhutan Treaty that was in fact signed by the present President of India and the present King of Bhutan in 2006.

Their Majesties the 5th King and the 4th King have all the respects and obedience of the Bhutanese people but how does India expect the Kings to overlook the security interest of their own Kingdom and people and continue delaying the settlement of China Bhutan international boundary.

India is an old and dear development benefactor of Bhutan. No Bhutanese can discount this fact. However can any Bhutanese put his head in the mouth of the lion in the north at the roar of the tiger from the south? My own answer is no even if the tiger does pose danger to my assumed secure position. Actually without real sovereignty there cannot be secure position for anyone in Bhutan; only a deluded sense of hanging on borrowed time and position.

The international Sino Bhutan boundary is being demarcated by two technical survey teams of Bhutan and China. The Indo Bhutan international boundary in the west and south of Bhutan was demarcated by the Survey General of India.

Bhutan and India are yet to resolve the international boundary in the East of Bhutan primarily because the Survey General of India could not arbitrarily demarcate the boundary of Arunachal State which is also claimed by China. According to Chinese map of Bhutan, substantial land area of Bhutan is presently occupied by the State of Arunachal. Would India be prepared to give back Bhutanese land?

The paradox is that there are three maps of the Kingdom of Bhutan. One is Indian version,the other is Chinese version and one that Bhutan adopted several years back at the later stage of the reign of the 4th King. The ideal solution would be for China to give to Bhutan whatever the Indian map shows as being Bhutanese land along the Sino Bhutan boundary. And India should also give to Bhutan whatever land the Chinese map shows as Bhutanese land along the Indo Bhutan boundary. As a gesture of goodwill to Bhutan’s two neighbours, the King of Bhutan could advise the Bhutanese Parliament to sanction joint patrolling with China along Sino Bhutan international boundary and joint patrolling with India along Indo Bhutan international boundary. That way both China and India would not be aggrieved for accepting both the version of Bhutanese international boundary maps prepared by their own national Survey Agencies.

I invite the three nations to consider the ideal solution. Both China and India could return the whole of ancient Bhutanese land to Bhutan. And participate with Bhutan to patrol the respective border regions. That way the land China returns to Bhutan cannot be used by India and the land India returns to Bhutan cannot be used by China. A real politics of status quo put in actual real life practise could provide for peace of mind of all three neighbours.

I urge Bhutan to finalize the Sino Bhutan international boundary. The issue has been straggling over three reigns of Wangchuck dynasty since 1970. Also as successive leaderships of Bhutan have reiterated, the friendship with India must remain the corner stone foreign policy of Bhutan. However, China has the vast potentiality to also assist Bhutan to economic prosperity and economic development must be the central goal of a least developing nation like Bhutan. Right now Bhutan is the only SAARC Country and maybe the only UN Member which does not pursue an internationally respectable status relationship with its immediate northern neighbour China.

India under Shri Modi leadership has gone all out to woo Chinese investment in India. Prime Minister Modi of India accorded a huge welcome to the President of China even whilst Chinese and Indian troops stood at close hostile encounter positions on the line of disputed Himalayan border. This is one lesson that Bhutanese leadership could put in practise in Bhutan’s relation with China. After all , is not the new Indo Bhutan Big Brother Theme : Bharat for Bhutan and Bhutan copycat Bharat?

Pelden Drukpa ! Stay Vigilant !
If India is the trouble maker, why does china have conflicts with 99% of tis neighbours?

Gaurav Rai

Tihar Jail
Apr 10, 2017
Country flag
like you are paid by indian government?
Lol, no, we are free and democratic people of this great nation having access to everything unlike ccp barbarian rule where everything is censored. Moreover cut your bullcrap you are blabbering about bhutan, it is Communist China which is root cause of all the instability in east asia, sout east asia and south asia. Period.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
Country flag
basically, india is the trouble maker. without india's intervention, china and Bhutan would have reacher border agreement several years ago. this time india is taking it too far, Bhutan wont be happy.

let us find out what india had done to stabotage the border talks between china and Bhutan.

Would India disrupt Bhutan China Border Negotiations?

November 2, 2014 at 8:00 pm
The Indian Newspaper The Telegraph carried a front page article on the forth coming visit of the Indian President to Bhutan in its issue of 28th October,2014. It says that the visit is about Indian anxiety on the progress of China Bhutan Border Talks. President Pranab Mukerjee arrives on7th and leaves on 8th November.2014. Would he demand Bhutan to obstruct border negotiations with China?

India had been controlling the Sino Bhutan international boundary Talks through its iron grip on Bhutan’s economic and communication dependence on India. The writer Charu Sudan Kasturi cites the case of India withdrawing subsidies in 2013 to warn Bhutan against normalising relation with China.

The China Bhutan Border Talks have been going on for decades. China has been quite sincere and mostly positive in conducting the international boundary negotiation with Bhutan. And Bhutan on the other hand has been trying to delay the progress for many years at the insistence of India. How long can Bhutan defy the patience of China and to what national benefit? The next step after signing international boundary agreement with China would be normalising relationship between the two Countries.

And that is what India wants to stall or prevent. A diplomatic level relationship with China would forever consolidate the sovereign status of Bhutan. Bhutan would no longer be easily available to act as political pawn or surrogate for India in sensitive international politics. That is a fact. However, Bhutan’s corner stone foreign policy of friendship with India will not alter. India will remain Bhutan’s most desired benefactor. Geographical access, language and social behaviour naturally bring Bhutan closer to India. So India will be more dominant than China in Bhutan’s priority. At the other end of the scale it would be suicidal to keep snubbing friendly overtures from China.

Unfortunately India and many other Western Nations and their Allies in South East Asia including Australia and Japan do not want China to develop progressive relationship with Bhutan. On the other hand these same Countries have gone all out to develop their own political and economic ties with China. So they are not containing the influence of China in international affairs but they are curtailing the progress of Bhutan. It is necessary that Bhutanese Leaders counter the isolation of Bhutan from China by vested interests of India and other pro Western groups of nations. Bhutan cannot be ” A Tool of Irritant ‘ for anti- China forces.

The Telegraph article on the eve of the visit of President of India to Bhutan is a deliberate political attempt to misconstrue the facts about China Bhutan international boundary Talks. The article alleges that China is offering more land to Bhutan at certain point of Sino-Bhutan border in exchange for some adjustment at the Tri-junction border of India, Bhutan and China. This is a a desperate strategy on part of India to thwart Sino Bhutan progress in boundary Talks.

The actual fact is that India wants Bhutan to demand more land from China at the Tri-junction. India is very well aware of the historical facts of British Raj days in India. As much as the Kings and the Kingdom of Bhutan want to comply with Indian dictate,historical facts cannot be changed by Bhutan. The British Raj grabbed the Duars from Bhutan and made the Duars part of India. The Tri-junction is part of annexed Duar region and part of it was sold by British Raj to China Tibet after it was annexed from Bhutan.

Now how could Bhutan reclaim this portion of land from China when she cannot reclaim her Duar regions from India? The Tri-junction is a strategic point and neither India nor China would surrender even a square inch of their land to each other or to Bhutan . If Bhutan continues to postpone the finalization of international boundary with China,the King of Bhutan has to be aware that the Kingdom will not get the relaxation that China had so far accorded on the disputed Sino Bhutan border. And history will reflect badly on the legacy of the so far much admired Wangchuck dynasty for testing, at the behest of India, the extreme limit the benign policy of China towards Bhutan.

President Pranab Mukerjee is an accomplished leader of India. No one can cast doubts on his nationalistic insight and foresight especially on China and India border dispute. He and another notable Political Leader of India late hon’ble Shri Basu of Communist Party could have been the Prime Ministers of India but for the obstructions from their own respective Parties. So he is of the highest political calibre to understand that even without coming to Bhutan that Bhutan is in no position to take Chinese land to enhance the strategic interest of India.

President Pranab Mukerjee was the then the Minister of External Affairs of India when the 4th King of Bhutan pleaded with India in 2006 for renegotiation of 1949 Indo Bhutan Treaty. What concession did he consider for Bhutan? Why was the clause regarding the Duars annuity payable by India to Bhutan removed from the renegotiated Treaty? The Kingdom of Bhutan was obliged to forgo its past losses in the bargain to regain authority over its present and future Sovereign Affairs. But in realty Bhutan lost out on the Duars annuity and India still insist on directing Bhutan’s external affairs. India even took the unprecedented step to intervene in the General Election of Bhutan in 2013 as recorded in the Telegraph article.

When will India and Bhutan respect the spirit and the letter of the re-negotiated Indo Bhutan Treaty that was in fact signed by the present President of India and the present King of Bhutan in 2006.

Their Majesties the 5th King and the 4th King have all the respects and obedience of the Bhutanese people but how does India expect the Kings to overlook the security interest of their own Kingdom and people and continue delaying the settlement of China Bhutan international boundary.

India is an old and dear development benefactor of Bhutan. No Bhutanese can discount this fact. However can any Bhutanese put his head in the mouth of the lion in the north at the roar of the tiger from the south? My own answer is no even if the tiger does pose danger to my assumed secure position. Actually without real sovereignty there cannot be secure position for anyone in Bhutan; only a deluded sense of hanging on borrowed time and position.

The international Sino Bhutan boundary is being demarcated by two technical survey teams of Bhutan and China. The Indo Bhutan international boundary in the west and south of Bhutan was demarcated by the Survey General of India.

Bhutan and India are yet to resolve the international boundary in the East of Bhutan primarily because the Survey General of India could not arbitrarily demarcate the boundary of Arunachal State which is also claimed by China. According to Chinese map of Bhutan, substantial land area of Bhutan is presently occupied by the State of Arunachal. Would India be prepared to give back Bhutanese land?

The paradox is that there are three maps of the Kingdom of Bhutan. One is Indian version,the other is Chinese version and one that Bhutan adopted several years back at the later stage of the reign of the 4th King. The ideal solution would be for China to give to Bhutan whatever the Indian map shows as being Bhutanese land along the Sino Bhutan boundary. And India should also give to Bhutan whatever land the Chinese map shows as Bhutanese land along the Indo Bhutan boundary. As a gesture of goodwill to Bhutan’s two neighbours, the King of Bhutan could advise the Bhutanese Parliament to sanction joint patrolling with China along Sino Bhutan international boundary and joint patrolling with India along Indo Bhutan international boundary. That way both China and India would not be aggrieved for accepting both the version of Bhutanese international boundary maps prepared by their own national Survey Agencies.

I invite the three nations to consider the ideal solution. Both China and India could return the whole of ancient Bhutanese land to Bhutan. And participate with Bhutan to patrol the respective border regions. That way the land China returns to Bhutan cannot be used by India and the land India returns to Bhutan cannot be used by China. A real politics of status quo put in actual real life practise could provide for peace of mind of all three neighbours.

I urge Bhutan to finalize the Sino Bhutan international boundary. The issue has been straggling over three reigns of Wangchuck dynasty since 1970. Also as successive leaderships of Bhutan have reiterated, the friendship with India must remain the corner stone foreign policy of Bhutan. However, China has the vast potentiality to also assist Bhutan to economic prosperity and economic development must be the central goal of a least developing nation like Bhutan. Right now Bhutan is the only SAARC Country and maybe the only UN Member which does not pursue an internationally respectable status relationship with its immediate northern neighbour China.

India under Shri Modi leadership has gone all out to woo Chinese investment in India. Prime Minister Modi of India accorded a huge welcome to the President of China even whilst Chinese and Indian troops stood at close hostile encounter positions on the line of disputed Himalayan border. This is one lesson that Bhutanese leadership could put in practise in Bhutan’s relation with China. After all , is not the new Indo Bhutan Big Brother Theme : Bharat for Bhutan and Bhutan copycat Bharat?

Pelden Drukpa ! Stay Vigilant !
You can find anything on the internet if you search long enough. Can you change the facts? Bhutan government has complained about Chinese skulduggery.

Here read this, now please save us the CCP propaganda. Nobody wants to read it. Also, if you want a fight then bring it on, you shall have it.


Understanding the Doklam border issue
Tenzing Lamsang 07/01/2017 Headline Stories Leave a comment 3,548 Views

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Breaking: Bhutan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs asks for status quo to be maintained in Doklam area

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), on 29th June, issued a press release saying that China’s building of a road inside Bhutanese territory is a violation of the 1988 and 1998 written agreements between the two countries to maintain peace and tranquility and the status quo pending a final settlement on the boundary question.

The release said the road building also affects the process of demarcating the boundary between the two countries.

The MFA release was referring to road construction by the Chinese Army which started constructing a motorable road on 16th June 2017 from Dokala in the Doklam area towards the Bhutan army camp in Zompelri.

Earlier Bhutan’s Ambassador to India, Major General V. Namgyel on 20th June had issued a formal ‘demarche’ to the Chinese Embassy in Delhi asking the Chinese side to stop the road construction stating similar points as the above MFA release.

MEA’s position

Meanwhile, India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) which has so far kept silent about the issue came out with a release on 30th June.

The MEA release mentioned the release by the MFA and its salient points. The MEA said that on 16th June, a PLA construction party entered the Doklam area and attempted to construct a road.

“It is our understanding that a Royal Bhutan Army patrol attempted to dissuade them from this unilateral activity. The Ambassador of the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) has publicly stated that it lodged a protest with the Chinese Government through their Embassy in New Delhi on 20 June,” said the MEA release.

The MEA said that in keeping with the tradition of maintaining close consultation on matters of mutual interest, the RGOB and the Government of India (GoI) have been in continuous contact through the unfolding of these developments.

“In coordination with the RGOB, Indian personnel, who were present at the general area in Dokala, approached the Chinese construction party and urged them to desist from changing the status quo. These efforts continue,” said the release.

The MEA said that the matter has since then been discussed between the Foreign Ministries of India and China. The release stated that India is deeply concerned at the recent Chinese actions and has conveyed to the Chinese Government that such construction would represent a significant change of status quo with serious security implications for India.

The Indian side underlined that the two Governments had in 2012 reached agreement that the tri-junction boundary points between India, China and third countries will be finalized in consultation with the concerned countries. The release said that any attempt to unilaterally determine tri-junction points is in violation of this understanding.

China’s position

Meanwhile, in a 29th June press briefing, when asked about the ‘demarche’ issued by Bhutan’s Ambassador to the Chinese Embassy on the road issue, the spokesperson of the China’s Foreign Ministry in Beijing claimed that its activities in Doklam are ‘justified and lawful’ as the territory ‘belongs’ to China. These claims are not accepted by both Bhutan and India.

The tri-junction of Gyemochen

The Bhutanese has learnt that the incident happened near the tri junction or ‘Gyemochen’ where the borders of the three countries meet with only a few kilometers separating each country. There has been some confusion as each country calls the general area by its own designated names.

For Bhutan, the larger area where the incident occurred is known as Doklam. The Chinese road building team with its equipment and soldiers was attempting to do some site cutting to extend its road down south towards a Bhutan Army camp at Zompelri.

Some social media followers in Bhutan are currently confusing the road incident with another zig zag road on the Phutegang ridge, which is also disputed with a Chinese military outpost on one side and a Bhutanese outpost one on the other side. However this road points eastwards towards Haa and there has not been any incidents here.

Whenever there have been attempts to change the status quo on the ground in the past Bhutan has protested and brought up the matter with its counterparts on the Chinese side.

As mentioned above the Royal Bhutan Army first tried to dissuade the Chinese road construction team that refused to cooperate. This was soon followed by Indian soldiers who entered the area and halted the construction. The Chinese soldiers in response came back later and destroyed a couple of small Indian military outposts in the narrow geographical vicinity.

The area through which China is trying to build the road is Bhutanese territory, which is also claimed by the Chinese and is part of the ongoing annual boundary negotiations.

Strategic games

The Chinese side has built a major road till the Yadong town in the Chumbi valley. The attempt by the Chinese is to take as much roads as it can from there to the Indian and Bhutanese borders in the vicinity. However, especially for India, any roads moving south towards the Chicken neck is seen as being particularly harmful for its security. The chicken neck is a small piece of land that connects mainland India to its seven north eastern states some of which have restive militancy related problems.

In strategic circles the Chumbi Valley is seen by India as a dagger pointing to its chicken neck.

However, for the Chinese side its efforts in the region are hampered by the fact that while it has territory in the Chumbi valley, it lacks the ‘strategic shoulders’ due to the narrowness of the entire area with India and Bhutan one both sides.

This in part explains why China is claiming 269 sq km of Bhutanese territory in the area as it would get the necessary strategic shoulders and space to operate more freely. India, on its part, sees this as a major threat.

For Bhutan, loss of any territory or incursions into its areas is not welcome as discussed in several past National Assembly sessions, with both pre-democracy Chimis (representatives) and also the post democracy MPs from the area bringing up the issue of encroachments from the Chinese side.

Highlighting the strategic importance of the area China in a package deal in 1996 ‘offered’ to ‘give up’ its claims to 495 sq km of land in the Pasamlung and Jakarlung valleys in Bhutan’s north-central sector of Bumthang in return for giving up the 269 sq km in Doklam to China.

Boundary history

Bhutan’s boundary issues with China started from the 1959 onwards with the PLA’s invasion of Tibet and Bhutan’s subsequent closing of its northern borders. Events at the time also drew Bhutan closer to India.

China also refused to recognize the traditional watershed principle that had decided the boundaries between Bhutan and Tibet.

In the 1950’s and 60’s China kept publishing maps that claimed sections of Bhutanese territory with no clear basis. Initially Bhutan’s boundary issues were handled in consultation with New Delhi which held talks with China.

From 1984 onwards Bhutan started to directly handle the issue with China, culminating in the first boundary talks in the same year. In 1988 some broad guiding principles of the talks were agreed upon to maintain peace and not use force to change the status quo. This was further elaborated and defined in a more detailed agreement in 1998. Between 1984 and 2016 there have been 24 rounds of boundary talks with the Chinese side.

The 24th boundary meeting held in Beijing endorsed the report of the Joint Technical Field Survey of the disputed areas in the western sector carried out by the expert groups of both sides.

While tensions have been heightened over the issue, diplomatic and strategic experts in several news articles from India ruled out any major escalation of the issue as neither China nor India would want military conflict on its borders.

It has been pointed out that this is also not the first border issue as there have been others in the past usually ending in talks.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
The chinese stooge here should check Indo-Bhutan border, so peaceful there with hardly any soldiers.

And the filthy land grabber China should look itself at the mirror having territorial disputes with more than 20 nations. Don't even have a slightest amount of shame still ranting about so-called "ancient Chinki" land from Bhutan despite Bhutan being one of the tiniest nation in the world. After some years, this chutiya communist CUNTry will claim entire Bhutan as theirs. My middle finger salute to Mao who said that Bhutan is one of the five fingers of Tibet and dreamed of having it under China.
ya , this five fingure theroy is a wakeup call.....
the idea is to connect the figures first by vains (road) by calling it reviving the silk route , and then at any convient time make the fist out of the fingures....


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2010
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China might be urging for the war to destabilize india internally and weaken its trade and economics. Chinese government is not elected like the one in indian parties, so breaking the moral of a stable government here will reduce the confidence in the country's people. so that the government would backoff from a full war.
this might be an another important point for china to have more aggressive posture.

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
I'd like to remind you Sikkim story....

We all know that Sikkim joined India after 1975. Recently China had publicly announcing that it is going to destabilise Sikkim.

First thoughts that came to my mind.....

There are unconfirmed reports that Doval was behind the scenes and made sure Sikkim joined India. Currently he is the NSA of India.

If you want worst enemy threaten someone about killing their family, dream or something they value most. China has just did that to Indian NSA; who also happened to have expertise in destabilising govt. and destroying Indian enemies beyond repair.

What Doval would do !!??

I shall leave it to your imagination. Multiple targets come to my mind and confuse me on the priority, man power, assets in place even to do rough estimate.


Regular Member
Sep 27, 2014
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Kindly tell me more about this in chit chat thread.

Border ka mamla to settle hota rahega par ye Gyan jyada jaruri hai.

View attachment 17401
If members are interested in this I can post in detail. I have a copy of the Bhavishya Purana at home. I'll post the rough geography and synopsis of it in multiple posts.
Tell me If you guys want it and please point me to appropriate thread.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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If members are interested in this I can post in detail. I have a copy of the Bhavishya Purana at home. I'll post the rough geography and synopsis of it in multiple posts.
Tell me If you guys want it and please point me to appropriate thread.
bhai abhi rehne do ...............this is not the right time .:nono::nono::nono::nono:


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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If members are interested in this I can post in detail. I have a copy of the Bhavishya Purana at home. I'll post the rough geography and synopsis of it in multiple posts.
Tell me If you guys want it and please point me to appropriate thread.
Create a separate thread. Lets discuss there.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016

If members are interested in this I can post in detail. I have a copy of the Bhavishya Purana at home. I'll post the rough geography and synopsis of it in multiple posts.
Tell me If you guys want it and please point me to appropriate thread.
please post it on chit chat thread.....i will join you there...!!!
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